__filename__ = "environment.py"
__author__ = "Bob Mottram"
__credits__ = ["Bob Mottram"]
__license__ = "AGPL3+"
__version__ = "1.0.0"
__maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram"
__email__ = "bob@freedombone.net"
__status__ = "Production"
from random import randint
import random
from math import sin
import datetime
rainThreshold = 230
def runTide() -> float:
"""Calculates the tide level as the addition of sine waves
lunar_orbit_mins = 39312
daysSinceEpoch = (
datetime.datetime.today() -
currHour = datetime.datetime.today().hour
currMin = datetime.datetime.today().minute
timeMins = (daysSinceEpoch * 60 * 24) + (currHour * 60) + currMin
lunarMins = timeMins % int(lunar_orbit_mins)
solarMins = timeMins % int(24 * 60 * 365)
dailyMins = timeMins % int(24 * 60)
lunar = sin(float(lunarMins) * 2.0 * 3.1415927 /
float(lunar_orbit_mins)) * 0.08
solar = sin(float(solarMins) * 2.0 * 3.1415927 /
float(24 * 60 * 365)) * 0.02
daily = sin(float(dailyMins) * 2.0 * 3.1415927 /
float(24 * 60)) * 0.9
return daily + lunar + solar
def assignTerrainDifficulty(rooms: {}) -> int:
"""Updates the terrain difficulty for each room and returns the maximum
terrainDifficultyWords = (
maxTerrainDifficulty = 1
for rm in rooms:
difficulty = rooms[rm]['terrainDifficulty']
if difficulty == 0:
roomDescription = rooms[rm]['description'].lower()
difficulty = 0
for w in terrainDifficultyWords:
if w in roomDescription:
difficulty += 1
rooms[rm]['terrainDifficulty'] = difficulty
if difficulty > maxTerrainDifficulty:
maxTerrainDifficulty = difficulty
return maxTerrainDifficulty
def assignInitialCoordinates(rooms: {}, rm: str) -> None:
"""Sets initial zero room coordinates
if len(rooms[rm]['coords']) == 0:
rooms[rm]['coords'] = [0, 0, 0]
def findRoomWithoutCoords(rooms: {}):
"""Finds the next room without assigned coordinates
for rm in rooms:
# Room with coords
if len(rooms[rm]['coords']) > 0:
# Search the exits for ones without coords
for ex in rooms[rm]['exits']:
rm2 = rooms[rooms[rm]['exits'][ex]]
if len(rm2['coords']) == 0:
if ex == 'north':
rm2['coords'] = rooms[rm]['coords'].copy()
rm2['coords'][0] += 1
return rm2
if ex == 'northeast':
rm2['coords'] = rooms[rm]['coords'].copy()
rm2['coords'][0] += 1
rm2['coords'][1] -= 1
return rm2
if ex == 'northwest':
rm2['coords'] = rooms[rm]['coords'].copy()
rm2['coords'][0] += 1
rm2['coords'][1] += 1
return rm2
if ex == 'south':
rm2['coords'] = rooms[rm]['coords'].copy()
rm2['coords'][0] -= 1
return rm2
if ex == 'southeast':
rm2['coords'] = rooms[rm]['coords'].copy()
rm2['coords'][0] -= 1
rm2['coords'][1] -= 1
return rm2
if ex == 'southwest':
rm2['coords'] = rooms[rm]['coords'].copy()
rm2['coords'][0] -= 1
rm2['coords'][1] += 1
return rm2
if ex == 'east':
rm2['coords'] = rooms[rm]['coords'].copy()
rm2['coords'][1] -= 1
return rm2
if ex == 'west':
rm2['coords'] = rooms[rm]['coords'].copy()
rm2['coords'][1] += 1
return rm2
if ex == 'up':
rm2['coords'] = rooms[rm]['coords'].copy()
rm2['coords'][2] += 1
return rm2
if ex == 'down':
rm2['coords'] = rooms[rm]['coords'].copy()
rm2['coords'][2] -= 1
return rm2
for rm in rooms:
# Room without coords
if len(rooms[rm]['coords']) == 0:
rooms[rm]['coords'] = [0, 0, 0]
return rooms[rm]
return None
def assignCoordinates(rooms: {}) -> []:
"""Assigns cartesian coordinates to each room and returns the limits
mapArea = [[9999, -9999], [9999, -9999], [9999, -9999]]
roomFound = True
while roomFound:
newRoom = findRoomWithoutCoords(rooms)
if newRoom is None:
roomFound = False
coords = newRoom['coords']
# north/south extent
if coords[0] > mapArea[0][1]:
mapArea[0][1] = coords[0]
if coords[0] < mapArea[0][0]:
mapArea[0][0] = coords[0]
# east/west extent
if coords[1] > mapArea[1][1]:
mapArea[1][1] = coords[1]
if coords[1] < mapArea[1][0]:
mapArea[1][0] = coords[1]
# up/down extent
if coords[2] > mapArea[2][1]:
mapArea[2][1] = coords[2]
if coords[2] < mapArea[2][0]:
mapArea[2][0] = coords[2]
return mapArea
def highestPointAtCoord(rooms: {}, mapArea: [], x: int, y: int) -> float:
"""Returns the highest elevation at the given location
highest = 0
vertical_range = mapArea[2][1] - mapArea[2][0]
if vertical_range < 1:
vertical_range = 1
for rm in rooms:
if rooms[rm]['coords'][0] - mapArea[0][0] == y:
if rooms[rm]['coords'][1] - mapArea[1][0] == x:
if rooms[rm]['coords'][2] > highest:
highest = rooms[rm]['coords'][2]
return (highest - mapArea[2][0]) * 255 / vertical_range
def generateCloud(
randnumgen: int,
rooms: {},
mapArea: [],
clouds: {},
cloudGrid: {},
tileSize: int,
windDirection: int) -> int:
"""Weather simulation
This uses a simple cloud model adjusted for topology in which
clouds get smaller as temperature increases and bigger with
more chance of rain as temperature falls.
Wind blows clouds in one of 8 possible directions, or can be still.
mapWidth = mapArea[1][1] - mapArea[1][0]
mapHeight = mapArea[0][1] - mapArea[0][0]
cloudGridWidth = int(mapWidth / tileSize)
cloudGridHeight = int(mapHeight / tileSize)
if len(clouds) == 0:
# Generate the clouds map
for x in range(0, mapWidth):
clouds[x] = {}
for y in range(0, mapHeight):
clouds[x][y] = 0
if len(cloudGrid) == 0:
# Initialize clouds grid randomly
# This is lower resolution than the map
for x in range(0, cloudGridWidth):
cloudGrid[x] = {}
for y in range(0, cloudGridHeight):
cloudGrid[x][y] = int(randnumgen.random() * 255)
# Update clouds (same resolution as the map)
for x in range(0, mapWidth - 1):
tile_tx = int(x / tileSize)
tile_bx = tile_tx + 1
if tile_bx >= cloudGridWidth:
tile_bx = 0
for y in range(0, mapHeight - 1):
tile_ty = int(y / tileSize)
tile_by = tile_ty + 1
if tile_by >= cloudGridHeight:
tile_by = 0
interpolate_top = \
cloudGrid[tile_tx][tile_ty] + \
int((cloudGrid[tile_bx][tile_ty] -
cloudGrid[tile_tx][tile_ty]) *
(x % tileSize) / tileSize)
interpolate_bottom = \
cloudGrid[tile_tx][tile_by] + \
int((cloudGrid[tile_bx][tile_by] -
cloudGrid[tile_tx][tile_by]) *
(x % tileSize) / tileSize)
clouds[x][y] = \
interpolate_top + \
int((interpolate_bottom - interpolate_top) *
(y % tileSize) / tileSize)
# Clouds change
for x in range(0, cloudGridWidth):
for y in range(0, cloudGridHeight):
cloudGrid[x][y] = cloudGrid[x][y] + \
(int(randnumgen.random() * 11) - 5)
if cloudGrid[x][y] < 0:
cloudGrid[x][y] = cloudGrid[x][y] + 255
if cloudGrid[x][y] > 255:
cloudGrid[x][y] = cloudGrid[x][y] - 255
# change wind direction
windDirection = (windDirection + int(randnumgen.random() * 9) - 4) % 360
if windDirection < 0:
windDirection = windDirection + 360
# Which directions to shift the clouds
dx = 0
dy = 0
if windDirection >= 320 or windDirection <= 40:
dy = 1
if windDirection <= 200 and windDirection > 160:
dy = -1
if windDirection < 300 and windDirection >= 230:
dx = -1
if windDirection > 50 and windDirection <= 130:
dx = 1
# Move clouds in the wind direction
cloudGridNew = {}
for x in range(0, cloudGridWidth):
cloudGridNew[x] = {}
for y in range(0, cloudGridHeight):
cloudGridNew[x][y] = cloudGrid[x][y]
for x in range(0, cloudGridWidth):
old_x = x + dx
for y in range(0, cloudGridHeight):
old_y = y + dy
if old_x >= 0 and old_x <= cloudGridWidth - 1 and \
old_y >= 0 and old_y <= cloudGridHeight - 1:
cloudGridNew[x][y] = cloudGrid[old_x][old_y]
if old_x < 0:
old_x = old_x + cloudGridWidth
if old_y < 0:
old_y = old_y + cloudGridHeight
if old_x > cloudGridWidth - 1:
old_x = old_x - cloudGridWidth
if old_y > cloudGridHeight - 1:
old_y = old_y - cloudGridHeight
cloudGridNew[x][y] = randint(0, 255)
for x in range(0, cloudGridWidth):
for y in range(0, cloudGridHeight):
cloudGrid[x][y] = cloudGridNew[x][y]
return windDirection
def getCloudThreshold(temperature: float) -> float:
"""Temperature threshold at which cloud is formed
return (10 + temperature) * 7
def altitudeTemperatureAdjustment(rooms: {}, mapArea: [],
x: int, y: int) -> float:
"""Temperature decreases with altitude
return highestPointAtCoord(rooms, mapArea, x, y) * 2.0 / 255.0
def terrainTemperatureAdjustment(temperature: float, rooms: {}, mapArea: [],
x: int, y: int) -> float:
"""Temperature is adjusted for different types of terrain
terrainFreezingWords = ('snow', 'ice')
terrainCoolingWords = (
terrainHeatingWords = ('sun', 'lava', 'volcan', 'molten', 'desert', 'dry')
for rm in rooms:
coords = rooms[rm]['coords']
if coords[0] - mapArea[0][0] == y:
if coords[1] - mapArea[1][0] == x:
roomDescription = rooms[rm]['description'].lower()
for w in terrainFreezingWords:
if w in roomDescription:
temperature = temperature * 0.1
for w in terrainCoolingWords:
if w in roomDescription:
temperature = temperature * 0.98
for w in terrainHeatingWords:
if w in roomDescription:
temperature = temperature * 1.05
return temperature
def plotClouds(rooms: {}, mapArea: [], clouds: {}, temperature: float) -> None:
"""Show clouds as ASCII diagram for debugging purposes
cloudThreshold = getCloudThreshold(temperature)
mapWidth = mapArea[1][1] - mapArea[1][0]
mapHeight = mapArea[0][1] - mapArea[0][0]
for y in range(0, mapHeight - 1):
lineStr = ''
for x in range(0, mapWidth - 1):
mapTemp = clouds[x][y] - \
(altitudeTemperatureAdjustment(rooms, mapArea, x, y) * 7)
mapTemp = terrainTemperatureAdjustment(
mapTemp, rooms, mapArea, x, y)
lineChar = '.'
if mapTemp > cloudThreshold:
lineChar = 'o'
if mapTemp > rainThreshold:
lineChar = 'O'
lineStr = lineStr + lineChar
print(lineStr + '\n')
def getTemperatureSeasonal() -> float:
"""Average temperature for the time of year
dayOfYear = int(datetime.datetime.today().strftime("%j"))
tempFraction = (
(sin((0.75 + (dayOfYear / 365.0)) * 2 * 3.1415927) + 1) / 2.0)
return 8 + (7 * tempFraction)
def getTemperature() -> float:
"""Average daily seasonal temperature for the universe
avTemp = getTemperatureSeasonal()
daysSinceEpoch = (
datetime.datetime.today() -
# Temperature can vary randomly from one day to the next
r1 = random.Random(daysSinceEpoch)
dailyVariance = avTemp * 0.4 * (r1.random() - 0.5)
# Calculate number of minutes elapsed in the day so far
currHour = datetime.datetime.today().hour
currMin = datetime.datetime.today().minute
dayMins = (currHour * 60) + currMin
# Seed number generator for the current minute of the day
dayFraction = dayMins / (60.0 * 24.0)
r1 = random.Random((daysSinceEpoch * 1440) + dayMins)
solarVariance = avTemp * 0.2
solarCycle = sin((0.75 + dayFraction) * 2 * 3.1415927) * solarVariance
# print("avTemp " + str(avTemp) + " dailyVariance " +
# str(dailyVariance) + " solarCycle " + str(solarCycle))
return avTemp + dailyVariance + solarCycle
def getTemperatureAtCoords(coords: [], rooms: {}, mapArea: [],
clouds: {}) -> float:
"""Returns the temperature at the given coordinates
x = coords[1] - mapArea[1][0]
y = coords[0] - mapArea[0][0]
# Average temperature of the universe
currTemp = getTemperature()
# Adjust for altitude
currTemp = currTemp - altitudeTemperatureAdjustment(rooms, mapArea, x, y)
# Adjust for terrain
currTemp = terrainTemperatureAdjustment(currTemp, rooms, mapArea, x, y)
# Adjust for rain
if getRainAtCoords([coords[0], coords[1]], mapArea, clouds):
currTemp = currTemp * 0.8
if clouds[x][y] < getCloudThreshold(currTemp):
# without cloud
return currTemp
# with cloud
return currTemp * 0.8
def getRainAtCoords(coords: [], mapArea: [], clouds: {}) -> bool:
"""Returns whether it is raining at the civen coordinates
x = coords[1] - mapArea[1][0]
y = coords[0] - mapArea[0][0]
if clouds[x][y] > rainThreshold:
return True
return False
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