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postplot.m 4.28 KB
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function [ varargout ] = postplot( varargin )
%POSTPLOT Postprocessing and visualization function.
% [ H ] = POSTPLOT( PROB, VARARGIN ) Postprocessing function to plot and
% visualize FEATool problems. PROB is a valid finite element problem
% struct. Accepts the following property/value pairs and optionally
% returns an array H of plot object handles.
% Property Value/{Default} 1D 2D 3D Description
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% surfexpr string expression x x x Surface plot expression
% surfhexpr string expression x Expression for surface height plot
% isoexpr string expression x x Contour/iso-surface plot expression
% isolev scalar{10}|vector x x Number/vector of contour/iso-levels
% isores {[20 20 20]} x Isosurface interpolation resolution
% isocolor {'k'} x Contour/iso-line color
% arrowexpr n_sdim string expressions x x Cell with arrow plot expressions
% arrowcolor {r} x x Arrow color
% arrowspacing vector {[10 10 (10)]} x x Number of arrows in each direction
% sliceexpr string expression x Slice plot expression
% slicex [x-dir. middle of domain] x Slice x-position coordinates
% slicey [y-dir. middle of domain] x Slice y-position coordinates
% slicez [z-dir. middle of domain] x Slice z-position coordinates
% deformexpr n_sdim string expressions x x Cell with deformation expressions
% deformscale scalar {0.1} x x Deformation scaling (geom fraction)
% solnum scalar {n_sols} x x x Solution number/time to plot
% evalstyle exact|{average} x x Shape function evaluation type
% axis off|{on} x x x Show axes
% grid on |{off} x x x Show grid
% view {[-35 20]} x 3D view setting
% axequal off|{on} x x x Axis equal setting
% edges on |{off} x Show internal edges for surface plot
% boundary off|{on} x x Show geometry boundary
% bbox {0.05} x x x Size of bounding box (0=off)
% alpha {1} x Transparency level
% facecolor {interp} x x Cell face style or fixed color
% linestyle {1/3D:-}|{2D:none} x x x Line style
% linewidth {1} x x Line width
% edgecolor {k} x Cell edge line color
% color {k} x Line color
% marker {none} x Marker style
% markersize {5} x Marker size
% markercolor {k} x Marker color
% cellabels on|{off} x x x Show cell numbers
% nodelabels on|{off} x x x Show vertex/node numbers
% fontsize {axes default} x x x Font size used in text
% colormap {jet} x x x Colormap
% colorbar {1D:off}|{2/3D:on} x x x Colorbar toggle
% location {eastoutside} x x x Colorbar location
% selexpr string expression x x x Expression to select cells to plot
% selcells {all} x x x Index vector to cells to plot
% selsubd {all} x x x Index vector to subdomains to plot
% title string x x x Plotly plot title
% renderer {empty string}|plotly x x x Render in MATLAB or Plotly
% parent {gca} x x x Plot axes handle
% setaxes {on}|off x x x Use axes modification settings
% Copyright 2013-2019 Precise Simulation, Ltd.
if( ~nargin && ~nargout ), help postplot, return, end
varargout = cell( 1, nargout );
[varargout{:}] = featool( 'feval', 'postplot', varargin{:} );
if( ~nargout ), clear varargout; end
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