__filename__ = "morris.py"
__author__ = "Bob Mottram"
__license__ = "AGPL3+"
__version__ = "1.0.0"
__maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram"
__email__ = "bob@freedombone.net"
__status__ = "Production"
import os
validMorrisBoardLocations = [
'a1', 'd1', 'g1',
'b2', 'd2', 'f2',
'c3', 'd3', 'e3',
'a4', 'b4', 'c4', 'e4', 'f4', 'g4',
'c5', 'd5', 'e5',
'b6', 'd6', 'f6',
'a7', 'd7', 'g7'
def getMorrisBoardName(players: {}, id: int, rooms: {},
items: {}, itemsDB: {}) -> str:
"""Returns the name of the morris board if there is one in the room
This then corresponds to the subdirectory within morrisboards, where
icons exist
rid = players[id]['room']
for i in items:
if items[i]['room'] != rid:
if itemsDB[items[i]['id']].get('morrisBoardName'):
return itemsDB[items[i]['id']]['morrisBoardName']
return None
def morrisBoardInRoom(players: {}, id, rooms: {}, items: {}, itemsDB: {}):
"""Returns the item ID if there is a Morris board in the room
rid = players[id]['room']
for i in items:
if items[i]['room'] != rid:
if 'morris' in itemsDB[items[i]['id']]['game'].lower():
return i
return None
def noOfMills(side: str, board: str) -> int:
"""Count the number of mills for the side
if side == 'white':
piece = '●'
piece = '○'
millsCtr = 0
# vertical
if board[0] == piece and board[9] == piece and board[21] == piece:
millsCtr += 1
if board[3] == piece and board[10] == piece and board[18] == piece:
millsCtr += 1
if board[6] == piece and board[11] == piece and board[15] == piece:
millsCtr += 1
if board[1] == piece and board[4] == piece and board[7] == piece:
millsCtr += 1
if board[16] == piece and board[19] == piece and board[22] == piece:
millsCtr += 1
if board[8] == piece and board[12] == piece and board[17] == piece:
millsCtr += 1
if board[5] == piece and board[13] == piece and board[20] == piece:
millsCtr += 1
if board[2] == piece and board[14] == piece and board[23] == piece:
millsCtr += 1
# horizontal
if board[0] == piece and board[1] == piece and board[2] == piece:
millsCtr += 1
if board[3] == piece and board[4] == piece and board[5] == piece:
millsCtr += 1
if board[6] == piece and board[7] == piece and board[8] == piece:
millsCtr += 1
if board[9] == piece and board[10] == piece and board[11] == piece:
millsCtr += 1
if board[12] == piece and board[13] == piece and board[14] == piece:
millsCtr += 1
if board[15] == piece and board[16] == piece and board[17] == piece:
millsCtr += 1
if board[18] == piece and board[19] == piece and board[20] == piece:
millsCtr += 1
if board[21] == piece and board[22] == piece and board[23] == piece:
millsCtr += 1
return millsCtr
def morrisBoardSet(board: str, index: int, piece: str) -> str:
return board[:index] + piece + board[(index + 1):]
def morrisMove(moveDescription: str,
players: {}, id, mud, rooms: {},
items: {}, itemsDB: {}) -> None:
gameItemID = morrisBoardInRoom(players, id, rooms, items, itemsDB)
if not gameItemID:
mud.sendMessage(id, '\nThere are no Morris board here.\n')
if not items[gameItemID].get('gameState'):
items[gameItemID]['gameState'] = {}
turn = 'white'
if items[gameItemID]['gameState'].get('morrisTurn'):
turn = items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morrisTurn']
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morrisTurn'] = turn
whiteCounters = 9
if items[gameItemID]['gameState'].get('morrisWhite'):
whiteCounters = int(items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morrisWhite'])
blackCounters = 9
if items[gameItemID]['gameState'].get('morrisBlack'):
blackCounters = int(items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morrisBlack'])
if not items[gameItemID]['gameState'].get('millsWhite'):
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['millsWhite'] = 0
if not items[gameItemID]['gameState'].get('millsBlack'):
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['millsBlack'] = 0
if items[gameItemID]['gameState'].get('morris'):
board = items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morris']
board = '·' * 24
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morris'] = board
boardName = getMorrisBoardName(players, id, rooms, items, itemsDB)
# check for a win
if whiteCounters == 0 and blackCounters == 0:
if morrisPieces('white', board) <= 2 or \
morrisPieces('black', board) <= 2:
showMorrisBoard(boardName, players, id, mud, rooms, items, itemsDB)
if noOfMills('black', board) > \
showMorrisBoard(boardName, players, id, mud, rooms, items, itemsDB)
if noOfMills('white', board) > \
showMorrisBoard(boardName, players, id, mud, rooms, items, itemsDB)
moveDescription = \
moveDescription.lower().replace('.', ' ').replace(',', ' ').strip()
words = moveDescription.split()
boardMove = []
for w in words:
if len(w) == 2:
if w[1].isdigit():
if ord(w[0]) >= ord('a') and \
ord(w[0]) <= ord('g') and \
int(w[1]) >= 1 and \
int(w[1]) <= 7:
if w in validMorrisBoardLocations:
if len(w) == 4:
if w[1].isdigit() and w[3].isdigit():
if ord(w[0]) >= ord('a') and \
ord(w[0]) <= ord('g') and \
int(w[1]) >= 1 and \
int(w[1]) <= 7 and \
ord(w[2]) >= ord('a') and \
ord(w[2]) <= ord('g') and \
int(w[3]) >= 1 and \
int(w[4]) <= 7:
if w[:2] in validMorrisBoardLocations and \
w[2:] in validMorrisBoardLocations:
if len(boardMove) == 0 or len(boardMove) > 2:
mud.sendMessage(id, "\nThat's not a valid move.\n")
if len(boardMove) == 1:
# single move to place a counter
index = 0
for loc in validMorrisBoardLocations:
if loc == boardMove[0]:
if board[index] == '·':
if turn == 'white':
if whiteCounters > 0:
board = morrisBoardSet(board, index, '●')
whiteCounters -= 1
gameState = items[gameItemID]['gameState']
gameState['morrisWhite'] = whiteCounters
gameState['morris'] = board
gameState['morrisTurn'] = 'black'
mud.sendMessage(id, '\nAll your counters ' +
'have been placed.\n')
if blackCounters > 0:
board = morrisBoardSet(board, index, '○')
blackCounters -= 1
gameState = items[gameItemID]['gameState']
gameState['morrisBlack'] = blackCounters
gameState['morris'] = board
gameState['morrisTurn'] = 'white'
mud.sendMessage(id, '\nAll your counters ' +
'have been placed.\n')
index += 1
if turn == 'white' and whiteCounters > 0:
mud.sendMessage(id, '\nPlace your counters first before ' +
'moving any of them.\n')
elif turn == 'black' and blackCounters > 0:
mud.sendMessage(id, '\nPlace your counters first before ' +
'moving any of them.\n')
# move a counter from one place to another
if boardMove[0] == boardMove[1]:
mud.sendMessage(id, '\nSpecify coordinates to move ' +
'from and to.\n')
if boardMove[0][0] != boardMove[1][0] and \
boardMove[0][1] != boardMove[1][1]:
mud.sendMessage(id, '\nYou can only move vertically ' +
'or horizontally.\n')
fromIndex = 0
for loc in validMorrisBoardLocations:
if loc == boardMove[0]:
if turn == 'white' and board[fromIndex] != '●':
mud.sendMessage(id, "\nThere isn't a counter at " +
loc + '\n')
if turn == 'black' and board[fromIndex] != '○':
mud.sendMessage(id, "\nThere isn't a counter at " +
loc + '\n')
fromIndex += 1
toIndex = 0
for loc in validMorrisBoardLocations:
if loc == boardMove[1]:
if board[toIndex] != '':
mud.sendMessage(id, "\nThere is already a counter at " +
loc + '\n')
if turn == 'white':
board = morrisBoardSet(board, toIndex, '●')
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morrisTurn'] = 'black'
board = morrisBoardSet(board, toIndex, '○')
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morrisTurn'] = 'white'
board = morrisBoardSet(board, fromIndex, '·')
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morris'] = board
toIndex += 1
showMorrisBoard(boardName, players, id, mud, rooms, items, itemsDB)
def morrisPieces(side: str, board: str) -> int:
ctr = 0
if side == 'white':
for piece in board:
if piece == '●':
ctr += 1
for piece in board:
if piece == '○':
ctr += 1
return ctr
def resetMorrisBoard(players: {}, id: int, mud, rooms: {},
items: {}, itemsDB: {}) -> None:
gameItemID = morrisBoardInRoom(players, id, rooms, items, itemsDB)
if not gameItemID:
mud.sendMessage(id, '\nThere are no Morris board here.\n')
if not items[gameItemID].get('gameState'):
items[gameItemID]['gameState'] = {}
boardName = getMorrisBoardName(players, id, rooms, items, itemsDB)
board = '·' * 24
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morris'] = board
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morrisWhite'] = 9
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['millsWhite'] = 0
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morrisBlack'] = 9
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['millsBlack'] = 0
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morrisTurn'] = 'white'
showMorrisBoard(boardName, players, id, mud, rooms, items, itemsDB)
def boardLocationIndexes(boardName: str) -> {}:
"""Returns a dictionary containing board coordinates for each index
locationsFilename = 'morrisboards/' + boardName + '/locations.txt'
if not os.path.isfile(locationsFilename):
print('No morris locations file: ' + locationsFilename)
return None
index = 0
locations = {}
# read the locations file
with open(locationsFilename, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for horizontal in lines:
if ' ' not in horizontal:
coords = horizontal.strip().split(' ')
for locn in coords:
if ',' not in locn:
x = locn.split(',')[0].strip()
y = locn.split(',')[1].strip()
if x.isdigit() and y.isdigit():
locations[index] = [int(x), int(y)]
index += 1
if index != 24:
print('Invalid morris locations file: ' + locationsFilename)
print('Indexes: ' + str(index))
print('locations: ' + str(locations))
return None
return locations
def showMorrisBoardAsHtml(boardName: str,
players: {}, id: int, mud, rooms: {},
items: {}, itemsDB: {}) -> None:
"""Shows the board as html for the web interface
locations = boardLocationIndexes(boardName)
if not locations:
mud.sendMessage(id, '\nSomething went wrong loading morris ' +
'board files.\n')
gameItemID = morrisBoardInRoom(players, id, rooms, items, itemsDB)
if not gameItemID:
mud.sendMessage(id, '\nThere are no Morris board here.\n')
boardDir = 'morrisboards/' + boardName + '/'
if not items[gameItemID].get('gameState'):
items[gameItemID]['gameState'] = {}
if items[gameItemID]['gameState'].get('morris'):
board = items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morris']
board = '·' * 24
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morris'] = board
if not items[gameItemID]['gameState'].get('millsWhite'):
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['millsWhite'] = 0
if not items[gameItemID]['gameState'].get('millsBlack'):
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['millsBlack'] = 0
boardHtml = '<div class="parent">'
boardHtml += \
'<img class="morrisboard" src="' + boardDir + 'board.jpg" />'
counterWidth = 8
counterWidthHalf = counterWidth / 2
for i in range(24):
x = int(locations[i][0])
y = int(locations[i][1])
if board[i] == '○':
boardHtml += \
'<img src="' + boardDir + 'player1.png" ' \
'style="position:absolute;' + \
'width:' + str(counterWidth) + '%;' + \
'left:' + \
str(int((x * 100 / 1024) - counterWidthHalf)) + '%;' + \
'top:' + \
str(int((y * 100 / 1024) - counterWidthHalf)) + '%;' + \
'" />'
elif board[i] == '●':
boardHtml += \
'<img src="' + boardDir + 'player2.png" ' \
'style="position:absolute;' + \
'width:' + str(counterWidth) + '%;' + \
'left:' + \
str(int((x * 100 / 1024) - counterWidthHalf)) + '%;' + \
'top:' + \
str(int((y * 100 / 1024) - counterWidthHalf)) + '%;' + \
'" />'
boardHtml += '</div>\n'
mud.send_game_board(id, boardHtml)
whiteCounters = 9
if items[gameItemID]['gameState'].get('morrisWhite'):
whiteCounters = int(items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morrisWhite'])
blackCounters = 9
if items[gameItemID]['gameState'].get('morrisBlack'):
blackCounters = int(items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morrisBlack'])
if whiteCounters == 0 and blackCounters == 0:
if morrisPieces('white', board) <= 2:
mud.sendMessage(id, 'Black wins\n')
elif morrisPieces('black', board) <= 2:
mud.sendMessage(id, 'White wins\n')
if noOfMills('black', board) > \
mud.sendMessage(id, 'Black has a mill. Take a white counter.\n')
if noOfMills('white', board) > \
mud.sendMessage(id, 'White has a mill. Take a black counter.\n')
if not items[gameItemID]['gameState'].get('morrisTurn'):
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morrisTurn'] = 'white'
mud.sendMessage(id, items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morrisTurn'] +
"'s move\n")
def showMorrisBoard(boardName: str,
players: {}, id: int, mud, rooms: {},
items: {}, itemsDB: {}) -> None:
"""Draws the morris board
if mud.playerUsingWebInterface(id):
showMorrisBoardAsHtml(boardName, players, id, mud, rooms,
items, itemsDB)
gameItemID = morrisBoardInRoom(players, id, rooms, items, itemsDB)
if not gameItemID:
mud.sendMessage(id, '\nThere are no Morris board here.\n')
if not items[gameItemID].get('gameState'):
items[gameItemID]['gameState'] = {}
if items[gameItemID]['gameState'].get('morris'):
board = items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morris']
board = '·' * 24
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morris'] = board
if not items[gameItemID]['gameState'].get('millsWhite'):
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['millsWhite'] = 0
if not items[gameItemID]['gameState'].get('millsBlack'):
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['millsBlack'] = 0
boardStr = '\n'
boardStr += ' 7 ' + board[21] + '─────' + board[22] + \
'─────' + board[23] + '\n'
boardStr += ' 6 │ ' + board[18] + '───' + board[19] + \
'───' + board[20] + ' │\n'
boardStr += ' 5 │ │ ' + board[15] + '─' + board[16] + \
'─' + board[17] + ' │ │\n'
boardStr += ' 4 ' + board[9] + '-' + board[10] + '-' + \
board[11] + ' ' + board[12] + '-' + board[13] + '-' + \
board[14] + '\n'
boardStr += ' 3 │ │ ' + board[6] + '─' + board[7] + \
'─' + board[8] + ' │ │\n'
boardStr += ' 2 │ ' + board[3] + '───' + board[4] + \
'───' + board[5] + ' │\n'
boardStr += ' 1 ' + board[0] + '─────' + board[1] + \
'─────' + board[2] + '\n'
boardStr += ' a b c d e f g\n'
mud.send_game_board(id, boardStr)
whiteCounters = 9
if items[gameItemID]['gameState'].get('morrisWhite'):
whiteCounters = int(items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morrisWhite'])
blackCounters = 9
if items[gameItemID]['gameState'].get('morrisBlack'):
blackCounters = int(items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morrisBlack'])
if whiteCounters == 0 and blackCounters == 0:
if morrisPieces('white', board) <= 2:
mud.sendMessage(id, 'Black wins\n')
elif morrisPieces('black', board) <= 2:
mud.sendMessage(id, 'White wins\n')
if noOfMills('black', board) > \
mud.sendMessage(id, 'Black has a mill. Take a white counter.\n')
if noOfMills('white', board) > \
mud.sendMessage(id, 'White has a mill. Take a black counter.\n')
if not items[gameItemID]['gameState'].get('morrisTurn'):
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morrisTurn'] = 'white'
mud.sendMessage(id, items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morrisTurn'] +
"'s move\n")
def takeMorrisCounter(takeDescription: str,
players: {}, id, mud, rooms: {},
items: {}, itemsDB: {}) -> None:
"""Takes an opponent counter from the board
gameItemID = morrisBoardInRoom(players, id, rooms, items, itemsDB)
if not gameItemID:
mud.sendMessage(id, '\nThere are no Morris board here.\n')
boardName = getMorrisBoardName(players, id, rooms, items, itemsDB)
if not items[gameItemID].get('gameState'):
items[gameItemID]['gameState'] = {}
if items[gameItemID]['gameState'].get('morris'):
board = items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morris']
board = '·' * 24
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morris'] = board
takeDescription = \
takeDescription.lower().replace('.', ' ').replace(',', ' ').strip()
words = takeDescription.split()
boardMove = []
for w in words:
if len(w) == 2:
if w[1].isdigit():
if ord(w[0]) >= ord('a') and \
ord(w[0]) <= ord('g') and \
int(w[1]) >= 1 and \
int(w[1]) <= 7:
if w in validMorrisBoardLocations:
if len(boardMove) != 1:
mud.sendMessage(id, '\nSpecify the coordinate of the ' +
'counter to be taken.\n')
if noOfMills('black', board) > \
index = 0
for loc in validMorrisBoardLocations:
if loc == boardMove[0]:
if board[index] == '●':
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['millsBlack'] = \
noOfMills('black', board)
board = morrisBoardSet(board, index, '·')
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morris'] = board
players, id, mud, rooms, items, itemsDB)
index += 1
elif (noOfMills('white', board) >
index = 0
for loc in validMorrisBoardLocations:
if loc == boardMove[0]:
if board[index] == '○':
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['millsWhite'] = \
noOfMills('white', board)
board = morrisBoardSet(board, index, '·')
items[gameItemID]['gameState']['morris'] = board
players, id, mud, rooms, items, itemsDB)
index += 1
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