Tracker based on Kernelized Correlation Filter (KCF) [1] and Circulant Structure with Kernels (CSK) [2].
CSK is implemented by using raw gray level features, since it is a single-channel filter.
KCF is implemented by using HOG features (the default), since it extends CSK to multiple channels.
[1] J. F. Henriques, R. Caseiro, P. Martins, J. Batista,
"High-Speed Tracking with Kernelized Correlation Filters", TPAMI 2015.
[2] J. F. Henriques, R. Caseiro, P. Martins, J. Batista,
"Exploiting the Circulant Structure of Tracking-by-detection with Kernels", ECCV 2012.
Authors: Joao Faro, Christian Bailer, Joao F. Henriques
Contacts: joaopfaro@gmail.com, Christian.Bailer@dfki.de, henriques@isr.uc.pt
Institute of Systems and Robotics - University of Coimbra / Department Augmented Vision DFKI
Constructor parameters, all boolean:
hog: use HOG features (default), otherwise use raw pixels
fixed_window: fix window size (default), otherwise use ROI size (slower but more accurate)
multiscale: use multi-scale tracking (default; cannot be used with fixed_window = true)
Default values are set for all properties of the tracker depending on the above choices.
Their values can be customized further before calling init():
interp_factor: linear interpolation factor for adaptation
sigma: gaussian kernel bandwidth
lambda: regularization
cell_size: HOG cell size
padding: area surrounding the target, relative to its size
output_sigma_factor: bandwidth of gaussian target
template_size: template size in pixels, 0 to use ROI size
scale_step: scale step for multi-scale estimation, 1 to disable it
scale_weight: to downweight detection scores of other scales for added stability
For speed, the value (template_size/cell_size) should be a power of 2 or a product of small prime numbers.
Inputs to init():
image is the initial frame.
roi is a cv::Rect with the target positions in the initial frame
Inputs to update():
image is the current frame.
Outputs of update():
cv::Rect with target positions for the current frame
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#include <time.h>
#include "fdssttracker.hpp"
#include "ffttools.hpp"
#include "recttools.hpp"
#include "fhog.h"
#include "labdata.hpp"
// #define PFS_DEBUG
static double t_start, t_end;
template <typename T>
cv::Mat rangeToColVector(int begin, int end, int n)
cv::Mat_<T> colVec(1, n);
for (int i = begin, j = 0; i <= end; ++i, j++)
colVec.template at<T>(0, j) = static_cast<T>(i);
return colVec;
template <typename BT, typename ET>
cv::Mat pow(BT base_, const cv::Mat_<ET>& exponent)
cv::Mat dst = cv::Mat(exponent.rows, exponent.cols, exponent.type());
int widthChannels = exponent.cols * exponent.channels();
int height = exponent.rows;
// http://docs.opencv.org/doc/tutorials/core/how_to_scan_images/how_to_scan_images.html#the-efficient-way
if (exponent.isContinuous())
widthChannels *= height;
height = 1;
int row = 0, col = 0;
const ET* exponentd = 0;
ET* dstd = 0;
for (row = 0; row < height; ++row)
exponentd = exponent.template ptr<ET>(row);
dstd = dst.template ptr<ET>(row);
for (col = 0; col < widthChannels; ++col)
dstd[col] = std::pow(base_, exponentd[col]);
return dst;
void shift(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, cv::Point2f delta, int fill, cv::Scalar value = cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0, 0)) {
// error checking
CV_Assert(fabs(delta.x) < src.cols && fabs(delta.y) < src.rows);
// split the shift into integer and subpixel components
cv::Point2i deltai(static_cast<int>(ceil(delta.x)), static_cast<int>(ceil(delta.y)));
cv::Point2f deltasub(fabs(delta.x - deltai.x), fabs(delta.y - deltai.y));
// first create a border around the parts of the Mat that will be exposed
int t = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0;
if (deltai.x > 0) l = deltai.x;
if (deltai.x < 0) r = -deltai.x;
if (deltai.y > 0) t = deltai.y;
if (deltai.y < 0) b = -deltai.y;
cv::Mat padded;
cv::copyMakeBorder(src, padded, t, b, l, r, fill, value);
float eps = std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();
if (deltasub.x > eps || deltasub.y > eps) {
switch (src.depth()) {
case CV_32F:
cv::Matx<float, 1, 2> dx(1 - deltasub.x, deltasub.x);
cv::Matx<float, 2, 1> dy(1 - deltasub.y, deltasub.y);
sepFilter2D(padded, padded, -1, dx, dy, cv::Point(0, 0), 0, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT);
case CV_64F:
cv::Matx<double, 1, 2> dx(1 - deltasub.x, deltasub.x);
cv::Matx<double, 2, 1> dy(1 - deltasub.y, deltasub.y);
sepFilter2D(padded, padded, -1, dx, dy, cv::Point(0, 0), 0, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT);
cv::Matx<float, 1, 2> dx(1 - deltasub.x, deltasub.x);
cv::Matx<float, 2, 1> dy(1 - deltasub.y, deltasub.y);
padded.convertTo(padded, CV_32F);
sepFilter2D(padded, padded, CV_32F, dx, dy, cv::Point(0, 0), 0, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT);
// construct the region of interest around the new matrix
cv::Rect roi = cv::Rect(std::max(-deltai.x, 0), std::max(-deltai.y, 0), 0, 0) + src.size();
dst = padded(roi);
// Constructor
FDSSTTracker::FDSSTTracker(bool hog, bool fixed_window, bool multiscale, bool lab)
// Parameters equal in all cases
lambda = 0.0001;
padding = 2.5;
//output_sigma_factor = 0.1;
output_sigma_factor = 0.125;
if (hog) { // HOG
// VOT
interp_factor = 0.012;
sigma = 0.6;
//interp_factor = 0.02;
//sigma = 0.5;
cell_size = 4;
_hogfeatures = true;
num_compressed_dim = 13;
if (lab) {
interp_factor = 0.005;
sigma = 0.4;
//output_sigma_factor = 0.025;
output_sigma_factor = 0.1;
_labfeatures = true;
_labCentroids = cv::Mat(nClusters, 3, CV_32FC1, &Data);
cell_sizeQ = cell_size*cell_size;
_labfeatures = false;
else { // RAW
interp_factor = 0.075;
sigma = 0.2;
cell_size = 1;
_hogfeatures = false;
if (lab) {
printf("Lab features are only used with HOG features.\n");
_labfeatures = false;
if (multiscale) { // multiscale
template_size = 96;
//scale parameters initial
scale_padding = 1.0;
scale_step = 1.02;
scale_sigma_factor = 1.0 / 16;
n_scales = 9;
n_interp_scales = 33;
scale_lr = 0.025;
scale_max_area = 512;
currentScaleFactor = 1;
scale_lambda = 0.01;
if (!fixed_window) {
//printf("Multiscale does not support non-fixed window.\n");
fixed_window = true;
else if (fixed_window) { // fit correction without multiscale
template_size = 96;
//template_size = 100;
scale_step = 1;
else {
template_size = 1;
scale_step = 1;
// Initialize tracker
// Initialize tracker
void FDSSTTracker::init(const cv::Rect &roi, cv::Mat image)
_roi = roi;
assert(roi.width >= 0 && roi.height >= 0);
_tmpl = getFeatures(image, 1);
_prob = createGaussianPeak(size_patch[0], size_patch[1]);
_alphaf = cv::Mat(size_patch[0], size_patch[1], CV_32FC2, float(0));
dsstInit(roi, image);
//_num = cv::Mat(size_patch[0], size_patch[1], CV_32FC2, float(0));
//_den = cv::Mat(size_patch[0], size_patch[1], CV_32FC2, float(0));
train(_tmpl, 1.0); // train with initial frame
// Update position based on the new frame
cv::Rect FDSSTTracker::update(cv::Mat image)
if (_roi.x + _roi.width <= 0) _roi.x = -_roi.width + 1;
if (_roi.y + _roi.height <= 0) _roi.y = -_roi.height + 1;
if (_roi.x >= image.cols - 1) _roi.x = image.cols - 2;
if (_roi.y >= image.rows - 1) _roi.y = image.rows - 2;
float cx = _roi.x + _roi.width / 2.0f;
float cy = _roi.y + _roi.height / 2.0f;
float peak_value;
#ifdef PFS_DEBUG
t_start = clock();
cv::Point2f res = detect(getFeatures(image, 0, 1.0f), peak_value);
#ifdef PFS_DEBUG
t_end = clock();
std::cout << "translation detction duration: " << (t_end - t_start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "\n";
// Adjust by cell size and _scale
_roi.x = cx - _roi.width / 2.0f + ((float) res.x * cell_size * _scale * currentScaleFactor);
_roi.y = cy - _roi.height / 2.0f + ((float) res.y * cell_size * _scale * currentScaleFactor);
if (_roi.x >= image.cols - 1) _roi.x = image.cols - 1;
if (_roi.y >= image.rows - 1) _roi.y = image.rows - 1;
if (_roi.x + _roi.width <= 0) _roi.x = -_roi.width + 2;
if (_roi.y + _roi.height <= 0) _roi.y = -_roi.height + 2;
// Update scale
#ifdef PFS_DEBUG
t_start = clock();
cv::Point2i scale_pi = detect_scale(image);
#ifdef PFS_DEBUG
t_end = clock();
std::cout << "scale detction duration: " << (t_end - t_start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "\n";
currentScaleFactor = currentScaleFactor * interp_scaleFactors[scale_pi.x];
if(currentScaleFactor < min_scale_factor)
currentScaleFactor = min_scale_factor;
// else if(currentScaleFactor > max_scale_factor)
// currentScaleFactor = max_scale_factor;
if (_roi.x >= image.cols - 1) _roi.x = image.cols - 1;
if (_roi.y >= image.rows - 1) _roi.y = image.rows - 1;
if (_roi.x + _roi.width <= 0) _roi.x = -_roi.width + 2;
if (_roi.y + _roi.height <= 0) _roi.y = -_roi.height + 2;
assert(_roi.width >= 0 && _roi.height >= 0);
cv::Mat x = getFeatures(image, 0);
train(x, interp_factor);
return _roi;
// Detect the new scaling rate
cv::Point2i FDSSTTracker::detect_scale(cv::Mat image)
cv::Mat xsf = FDSSTTracker::get_scale_sample(image);
// Compute AZ in the paper
cv::Mat add_temp;
cv::reduce(FFTTools::complexMultiplication(sf_num, xsf), add_temp, 0, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
// compute the final y
cv::Mat scale_responsef = FFTTools::complexDivisionReal(add_temp, (sf_den + scale_lambda));
cv::Mat interp_scale_responsef = resizeDFT(scale_responsef, n_interp_scales);
cv::Mat interp_scale_response;
cv::idft(interp_scale_responsef, interp_scale_response);
interp_scale_response = FFTTools::real(interp_scale_response);
// Get the max point as the final scaling rate
cv::Point2i pi;
double pv;
cv::minMaxLoc(interp_scale_response, NULL, &pv, NULL, &pi);
return pi;
// Detect object in the current frame.
cv::Point2f FDSSTTracker::detect(cv::Mat x, float &peak_value)
using namespace FFTTools;
x = features_projection(x);
cv::Mat z = features_projection(_tmpl);
#ifdef PFS_DEBUG
double t_start1 = clock();
cv::Mat k = gaussianCorrelation(x, z);
#ifdef PFS_DEBUG
t_end = clock();
std::cout << "**************gaussianCorrelation duration: " << (t_end - t_start1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "\n";
#ifdef PFS_DEBUG
t_start = clock();
cv::Mat res = (real(fftd(complexMultiplication(_alphaf, fftd(k)), true)));
#ifdef PFS_DEBUG
t_end = clock();
std::cout << "complexMultiplication *******************: " << (t_end - t_start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "\n";
//minMaxLoc only accepts doubles for the peak, and integer points for the coordinates
cv::Point2i pi;
double pv;
cv::minMaxLoc(res, NULL, &pv, NULL, &pi);
peak_value = (float)pv;
//subpixel peak estimation, coordinates will be non-integer
cv::Point2f p((float)pi.x, (float)pi.y);
if (pi.x > 0 && pi.x < res.cols - 1) {
p.x += subPixelPeak(res.at<float>(pi.y, pi.x - 1), peak_value, res.at<float>(pi.y, pi.x + 1));
if (pi.y > 0 && pi.y < res.rows - 1) {
p.y += subPixelPeak(res.at<float>(pi.y - 1, pi.x), peak_value, res.at<float>(pi.y + 1, pi.x));
p.x -= (res.cols) / 2;
p.y -= (res.rows) / 2;
return p;
// train tracker with a single image
void FDSSTTracker::train(cv::Mat x, float train_interp_factor)
using namespace FFTTools;
_tmpl = (1 - train_interp_factor) * _tmpl + (train_interp_factor)* x;
cv::Mat W, U, VT, X, out;
X = _tmpl * _tmpl.t();
cv::SVD::compute(X, W, U, VT);
VT.rowRange(0, num_compressed_dim).copyTo(proj_matrix);
x = features_projection(x);
cv::Mat k = gaussianCorrelation(x, x);
cv::Mat alphaf = complexDivision(_prob, (fftd(k) + lambda));
_alphaf = (1 - train_interp_factor) * _alphaf + (train_interp_factor)* alphaf;
// Evaluates a Gaussian kernel with bandwidth SIGMA for all relative shifts between input images X and Y, which must both be MxN. They must also be periodic (ie., pre-processed with a cosine window).
cv::Mat FDSSTTracker::gaussianCorrelation(cv::Mat x1, cv::Mat x2)
using namespace FFTTools;
#ifdef PFS_DEBUG
double t_start1 = clock();
cv::Mat c = cv::Mat( cv::Size(size_patch[1], size_patch[0]), CV_32F, cv::Scalar(0) );
// HOG features
if (_hogfeatures) {
cv::Mat caux;
cv::Mat x1aux;
cv::Mat x2aux;
for (int i = 0; i < size_patch[2]; i++) {
x1aux = x1.row(i); // Procedure do deal with cv::Mat multichannel bug
x1aux = x1aux.reshape(1, size_patch[0]);
x2aux = x2.row(i).reshape(1, size_patch[0]);
cv::mulSpectrums(fftd(x1aux), fftd(x2aux), caux, 0, true);
caux = fftd(caux, true);
c = c + real(caux);
// Gray features
else {
cv::mulSpectrums(fftd(x1), fftd(x2), c, 0, true);
c = fftd(c, true);
c = real(c);
#ifdef PFS_DEBUG
t_end = clock();
std::cout << "gaussianCorrelation computation A duration: " << (t_end - t_start1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "\n";
cv::Mat d;
cv::max(( (cv::sum(x1.mul(x1))[0] + cv::sum(x2.mul(x2))[0])- 2. * c) / (size_patch[0]*size_patch[1]*size_patch[2]) , 0, d);
#ifdef PFS_DEBUG
t_end = clock();
std::cout << "gaussianCorrelation computation B duration: " << (t_end - t_start1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "\n";
cv::Mat k;
cv::exp((-d / (sigma * sigma)), k);
#ifdef PFS_DEBUG
t_end = clock();
std::cout << "gaussianCorrelation computation ALL duration: " << (t_end - t_start1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "\n";
return k;
// Create Gaussian Peak. Function called only in the first frame.
cv::Mat FDSSTTracker::createGaussianPeak(int sizey, int sizex)
cv::Mat_<float> res(sizey, sizex);
int syh = (sizey) / 2;
int sxh = (sizex) / 2;
float output_sigma = std::sqrt((float)sizex * sizey) / padding * output_sigma_factor;
float mult = -0.5 / (output_sigma * output_sigma);
for (int i = 0; i < sizey; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < sizex; j++)
int ih = i - syh;
int jh = j - sxh;
res(i, j) = std::exp(mult * (float)(ih * ih + jh * jh));
return FFTTools::fftd(res);
// Obtain sub-window from image, with replication-padding and extract features
cv::Mat FDSSTTracker::getFeatures(const cv::Mat & image, bool inithann, float scale_adjust)
cv::Rect extracted_roi;
float cx = _roi.x + _roi.width / 2;
float cy = _roi.y + _roi.height / 2;
if (inithann) {
int padded_w = _roi.width * padding;
int padded_h = _roi.height * padding;
if (template_size > 1) { // Fit largest dimension to the given template size
if (padded_w >= padded_h) //fit to width
_scale = padded_w / (float) template_size;
_scale = padded_h / (float) template_size;
_tmpl_sz.width = padded_w / _scale;
_tmpl_sz.height = padded_h / _scale;
else { //No template size given, use ROI size
_tmpl_sz.width = padded_w;
_tmpl_sz.height = padded_h;
_scale = 1;
// original code from paper:
/*if (sqrt(padded_w * padded_h) >= 100) { //Normal size
_tmpl_sz.width = padded_w;
_tmpl_sz.height = padded_h;
_scale = 1;
else { //ROI is too big, track at half size
_tmpl_sz.width = padded_w / 2;
_tmpl_sz.height = padded_h / 2;
_scale = 2;
if (_hogfeatures) {
// Round to cell size and also make it even
_tmpl_sz.width = ( ( (int)(_tmpl_sz.width / (2 * cell_size)) ) * 2 * cell_size ) + cell_size*2;
_tmpl_sz.height = ( ( (int)(_tmpl_sz.height / (2 * cell_size)) ) * 2 * cell_size ) + cell_size*2;
else { //Make number of pixels even (helps with some logic involving half-dimensions)
_tmpl_sz.width = (_tmpl_sz.width / 2) * 2;
_tmpl_sz.height = (_tmpl_sz.height / 2) * 2;
extracted_roi.width = scale_adjust * _scale * _tmpl_sz.width * currentScaleFactor;
extracted_roi.height = scale_adjust * _scale * _tmpl_sz.height * currentScaleFactor;
// center roi with new size
extracted_roi.x = cx - extracted_roi.width / 2;
extracted_roi.y = cy - extracted_roi.height / 2;
cv::Mat FeaturesMap;
cv::Mat z = RectTools::subwindow(image, extracted_roi, cv::BORDER_REPLICATE);
if (z.cols != _tmpl_sz.width || z.rows != _tmpl_sz.height) {
cv::resize(z, z, _tmpl_sz);
// HOG features
FeaturesMap = fhog(z,cell_size );
FeaturesMap = FeaturesMap.reshape(1, z.cols * z.rows / (cell_size * cell_size));
FeaturesMap = FeaturesMap.t();
if (inithann) {
size_patch[0] = z.rows / cell_size;
size_patch[1] = z.cols / cell_size;
size_patch[2] = num_compressed_dim;
return FeaturesMap;
cv::Mat FDSSTTracker::features_projection(const cv::Mat &FeaturesMap)
cv::Mat out;
out = proj_matrix * FeaturesMap;
out = hann.mul(out);
return out;
// Initialize Hanning window. Function called only in the first frame.
void FDSSTTracker::createHanningMats()
cv::Mat hann1t = cv::Mat(cv::Size(size_patch[1],1), CV_32F, cv::Scalar(0));
cv::Mat hann2t = cv::Mat(cv::Size(1,size_patch[0]), CV_32F, cv::Scalar(0));
for (int i = 0; i < hann1t.cols; i++)
hann1t.at<float > (0, i) = 0.5 * (1 - std::cos(2 * 3.14159265358979323846 * i / (hann1t.cols - 1)));
for (int i = 0; i < hann2t.rows; i++)
hann2t.at<float > (i, 0) = 0.5 * (1 - std::cos(2 * 3.14159265358979323846 * i / (hann2t.rows - 1)));
cv::Mat hann2d = hann2t * hann1t;
// HOG features
if (_hogfeatures) {
cv::Mat hann1d = hann2d.reshape(1, 1); // Procedure do deal with cv::Mat multichannel bug
hann = cv::Mat(cv::Size(size_patch[0] * size_patch[1], size_patch[2]), CV_32F, cv::Scalar(0));
for (int i = 0; i < size_patch[2]; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j<size_patch[0] * size_patch[1]; j++) {
hann.at<float>(i, j) = hann1d.at<float>(0, j);
// Gray features
else {
hann = hann2d;
// Calculate sub-pixel peak for one dimension
float FDSSTTracker::subPixelPeak(float left, float center, float right)
float divisor = 2 * center - right - left;
if (divisor == 0)
return 0;
return 0.5 * (right - left) / divisor;
// Initialization for scales
void FDSSTTracker::dsstInit(const cv::Rect &roi, cv::Mat image)
// The initial size for adjusting
base_width = roi.width;
base_height = roi.height;
// Guassian peak for scales (after fft)
// 处理插值前的尺度序列,即需要提取多尺度特征的一组值
cv::Mat colScales =
rangeToColVector<float>(-floor((n_scales - 1) / 2),
ceil((n_scales - 1) / 2), n_scales);
colScales *= (float)n_interp_scales / (float)n_scales;
cv::Mat ss;
shift(colScales, ss,
cv::Point(-floor(((float)n_scales - 1) / 2), 0),
cv::BORDER_WRAP, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0, 0));
cv::Mat ys;
float scale_sigma = scale_sigma_factor * n_interp_scales;
exp(-0.5 * ss.mul(ss) / (scale_sigma * scale_sigma), ys);
ysf = FFTTools::fftd(ys);
s_hann = createHanningMatsForScale();
// Get all scale changing rate
scaleFactors = pow<float, float>(scale_step, colScales);
// 处理插值后的尺度序列
cv::Mat interp_colScales =
rangeToColVector<float>(-floor((n_interp_scales - 1) / 2),
ceil((n_interp_scales - 1) / 2), n_interp_scales);
cv::Mat ss_interp;
shift(interp_colScales, ss_interp,
cv::Point(-floor(((float)n_interp_scales - 1) / 2), 0),
cv::BORDER_WRAP, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0, 0));
interp_scaleFactors = pow<float, float>(scale_step, ss_interp);
// Get the scaling rate for compressing to the model size
float scale_model_factor = 1;
if(base_width * base_height > scale_max_area)
scale_model_factor = std::sqrt(scale_max_area / (float)(base_width * base_height));
scale_model_width = (int)(base_width * scale_model_factor);
scale_model_height = (int)(base_height * scale_model_factor);
// Compute min and max scaling rate
min_scale_factor = std::pow(scale_step,
std::ceil(std::log((std::fmax(5 / (float) base_width, 5 / (float) base_height) * (1 + scale_padding))) / 0.0086));
max_scale_factor = std::pow(scale_step,
std::floor(std::log(std::fmin(image.rows / (float) base_height, image.cols / (float) base_width)) / 0.0086));
train_scale(image, true);
// Train method for scaling
void FDSSTTracker::train_scale(cv::Mat image, bool ini)
cv::Mat xsf = get_scale_sample(image);
// Adjust ysf to the same size as xsf in the first time
int totalSize = xsf.rows;
ysf = cv::repeat(ysf, totalSize, 1);
// Get new GF in the paper (delta A)
cv::Mat new_sf_num;
cv::mulSpectrums(ysf, xsf, new_sf_num, 0, true);
// Get Sigma{FF} in the paper (delta B)
cv::Mat new_sf_den;
cv::mulSpectrums(xsf, xsf, new_sf_den, 0, true);
cv::reduce(FFTTools::real(new_sf_den), new_sf_den, 0, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
sf_den = new_sf_den;
sf_num = new_sf_num;
// Get new A and new B
cv::addWeighted(sf_den, (1 - scale_lr), new_sf_den, scale_lr, 0, sf_den);
cv::addWeighted(sf_num, (1 - scale_lr), new_sf_num, scale_lr, 0, sf_num);
// Update the ROI size after training
void FDSSTTracker::update_roi()
// Compute new center
float cx = _roi.x + _roi.width / 2.0f;
float cy = _roi.y + _roi.height / 2.0f;
// printf("%f\n", currentScaleFactor);
// Recompute the ROI left-upper point and size
_roi.width = base_width * currentScaleFactor;
_roi.height = base_height * currentScaleFactor;
_roi.x = cx - _roi.width / 2.0f;
_roi.y = cy - _roi.height / 2.0f;
// Compute the F^l in the paper
cv::Mat FDSSTTracker::get_scale_sample(const cv::Mat & image)
cv::Mat xsf; // output
int totalSize; // # of features
for(int i = 0; i < n_scales; i++)
// Size of subwindow waiting to be detect
float patch_width = base_width * scaleFactors[i] * currentScaleFactor;
float patch_height = base_height * scaleFactors[i] * currentScaleFactor;
float cx = _roi.x + _roi.width / 2.0f;
float cy = _roi.y + _roi.height / 2.0f;
// Get the subwindow
cv::Mat im_patch = RectTools::extractImage(image, cx, cy, patch_width, patch_height);
cv::Mat im_patch_resized;
// Scaling the subwindow
if(scale_model_width > im_patch.cols)
resize(im_patch, im_patch_resized, cv::Size(scale_model_width, scale_model_height), 0, 0, cv::INTER_LINEAR);
resize(im_patch, im_patch_resized, cv::Size(scale_model_width, scale_model_height), 0, 0, cv::INTER_LINEAR);
// Compute the FHOG features for the subwindow
cv::Mat hogs = fhog(im_patch_resized, cell_size);
if(i == 0)
totalSize = hogs.cols * hogs.rows * 32;
xsf = cv::Mat(cv::Size(n_scales,totalSize), CV_32F, float(0));
// Multiply the FHOG results by hanning window and copy to the output
cv::Mat FeaturesMap = hogs.reshape(1, totalSize);
float mul = s_hann.at<float > (0, i);
FeaturesMap = mul * FeaturesMap;
// Do fft to the FHOG features row by row
xsf = FFTTools::fftd(xsf, 0, 1);
return xsf;
// Compute the FFT Guassian Peak for scaling
cv::Mat FDSSTTracker::computeYsf()
float scale_sigma2 = n_scales / std::sqrt(n_scales) * scale_sigma_factor;
scale_sigma2 = scale_sigma2 * scale_sigma2;
cv::Mat res(cv::Size(n_scales, 1), CV_32F, float(0));
float ceilS = std::ceil(n_scales / 2.0f);
for(int i = 0; i < n_scales; i++)
res.at<float>(0,i) = std::exp(- 0.5 * std::pow(i + 1- ceilS, 2) / scale_sigma2);
return FFTTools::fftd(res);
// Compute the hanning window for scaling
cv::Mat FDSSTTracker::createHanningMatsForScale()
cv::Mat hann_s = cv::Mat(cv::Size(n_scales, 1), CV_32F, cv::Scalar(0));
for (int i = 0; i < hann_s.cols; i++)
hann_s.at<float > (0, i) = 0.5 * (1 - std::cos(2 * 3.14159265358979323846 * i / (hann_s.cols - 1)));
return hann_s;
cv::Mat FDSSTTracker::resizeDFT(const cv::Mat &A, int real_scales)
float scaling = (float)real_scales / n_scales;
cv::Mat M = cv::Mat(cv::Size(real_scales, 1), CV_32FC2, cv::Scalar(0));
int mids = ceil(n_scales / 2);
int mide = floor((n_scales - 1) / 2) - 1;
A *= scaling;
A(cv::Range::all(), cv::Range(0, mids)).copyTo(M(cv::Range::all(), cv::Range(0, mids)));
A(cv::Range::all(), cv::Range(n_scales - mide - 1, n_scales)).copyTo(M(cv::Range::all(), cv::Range(real_scales - mide - 1, real_scales)));
return M;
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