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0037-add-cgroup-v2-doc.patch 57.31 KB
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jake 提交于 2024-04-02 11:50 . upgrade from upstream
From 2cbce684b973bf4e250f41d750253b5b8abde32d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: zhongtao <zhongtao17@huawei.com>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 19:22:11 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 37/43] add cgroup v2 doc
Signed-off-by: zhongtao <zhongtao17@huawei.com>
docs/design/README_zh.md | 2 +
.../detailed/Container/cgroup_v2_design_zh.md | 193 ++++++++++++++++++
docs/images/cgroup_v2_module.svg | 16 ++
3 files changed, 211 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 docs/design/detailed/Container/cgroup_v2_design_zh.md
create mode 100644 docs/images/cgroup_v2_module.svg
diff --git a/docs/design/README_zh.md b/docs/design/README_zh.md
index f2c187a1..b7ec3ddb 100644
--- a/docs/design/README_zh.md
+++ b/docs/design/README_zh.md
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
- 查看 restart 模块的设计文档: [restart_manager_design](./detailed/Container/restart_manager_design.md)。
+- 查看 cgroup v2 的设计文档: [cgroup_v2_design](./detailed/Container/cgroup_v2_design_zh.md)。
## CRI
- 查看 CRI的启动程序的重构文档: [cri_cni_refactor](./detailed/CRI/cri_cni_refactor_zh.md) 。
diff --git a/docs/design/detailed/Container/cgroup_v2_design_zh.md b/docs/design/detailed/Container/cgroup_v2_design_zh.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1ce81d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/design/detailed/Container/cgroup_v2_design_zh.md
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+| Author | zhongtao |
+| ------ | --------------------- |
+| Date | 2024-02-19 |
+| Email | zhongtao17@huawei.com |
+# 方案目标
+cgroup是linux中用于限制进程组资源的功能。cgroup目前包括两个版本,cgroup v1和cgroup v2。cgroup v2的目标是取代cgroup v1,出于兼容性的考虑,cgroup v1并没有在内核中删除,并且大概率会长期存在。该需求的目的为使得iSulad支持cgroup v2.
+## 与cgroup v1差异
+无论是cgroup v1还是cgroup v2,iSulad提供给用户使用的接口都是一致的。不过由于有部分cgroup v1支持的功能在cgroup v2中被去掉了或者实现方式有所变化,因此部分接口在cgroup v2中不可用或者含义发生变化。iSulad支持限制如下资源:
+|资源|功能|和cgroup v1的差异|
+|blkio/io|限制容器的块设备io|不仅限制块设备的IO,也能限制buffer IO|
+## 使用方式
+1. 以限制内存资源为例,假设我们需要限制单个容器最多使用10M内存,则可以在运行容器时加上-m 10m参数进行限制:
+ ```sh
+ [root@openEuler iSulad]# isula run -tid -m 10m busybox sh
+ 000c0c6eb609179062b19a3d2de4d7c38a42c887f55e2a7759ed9df851277163
+ ```
+ -m 10m表示限制容器内最多只能使用10m内存,可以通过isula stats命令查看资源的限制情况:
+ ```sh
+ [root@openEuler iSulad]# isula stats --no-stream 000c0c6eb6
+ 000c0c6eb609 0.00 104.00 KiB / 10.00 MiB 1.02 0.00 B / 0.00 B 1
+ ```
+ 可以动态更新资源的限制:
+ ```sh
+ [root@openEuler iSulad]# isula update -m 20m 000c0c6eb6
+ 000c0c6eb6
+ [root@openEuler iSulad]# isula stats --no-stream 000c0c6eb6
+ 000c0c6eb609 0.00 104.00 KiB / 20.00 MiB 0.51 0.00 B / 0.00 B 1
+ ```
+2. 假设我们要将设备/dev/sda挂载到容器中成为/dev/sdx并限制为只读设备,则可以这么配置:
+ [root@openEuler iSulad]# isula run -ti --rm --device=/dev/sda:/dev/sdx:wm busybox fdisk /dev/sdx
+ fdisk: can't open '/dev/sdx'
+ [root@openEuler iSulad]#
+挂载设备到容器的语法为`--device=$host:$container:rwm $host`指定设备在主机上的绝对路径,$container指定设备在容器内的绝对路径,r表示可读,w表示可写,m表示可以创建node 上述命令中rwm三个参数缺少r参数,也就是说允许写和创建node但是不允许读(即只读)。
+3. 使用cri的PodSandboxStats接口与ContainerStats接口获取容器的资源使用状况:
+[root@openEuler ~]# crictl statsp c3
+ test-sandbox c32556d3bb139 0.00 196.6kB
+[root@openEuler ~]# crictl statsp --output json c3
+ "linux": {
+ "cpu": {
+ "timestamp": "1708499622485777700",
+ "usageCoreNanoSeconds": {
+ "value": "180973"
+ },
+ "usageNanoCores": null
+ },
+ "memory": {
+ "timestamp": "1708499622485777700",
+ "workingSetBytes": {
+ "value": "196608"
+ },
+ "availableBytes": {
+ "value": "0"
+ },
+ "usageBytes": {
+ "value": "4386816"
+ },
+ "rssBytes": {
+ "value": "176128"
+ },
+ "pageFaults": {
+ "value": "1193"
+ },
+ "majorPageFaults": {
+ "value": "6"
+ }
+ },
+ "network": null,
+ "process": {
+ "timestamp": "1708499622485777700",
+ "processCount": {
+ "value": "2"
+ }
+ },
+[root@openEuler ~]# crictl stats 01
+01a726f61c5c3 0.01 3.801MB 16.4kB 8
+[root@openEuler ~]#
+# 总体设计
+在原有只支持cgroup v1的基础上,对cgroup模块进行了重构,重构后的架构图如下:
+1. iSulad在资源控制参数设置和更新过程中,负责参数的合法校验,用于拦截非法请求,真正的cgroup操作由容器运行时完成。
+2. iSulad在获得sandbox资源使用信息时,直接读取sandbox cgroup文件信息。
+# 接口描述
+由于无论是cgroup v1还是cgroup v2,iSulad提供给用户使用的接口都是一致的。
+int verify_container_settings(const oci_runtime_spec *container, const sysinfo_t *sysinfo);
+int verify_host_config_settings(host_config *hostconfig, const sysinfo_t *sysinfo, bool update);
+typedef struct {
+ int (*get_cgroup_info)(cgroup_mem_info_t *meminfo, cgroup_cpu_info_t *cpuinfo,
+ cgroup_hugetlb_info_t *hugetlbinfo, cgroup_blkio_info_t *blkioinfo,
+ cgroup_cpuset_info_t *cpusetinfo, cgroup_pids_info_t *pidsinfo,
+ cgroup_files_info_t *filesinfo, bool quiet);
+ int (*get_cgroup_metrics)(const char *cgroup_path, cgroup_metrics_t *cgroup_metrics);
+ int (*common_find_cgroup_mnt_and_root)(const char *subsystem, char **mountpoint, char **root);
+ char *(*sysinfo_cgroup_controller_cpurt_mnt_path)(void);
+} cgroup_ops;
+int cgroup_v2_ops_init(cgroup_ops *ops)
+ if (ops == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ops->get_cgroup_info = common_get_cgroup_info_v2;
+ ops->get_cgroup_metrics = common_get_cgroup_v2_metrics;
+ ops->common_find_cgroup_mnt_and_root = common_find_cgroup_v2_mnt_and_root;
+ return 0;
+# 详细设计
+ participant isula
+ participant kubelet
+ participant isulad
+ participant runc
+ participant cgroup
+ isula->>isulad: request
+ kubelet->>isulad:request
+ alt run/create/update
+ isulad->>isulad:verify request option
+ isulad->>runc:run/create/update request
+ runc ->> cgroup:write cgroup file
+ else stats
+ par container stats
+ isulad->>runc:container stats request
+ runc ->> cgroup:read cgroup file
+ runc ->> isulad:container stats info
+ and sandbox stats
+ isulad ->> cgroup: read cgroup file
+ end
+ end
+ isulad ->> isula:response
+ isulad ->> kubelet:response
+# 使用限制
+1. 只支持cgroup 挂载点在/sys/fs/cgroup
+2. cgroup v1与cgrooup v2混用场景不支持
+3. 该需求只涉及cgroup v2对runc容器运行时的支持
diff --git a/docs/images/cgroup_v2_module.svg b/docs/images/cgroup_v2_module.svg
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+++ b/docs/images/cgroup_v2_module.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
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+ font-family: "Virgil";
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+ src: url("https://excalidraw.com/Cascadia.woff2");
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4.85, 15.62 0.33 M-0.13 18.44 C4.65 12.94, 9.43 7.45, 15.62 0.33 M0.27 24.08 C6.61 16.78, 12.95 9.49, 21.26 -0.07 M0.27 24.08 C7.35 15.93, 14.44 7.78, 21.26 -0.07 M0 30.48 C10.35 18.58, 20.7 6.67, 26.25 0.29 M0 30.48 C7.06 22.36, 14.12 14.24, 26.25 0.29 M-0.26 36.88 C10.79 24.17, 21.84 11.46, 31.89 -0.1 M-0.26 36.88 C6.72 28.85, 13.7 20.82, 31.89 -0.1 M0.14 42.52 C8.28 33.16, 16.42 23.79, 36.88 0.26 M0.14 42.52 C8.6 32.78, 17.07 23.04, 36.88 0.26 M-0.12 48.92 C10 37.27, 20.13 25.62, 42.52 -0.14 M-0.12 48.92 C15.94 30.44, 32.01 11.95, 42.52 -0.14 M0.27 54.56 C19.08 32.92, 37.89 11.29, 47.51 0.22 M0.27 54.56 C16.07 36.39, 31.87 18.21, 47.51 0.22 M1.32 59.45 C15.2 43.48, 29.08 27.52, 53.15 -0.17 M1.32 59.45 C15.97 42.6, 30.61 25.76, 53.15 -0.17 M6.96 59.05 C18.55 45.73, 30.13 32.4, 58.14 0.19 M6.96 59.05 C21.89 41.88, 36.82 24.71, 58.14 0.19 M11.95 59.42 C23.87 45.71, 35.78 32, 63.78 -0.21 M11.95 59.42 C23.08 46.61, 34.21 33.81, 63.78 -0.21 M17.59 59.02 C31.37 43.17, 45.15 27.32, 68.77 0.15 M17.59 59.02 C31.77 42.72, 45.94 26.41, 68.77 0.15 M22.58 59.38 C39.68 39.72, 56.77 20.05, 74.41 -0.24 M22.58 59.38 C41.62 37.47, 60.67 15.57, 74.41 -0.24 M28.23 58.99 C41.06 44.22, 53.9 29.45, 79.4 0.12 M28.23 58.99 C39.94 45.51, 51.66 32.03, 79.4 0.12 M33.21 59.35 C47.97 42.37, 62.73 25.39, 85.04 -0.28 M33.21 59.35 C51.3 38.53, 69.4 17.72, 85.04 -0.28 M38.86 58.95 C57.09 37.97, 75.33 17, 90.03 0.08 M38.86 58.95 C56.79 38.32, 74.73 17.68, 90.03 0.08 M43.84 59.31 C55.38 46.04, 66.92 32.77, 95.67 -0.31 M43.84 59.31 C58.46 42.5, 73.08 25.68, 95.67 -0.31 M49.49 58.92 C66.46 39.39, 83.43 19.87, 100.66 0.05 M49.49 58.92 C60.16 46.63, 70.84 34.35, 100.66 0.05 M54.47 59.28 C74.29 36.48, 94.11 13.68, 106.3 -0.34 M54.47 59.28 C70.16 41.23, 85.86 23.17, 106.3 -0.34 M59.46 59.64 C79.34 36.76, 99.23 13.89, 111.29 0.02 M59.46 59.64 C71.6 45.67, 83.75 31.7, 111.29 0.02 M65.1 59.24 C76.05 46.65, 86.99 34.06, 116.27 0.38 M65.1 59.24 C78.5 43.83, 91.89 28.42, 116.27 0.38 M70.09 59.6 C84.61 42.9, 99.13 26.19, 121.92 -0.02 M70.09 59.6 C81.62 46.34, 93.15 33.07, 121.92 -0.02 M75.73 59.21 C89.96 42.85, 104.18 26.48, 126.91 0.34 M75.73 59.21 C87.18 46.04, 98.62 32.88, 126.91 0.34 M80.72 59.57 C93.68 44.66, 106.64 29.75, 132.55 -0.05 M80.72 59.57 C92.76 45.71, 104.81 31.86, 132.55 -0.05 M86.36 59.17 C104.09 38.78, 121.81 18.39, 137.54 0.31 M86.36 59.17 C105.14 37.57, 123.92 15.97, 137.54 0.31 M91.35 59.53 C106.02 42.66, 120.69 25.79, 143.18 -0.09 M91.35 59.53 C106.23 42.42, 121.11 25.3, 143.18 -0.09 M96.99 59.14 C112.44 41.37, 127.88 23.61, 148.17 0.27 M96.99 59.14 C111.55 42.39, 126.11 25.64, 148.17 0.27 M101.98 59.5 C113.88 45.81, 125.79 32.11, 153.81 -0.12 M101.98 59.5 C116.17 43.17, 130.36 26.85, 153.81 -0.12 M107.62 59.1 C119.8 45.1, 131.97 31.09, 158.8 0.24 M107.62 59.1 C122.1 42.45, 136.58 25.79, 158.8 0.24 M112.61 59.46 C128.24 41.48, 143.88 23.49, 164.44 -0.16 M112.61 59.46 C125.25 44.92, 137.89 30.38, 164.44 -0.16 M118.25 59.07 C136.64 37.92, 155.02 16.78, 169.43 0.2 M118.25 59.07 C132.75 42.4, 147.24 25.72, 169.43 0.2 M123.24 59.43 C142.49 37.28, 161.75 15.13, 175.07 -0.19 M123.24 59.43 C139.45 40.78, 155.66 22.14, 175.07 -0.19 M128.88 59.04 C143.28 42.48, 157.67 25.92, 180.06 0.17 M128.88 59.04 C145.27 40.19, 161.65 21.34, 180.06 0.17 M133.87 59.4 C148 43.14, 162.13 26.88, 185.7 -0.23 M133.87 59.4 C152.51 37.95, 171.15 16.5, 185.7 -0.23 M139.51 59 C156.42 39.55, 173.33 20.1, 190.69 0.13 M139.51 59 C151.93 44.71, 164.35 30.43, 190.69 0.13 M144.5 59.36 C160.02 41.5, 175.55 23.64, 196.33 -0.26 M144.5 59.36 C161.51 39.79, 178.53 20.22, 196.33 -0.26 M150.14 58.97 C162.64 44.59, 175.13 30.22, 201.32 0.1 M150.14 58.97 C161.09 46.38, 172.03 33.79, 201.32 0.1 M155.13 59.33 C171.07 40.99, 187.01 22.66, 206.96 -0.3 M155.13 59.33 C172.03 39.89, 188.92 20.46, 206.96 -0.3 M160.77 58.93 C174.63 42.99, 188.49 27.05, 211.95 0.06 M160.77 58.93 C171.56 46.53, 182.34 34.12, 211.95 0.06 M165.76 59.29 C176.79 46.6, 187.82 33.91, 217.59 -0.33 M165.76 59.29 C182.58 39.95, 199.39 20.6, 217.59 -0.33 M170.75 59.65 C184.71 43.59, 198.68 27.52, 222.58 0.03 M170.75 59.65 C187.56 40.31, 204.38 20.97, 222.58 0.03 M176.39 59.26 C191.56 41.8, 206.74 24.35, 228.22 -0.36 M176.39 59.26 C189.83 43.79, 203.28 28.33, 228.22 -0.36 M181.38 59.62 C192.29 47.07, 203.19 34.52, 233.21 0 M181.38 59.62 C194.86 44.11, 208.35 28.59, 233.21 0 M187.02 59.22 C201.63 42.42, 216.23 25.62, 238.19 0.36 M187.02 59.22 C203.93 39.77, 220.84 20.32, 238.19 0.36 M192.01 59.58 C206.25 43.19, 220.5 26.81, 243.84 -0.04 M192.01 59.58 C204.3 45.44, 216.6 31.29, 243.84 -0.04 M197.65 59.19 C212.49 42.12, 227.32 25.06, 248.82 0.32 M197.65 59.19 C213.08 41.44, 228.51 23.69, 248.82 0.32 M202.64 59.55 C221.03 38.4, 239.41 17.24, 254.47 -0.07 M202.64 59.55 C217.61 42.32, 232.59 25.1, 254.47 -0.07 M208.28 59.15 C221.91 43.48, 235.53 27.8, 259.45 0.29 M208.28 59.15 C218.53 47.36, 228.79 35.57, 259.45 0.29 M213.27 59.51 C231.57 38.46, 249.88 17.4, 265.1 -0.11 M213.27 59.51 C232.06 37.9, 250.85 16.28, 265.1 -0.11 M218.91 59.12 C236.08 39.37, 253.25 19.62, 270.08 0.25 M218.91 59.12 C230.11 46.23, 241.32 33.34, 270.08 0.25 M223.9 59.48 C238.62 42.55, 253.34 25.61, 275.73 -0.14 M223.9 59.48 C235.29 46.38, 246.68 33.27, 275.73 -0.14 M229.54 59.09 C243.84 42.63, 258.14 26.18, 280.71 0.22 M229.54 59.09 C240.45 46.53, 251.36 33.98, 280.71 0.22 M234.53 59.45 C253.82 37.26, 273.1 15.07, 286.36 -0.18 M234.53 59.45 C251.94 39.42, 269.35 19.39, 286.36 -0.18 M240.17 59.05 C252.51 44.86, 264.84 30.67, 291.34 0.18 M240.17 59.05 C250.57 47.08, 260.98 35.12, 291.34 0.18 M245.16 59.41 C263.48 38.34, 281.79 17.27, 296.99 -0.21 M245.16 59.41 C255.55 47.45, 265.95 35.49, 296.99 -0.21 M250.8 59.02 C262.26 45.83, 273.73 32.64, 301.97 0.15 M250.8 59.02 C264.78 42.93, 278.76 26.85, 301.97 0.15 M255.79 59.38 C275.2 37.04, 294.62 14.71, 307.62 -0.25 M255.79 59.38 C267.06 46.41, 278.33 33.44, 307.62 -0.25 M261.43 58.98 C281.55 35.84, 301.66 12.7, 312.6 0.11 M261.43 58.98 C275.31 43.02, 289.18 27.05, 312.6 0.11 M266.42 59.34 C281.62 41.86, 296.82 24.37, 318.25 -0.28 M266.42 59.34 C277 47.16, 287.59 34.99, 318.25 -0.28 M272.06 58.95 C291.2 36.93, 310.33 14.92, 323.23 0.08 M272.06 58.95 C287.89 40.73, 303.73 22.52, 323.23 0.08 M277.05 59.31 C296.65 36.76, 316.25 14.21, 328.88 -0.31 M277.05 59.31 C292.22 41.86, 307.39 24.41, 328.88 -0.31 M282.69 58.91 C300.76 38.12, 318.83 17.34, 333.86 0.05 M282.69 58.91 C296.21 43.36, 309.73 27.81, 333.86 0.05 M287.68 59.27 C298.51 46.82, 309.33 34.36, 339.51 -0.35 M287.68 59.27 C299.53 45.64, 311.37 32.01, 339.51 -0.35 M292.67 59.63 C312.27 37.08, 331.87 14.53, 344.49 0.01 M292.67 59.63 C306.96 43.18, 321.26 26.74, 344.49 0.01 M298.31 59.24 C317.54 37.11, 336.77 14.99, 349.48 0.37 M298.31 59.24 C312.22 43.23, 326.13 27.23, 349.48 0.37 M303.3 59.6 C316.65 44.23, 330.01 28.87, 355.12 -0.02 M303.3 59.6 C316.2 44.76, 329.1 29.92, 355.12 -0.02 M308.94 59.2 C328.41 36.8, 347.88 14.41, 360.11 0.34 M308.94 59.2 C324.11 41.75, 339.28 24.3, 360.11 0.34 M313.93 59.56 C327.45 44, 340.98 28.45, 365.75 -0.06 M313.93 59.56 C332.16 38.59, 350.39 17.62, 365.75 -0.06 M319.57 59.17 C336.72 39.43, 353.88 19.7, 370.74 0.3 M319.57 59.17 C334.43 42.07, 349.29 24.98, 370.74 0.3 M324.56 59.53 C335.87 46.51, 347.19 33.49, 376.38 -0.09 M324.56 59.53 C340.98 40.63, 357.41 21.73, 376.38 -0.09 M330.2 59.13 C343.68 43.63, 357.16 28.12, 381.37 0.27 M330.2 59.13 C343.28 44.08, 356.37 29.03, 381.37 0.27 M335.19 59.5 C346.65 46.31, 358.11 33.13, 387.01 -0.13 M335.19 59.5 C352.87 39.16, 370.55 18.82, 387.01 -0.13 M340.83 59.1 C361.26 35.6, 381.68 12.1, 392 0.23 M340.83 59.1 C356.62 40.93, 372.41 22.77, 392 0.23 M345.82 59.46 C362.48 40.29, 379.15 21.12, 397.64 -0.16 M345.82 59.46 C365.77 36.51, 385.72 13.56, 397.64 -0.16 M351.46 59.07 C366.19 42.12, 380.92 25.18, 402.63 0.2 M351.46 59.07 C370.86 36.74, 390.27 14.42, 402.63 0.2 M356.45 59.43 C368.51 45.55, 380.57 31.67, 408.27 -0.2 M356.45 59.43 C370.6 43.14, 384.76 26.86, 408.27 -0.2 M362.09 59.03 C376.7 42.23, 391.3 25.43, 413.26 0.16 M362.09 59.03 C378.05 40.67, 394 22.32, 413.26 0.16 M367.08 59.39 C378.94 45.75, 390.8 32.1, 418.9 -0.23 M367.08 59.39 C387.52 35.87, 407.97 12.35, 418.9 -0.23 M372.72 59 C385.98 43.75, 399.24 28.49, 423.89 0.13 M372.72 59 C391.39 37.52, 410.05 16.05, 423.89 0.13 M377.71 59.36 C390.4 44.76, 403.09 30.16, 429.53 -0.26 M377.71 59.36 C388.17 47.32, 398.63 35.29, 429.53 -0.26 M383.35 58.96 C398.02 42.08, 412.7 25.2, 434.52 0.1 M383.35 58.96 C399.24 40.69, 415.12 22.41, 434.52 0.1 M388.34 59.32 C407.86 36.86, 427.39 14.39, 440.16 -0.3 M388.34 59.32 C404.51 40.71, 420.69 22.1, 440.16 -0.3 M393.98 58.93 C412.27 37.89, 430.56 16.84, 445.15 0.06 M393.98 58.93 C411.14 39.19, 428.3 19.45, 445.15 0.06 M398.97 59.29 C418.74 36.54, 438.51 13.8, 450.79 -0.33 M398.97 59.29 C409.66 46.99, 420.35 34.69, 450.79 -0.33 M403.95 59.65 C418 43.49, 432.04 27.34, 455.78 0.03 M403.95 59.65 C421.57 39.39, 439.18 19.13, 455.78 0.03 M409.6 59.25 C429.13 36.79, 448.66 14.32, 461.42 -0.37 M409.6 59.25 C426.67 39.61, 443.75 19.96, 461.42 -0.37 M414.58 59.61 C432.11 39.45, 449.64 19.29, 466.41 -0.01 M414.58 59.61 C426.95 45.39, 439.32 31.16, 466.41 -0.01 M420.23 59.22 C437.71 39.11, 455.19 19, 471.4 0.35 M420.23 59.22 C440.22 36.22, 460.22 13.22, 471.4 0.35 M425.21 59.58 C439.77 42.84, 454.32 26.09, 477.04 -0.04 M425.21 59.58 C438.7 44.06, 452.19 28.54, 477.04 -0.04 M430.86 59.18 C441.89 46.49, 452.92 33.8, 482.03 0.32 M430.86 59.18 C444.33 43.69, 457.79 28.2, 482.03 0.32 M435.84 59.54 C453.03 39.78, 470.21 20.01, 487.67 -0.08 M435.84 59.54 C448.67 44.78, 461.5 30.03, 487.67 -0.08 M441.49 59.15 C461.92 35.64, 482.36 12.13, 492.66 0.28 M441.49 59.15 C456.03 42.42, 470.57 25.7, 492.66 0.28 M446.47 59.51 C463.79 39.59, 481.1 19.68, 498.3 -0.11 M446.47 59.51 C464.99 38.21, 483.5 16.92, 498.3 -0.11 M452.12 59.12 C463.81 45.67, 475.49 32.22, 498.04 6.29 M452.12 59.12 C468.41 40.37, 484.71 21.62, 498.04 6.29 M457.1 59.48 C467.14 47.93, 477.18 36.38, 498.44 11.93 M457.1 59.48 C471.98 42.36, 486.86 25.24, 498.44 11.93 M462.75 59.08 C469.96 50.78, 477.18 42.48, 498.17 18.33 M462.75 59.08 C471.27 49.27, 479.8 39.46, 498.17 18.33 M467.73 59.44 C474.48 51.68, 481.22 43.93, 497.91 24.72 M467.73 59.44 C478.02 47.61, 488.31 35.77, 497.91 24.72 M473.38 59.05 C479.12 52.45, 484.85 45.84, 498.31 30.37 M473.38 59.05 C480.13 51.27, 486.89 43.5, 498.31 30.37 M478.36 59.41 C485.3 51.43, 492.23 43.45, 498.05 36.77 M478.36 59.41 C486.21 50.38, 494.06 41.35, 498.05 36.77 M484.01 59.01 C489.47 52.73, 494.93 46.44, 498.44 42.41 M484.01 59.01 C487.46 55.04, 490.92 51.06, 498.44 42.41 M488.99 59.37 C491.9 56.02, 494.81 52.68, 498.18 48.81 M488.99 59.37 C492.18 55.71, 495.36 52.05, 498.18 48.81 M494.64 58.98 C495.47 58.02, 496.3 57.06, 497.92 55.2 M494.64 58.98 C495.63 57.83, 496.63 56.69, 497.92 55.2" stroke="#b2f2bb" stroke-width="0.5" fill="none"></path><path d="M0 0 C128.04 0, 256.08 0, 498 0 M0 0 C193.36 0, 386.71 0, 498 0 M498 0 C498 15.46, 498 30.92, 498 58 M498 0 C498 16.09, 498 32.18, 498 58 M498 58 C391.86 58, 285.72 58, 0 58 M498 58 C384.43 58, 270.86 58, 0 58 M0 58 C0 46.4, 0 34.79, 0 0 M0 58 C0 35.14, 0 12.29, 0 0" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(558.378380408654 261.50006103515625) rotate(0 59.4677734375 11.5)"><text x="59.4677734375" y="0" font-family="Helvetica, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#1e1e1e" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr" dominant-baseline="text-before-edge">verify module</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round"><g transform="translate(731.1794668344353 200.66668701171875) rotate(0 -0.6252581550315597 20.66668701171875)"><path d="M0 0 C-0.26 8.47, -0.51 16.94, -1.25 41.33 M0 0 C-0.41 13.51, -0.82 27.03, -1.25 41.33" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(731.1794668344353 200.66668701171875) rotate(0 -0.6252581550315597 20.66668701171875)"><path d="M-7.73 21.7 C-6.4 25.72, -5.08 29.74, -1.25 41.33 M-7.73 21.7 C-5.61 28.12, -3.49 34.54, -1.25 41.33" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(731.1794668344353 200.66668701171875) rotate(0 -0.6252581550315597 20.66668701171875)"><path d="M6.41 22.13 C4.84 26.06, 3.27 30, -1.25 41.33 M6.41 22.13 C3.9 28.41, 1.4 34.68, -1.25 41.33" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g></g><mask></mask><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(71.64100529597363 395.3846670297477) rotate(0 284.48724130483777 93.35896888146038)"><path d="M0 0 C0 0, 0 0, 0 0 M0 0 C0 0, 0 0, 0 0 M-0.26 6.4 C1.58 4.28, 3.42 2.16, 4.99 0.36 M-0.26 6.4 C1.6 4.26, 3.45 2.12, 4.99 0.36 M0.13 12.04 C2.5 9.32, 4.86 6.6, 10.63 -0.03 M0.13 12.04 C3.79 7.83, 7.45 3.62, 10.63 -0.03 M-0.13 18.44 C3.77 13.95, 7.67 9.46, 15.62 0.33 M-0.13 18.44 C5.26 12.24, 10.66 6.03, 15.62 0.33 M0.27 24.08 C7.63 15.61, 14.99 7.15, 21.26 -0.07 M0.27 24.08 C5.42 18.15, 10.58 12.22, 21.26 -0.07 M0 30.48 C7.43 21.94, 14.86 13.39, 26.25 0.29 M0 30.48 C6.83 22.63, 13.65 14.78, 26.25 0.29 M-0.26 36.88 C11.62 23.22, 23.49 9.56, 31.89 -0.1 M-0.26 36.88 C11.63 23.21, 23.51 9.53, 31.89 -0.1 M0.14 42.52 C13.72 26.9, 27.3 11.28, 36.88 0.26 M0.14 42.52 C12.31 28.52, 24.49 14.51, 36.88 0.26 M-0.12 48.92 C10.02 37.25, 20.16 25.59, 42.52 -0.14 M-0.12 48.92 C15.45 31.01, 31.02 13.09, 42.52 -0.14 M0.27 54.56 C18.31 33.82, 36.34 13.07, 47.51 0.22 M0.27 54.56 C16.58 35.8, 32.89 17.04, 47.51 0.22 M0.01 60.96 C11.85 47.34, 23.69 33.72, 53.15 -0.17 M0.01 60.96 C15.44 43.21, 30.87 25.46, 53.15 -0.17 M-0.25 67.36 C14.61 50.26, 29.47 33.17, 58.14 0.19 M-0.25 67.36 C20.45 43.55, 41.14 19.74, 58.14 0.19 M0.14 73 C13.03 58.18, 25.92 43.35, 63.78 -0.21 M0.14 73 C20.35 49.75, 40.56 26.5, 63.78 -0.21 M-0.12 79.4 C19.43 56.91, 38.97 34.43, 68.77 0.15 M-0.12 79.4 C25.79 49.6, 51.69 19.8, 68.77 0.15 M0.28 85.04 C27.39 53.85, 54.51 22.65, 74.41 -0.24 M0.28 85.04 C17.58 65.14, 34.88 45.23, 74.41 -0.24 M0.01 91.44 C17.98 70.77, 35.95 50.09, 79.4 0.12 M0.01 91.44 C23.11 64.87, 46.2 38.31, 79.4 0.12 M-0.25 97.84 C26.41 67.17, 53.07 36.5, 85.04 -0.28 M-0.25 97.84 C28.6 64.65, 57.45 31.46, 85.04 -0.28 M0.15 103.48 C18.15 82.77, 36.15 62.06, 90.03 0.08 M0.15 103.48 C31.08 67.9, 62.01 32.32, 90.03 0.08 M-0.11 109.88 C33.76 70.91, 67.63 31.94, 95.67 -0.31 M-0.11 109.88 C33.1 71.67, 66.31 33.46, 95.67 -0.31 M0.28 115.52 C38.85 71.15, 77.43 26.77, 100.66 0.05 M0.28 115.52 C24.85 87.26, 49.42 59, 100.66 0.05 M0.02 121.92 C22.42 96.15, 44.82 70.38, 106.3 -0.34 M0.02 121.92 C30.58 86.76, 61.14 51.61, 106.3 -0.34 M-0.24 128.32 C35.23 87.51, 70.7 46.71, 111.29 0.02 M-0.24 128.32 C29.43 94.19, 59.09 60.06, 111.29 0.02 M0.15 133.96 C36.92 91.66, 73.69 49.36, 116.27 0.38 M0.15 133.96 C23.76 106.81, 47.36 79.65, 116.27 0.38 M-0.11 140.36 C24.57 111.97, 49.25 83.58, 121.92 -0.02 M-0.11 140.36 C42 91.91, 84.12 43.47, 121.92 -0.02 M0.29 146 C40.16 100.13, 80.03 54.26, 126.91 0.34 M0.29 146 C32.03 109.48, 63.78 72.96, 126.91 0.34 M0.02 152.4 C52.83 91.65, 105.64 30.9, 132.55 -0.05 M0.02 152.4 C50.83 93.96, 101.63 35.52, 132.55 -0.05 M-0.24 158.8 C49.37 101.73, 98.98 44.66, 137.54 0.31 M-0.24 158.8 C27.42 126.98, 55.08 95.16, 137.54 0.31 M0.16 164.44 C47.25 110.26, 94.35 56.08, 143.18 -0.09 M0.16 164.44 C49.65 107.5, 99.15 50.56, 143.18 -0.09 M-0.1 170.84 C32.17 133.71, 64.45 96.57, 148.17 0.27 M-0.1 170.84 C50.05 113.15, 100.2 55.45, 148.17 0.27 M0.29 176.48 C58.34 109.7, 116.39 42.92, 153.81 -0.12 M0.29 176.48 C55.97 112.42, 111.66 48.37, 153.81 -0.12 M0.03 182.88 C57.85 116.36, 115.67 49.85, 158.8 0.24 M0.03 182.88 C57.52 116.74, 115.01 50.61, 158.8 0.24 M1.08 187.77 C64.7 114.58, 128.32 41.39, 164.44 -0.16 M1.08 187.77 C38.12 145.15, 75.16 102.54, 164.44 -0.16 M6.72 187.37 C53.41 133.66, 100.1 79.96, 169.43 0.2 M6.72 187.37 C53.15 133.96, 99.59 80.54, 169.43 0.2 M11.71 187.73 C71.91 118.47, 132.12 49.22, 175.07 -0.19 M11.71 187.73 C60.02 132.16, 108.33 76.58, 175.07 -0.19 M17.35 187.34 C79.87 115.41, 142.4 43.49, 180.06 0.17 M17.35 187.34 C71.88 124.61, 126.41 61.88, 180.06 0.17 M22.34 187.7 C84.7 115.96, 147.06 44.23, 185.7 -0.23 M22.34 187.7 C86.25 114.17, 150.17 40.65, 185.7 -0.23 M27.33 188.06 C70.69 138.18, 114.05 88.3, 190.69 0.13 M27.33 188.06 C68.58 140.6, 109.83 93.15, 190.69 0.13 M32.97 187.66 C74.82 139.51, 116.68 91.37, 196.33 -0.26 M32.97 187.66 C81.81 131.48, 130.65 75.29, 196.33 -0.26 M37.96 188.02 C78.89 140.93, 119.83 93.84, 201.32 0.1 M37.96 188.02 C102.11 114.22, 166.27 40.42, 201.32 0.1 M43.6 187.63 C89.37 134.98, 135.13 82.33, 206.96 -0.3 M43.6 187.63 C87.49 137.14, 131.37 86.66, 206.96 -0.3 M48.59 187.99 C92.84 137.08, 137.1 86.17, 211.95 0.06 M48.59 187.99 C85.34 145.7, 122.1 103.42, 211.95 0.06 M54.23 187.59 C103.67 130.72, 153.11 73.84, 217.59 -0.33 M54.23 187.59 C105.54 128.57, 156.84 69.55, 217.59 -0.33 M59.22 187.95 C119.4 118.72, 179.59 49.48, 222.58 0.03 M59.22 187.95 C97.23 144.22, 135.25 100.49, 222.58 0.03 M64.86 187.56 C103.05 143.63, 141.23 99.7, 228.22 -0.36 M64.86 187.56 C116 128.72, 167.15 69.89, 228.22 -0.36 M69.85 187.92 C134.56 113.47, 199.28 39.03, 233.21 0 M69.85 187.92 C104.68 147.85, 139.5 107.79, 233.21 0 M75.49 187.52 C131.53 123.06, 187.57 58.6, 238.19 0.36 M75.49 187.52 C125.54 129.95, 175.59 72.38, 238.19 0.36 M80.48 187.88 C132.43 128.12, 184.39 68.35, 243.84 -0.04 M80.48 187.88 C142.22 116.86, 203.96 45.84, 243.84 -0.04 M86.12 187.49 C145.76 118.88, 205.4 50.27, 248.82 0.32 M86.12 187.49 C119.25 149.38, 152.38 111.27, 248.82 0.32 M91.11 187.85 C141.58 129.79, 192.05 71.73, 254.47 -0.07 M91.11 187.85 C132.35 140.41, 173.58 92.97, 254.47 -0.07 M96.75 187.45 C160.69 113.9, 224.64 40.34, 259.45 0.29 M96.75 187.45 C140.87 136.7, 185 85.94, 259.45 0.29 M101.74 187.82 C143.35 139.95, 184.96 92.08, 265.1 -0.11 M101.74 187.82 C163.21 117.1, 224.67 46.39, 265.1 -0.11 M107.38 187.42 C168.81 116.75, 230.25 46.08, 270.08 0.25 M107.38 187.42 C147.14 141.68, 186.91 95.94, 270.08 0.25 M112.37 187.78 C153.55 140.41, 194.72 93.04, 275.73 -0.14 M112.37 187.78 C145.54 149.62, 178.72 111.45, 275.73 -0.14 M118.01 187.39 C156.24 143.41, 194.47 99.43, 280.71 0.22 M118.01 187.39 C154.04 145.94, 190.06 104.5, 280.71 0.22 M123 187.75 C173.43 129.73, 223.86 71.71, 286.36 -0.18 M123 187.75 C155.76 150.06, 188.53 112.36, 286.36 -0.18 M128.64 187.35 C184.1 123.56, 239.55 59.76, 291.34 0.18 M128.64 187.35 C187.94 119.13, 247.25 50.91, 291.34 0.18 M133.63 187.71 C173.37 141.99, 213.11 96.27, 296.99 -0.21 M133.63 187.71 C190.88 121.85, 248.14 55.98, 296.99 -0.21 M138.61 188.07 C176.48 144.51, 214.35 100.95, 301.97 0.15 M138.61 188.07 C203.94 112.92, 269.27 37.77, 301.97 0.15 M144.26 187.68 C207.21 115.26, 270.15 42.85, 307.62 -0.25 M144.26 187.68 C184.88 140.95, 225.5 94.22, 307.62 -0.25 M149.24 188.04 C199.13 130.65, 249.02 73.26, 312.6 0.11 M149.24 188.04 C201.19 128.28, 253.14 68.52, 312.6 0.11 M154.89 187.64 C199.87 135.89, 244.86 84.15, 318.25 -0.28 M154.89 187.64 C188.37 149.12, 221.86 110.6, 318.25 -0.28 M159.87 188 C212.16 127.86, 264.44 67.72, 323.23 0.08 M159.87 188 C204.51 136.66, 249.14 85.31, 323.23 0.08 M165.52 187.61 C225.12 119.05, 284.71 50.49, 328.88 -0.31 M165.52 187.61 C221.62 123.07, 277.72 58.54, 328.88 -0.31 M170.51 187.97 C218.73 132.49, 266.95 77.02, 333.86 0.05 M170.51 187.97 C216.91 134.59, 263.31 81.21, 333.86 0.05 M176.15 187.57 C227.78 128.17, 279.42 68.77, 339.51 -0.35 M176.15 187.57 C225.47 130.83, 274.8 74.09, 339.51 -0.35 M181.14 187.93 C215.64 148.24, 250.14 108.55, 344.49 0.01 M181.14 187.93 C235.53 125.36, 289.93 62.78, 344.49 0.01 M186.78 187.54 C235.99 130.93, 285.2 74.31, 349.48 0.37 M186.78 187.54 C240.9 125.27, 295.03 63.01, 349.48 0.37 M191.77 187.9 C242.3 129.77, 292.83 71.63, 355.12 -0.02 M191.77 187.9 C235.33 137.78, 278.9 87.66, 355.12 -0.02 M197.41 187.5 C247.56 129.81, 297.71 72.12, 360.11 0.34 M197.41 187.5 C230.23 149.75, 263.05 111.99, 360.11 0.34 M202.4 187.86 C266.4 114.23, 330.41 40.6, 365.75 -0.06 M202.4 187.86 C250.72 132.27, 299.05 76.68, 365.75 -0.06 M208.04 187.47 C245.22 144.69, 282.41 101.92, 370.74 0.3 M208.04 187.47 C255.11 133.32, 302.18 79.18, 370.74 0.3 M213.03 187.83 C265.6 127.35, 318.17 66.87, 376.38 -0.09 M213.03 187.83 C261.23 132.37, 309.44 76.92, 376.38 -0.09 M218.67 187.44 C278.8 118.27, 338.92 49.1, 381.37 0.27 M218.67 187.44 C265.8 133.22, 312.92 79.01, 381.37 0.27 M223.66 187.8 C276.49 127.02, 329.32 66.24, 387.01 -0.13 M223.66 187.8 C273.21 130.79, 322.76 73.79, 387.01 -0.13 M229.3 187.4 C285.97 122.21, 342.64 57.01, 392 0.23 M229.3 187.4 C279.92 129.17, 330.54 70.94, 392 0.23 M234.29 187.76 C280.3 134.83, 326.31 81.9, 397.64 -0.16 M234.29 187.76 C270.77 145.79, 307.25 103.82, 397.64 -0.16 M239.93 187.37 C303.84 113.84, 367.76 40.31, 402.63 0.2 M239.93 187.37 C301.12 116.97, 362.31 46.58, 402.63 0.2 M244.92 187.73 C284.53 142.15, 324.15 96.58, 408.27 -0.2 M244.92 187.73 C297.53 127.2, 350.14 66.68, 408.27 -0.2 M250.56 187.33 C289.94 142.03, 329.33 96.72, 413.26 0.16 M250.56 187.33 C302.79 127.25, 355.02 67.16, 413.26 0.16 M255.55 187.69 C306.66 128.89, 357.77 70.09, 418.9 -0.23 M255.55 187.69 C309.53 125.58, 363.52 63.48, 418.9 -0.23 M260.53 188.05 C300.7 141.85, 340.86 95.65, 423.89 0.13 M260.53 188.05 C308.95 132.35, 357.37 76.65, 423.89 0.13 M266.18 187.66 C325.09 119.89, 384 52.12, 429.53 -0.26 M266.18 187.66 C322.32 123.07, 378.46 58.49, 429.53 -0.26 M271.16 188.02 C314.46 138.21, 357.76 88.4, 434.52 0.1 M271.16 188.02 C314.75 137.87, 358.34 87.73, 434.52 0.1 M276.81 187.62 C328.19 128.52, 379.57 69.41, 440.16 -0.3 M276.81 187.62 C329.19 127.36, 381.58 67.09, 440.16 -0.3 M281.79 187.98 C342.46 118.19, 403.13 48.4, 445.15 0.06 M281.79 187.98 C332.59 129.55, 383.38 71.12, 445.15 0.06 M287.44 187.59 C330.61 137.92, 373.79 88.25, 450.79 -0.33 M287.44 187.59 C350.28 115.29, 413.13 42.99, 450.79 -0.33 M292.42 187.95 C349.2 122.63, 405.98 57.32, 455.78 0.03 M292.42 187.95 C344.93 127.55, 397.43 67.15, 455.78 0.03 M298.07 187.55 C356.97 119.79, 415.88 52.03, 461.42 -0.37 M298.07 187.55 C350.83 126.85, 403.6 66.15, 461.42 -0.37 M303.05 187.91 C366.31 115.15, 429.56 42.39, 466.41 -0.01 M303.05 187.91 C352.88 130.59, 402.71 73.27, 466.41 -0.01 M308.7 187.52 C359.95 128.56, 411.21 69.6, 471.4 0.35 M308.7 187.52 C355.37 133.83, 402.04 80.14, 471.4 0.35 M313.68 187.88 C378.19 113.67, 442.69 39.47, 477.04 -0.04 M313.68 187.88 C359.85 134.77, 406.01 81.67, 477.04 -0.04 M319.33 187.49 C368.16 131.31, 416.99 75.14, 482.03 0.32 M319.33 187.49 C366.77 132.91, 414.21 78.33, 482.03 0.32 M324.31 187.85 C371.05 134.09, 417.78 80.33, 487.67 -0.08 M324.31 187.85 C387.86 114.74, 451.42 41.63, 487.67 -0.08 M329.96 187.45 C370.53 140.78, 411.09 94.11, 492.66 0.28 M329.96 187.45 C381.47 128.19, 432.99 68.92, 492.66 0.28 M334.94 187.81 C381.87 133.83, 428.79 79.85, 498.3 -0.11 M334.94 187.81 C395.92 117.67, 456.89 47.52, 498.3 -0.11 M340.59 187.42 C398.69 120.58, 456.79 53.73, 503.29 0.25 M340.59 187.42 C374.02 148.96, 407.45 110.49, 503.29 0.25 M345.57 187.78 C384.09 143.47, 422.6 99.17, 508.93 -0.15 M345.57 187.78 C394.3 131.72, 443.04 75.66, 508.93 -0.15 M351.22 187.38 C412.85 116.49, 474.47 45.59, 513.92 0.21 M351.22 187.38 C410.71 118.94, 470.21 50.49, 513.92 0.21 M356.2 187.74 C401.94 135.13, 447.67 82.52, 519.56 -0.18 M356.2 187.74 C395.61 142.41, 435.02 97.07, 519.56 -0.18 M361.85 187.35 C415.64 125.47, 469.43 63.58, 524.55 0.18 M361.85 187.35 C405.59 137.03, 449.33 86.71, 524.55 0.18 M366.83 187.71 C428.76 116.47, 490.68 45.24, 530.19 -0.22 M366.83 187.71 C431.07 113.82, 495.3 39.92, 530.19 -0.22 M371.82 188.07 C435.51 114.8, 499.19 41.54, 535.18 0.14 M371.82 188.07 C429.09 122.18, 486.37 56.3, 535.18 0.14 M377.46 187.67 C410.67 149.47, 443.88 111.27, 540.82 -0.25 M377.46 187.67 C436.17 120.13, 494.89 52.6, 540.82 -0.25 M382.45 188.03 C446.92 113.87, 511.39 39.71, 545.81 0.11 M382.45 188.03 C433.21 129.64, 483.97 71.25, 545.81 0.11 M388.09 187.64 C426.28 143.71, 464.46 99.79, 551.45 -0.28 M388.09 187.64 C430.42 138.95, 472.74 90.26, 551.45 -0.28 M393.08 188 C449.29 123.33, 505.5 58.67, 556.44 0.08 M393.08 188 C427.87 147.97, 462.67 107.95, 556.44 0.08 M398.72 187.6 C441.6 138.28, 484.48 88.95, 562.08 -0.32 M398.72 187.6 C435.57 145.21, 472.42 102.82, 562.08 -0.32 M403.71 187.96 C452.43 131.92, 501.15 75.88, 567.07 0.04 M403.71 187.96 C466.64 115.57, 529.58 43.17, 567.07 0.04 M409.35 187.57 C456.57 133.25, 503.79 78.94, 570.74 1.91 M409.35 187.57 C458.78 130.71, 508.21 73.84, 570.74 1.91 M414.34 187.93 C457.93 137.78, 501.53 87.63, 571.14 7.55 M414.34 187.93 C464.43 130.31, 514.52 72.69, 571.14 7.55 M419.98 187.53 C455.88 146.25, 491.77 104.96, 570.88 13.95 M419.98 187.53 C474.7 124.59, 529.42 61.64, 570.88 13.95 M424.97 187.89 C478.19 126.68, 531.4 65.46, 570.62 20.35 M424.97 187.89 C479.08 125.65, 533.19 63.4, 570.62 20.35 M430.61 187.5 C461.96 151.44, 493.32 115.37, 571.01 25.99 M430.61 187.5 C482.58 127.72, 534.55 67.94, 571.01 25.99 M435.6 187.86 C463.06 156.28, 490.51 124.69, 570.75 32.39 M435.6 187.86 C470.95 147.2, 506.3 106.53, 570.75 32.39 M441.24 187.47 C478.22 144.93, 515.2 102.39, 571.14 38.03 M441.24 187.47 C482.61 139.88, 523.97 92.3, 571.14 38.03 M446.23 187.83 C483.02 145.51, 519.81 103.19, 570.88 44.43 M446.23 187.83 C492.81 134.25, 539.38 80.67, 570.88 44.43 M451.87 187.43 C483.79 150.72, 515.7 114.01, 570.62 50.83 M451.87 187.43 C488.81 144.94, 525.75 102.45, 570.62 50.83 M456.86 187.79 C491.8 147.6, 526.73 107.42, 571.02 56.47 M456.86 187.79 C486.08 154.18, 515.3 120.57, 571.02 56.47 M462.5 187.4 C498.57 145.91, 534.64 104.42, 570.75 62.87 M462.5 187.4 C491.27 154.3, 520.04 121.2, 570.75 62.87 M467.49 187.76 C504.96 144.65, 542.43 101.54, 571.15 68.51 M467.49 187.76 C500.74 149.51, 533.98 111.27, 571.15 68.51 M473.13 187.36 C497.25 159.63, 521.36 131.89, 570.89 74.91 M473.13 187.36 C494.09 163.26, 515.04 139.16, 570.89 74.91 M478.12 187.72 C510.33 150.67, 542.53 113.63, 570.63 81.31 M478.12 187.72 C509.96 151.09, 541.81 114.46, 570.63 81.31 M483.76 187.33 C508.95 158.35, 534.14 129.37, 571.02 86.95 M483.76 187.33 C501.44 167, 519.11 146.66, 571.02 86.95 M488.75 187.69 C506.26 167.55, 523.77 147.4, 570.76 93.35 M488.75 187.69 C518.83 153.08, 548.92 118.48, 570.76 93.35 M493.74 188.05 C520.82 156.9, 547.9 125.75, 571.15 98.99 M493.74 188.05 C523.96 153.29, 554.18 118.52, 571.15 98.99 M499.38 187.65 C518.41 165.77, 537.43 143.88, 570.89 105.39 M499.38 187.65 C527.48 155.33, 555.58 123, 570.89 105.39 M504.37 188.01 C519.7 170.37, 535.04 152.73, 570.63 111.79 M504.37 188.01 C527.67 161.21, 550.97 134.41, 570.63 111.79 M510.01 187.62 C526.8 168.3, 543.59 148.99, 571.03 117.43 M510.01 187.62 C527.77 167.19, 545.53 146.76, 571.03 117.43 M515 187.98 C534.29 165.79, 553.58 143.59, 570.76 123.83 M515 187.98 C535.88 163.96, 556.76 139.94, 570.76 123.83 M520.64 187.58 C539.4 166.01, 558.15 144.44, 571.16 129.47 M520.64 187.58 C535.48 170.51, 550.32 153.44, 571.16 129.47 M525.63 187.94 C535.44 176.66, 545.25 165.37, 570.9 135.87 M525.63 187.94 C541.96 169.15, 558.3 150.36, 570.9 135.87 M531.27 187.55 C544.87 171.9, 558.48 156.26, 570.64 142.27 M531.27 187.55 C542.99 174.07, 554.7 160.6, 570.64 142.27 M536.26 187.91 C549.4 172.79, 562.54 157.68, 571.03 147.91 M536.26 187.91 C547.63 174.83, 559 161.75, 571.03 147.91 M541.9 187.52 C552.01 175.88, 562.13 164.25, 570.77 154.31 M541.9 187.52 C552.39 175.45, 562.88 163.39, 570.77 154.31 M546.89 187.88 C553.56 180.2, 560.23 172.53, 571.16 159.95 M546.89 187.88 C554.25 179.41, 561.6 170.95, 571.16 159.95 M552.53 187.48 C559.85 179.06, 567.18 170.63, 570.9 166.35 M552.53 187.48 C556.49 182.93, 560.45 178.37, 570.9 166.35 M557.52 187.84 C562.29 182.36, 567.06 176.87, 570.64 172.75 M557.52 187.84 C560.58 184.32, 563.64 180.8, 570.64 172.75 M563.16 187.45 C565.25 185.05, 567.33 182.65, 571.04 178.39 M563.16 187.45 C565.86 184.34, 568.56 181.23, 571.04 178.39" stroke="#b2f2bb" stroke-width="0.5" fill="none"></path><path d="M0 0 C121.22 0, 242.44 0, 568.97 0 M0 0 C164.3 0, 328.6 0, 568.97 0 M568.97 0 C568.97 60.43, 568.97 120.86, 568.97 186.72 M568.97 0 C568.97 53.24, 568.97 106.47, 568.97 186.72 M568.97 186.72 C349.73 186.72, 130.49 186.72, 0 186.72 M568.97 186.72 C381.6 186.72, 194.22 186.72, 0 186.72 M0 186.72 C0 123.26, 0 59.81, 0 0 M0 186.72 C0 124.43, 0 62.13, 0 0" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(91.08545878266341 410.62101028311974) rotate(0 66.15234375 11.5)"><text x="0" y="0" font-family="Helvetica, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#1e1e1e" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr" dominant-baseline="text-before-edge">cgroup module</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(109.21805279071555 154.46154315655042) rotate(0 102.5 30)"><path d="M0 0 C76.31 0, 152.62 0, 205 0 M0 0 C60.02 0, 120.04 0, 205 0 M205 0 C205 17.63, 205 35.25, 205 60 M205 0 C205 17.11, 205 34.22, 205 60 M205 60 C150.16 60, 95.33 60, 0 60 M205 60 C142.29 60, 79.57 60, 0 60 M0 60 C0 47.33, 0 34.67, 0 0 M0 60 C0 42.71, 0 25.43, 0 0" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(144.18875591571555 172.96154315655042) rotate(0 67.529296875 11.5)"><text x="67.529296875" y="0" font-family="Helvetica, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#1e1e1e" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr" dominant-baseline="text-before-edge">isulad-&gt; main.c</text></g><g mask="url(#mask-Z2IlJidp5B5mEt1LY22zf)" stroke-linecap="round"><g transform="translate(208.85173473177133 216.65387197641223) rotate(0 -0.33793531837079627 90.40968941641856)"><path d="M0 0 C-0.14 36.52, -0.27 73.03, -0.68 180.82 M0 0 C-0.17 45.12, -0.34 90.24, -0.68 180.82" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(208.85173473177133 216.65387197641223) rotate(0 -0.33793531837079627 90.40968941641856)"><path d="M-10.83 152.59 C-8.78 158.29, -6.73 163.99, -0.68 180.82 M-10.83 152.59 C-8.3 159.63, -5.76 166.68, -0.68 180.82" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(208.85173473177133 216.65387197641223) rotate(0 -0.33793531837079627 90.40968941641856)"><path d="M9.69 152.67 C7.6 158.35, 5.5 164.04, -0.68 180.82 M9.69 152.67 C7.1 159.69, 4.52 166.72, -0.68 180.82" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g></g><mask id="mask-Z2IlJidp5B5mEt1LY22zf"><rect x="0" y="0" fill="#fff" width="309.5276053685129" height="497.47325080924935"></rect><rect x="137.90833066340053" y="295.5635613928308" fill="#000" width="141.2109375" height="23" opacity="1"></rect></mask><g transform="translate(137.90833066340053 295.5635613928308) rotate(0 70.60546875 11.5)"><text x="70.60546875" y="0" font-family="Helvetica, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#1e1e1e" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr" dominant-baseline="text-before-edge">cgroup_ops_init</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(101.82307753274779 508.3165004206021) rotate(0 98 29)"><path d="M0 0 C40.3 0, 80.6 0, 196 0 M0 0 C39.68 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transform="translate(847.9580239569957 463.60901384450085) rotate(0 3.7916014027637033 104.80790931965728)"><path d="M0 0 C2.02 55.88, 4.04 111.75, 7.58 209.62 M0 0 C2.1 58.15, 4.21 116.29, 7.58 209.62" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(847.9580239569957 463.60901384450085) rotate(0 3.7916014027637033 104.80790931965728)"><path d="M-3.69 181.81 C-0.68 189.23, 2.32 196.64, 7.58 209.62 M-3.69 181.81 C-0.56 189.53, 2.56 197.24, 7.58 209.62" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(847.9580239569957 463.60901384450085) rotate(0 3.7916014027637033 104.80790931965728)"><path d="M16.82 181.07 C14.36 188.68, 11.89 196.29, 7.58 209.62 M16.82 181.07 C14.26 188.99, 11.69 196.91, 7.58 209.62" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g></g><mask></mask><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(741.141995638666 683.0577882873695) rotate(0 123 29.5)"><path d="M0 0 C61.28 0, 122.55 0, 246 0 M0 0 C67 0, 134.01 0, 246 0 M246 0 C246 21.57, 246 43.14, 246 59 M246 0 C246 13.82, 246 27.63, 246 59 M246 59 C169.83 59, 93.66 59, 0 59 M246 59 C150.65 59, 55.31 59, 0 59 M0 59 C0 42.6, 0 26.21, 0 0 M0 59 C0 36.92, 0 14.83, 0 0" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(844.688870638666 701.0577882873695) rotate(0 19.453125 11.5)"><text x="19.453125" y="0" font-family="Helvetica, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#1e1e1e" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr" dominant-baseline="text-before-edge">runc</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(360.61538461538487 150.39745154747584) rotate(0 114 26.5)"><path d="M0 0 C73.79 0, 147.58 0, 228 0 M0 0 C65.01 0, 130.01 0, 228 0 M228 0 C228 20.42, 228 40.85, 228 53 M228 0 C228 17.45, 228 34.91, 228 53 M228 53 C150.52 53, 73.03 53, 0 53 M228 53 C151.94 53, 75.87 53, 0 53 M0 53 C0 39.84, 0 26.68, 0 0 M0 53 C0 34.52, 0 16.05, 0 0" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(418.47280649038487 165.39745154747584) rotate(0 56.142578125 11.5)"><text x="56.142578125" y="0" font-family="Helvetica, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#1e1e1e" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr" dominant-baseline="text-before-edge">isula module</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(10 107.66668231670661) rotate(0 520.0000000000003 250.25641808143044)"><path d="M0 0 C319.44 0, 638.88 0, 1040 0 M1040 0 C1040 153.69, 1040 307.37, 1040 500.51 M1040 500.51 C742.63 500.51, 445.26 500.51, 0 500.51 M0 500.51 C0 340.73, 0 180.94, 0 0" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1.5" fill="none" stroke-dasharray="8 9"></path></g><g stroke-linecap="round"><g transform="translate(472.56413386418296 205.10259540264417) rotate(0 0 20.512812687800476)"><path d="M0 0 C0 12.05, 0 24.11, 0 41.03 M0 0 C0 11.7, 0 23.4, 0 41.03" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(472.56413386418296 205.10259540264417) rotate(0 0 20.512812687800476)"><path d="M-7.02 21.75 C-4.95 27.41, -2.89 33.08, 0 41.03 M-7.02 21.75 C-5.01 27.25, -3.01 32.74, 0 41.03" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(472.56413386418296 205.10259540264417) rotate(0 0 20.512812687800476)"><path d="M7.02 21.75 C4.95 27.41, 2.89 33.08, 0 41.03 M7.02 21.75 C5.01 27.25, 3.01 32.74, 0 41.03" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g></g><mask></mask><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(257.0740559895836 417.0356324459415) rotate(0 98 29)"><path d="M0 0 C65.48 0, 130.97 0, 196 0 M0 0 C63.94 0, 127.88 0, 196 0 M196 0 C196 15.77, 196 31.53, 196 58 M196 0 C196 12.32, 196 24.64, 196 58 M196 58 C147.67 58, 99.34 58, 0 58 M196 58 C123.95 58, 51.9 58, 0 58 M0 58 C0 36.42, 0 14.84, 0 0 M0 58 C0 35.7, 0 13.39, 0 0" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(267.2517903645836 434.5356324459415) rotate(0 87.822265625 11.5)"><text x="87.822265625" y="0" font-family="Helvetica, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#1e1e1e" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr" dominant-baseline="text-before-edge">common cgroup api</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round"><g transform="translate(302.04162786372365 476.17288734790225) rotate(0 -36.3238555368913 12.234823288057385)"><path d="M0 0 C-21.71 7.31, -43.41 14.62, -72.65 24.47 M0 0 C-24.16 8.14, -48.31 16.27, -72.65 24.47" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(302.04162786372365 476.17288734790225) rotate(0 -36.3238555368913 12.234823288057385)"><path d="M-49.21 5.75 C-56.21 11.34, -63.21 16.94, -72.65 24.47 M-49.21 5.75 C-57 11.97, -64.8 18.2, -72.65 24.47" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(302.04162786372365 476.17288734790225) rotate(0 -36.3238555368913 12.234823288057385)"><path d="M-42.66 25.19 C-51.62 24.98, -60.58 24.76, -72.65 24.47 M-42.66 25.19 C-52.63 24.95, -62.6 24.71, -72.65 24.47" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g></g><mask></mask><g stroke-linecap="round"><g transform="translate(396.4073802806717 477.44310314906653) rotate(0 37.92595757378467 10.962953920717581)"><path d="M0 0 C18.86 5.45, 37.71 10.9, 75.85 21.93 M0 0 C16.62 4.8, 33.23 9.61, 75.85 21.93" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(396.4073802806717 477.44310314906653) rotate(0 37.92595757378467 10.962953920717581)"><path d="M45.92 23.95 C53.36 23.45, 60.8 22.95, 75.85 21.93 M45.92 23.95 C52.48 23.51, 59.03 23.07, 75.85 21.93" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(396.4073802806717 477.44310314906653) rotate(0 37.92595757378467 10.962953920717581)"><path d="M51.62 4.24 C57.64 8.64, 63.67 13.03, 75.85 21.93 M51.62 4.24 C56.93 8.11, 62.24 11.99, 75.85 21.93" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g></g><mask></mask><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(279.5661335676041 685.5203469732791) rotate(0 123 29.5)"><path d="M0 0 C51.97 0, 103.94 0, 246 0 M0 0 C79.29 0, 158.58 0, 246 0 M246 0 C246 14.61, 246 29.22, 246 59 M246 0 C246 14.91, 246 29.81, 246 59 M246 59 C161.48 59, 76.96 59, 0 59 M246 59 C190.09 59, 134.19 59, 0 59 M0 59 C0 43.43, 0 27.85, 0 0 M0 59 C0 38.7, 0 18.4, 0 0" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(356.4284382551041 703.5203469732791) rotate(0 46.1376953125 11.5)"><text x="46.1376953125" y="0" font-family="Helvetica, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#1e1e1e" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr" dominant-baseline="text-before-edge">cgroup file</text></g><g mask="url(#mask-EYY2S4Db98XZJRcvHx1vQ)" stroke-linecap="round"><g transform="translate(371.8052665912037 581.8665635115902) rotate(0 0.8604642600295591 49.47556254594039)"><path d="M0 0 C0.53 30.21, 1.05 60.42, 1.72 98.95 M0 0 C0.61 35.09, 1.22 70.19, 1.72 98.95" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(371.8052665912037 581.8665635115902) rotate(0 0.8604642600295591 49.47556254594039)"><path d="M-9.03 70.94 C-5.75 79.49, -2.47 88.04, 1.72 98.95 M-9.03 70.94 C-5.22 80.88, -1.4 90.81, 1.72 98.95" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(371.8052665912037 581.8665635115902) rotate(0 0.8604642600295591 49.47556254594039)"><path d="M11.49 70.59 C8.51 79.25, 5.53 87.91, 1.72 98.95 M11.49 70.59 C8.03 80.65, 4.56 90.71, 1.72 98.95" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g></g><mask id="mask-EYY2S4Db98XZJRcvHx1vQ"><rect x="0" y="0" fill="#fff" width="473.52619511126284" height="780.817688603471"></rect><rect x="328.75948085123326" y="619.8421260575307" fill="#000" width="87.8125" height="23" opacity="1"></rect></mask><g transform="translate(328.75948085123326 619.8421260575305) rotate(0 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d="M-185.32 11.44 C-192.55 8.86, -199.79 6.28, -213.58 1.36 M-185.32 11.44 C-192.8 8.77, -200.29 6.1, -213.58 1.36" stroke="#1e1e1e" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g></g><mask id="mask-sovtxKH081DyUEeId5jis"><rect x="0" y="0" fill="#fff" width="1053.717857709728" height="819.5981179988885"></rect><rect x="589.447814603135" y="707.4167416299572" fill="#000" width="87.8125" height="23" opacity="1"></rect></mask><g transform="translate(589.447814603135 707.4167416299572) rotate(0 43.90625 11.500000000000028)"><text x="43.90625" y="0" font-family="Helvetica, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#1e1e1e" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr" dominant-baseline="text-before-edge">read/write</text></g></svg>
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马建仓 AI 助手
