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robot.py 142.61 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Andrew Hundt 提交于 2021-06-15 11:43 . robot.py add --human_reset
import socket
import select
import struct
import time
import os
import numpy as np
import itertools
import utils
import traceback
import copy
from simulation import vrep
from scipy import ndimage, misc
from glob import glob
import pdb
from gripper.robotiq_2f_gripper_ctrl import RobotiqCGripper
except ImportError:
print('Real robotiq gripper control is not available. '
'Ensure pymodbus is installed:\n'
' pip3 install --user --upgrade pymodbus\n')
RobotiqCGripper = None
def gripper_control_pose_to_arm_control_pose(gripper_translation, gripper_orientation, gripper_to_arm_transform=None):
# arm_trans = np.eye(4,4)
# arm_trans[0:3,3] = np.asarray(gripper_translation)
# # gripper_orientation = [-gripper_orientation[0], -gripper_orientation[1], -gripper_orientation[2]]
# arm_rotm = np.eye(4,4)
# arm_rotm[0:3,0:3] = np.linalg.inv(utils.euler2rotm(gripper_orientation))
# gripper_pose = np.dot(arm_trans, arm_rotm) # Compute rigid transformation representating camera pose
if gripper_to_arm_transform is None:
return gripper_translation, gripper_orientation
gripper_pose = utils.axis_angle_and_translation_to_rigid_transformation(gripper_translation, gripper_orientation)
# print('gripper_control_pose_to_arm_control_pose() gripper_pose: \n' + str(gripper_pose))
# 4x4 transform of the arm pose
arm_pose = np.dot(gripper_pose, utils.pose_inv(gripper_to_arm_transform))
# arm_pose = np.dot(gripper_pose, gripper_to_arm_transform)
# arm_pose = np.dot(utils.pose_inv(gripper_to_arm_transform), gripper_pose)
# arm_pose = np.dot(gripper_to_arm_transform, gripper_pose)
arm_orientation_axis_angle = utils.rotm2angle(arm_pose[0:3,0:3])
arm_orientation = arm_orientation_axis_angle[0]*np.asarray(arm_orientation_axis_angle[1:4])
arm_translation = arm_pose[0:3,3]
return arm_translation, arm_orientation
def orientation_and_angle_to_push_direction(heightmap_rotation_angle, push_orientation=None):
if push_orientation is None:
push_orientation = [1.0, 0.0]
# Compute push direction and endpoint (push to right of rotated heightmap)
push_direction = np.asarray([push_orientation[0]*np.cos(heightmap_rotation_angle) - push_orientation[1]*np.sin(heightmap_rotation_angle), push_orientation[0]*np.sin(heightmap_rotation_angle) + push_orientation[1]*np.cos(heightmap_rotation_angle), 0.0])
return push_direction
def push_poses(heightmap_rotation_angle, position, workspace_limits, push_orientation=None, push_length=0.1, up_length=0.2, tilt_axis=None, gripper_to_arm_transform=None, buffer=0.005):
# Returns
position, up_pos, push_endpoint, push_direction, tool_orientation_rotm
if push_orientation is None:
push_orientation = [1.0, 0.0]
if tilt_axis is None:
tilt_axis = np.asarray([0,0,np.pi/2])
# Compute push direction and endpoint (push to right of rotated heightmap)
# Compute target location (push to the right)
push_direction = np.asarray([push_orientation[0]*np.cos(heightmap_rotation_angle) - push_orientation[1]*np.sin(heightmap_rotation_angle), push_orientation[0]*np.sin(heightmap_rotation_angle) + push_orientation[1]*np.cos(heightmap_rotation_angle), 0.0])
target_x = min(max(position[0] + push_direction[0]*push_length, workspace_limits[0][0]), workspace_limits[0][1])
target_y = min(max(position[1] + push_direction[1]*push_length, workspace_limits[1][0]), workspace_limits[1][1])
push_endpoint = np.asarray([target_x, target_y, position[2] + buffer])
push_direction.shape = (3, 1)
# Compute tool orientation from heightmap rotation angle
# TODO(ahundt) tool_rotation_angle, particularly dividing by 2, may affect (1) sim to real transfer, and (2) common sense checks, especially considering that our real robot gripper is not centered on the tool control point. Verify transforms!
tool_rotation_angle = heightmap_rotation_angle/2
# tool_orientation = orientation_and_angle_to_push_direction(tool_rotation_angle, push_orientation)*np.pi
tool_orientation = np.asarray([push_orientation[0]*np.cos(tool_rotation_angle) - push_orientation[1]*np.sin(tool_rotation_angle), push_orientation[0]*np.sin(tool_rotation_angle) + push_orientation[1]*np.cos(tool_rotation_angle), 0.0])*np.pi
tool_orientation_angle = np.linalg.norm(tool_orientation)
tool_orientation_axis = tool_orientation/tool_orientation_angle
tool_orientation_rotm = utils.angle2rotm(tool_orientation_angle, tool_orientation_axis, point=None)[:3,:3]
# Compute tilted tool orientation during push
tilt_axis = np.dot(utils.euler2rotm(tilt_axis)[:3,:3], push_direction)
tilt_rotm = utils.angle2rotm(-np.pi/8, tilt_axis, point=None)[:3,:3]
tilted_tool_orientation_rotm = np.dot(tilt_rotm, tool_orientation_rotm)
tilted_tool_orientation_axis_angle = utils.rotm2angle(tilted_tool_orientation_rotm)
tilted_tool_orientation = tilted_tool_orientation_axis_angle[0]*np.asarray(tilted_tool_orientation_axis_angle[1:4])
# Push only within workspace limits
position = np.asarray(position).copy()
position[0] = min(max(position[0], workspace_limits[0][0]), workspace_limits[0][1])
position[1] = min(max(position[1], workspace_limits[1][0]), workspace_limits[1][1])
position[2] = max(position[2] + buffer, workspace_limits[2][0] + buffer) # Add buffer to surface
up_pos = np.array([position[0],position[1],position[2] + up_length])
# convert to real arm tool control points, rather than heightmap based control points
position, tool_orientation = gripper_control_pose_to_arm_control_pose(position, tool_orientation, gripper_to_arm_transform)
up_pos, _ = gripper_control_pose_to_arm_control_pose(up_pos, tool_orientation, gripper_to_arm_transform)
push_endpoint, tilted_tool_orientation = gripper_control_pose_to_arm_control_pose(push_endpoint, tilted_tool_orientation, gripper_to_arm_transform)
return position, up_pos, push_endpoint, push_direction, tool_orientation, tilted_tool_orientation
class Robot(object):
Key member variables:
self.color_space: list of colors to give objects
self.color_names: list of strings identifying colors in color_space
self.stored_action_labels: name of actions for stacking one hot encoding, set if self.grasp_color_task = True.
self.object_handles: list of vrep object handles, the unique identifier integer indices needed for controlling objects in the vrep simulator
self.workspace_limits: bounds of the valid object workspace.
def __init__(self, is_sim=True, obj_mesh_dir=None, num_obj=None, workspace_limits=None,
tcp_host_ip='', tcp_port=502, rtc_host_ip=None, rtc_port=None,
is_testing=False, test_preset_cases=None, test_preset_file=None, test_preset_arr=None,
place=False, grasp_color_task=False, real_gripper_ip='', calibrate=False,
unstack=False, heightmap_resolution=0.002, randomized=True, obj_scale=1,
task_type=None, language=False, human_reset=False):
real_gripper_ip: None to assume the gripper is connected via the UR5,
specify an ip address to directly use TCPModbus to talk directly with the gripper.
Default is
self.is_sim = is_sim
if workspace_limits is None:
# workspace_limits = np.asarray([[0.3, 0.748], [-0.224, 0.224], [-0.255, -0.1]]) # Cols: min max, Rows: x y z (define workspace limits in robot coordinates)
if is_sim:
workspace_limits = np.asarray([[-0.724, -0.276], [-0.224, 0.224], [-0.0001, 0.5]]) # Cols: min max, Rows: x y z (define workspace limits in robot coordinates)
# Corner near window on robot base side
# [0.47984089 0.34192974 0.02173636]
# Corner on the side of the cameras and far from the window
# [ 0.73409861 -0.45199446 -0.00229499]
# Dimensions of workspace should be 448 mm x 448 mm. That's 224x224 pixels with each pixel being 2mm x2mm.
workspace_limits = np.asarray([[0.376, 0.824], [-0.264, 0.184], [-0.07, 0.4]]) # Cols: min max, Rows: x y z (define workspace limits in robot coordinates)
self.workspace_limits = workspace_limits
self.heightmap_resolution = heightmap_resolution
self.place_task = place
self.unstack = unstack
self.place_pose_history_limit = 6
self.grasp_color_task = grasp_color_task
self.language = language
self.human_reset = human_reset
self.sim_home_position = [-0.3, 0.0, 0.45] # old value [-0.3, 0, 0.3]
# self.gripper_ee_offset = 0.17
# self.gripper_ee_offset = 0.15
self.background_heightmap = None
self.tool_tip_to_gripper_center_transform = None
# list of place position attempts
self.place_pose_history = []
# HK: If grasping specific block color...
# TODO: Change to random color not just red block using (b = [0, 1, 2, 3] np.random.shuffle(b)))
# after grasping, put the block back
if grasp_color_task or not is_sim:
#self.color_names = ['blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'red']
self.color_names = ['red', 'blue', 'green','yellow']
#self.color_names = ['blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'red', 'brown', 'orange', 'gray', 'purple', 'cyan', 'pink']
self.color_names = ['red', 'blue', 'green','yellow', 'brown', 'orange', 'gray', 'purple', 'cyan', 'pink']
# task type (defaults to None)
self.task_type = task_type
# self.capture_logoblock_dataset = capture_logoblock_dataset
# If in simulation...
if self.is_sim:
# Tool pose tolerance for blocking calls, [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw]
# with units [m, m, m, rad, rad, rad]
# TODO(ahundt) double check rad rad rad, it might be axis/angle where magnitude is rotation length.
self.tool_pose_tolerance = [0.001,0.001,0.001,0.01,0.01,0.01]
self.push_vertical_offset = 0.026
if num_obj is None:
num_obj = 10
if obj_mesh_dir is None:
obj_mesh_dir = os.path.abspath('objects/toys')
# Define colors for object meshes (Tableau palette)
# self.color_space = np.asarray([[78.0, 121.0, 167.0], # blue
# [89.0, 161.0, 79.0], # green
# [156, 117, 95], # brown
# [242, 142, 43], # orange
# [237.0, 201.0, 72.0], # yellow
# [186, 176, 172], # gray
# [255.0, 87.0, 89.0], # red
# [176, 122, 161], # purple
# [118, 183, 178], # cyan
# [255, 157, 167]])/255.0 #pink
if grasp_color_task:
self.color_space = np.asarray( [
[255.0, 87.0, 89.0], # red
[78.0, 121.0, 167.0], # blue
[89.0, 161.0, 79.0], # green
[237.0, 201.0, 72.0], # yellow
self.color_space = np.asarray([
[255.0, 87.0, 89.0], # red
[78.0, 121.0, 167.0], # blue
[89.0, 161.0, 79.0], # green
[237.0, 201.0, 72.0], # yellow
[156, 117, 95], # brown
[242, 142, 43], # orange
[186, 176, 172], # gray
[176, 122, 161], # purple
[118, 183, 178], # cyan
[255, 157, 167]])/255.0 #pink
# Read files in object mesh directory
self.obj_mesh_dir = obj_mesh_dir
self.num_obj = num_obj
# TODO(HK) specify which objects to load here from a command line parameter, should be able ot load one repeatedly
#self.mesh_list = os.listdir(self.obj_mesh_dir)
# Restrict only the .obj files
self.mesh_list = sorted(glob(os.path.join(self.obj_mesh_dir, "*.obj")))
#print(f"self.meshlist: {self.mesh_list}")
# Randomly choose objects to add to scene
self.obj_mesh_ind = np.random.randint(0, len(self.mesh_list), size=self.num_obj)
self.obj_mesh_color = self.color_space[np.asarray(range(self.num_obj)) % self.color_space.shape[0], :]
# Make sure to have the server side running in V-REP:
# in a child script of a V-REP scene, add following command
# to be executed just once, at simulation start:
# simExtRemoteApiStart(19999)
# then start simulation, and run this program.
# IMPORTANT: for each successful call to simxStart, there
# should be a corresponding call to simxFinish at the end!
# MODIFY remoteApiConnections.txt
if tcp_port is None or tcp_port == 30002 or tcp_port == 502:
print("WARNING: default tcp port changed to 19997 for is_sim")
tcp_port = 19997
self.tcp_port = tcp_port
#print(f"bp 1")
# initialize some startup state values and handles for
# the joint configurations and home position
# sim_joint_handles are unique identifying integers to control the robot joints in the simulator
self.sim_joint_handles = []
# home_joint_config will contain the floating point joint angles representing the home configuration.
self.home_joint_config = []
# set the home joint config based on the initialized simulation
self.home_joint_config = self.get_joint_position()
#print(f"got joints")
self.is_testing = is_testing
self.test_preset_cases = test_preset_cases
self.test_preset_file = test_preset_file
self.test_preset_arr = test_preset_arr
# Setup virtual camera in simulation
# Scaling used when importing objects
self.obj_scale = obj_scale
self.png_list = sorted(glob(os.path.join(self.obj_mesh_dir, "*.png")))
self.textured = True if len(self.png_list) > 0 else False
self.logoblock_dataset = self.textured
self.randomized = randomized
# If testing, read object meshes and poses from test case file
print(f"self.is_testing {is_testing} self.test_preset_cases {self.test_preset_cases}")
if self.is_testing and self.test_preset_cases:
print(f"loading preset case")
# Add objects to simulation environment
# If in real-settings...
# Tool pose tolerance for blocking calls, [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw]
# with units [m, m, m, rad, rad, rad]
# TODO(ahundt) double check rad rad rad, it might be axis/angle where magnitude is rotation length.
self.tool_pose_tolerance = [0.002,0.002,0.002,0.01,0.01,0.01]
self.push_vertical_offset = 0.01
# Connect to robot client
self.tcp_host_ip = tcp_host_ip
self.tcp_port = tcp_port
# self.tcp_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
# Connect as real-time client to parse state data
self.rtc_host_ip = rtc_host_ip
self.rtc_port = rtc_port
# Default home joint configuration
# self.home_joint_config = [-np.pi, -np.pi/2, np.pi/2, -np.pi/2, -np.pi/2, 0]
# self.home_joint_config = [-(180.0/360.0)*2*np.pi, -(84.2/360.0)*2*np.pi, (112.8/360.0)*2*np.pi, -(119.7/360.0)*2*np.pi, -(90.0/360.0)*2*np.pi, 0.0]
# Costar dataset home joint config
# self.home_joint_config = [-0.202, -0.980, -1.800, -0.278, 1.460, 1.613]
# Real Good Robot Home Joint Config (gripper low and near base)
self.home_joint_config = [-0.021765167640454663, -0.7721485323791424, -2.137509664960675, -1.8396634790764201, 1.5608016750418263, 1.7122485182908058]
self.home_cart = [0.16452807896085456, -0.1140799890027773, 0.3401360989767276, -0.25284986938091303, -3.0949552373620137, 0.018920323919325615]
self.home_cart_low = self.home_cart
# gripper high above scene and camera
# self.home_joint_config = [0.2, -1.62, -0.85, -2.22, 1.57, 1.71]
# self.home_cart = [0.4387869054651441, -0.022525365646335706, 0.6275609068446096, -0.09490323444344208, 3.1179780725241626, 0.004632836623511681]
# self.home_cart_low = [0.4387869054651441, -0.022525365646335706, 0.3275609068446096, -0.09490323444344208, 3.1179780725241626, 0.004632836623511681]
# Default joint speed configuration
self.joint_acc = 4.0 # Safe: 1.4 Fast: 8
self.joint_vel = 2.0 # Safe: 1.05 Fast: 3
# Joint tolerance for blocking calls
self.joint_tolerance = 0.01
# Default tool speed configuration
self.tool_acc = 1.0 # Safe: 0.5 Fast: 1.2
self.tool_vel = 0.5 # Safe: 0.2 Fast: 0.5
self.move_sleep = 1.0 # Safe: 2.0 Fast: 1.0
# Initialize the real gripper based on user configuration
if real_gripper_ip is None:
self.gripper = None
elif RobotiqCGripper is None:
# Install instructions have already printed (see the imports section)
# and we cannot run in this mode without pymodbus, so exit.
self.gripper = RobotiqCGripper(real_gripper_ip)
# Move robot to home pose
# Fetch RGB-D data from RealSense camera
from real.camera import Camera
self.camera = Camera(calibrate=calibrate)
self.cam_intrinsics = self.camera.intrinsics
# Load camera pose (from running calibrate.py), intrinsics and depth scale
if not calibrate and os.path.isfile('real/robot_base_to_camera_pose.txt') and os.path.isfile('real/camera_depth_scale.txt'):
self.cam_pose = np.loadtxt('real/robot_base_to_camera_pose.txt', delimiter=' ')
self.cam_depth_scale = np.loadtxt('real/camera_depth_scale.txt', delimiter=' ')
print('WARNING: Camera Calibration is not yet available, running calibrate_ros.py '
'will create the required files: real/robot_base_to_camera_pose.txt and real/camera_depth_scale.txt')
# Camera calibration
self.cam_pose = None
self.cam_depth_scale = None
# Get the transform to the gripper center, this is necessary when the robot control
# poses differs from where the gripper center is, so a transform applying a correction is needed.
if not calibrate and os.path.isfile('real/tool_tip_to_ar_tag_transform.txt'):
self.tool_tip_to_gripper_center_transform = np.loadtxt('real/tool_tip_to_ar_tag_transform.txt', delimiter=' ')
if os.path.isfile('real/background_heightmap.depth.png'):
import cv2
# load depth image saved in 1e-5 meter increments
# see logger.py save_heightmaps() and trainer.py load_sample()
# for the corresponding save and load functions
self.background_heightmap = np.array(cv2.imread('real/background_heightmap.depth.png', cv2.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH)).astype(np.float32) / 100000
# TODO(ahundt) HACK REMOVE background_heightmap subtraction, COLLECT HEIGHTMAP AGAIN, SEE README.md for instructions
# self.background_heightmap -= 0.03
# real robot must use unstacking
if self.place_task:
self.unstack = True
def load_preset_case(self, test_preset_file=None):
if test_preset_file is None:
#print(f"preset file is {self.test_preset_file}")
test_preset_file = self.test_preset_file
file = open(test_preset_file, 'r')
file_content = file.readlines()
self.test_obj_mesh_files = []
self.test_obj_mesh_colors = []
self.test_obj_positions = []
self.test_obj_orientations = []
for object_idx in range(self.num_obj):
file_content_curr_object = file_content[object_idx].split()
self.obj_mesh_color = np.asarray(self.test_obj_mesh_colors)
def setup_sim_camera(self):
#print(f"getting camera data")
# Get handle to camera
sim_ret, self.cam_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.sim_client, 'Vision_sensor_persp', vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
#print(f"camera bp 1")
# Get camera pose and intrinsics in simulation
sim_ret, cam_position = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.sim_client, self.cam_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
sim_ret, cam_orientation = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(self.sim_client, self.cam_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
cam_trans = np.eye(4,4)
cam_trans[0:3,3] = np.asarray(cam_position)
cam_orientation = [-cam_orientation[0], -cam_orientation[1], -cam_orientation[2]]
#print(f"camera bp 2")
cam_rotm = np.eye(4,4)
cam_rotm[0:3,0:3] = np.linalg.inv(utils.euler2rotm(cam_orientation))
self.cam_pose = np.dot(cam_trans, cam_rotm) # Compute rigid transformation representating camera pose
self.cam_intrinsics = np.asarray([[618.62, 0, 320], [0, 618.62, 240], [0, 0, 1]])
self.cam_depth_scale = 1
#print(f"camera bp 3")
# Get background image
self.bg_color_img, self.bg_depth_img = self.get_camera_data()
self.bg_depth_img = self.bg_depth_img * self.cam_depth_scale
#print(f"camera bp 4")
def generate_random_object_pose(self):
drop_x = (self.workspace_limits[0][1] - self.workspace_limits[0][0] - 0.2) * np.random.random_sample() + self.workspace_limits[0][0] + 0.1
drop_y = (self.workspace_limits[1][1] - self.workspace_limits[1][0] - 0.2) * np.random.random_sample() + self.workspace_limits[1][0] + 0.1
object_position = [drop_x, drop_y, 0.15]
object_orientation = [2*np.pi*np.random.random_sample(), 2*np.pi*np.random.random_sample(), 2*np.pi*np.random.random_sample()]
return drop_x, drop_y, object_position, object_orientation
def reposition_object_randomly(self, object_handle):
""" randomly set a specific object's position and orientation on
drop_x, drop_y, object_position, object_orientation = self.generate_random_object_pose()
# Drop object at random x,y location and random orientation in robot workspace
vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(self.sim_client, object_handle, -1, object_position, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
vrep.simxSetObjectOrientation(self.sim_client, object_handle, -1, object_orientation, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
return object_position, object_orientation
def reposition_object_at_list_index_randomly(self, list_index):
object_handle = self.object_handles[list_index]
def reposition_object_at_list_index_to_location(self, obj_pos, obj_ori, index):
""" Reposition the object to a specified position and orientation """
object_handle = self.object_handles[index]
# TODO(adit98) figure out significance of plane_handle, set to -1 for now
if self.task_type is not None and self.task_type == 'unstack':
success, plane_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.sim_client, "Plane", vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(self.sim_client, object_handle, plane_handle, obj_pos, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
vrep.simxSetObjectOrientation(self.sim_client, object_handle, plane_handle, obj_ori, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
def add_objects(self):
# Add each object to robot workspace at x,y location and orientation (random or pre-loaded)
# object_handles is the list of unique vrep object integer identifiers, and it is how you control objects with the vrep API.
# We need to keep track of the object names and the corresponding colors.
self.object_handles = []
self.vrep_names = []
self.object_colors = []
add_success = False
failure_count = 0
while not add_success:
if (failure_count > 10 and failure_count %3 == 2) or len(self.object_handles) > len(self.obj_mesh_ind):
# If the simulation is not currently running, attempt to recover by restarting the simulation
connect = False
if failure_count > 50:
# try restarting the simulation, and if that doesn't work disonnect entirely then reconnect
self.object_handles = []
self.vrep_names = []
self.object_colors = []
for object_idx in range(len(self.obj_mesh_ind)):
# if setup for capture, no need for randomization / scrambling of the blocks.
if not self.randomized:
curr_mesh_file = os.path.join(self.obj_mesh_dir, self.mesh_list[object_idx])
curr_mesh_file = os.path.join(self.obj_mesh_dir, self.mesh_list[self.obj_mesh_ind[object_idx]])
if self.is_testing and self.test_preset_cases:
curr_mesh_file = self.test_obj_mesh_files[object_idx]
# TODO(ahundt) define more predictable object names for when the number of objects is beyond the number of colors
#print(f"Currently Trying to Import: {curr_mesh_file}")
curr_shape_name = 'shape_%02d' % object_idx
drop_x, drop_y, object_position, object_orientation = self.generate_random_object_pose()
if self.is_testing and self.test_preset_cases:
object_position = [self.test_obj_positions[object_idx][0], self.test_obj_positions[object_idx][1], self.test_obj_positions[object_idx][2]]
object_orientation = [self.test_obj_orientations[object_idx][0], self.test_obj_orientations[object_idx][1], self.test_obj_orientations[object_idx][2]]
# Loading object position and orientations from an array
if self.test_preset_arr is not None:
object_position = self.test_preset_arr[object_idx][0]
object_orientation = self.test_preset_arr[object_idx][1]
# Set the colors in order
#print(f"setting color at idx {object_idx} to {self.obj_mesh_color[object_idx]}")
object_color = [self.obj_mesh_color[object_idx][0], self.obj_mesh_color[object_idx][1], self.obj_mesh_color[object_idx][2]]
# If there are more objects than total colors this line will break,
# applies mod to loop back to the first color.
object_color_name = self.color_names[object_idx % len(self.color_names)]
# add the color of this object to the list.
#print('Adding object: ' + curr_mesh_file + ' as ' + curr_shape_name)
do_break = False
ret_ints = []
ret_resp = 0
while len(ret_ints) == 0:
do_break = False
#print(f"obj pos {object_position}")
#print(f"obj ori {object_orientation}")
#print(f"obj col {object_color}")
# TODO: ZH, We don't really need this, remove this if statement after testing
scale = [self.obj_scale]
# Adding the objects via Lua script. If we are dealing with texture, different call to script.
if self.textured:
ret_resp,ret_ints,ret_floats,ret_strings,ret_buffer = vrep.simxCallScriptFunction(self.sim_client, 'remoteApiCommandServer',vrep.sim_scripttype_childscript,'importShapeWTextureWScale',[0, 0, 255, 0], object_position + object_orientation + object_color + scale, [curr_mesh_file, curr_shape_name], bytearray(), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
ret_resp,ret_ints,ret_floats,ret_strings,ret_buffer = vrep.simxCallScriptFunction(self.sim_client, 'remoteApiCommandServer',vrep.sim_scripttype_childscript,'importShapeWScale',[0, 0, 255, 0], object_position + object_orientation + object_color + scale, [curr_mesh_file, curr_shape_name], bytearray(), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
if ret_resp == 8:
print('Failed to add ' + curr_mesh_file + ' to simulation. Auto retry ' + str(failure_count))
failure_count += 1
if failure_count % 3 == 2:
# If a few failures happen in a row, do a simulation reset and try again
do_break = True
elif failure_count > 100:
print('Failed to add new objects to simulation. Quitting. Please restart manually.')
if do_break:
curr_shape_handle = ret_ints[0]
if not (self.is_testing and self.test_preset_cases):
# we have completed the loop adding all objects!
add_success = len(self.object_handles) == len(self.obj_mesh_ind)
self.prev_obj_positions = []
self.obj_positions = []
# now reposition objects if we are unstacking
if self.task_type == 'unstack':
def restart_sim(self, connect=False):
if connect:
# Connect to simulator
failure_count = 0
connected = False
while not connected:
vrep.simxFinish(-1) # Just in case, close all opened connections
self.sim_joint_handles = []
self.sim_client = vrep.simxStart('', self.tcp_port, True, False, 5000, 1) # Connect to V-REP on port 19997
if self.sim_client == -1:
failure_count += 1
print('Failed to connect to simulation (V-REP remote API server) on attempt ' + str(failure_count))
if failure_count > 10:
print('Could not connect, Exiting')
print('Connected to simulation.')
connected = True
# self.restart_sim()
sim_ret, self.UR5_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.sim_client,'UR5',vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
sim_ret, self.UR5_target_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.sim_client,'UR5_target',vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
sim_ret, self.UR5_position_goal_target_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.sim_client,'UR5_position_goal_target',vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, (-0.5,0,0.3), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
sim_ok = False
while not sim_ok: # V-REP bug requiring multiple starts and stops to restart
vrep.simxStopSimulation(self.sim_client, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
sim_started = vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.sim_client, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
print('sim started 1: ' + str(sim_started))
sim_started = vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.sim_client, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
print('sim started 2: ' + str(sim_started))
sim_ret, self.UR5_tip_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.sim_client, 'UR5_tip', vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
# check sim, but we are already in the restart loop so don't recurse
sim_ok = sim_started == vrep.simx_return_ok and self.check_sim(restart_if_not_ok=False)
def check_obj_in_scene(self, obj_handle, workspace_limits=None, buffer_meters=0.1, gripper_buffer_meters=0.1):
Check if object/gripper specified by CoppeliaSim handle is in workspace limits or within a certain distance of the gripper
obj_handle: CoppeliaSim object handle
workspace_limits: Workspace limit coordinates, defaults to self.workspace_limits
buffer_meters: Amount of buffer to allow, defaults to 0.1
gripper_buffer_meters: Amount of buffer to allow for gripper, defaults to 0.1, not checked if None
if workspace_limits is None:
workspace_limits = self.workspace_limits
# get object position
sim_ret, pos = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.sim_client, obj_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
sim_ok = pos[0] > workspace_limits[0][0] - buffer_meters and pos[0] < workspace_limits[0][1] + buffer_meters and pos[1] > workspace_limits[1][0] - buffer_meters and pos[1] < workspace_limits[1][1] + buffer_meters and pos[2] > workspace_limits[2][0] and pos[2] < workspace_limits[2][1]
if gripper_buffer_meters is not None:
sim_ret, pos = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.sim_client, obj_handle, self.UR5_handle, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
sim_ok = sim_ok or np.linalg.norm(pos) < gripper_buffer_meters
return sim_ok
def check_sim(self, restart_if_not_ok=True):
# buffer_meters = 0.1 # original buffer value
buffer_meters = 0.1
# Check if simulation is stable by checking if gripper is within workspace
sim_ok = self.check_obj_in_scene(self.UR5_tip_handle)
if restart_if_not_ok and not sim_ok:
print('Simulation unstable. Restarting environment.')
return sim_ok
def get_task_score(self):
key_positions = np.asarray([[-0.625, 0.125, 0.0], # red
[-0.625, -0.125, 0.0], # blue
[-0.375, 0.125, 0.0], # green
[-0.375, -0.125, 0.0]]) #yellow
obj_positions = np.asarray(self.get_obj_positions())
obj_positions.shape = (1, obj_positions.shape[0], obj_positions.shape[1])
obj_positions = np.tile(obj_positions, (key_positions.shape[0], 1, 1))
key_positions.shape = (key_positions.shape[0], 1, key_positions.shape[1])
key_positions = np.tile(key_positions, (1 ,obj_positions.shape[1] ,1))
key_dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(obj_positions - key_positions, 2), axis=2))
key_nn_idx = np.argmin(key_dist, axis=0)
return np.sum(key_nn_idx == np.asarray(range(self.num_obj)) % 4)
def check_goal_reached(self):
goal_reached = self.get_task_score() == self.num_obj
return goal_reached
def stop_sim(self):
if self.is_sim:
# Now send some data to V-REP in a non-blocking fashion:
# vrep.simxAddStatusbarMessage(sim_client,'Hello V-REP!',vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot)
# # Start the simulation
# vrep.simxStartSimulation(sim_client,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait)
# # Stop simulation:
# vrep.simxStopSimulation(sim_client,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait)
# Before closing the connection to V-REP, make sure that the last command sent out had time to arrive. You can guarantee this with (for example):
# Now close the connection to V-REP:
def get_obj_positions(self, relative_to_handle=-1):
if not self.is_sim:
raise NotImplementedError('get_obj_positions() only supported in simulation, if you are training stacking try specifying --check_z_height')
obj_positions = []
for object_handle in self.object_handles:
sim_ret, object_position = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.sim_client, object_handle, relative_to_handle, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
return obj_positions
def get_objects_in_scene(self, workspace_limits=None, buffer_meters=0.0):
Function to iterate through all object positions and return number of objects within workspace_limits
objs: list of CoppeliaSim object handles in scene
if workspace_limits is None:
workspace_limits = self.workspace_limits
# iterate through self.object_handles and check if in scene
return [obj for obj in self.object_handles if self.check_obj_in_scene(obj, workspace_limits=workspace_limits, buffer_meters=buffer_meters)]
def get_obj_positions_and_orientations(self):
if not self.is_sim:
raise NotImplementedError('get_obj_positions_and_orientations() only supported in simulation')
obj_positions = []
obj_orientations = []
for object_handle in self.object_handles:
sim_ret, object_position = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.sim_client, object_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
sim_ret, object_orientation = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(self.sim_client, object_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
return obj_positions, obj_orientations
def action_heightmap_coordinate_to_3d_robot_pose(self, x_pixel, y_pixel, action_name, valid_depth_heightmap, robot_push_vertical_offset=0.026):
# Adjust start position of all actions, and make sure z value is safe and not too low
def get_local_region(heightmap, region_width=0.03):
safe_kernel_width = int(np.round((region_width/2)/self.heightmap_resolution))
return heightmap[max(y_pixel - safe_kernel_width, 0):min(y_pixel + safe_kernel_width + 1, heightmap.shape[0]), max(x_pixel - safe_kernel_width, 0):min(x_pixel + safe_kernel_width + 1, heightmap.shape[1])]
finger_width = 0.04
finger_touchdown_region = get_local_region(valid_depth_heightmap, region_width=finger_width)
safe_z_position = self.workspace_limits[2][0]
if finger_touchdown_region.size != 0:
safe_z_position += np.max(finger_touchdown_region)
safe_z_position += valid_depth_heightmap[y_pixel][x_pixel]
if self.background_heightmap is not None:
# add the height of the background scene
safe_z_position += np.max(get_local_region(self.background_heightmap, region_width=0.03))
push_may_contact_something = False
if action_name == 'push':
# determine if the safe z position might actually contact anything during the push action
# TODO(ahundt) common sense push motion region can be refined based on the rotation angle and the direction of travel
push_width = 0.2
local_push_region = get_local_region(valid_depth_heightmap, region_width=push_width)
# push_may_contact_something is True for something noticeably higher than the push action z height
max_local_push_region = np.max(local_push_region)
if max_local_push_region < 0.01:
# if there is nothing more than 1cm tall, there is nothing to push
push_may_contact_something = False
push_may_contact_something = safe_z_position - self.workspace_limits[2][0] + robot_push_vertical_offset < max_local_push_region
# print('>>>> Gripper will push at height: ' + str(safe_z_position) + ' max height of stuff: ' + str(max_local_push_region) + ' predict contact: ' + str(push_may_contact_something))
push_str = ''
if not push_may_contact_something:
push_str += 'Predicting push action failure, heuristics determined '
push_str += 'push at height ' + str(safe_z_position)
push_str += ' would not contact anything at the max height of ' + str(max_local_push_region)
primitive_position = [x_pixel * self.heightmap_resolution + self.workspace_limits[0][0], y_pixel * self.heightmap_resolution + self.workspace_limits[1][0], safe_z_position]
return primitive_position, push_may_contact_something
def reposition_objects(self, unstack_drop_height=0.05, action_log=None, logger=None,
goal_condition=None, workspace_limits=None):
# grasp blocks from previously placed positions and place them in a random position.
if self.place_task and self.unstack:
print("------- SCENE RESET --------")
if self.human_reset or len(self.place_pose_history) == 0:
input('press enter to continue...')
# # play a sound to get the human's attention.
# for i in range(10):
# print("SLEEPING FOR %d" % (10 - i))
# time.sleep(1)
print("-------- RESUMING AFTER MANUAL SCENE RESET --------")
# note, this can be run in simulation so we can test the real robot unstacking operations in the simulator
place_pose_history = self.place_pose_history.copy()
# unstack the block on the bottom of the stack so that the robot doesn't keep stacking in the same spot.
holding_object = not(self.close_gripper())
# if already has an object in the gripper when reposition objects gets called, place that object somewhere random
if holding_object:
_, _, rand_position, rand_orientation = self.generate_random_object_pose()
rand_position[2] = unstack_drop_height # height from which to release blocks (0.05 m per block)
rand_angle = rand_orientation[0]
self.place(rand_position, rand_angle, save_history=False)
# go to x,y position of previous places and pick up the max_z height from the depthmap (top of the stack)
for pose in place_pose_history:
x, y, z, angle = pose
valid_depth_heightmap, color_heightmap, depth_heightmap, max_z_height, color_img, depth_img = self.get_camera_data(return_heightmaps=True)
# get depth_heightmap pixel_coordinates of where the previous place was
x_pixel = int((x - self.workspace_limits[0][0]) / self.heightmap_resolution)
x_pixel = min(x_pixel, 223) # prevent indexing outside the heightmap bounds
y_pixel = int((y - self.workspace_limits[1][0]) / self.heightmap_resolution)
y_pixel = min(y_pixel, 223)
primitive_position, _ = self.action_heightmap_coordinate_to_3d_robot_pose(x_pixel, y_pixel, 'grasp', valid_depth_heightmap)
# this z position is checked based on the x,y position of the robot. Previously, the z height was the max z_height in the depth_heightmap
# plus an offset. There
z = primitive_position[2]
grasp_success, color_success = self.grasp([x, y, z], angle)
if grasp_success:
_, _, rand_position, rand_orientation = self.generate_random_object_pose()
rand_position[2] = unstack_drop_height # height from which to release blocks (0.05 m per block)
rand_angle = rand_orientation[0]
self.place(rand_position, rand_angle, save_history=False)
# clear the place hisory after unstacking
self.place_pose_history = []
print("------- SCENE RESET COMPLETE --------")
if self.is_sim:
# Move gripper out of the way to the home position
success = self.go_home()
if not success:
return success
# sim_ret, UR5_target_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.sim_client,'UR5_target',vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
# vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(self.sim_client, UR5_target_handle, -1, (-0.5,0,0.3), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
# time.sleep(1)
# if not unstacking, place all objects randomly
if self.task_type is None or self.task_type != 'unstack':
for object_handle in self.object_handles:
# Drop object at random x,y location and random orientation in robot workspace
# if unstacking, need to create a stack at a random location
successful_stack = False
while not successful_stack:
# get random obj pose
_, _, obj_pos, obj_ori = self.generate_random_object_pose()
obj_ori[:2] = [0, 0]
# iterate through remaining object handles and place them on top of existing stack (randomize order)
obj_handles_rand = np.arange(len(self.object_handles))
for ind, i in enumerate(obj_handles_rand):
# reposition object as (x,y) position of first block, set z pos depending on stack height
# same orientation (TODO(adit98) add noise later?)
obj_pos[-1] = ind * 0.06 + 0.05
# reposition object
self.reposition_object_at_list_index_to_location(obj_pos, obj_ori, i)
# regenerate object orientation and keep only the top block rotation
_, _, _, obj_ori = self.generate_random_object_pose()
obj_ori[:2] = [0, 0]
# wait for objects to settle
# continue to retry until we have a successful stack of 4 blocks
successful_stack, stack_height = self.check_stack(np.ones(len(self.object_handles)))
print('reposition_objects(): successful stack:', successful_stack, 'stack_height:', stack_height)
if stack_height >= len(self.object_handles):
successful_stack = True
# an extra half second so things settle down
return True
def get_camera_data(self, workspace_limits=None, heightmap_resolution=None, return_heightmaps=False, go_home=True, z_height_retake_threshold=0.3, median_filter_size=5, color_median_filter_size=5):
# Returns
[valid_depth_heightmap, color_heightmap, depth_heightmap, max_z_height, color_img, depth_img] if return_heightmaps is True, otherwise [color_img, depth_img]
if workspace_limits is None:
workspace_limits = self.workspace_limits
if heightmap_resolution is None:
heightmap_resolution = self.heightmap_resolution
max_z_height = np.inf
if go_home:
def get_color_depth():
""" Get the raw color and depth images
if self.is_sim:
sim_ret = None
while sim_ret != vrep.simx_return_ok:
# Get color image from simulation
sim_ret, resolution, raw_image = vrep.simxGetVisionSensorImage(self.sim_client, self.cam_handle, 0, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
color_img = np.asarray(raw_image)
color_img.shape = (resolution[1], resolution[0], 3)
color_img = color_img.astype(np.float)/255
color_img[color_img < 0] += 1
color_img *= 255
color_img = np.fliplr(color_img)
color_img = color_img.astype(np.uint8)
sim_ret = None
while sim_ret != vrep.simx_return_ok:
# Get depth image from simulation
sim_ret, resolution, depth_buffer = vrep.simxGetVisionSensorDepthBuffer(self.sim_client, self.cam_handle, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
depth_img = np.asarray(depth_buffer)
depth_img.shape = (resolution[1], resolution[0])
depth_img = np.fliplr(depth_img)
zNear = 0.01
zFar = 10
depth_img = depth_img * (zFar - zNear) + zNear
# prevent camera from taking a picture while the robot is still in the frame.
# Get color and depth image from ROS service
color_img, depth_img = self.camera.get_data()
depth_img = depth_img.astype(float) / 1000 # unit: mm -> meter
# color_img = self.camera.color_data.copy()
# depth_img = self.camera.depth_data.copy()
return color_img, depth_img
color_img, depth_img = get_color_depth() # unit: mm -> meter
if return_heightmaps:
# this allows the error to print only once, so it doesn't spam the console.
print_error = 0
while max_z_height > z_height_retake_threshold:
scaled_depth_img = depth_img * self.cam_depth_scale # Apply depth scale from calibration
color_heightmap, depth_heightmap = utils.get_heightmap(color_img, scaled_depth_img, self.cam_intrinsics, self.cam_pose,
workspace_limits, heightmap_resolution, background_heightmap=self.background_heightmap,
median_filter_pixels=median_filter_size, color_median_filter_pixels=color_median_filter_size)
# TODO(ahundt) switch to masked array, then only have a regular heightmap
valid_depth_heightmap = depth_heightmap.copy()
valid_depth_heightmap[np.isnan(valid_depth_heightmap)] = 0
_, max_z_height, _ = self.check_z_height(valid_depth_heightmap, reward_multiplier=1)
# If just manipulating blocks for dataset image generation, no need to check height.
if self.is_sim and self.logoblock_dataset:
if max_z_height > z_height_retake_threshold:
if print_error > 3:
print('ERROR: depth_heightmap value too high. '
'Use the UR5 teach mode to move the robot manually to the home position. '
'max_z_height: ', max_z_height)
# Get color and depth image from ROS service
color_img, depth_img = get_color_depth()
print_error += 1
return valid_depth_heightmap, color_heightmap, depth_heightmap, max_z_height, color_img, depth_img
# if not return_depthmaps, return just raw images
return color_img, depth_img
def parse_tcp_state_data(self, state_data, subpackage):
state_data: 'joint_data', 'cartesian_info', 'force_mode_data', 'tool_data'
# Read package header
data_bytes = bytearray()
data_length = struct.unpack("!i", data_bytes[0:4])[0];
robot_message_type = data_bytes[4]
assert(robot_message_type == 16)
byte_idx = 5
# Parse sub-packages
subpackage_types = {'joint_data' : 1, 'cartesian_info' : 4, 'force_mode_data' : 7, 'tool_data' : 2}
while byte_idx < data_length:
# package_length = int.from_bytes(data_bytes[byte_idx:(byte_idx+4)], byteorder='big', signed=False)
package_length = struct.unpack("!i", data_bytes[byte_idx:(byte_idx+4)])[0]
byte_idx += 4
package_idx = data_bytes[byte_idx]
if package_idx == subpackage_types[subpackage]:
byte_idx += 1
byte_idx += package_length - 4
def parse_joint_data(data_bytes, byte_idx):
actual_joint_positions = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
target_joint_positions = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
for joint_idx in range(6):
actual_joint_positions[joint_idx] = struct.unpack('!d', data_bytes[(byte_idx+0):(byte_idx+8)])[0]
target_joint_positions[joint_idx] = struct.unpack('!d', data_bytes[(byte_idx+8):(byte_idx+16)])[0]
byte_idx += 41
return actual_joint_positions
def parse_cartesian_info(data_bytes, byte_idx):
actual_tool_pose = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
for pose_value_idx in range(6):
actual_tool_pose[pose_value_idx] = struct.unpack('!d', data_bytes[(byte_idx+0):(byte_idx+8)])[0]
byte_idx += 8
return actual_tool_pose
def parse_tool_data(data_bytes, byte_idx):
byte_idx += 2
tool_analog_input2 = struct.unpack('!d', data_bytes[(byte_idx+0):(byte_idx+8)])[0]
return tool_analog_input2
parse_functions = {'joint_data' : parse_joint_data, 'cartesian_info' : parse_cartesian_info, 'tool_data' : parse_tool_data}
return parse_functions[subpackage](data_bytes, byte_idx)
def parse_rtc_state_data(self, state_data):
# Read package header
data_bytes = bytearray()
data_length = struct.unpack("!i", data_bytes[0:4])[0]
assert(data_length == 812)
byte_idx = 4 + 8 + 8*48 + 24 + 120
TCP_forces = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
for joint_idx in range(6):
TCP_forces[joint_idx] = struct.unpack('!d', data_bytes[(byte_idx+0):(byte_idx+8)])[0]
byte_idx += 8
return TCP_forces
def close_gripper(self, nonblocking=False):
# Arguments
nonblocking: If true, the function will not wait for the robot to finish its action, it will return immediately.
If false, the function will wait for the robot to finish its action, then return the result.
# Return
True if the gripper is fully closed at the end of the call, false otherwise.
The gripper can take a full second to close, but this function may return in 1 ms
May return False if nonblocking is True because an open gripper will not have closed completely yet,
even if the gripper eventually closes all the way.
if self.is_sim:
gripper_motor_velocity = -0.5
gripper_motor_force = 100
sim_ret, RG2_gripper_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.sim_client, 'RG2_openCloseJoint', vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
sim_ret, gripper_joint_position = vrep.simxGetJointPosition(self.sim_client, RG2_gripper_handle, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
vrep.simxSetJointForce(self.sim_client, RG2_gripper_handle, gripper_motor_force, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity(self.sim_client, RG2_gripper_handle, gripper_motor_velocity, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
gripper_fully_closed = False
while gripper_joint_position > -0.045: # Block until gripper is fully closed, value previously -0.047
sim_ret, new_gripper_joint_position = vrep.simxGetJointPosition(self.sim_client, RG2_gripper_handle, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
print('gripper position: ' + str(gripper_joint_position))
if new_gripper_joint_position >= gripper_joint_position:
return gripper_fully_closed
gripper_joint_position = new_gripper_joint_position
gripper_fully_closed = True
elif self.gripper is None:
self.tcp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.tcp_socket.connect((self.tcp_host_ip, self.tcp_port))
tcp_command = "set_digital_out(8,True)\n"
if nonblocking:
gripper_fully_closed = True
gripper_fully_closed = self.check_grasp()
# stop is done to clear the current state,
# for cases like running close twice in a row
# to first actually grasp an object then
# to second check if the object is still present
self.gripper.stop(block=not nonblocking, timeout=0.1)
# actually close the gripper
self.gripper.close(block=not nonblocking)
if nonblocking:
gripper_fully_closed = True
gripper_fully_closed = not self.gripper.object_detected()
return gripper_fully_closed
def open_gripper(self, nonblocking=False, timeout_seconds=5):
# Returns
True if the gripper is open after the call, otherwise false.
if self.is_sim:
gripper_motor_velocity = 0.5
gripper_motor_force = 20
sim_ret, RG2_gripper_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.sim_client, 'RG2_openCloseJoint', vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
sim_ret, gripper_joint_position = vrep.simxGetJointPosition(self.sim_client, RG2_gripper_handle, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
vrep.simxSetJointForce(self.sim_client, RG2_gripper_handle, gripper_motor_force, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity(self.sim_client, RG2_gripper_handle, gripper_motor_velocity, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
time_start = time.time()
while gripper_joint_position < 0.03: # Block until gripper is fully open
sim_ret, gripper_joint_position = vrep.simxGetJointPosition(self.sim_client, RG2_gripper_handle, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
time_snapshot = time.time()
if time_snapshot - time_start > timeout_seconds:
return False
return True
elif self.gripper is None:
self.tcp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.tcp_socket.connect((self.tcp_host_ip, self.tcp_port))
tcp_command = "set_digital_out(8,False)\n"
if not nonblocking:
self.gripper.open(block=not nonblocking)
return self.gripper.is_opened()
def get_state(self):
state_data = None
while state_data is None:
self.tcp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.tcp_socket.connect((self.tcp_host_ip, self.tcp_port))
state_data = self.tcp_socket.recv(2048)
except socket.timeout as e:
print('WARNING: robot.py get_state() TIMEOUT ' + str(e))
except TimeoutError as e:
print('WARNING: robot.py get_state() TIMEOUT' + str(e))
return state_data
def move_to(self, tool_position, tool_orientation=None, timeout_seconds=10, heightmap_rotation_angle=None, legacy_mode=True, sim_move_step=0.01):
legacy_mode: bool, Legacy mode manually increments the gripper position, rather than using simulator motion commands.
Note to use legacy mode in the simulator you need to go into the simulation and disable the "threaded child script"
associated with the object UR5_position_goal_target.
sim_move_step: How far the simulated robot should mobe per time step, very large is 0.05, small is 0.01, we use 0.02 at the time of writing
if np.isnan(tool_position).any():
print('ERROR: robot.move_to() NaN encountered in goal tool_position, skipping action. Traceback of code location:')
return False
if self.is_sim:
# note there are 3 approaches to moving in sim below.
# orientation only mode
motion_mode = 3
tool_rotation_angle = None
if tool_orientation is None and heightmap_rotation_angle is not None:
# Compute tool orientation from heightmap rotation angle
tool_rotation_angle = (heightmap_rotation_angle % np.pi) - np.pi/2
if not legacy_mode:
# set the goal orientation if we are using a newer moving mode,
# otherwise leave it None because the original way to move in sim
# only accepts heightmap_rotation_angle
tool_orientation = [np.pi/2, tool_rotation_angle, np.pi/2]
if not legacy_mode:
# simulator_moves_to_goal switches between using a version that automatically detects changes in vrep,
# and another version which tries to directly send the motion command to vrep
simulator_moves_to_goal = False
if simulator_moves_to_goal:
if tool_orientation is None and heightmap_rotation_angle is None:
# position only mode
motion_mode = 1
# we still need a tool orientation as dummy parameters
tool_orientation = [np.pi/2, 0.0, np.pi/2]
# here we make a call that calls moveToObject() in v-rep
failure_count = 0
ret_ints = []
while len(ret_ints) == 0:
# do_break = False
# see simMoveToObject for details, our script function is in the actual V-REP sim. http://coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/apiFunctions.htm#simMoveToObject
move_velocity = 3.0
move_accel = 5.0
# The integer configuration for the motion mode, the 4th integer in the list, is 1: position only, 2: rotation only, 3: position and rotation
ret_resp,ret_ints, ret_floats, ret_strings, ret_buffer = vrep.simxCallScriptFunction(
self.sim_client, 'remoteApiCommandServer',vrep.sim_scripttype_childscript,'moveObjectToPose',
# int params object to move, object to teleport for moving towards, base frame object, motion mode
[self.UR5_target_handle, self.UR5_position_goal_target_handle, self.UR5_handle, motion_mode],
tool_position + tool_orientation + [move_velocity, move_accel], [], bytearray(), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
if ret_resp == 8:
print('Failed to move gripper. Auto retry ' + str(failure_count))
failure_count += 1
# if failure_count % 3 == 2:
# # If a few failures happen in a row, do a simulation reset and try again
# do_break = True
# break
if failure_count > 10:
print('Failed to move gripper to target.')
return False
# exit(1)
# here we make a call that calls moveToObject() in v-rep
# This first while loop is to set the target position and orientation in a single sim time step
failure_count = 0
ret_ints = []
while len(ret_ints) == 0:
# do_break = False
# see simMoveToObject for details, our script function is in the actual V-REP sim. http://coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/apiFunctions.htm#simMoveToObject
move_velocity = 3.0
move_accel = 5.0
# The integer configuration for the motion mode, the 4th integer in the list, is 1: position only, 2: rotation only, 3: position and rotation
ret_resp,ret_ints, ret_floats, ret_strings, ret_buffer = vrep.simxCallScriptFunction(
self.sim_client, 'remoteApiCommandServer',vrep.sim_scripttype_childscript,'setObjectPose',
# int params object to move, object to teleport for moving towards, base frame object, motion mode
[self.UR5_position_goal_target_handle, -1, motion_mode],
[tool_position[0], tool_position[1], tool_position[2], tool_orientation[0], tool_orientation[1], tool_orientation[2]],
[], bytearray(), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
if ret_resp == 8:
print('Failed to move gripper. Auto retry ' + str(failure_count))
failure_count += 1
# if failure_count % 3 == 2:
# # If a few failures happen in a row, do a simulation reset and try again
# do_break = True
# break
if failure_count > 10:
print('Failed to move gripper to target.')
return False
# exit(1)
# time.sleep(0.1) # give simulator a moment to settle and prevent teleportation
# # Set the position then the orientation one after the other
# if motion_mode == 1 or motion_mode == 3:
# vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(self.sim_client, self.UR5_position_goal_target_handle, -1, tool_position,vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
# if motion_mode == 2 or motion_mode == 3:
# vrep.simxSetObjectOrientation(self.sim_client, self.UR5_position_goal_target_handle, -1, tool_orientation, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
# Wait until the gripper is close to the goal
time_start = time.time()
sim_ret, gripper_goal_dist = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.sim_client, self.UR5_tip_handle, self.UR5_position_goal_target_handle, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
sim_ret, gripper_goal_rot = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(self.sim_client, self.UR5_tip_handle, self.UR5_position_goal_target_handle, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
gripper_combined = gripper_goal_dist + gripper_goal_rot
while not np.all(np.abs(gripper_combined) < np.array(self.tool_pose_tolerance)):
sim_ret, gripper_goal_dist = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.sim_client, self.UR5_tip_handle, self.UR5_position_goal_target_handle, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
sim_ret, gripper_goal_rot = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(self.sim_client, self.UR5_tip_handle, self.UR5_position_goal_target_handle, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
gripper_combined = gripper_goal_dist + gripper_goal_rot
time_snapshot = time.time()
if time_snapshot - time_start > timeout_seconds:
print('robot.move_to() timeout, robot did not reach goal')
return False
time.sleep(0.01) # give simulator a moment to settle and prevent teleportation
return True
if tool_orientation is not None:
raise NotImplementedError('move_to() tool_orientation is not supported when is stepping to arbitrary orientations')
# this is the original way sim motion was handled, the absolute position of the motion target dummy
# is incremented linearly with each time step. However this is very slow and can result in stability
# problems when there is a collision.
# sim_ret, UR5_target_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.sim_client,'UR5_target',vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
sim_ret, UR5_target_position = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
if np.isnan(UR5_target_position).any():
return False
move_direction = np.asarray([tool_position[0] - UR5_target_position[0], tool_position[1] - UR5_target_position[1], tool_position[2] - UR5_target_position[2]])
move_magnitude = np.linalg.norm(move_direction)
# prevent division by 0, source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/37977222/99379
move_step = sim_move_step * np.divide(move_direction, move_magnitude, out=np.zeros_like(move_direction), where=move_magnitude!=0)
num_move_steps = np.divide(move_direction, move_step, out=np.zeros_like(move_direction), where=move_step!=0)
num_move_steps = int(np.max(np.floor(num_move_steps)))
num_rotation_steps = 1
if tool_rotation_angle is not None:
# Compute gripper orientation and rotation increments
sim_ret, gripper_orientation = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
rotation_step = 0.3 if (tool_rotation_angle - gripper_orientation[1] > 0) else -0.3
num_rotation_steps = int(np.floor((tool_rotation_angle - gripper_orientation[1])/rotation_step))
# Simultaneously move and rotate gripper if an orientation is provided, only translate otherwise
for step_iter in range(max(num_move_steps, num_rotation_steps)):
if step_iter <= num_move_steps:
vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(self.sim_client,self.UR5_target_handle,-1,(UR5_target_position[0] + move_step[0]*min(step_iter,num_move_steps), UR5_target_position[1] + move_step[1]*min(step_iter,num_move_steps), UR5_target_position[2] + move_step[2]*min(step_iter,num_move_steps)),vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
if tool_rotation_angle is not None and step_iter <= num_rotation_steps:
vrep.simxSetObjectOrientation(self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, (np.pi/2, gripper_orientation[1] + rotation_step*min(step_iter, num_rotation_steps), np.pi/2), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
if tool_rotation_angle is not None:
vrep.simxSetObjectOrientation(self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, (np.pi/2, tool_rotation_angle, np.pi/2), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
return True
# move the real robot to a position.
if tool_orientation is None and heightmap_rotation_angle is None:
# If no orientation is provided, use the current one.
actual_pose = self.get_cartesian_position()
tool_orientation = actual_pose[3:]
elif tool_orientation is None and heightmap_rotation_angle is not None:
# Compute tool orientation from heightmap rotation angle
grasp_orientation = [1.0,0.0]
if heightmap_rotation_angle > np.pi:
heightmap_rotation_angle = heightmap_rotation_angle - 2*np.pi
tool_rotation_angle = heightmap_rotation_angle/2
tool_orientation = np.asarray([grasp_orientation[0]*np.cos(tool_rotation_angle) - grasp_orientation[1]*np.sin(tool_rotation_angle), grasp_orientation[0]*np.sin(tool_rotation_angle) + grasp_orientation[1]*np.cos(tool_rotation_angle), 0.0])*np.pi
print('pose before: ' + str(tool_position) + str(tool_orientation))
tool_position_tcp, tool_orientation_tcp = gripper_control_pose_to_arm_control_pose(tool_position, tool_orientation, self.tool_tip_to_gripper_center_transform)
print('pose after: ' + str(tool_position_tcp) + str(tool_orientation_tcp))
self.tcp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.tcp_socket.connect((self.tcp_host_ip, self.tcp_port))
# tcp_command = "set_tcp(p[-0.1,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0])\n"
tcp_command = "movel(p[%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f],a=%f,v=%f,t=0,r=0)\n" % (tool_position_tcp[0],tool_position_tcp[1],tool_position_tcp[2],tool_orientation_tcp[0],tool_orientation_tcp[1],tool_orientation_tcp[2],self.tool_acc,self.tool_vel)
# Block until robot reaches target tool position
return self.block_until_cartesian_position(tool_position_tcp, timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds)
def guarded_move_to(self, tool_position, tool_orientation):
if self.is_sim:
raise NotImplementedError
self.tcp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.rtc_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.tcp_socket.connect((self.tcp_host_ip, self.tcp_port))
self.rtc_socket.connect((self.rtc_host_ip, self.rtc_port))
# Read actual tool position
tcp_state_data = self.tcp_socket.recv(2048)
actual_tool_pose = self.parse_tcp_state_data(tcp_state_data, 'cartesian_info')
execute_success = True
# Increment every cm, check force
self.tool_acc = 0.1 # 1.2 # 0.5
while not all([np.abs(actual_tool_pose[j] - tool_position[j]) < self.tool_pose_tolerance[j] for j in range(3)]):
# [min(np.abs(actual_tool_pose[j] - tool_orientation[j-3]), np.abs(np.abs(actual_tool_pose[j] - tool_orientation[j-3]) - np.pi*2)) < self.tool_pose_tolerance[j] for j in range(3,6)]
# Compute motion trajectory in 1cm increments
increment = np.asarray([(tool_position[j] - actual_tool_pose[j]) for j in range(3)])
if np.linalg.norm(increment) < 0.01:
increment_position = tool_position
increment = 0.01*increment/np.linalg.norm(increment)
increment_position = np.asarray(actual_tool_pose[0:3]) + increment
# TODO(ahundt) apply tcp transform to guarded_move()
# Move to next increment position (blocking call)
tcp_command = "movel(p[%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f],a=%f,v=%f,t=0,r=0)\n" % (increment_position[0],increment_position[1],increment_position[2],tool_orientation[0],tool_orientation[1],tool_orientation[2],self.tool_acc,self.tool_vel)
time_start = time.time()
tcp_state_data = self.tcp_socket.recv(2048)
actual_tool_pose = self.parse_tcp_state_data(tcp_state_data, 'cartesian_info')
while not all([np.abs(actual_tool_pose[j] - increment_position[j]) < self.tool_pose_tolerance[j] for j in range(3)]):
# print([np.abs(actual_tool_pose[j] - increment_position[j]) for j in range(3)])
tcp_state_data = self.tcp_socket.recv(2048)
actual_tool_pose = self.parse_tcp_state_data(tcp_state_data, 'cartesian_info')
time_snapshot = time.time()
if time_snapshot - time_start > 1:
# Reading TCP forces from real-time client connection
rtc_state_data = self.rtc_socket.recv(6496)
TCP_forces = self.parse_rtc_state_data(rtc_state_data)
# If TCP forces in x/y exceed 20 Newtons, stop moving
# print(TCP_forces[0:3])
if np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(TCP_forces[0:2])) > 20 or (time_snapshot - time_start) > 1:
print('Warning: contact detected! Movement halted. TCP forces: [%f, %f, %f]' % (TCP_forces[0], TCP_forces[1], TCP_forces[2]))
execute_success = False
self.tool_acc = 1.2 # 1.2 # 0.5
return execute_success
def move_joints(self, joint_configuration, timeout_seconds=7):
if self.is_sim:
if not self.sim_joint_handles:
# set all of the joint handles
for i in range(1,6):
sim_ret, joint_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.sim_client, 'UR5_joint' + str(i), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
self.sim_joint_handles += [joint_handle]
for handle, position in zip(self.sim_joint_handles, joint_configuration):
sim_ret= vrep.simxSetJointPosition(self.sim_client, handle, position, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
return True
self.tcp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.tcp_socket.connect((self.tcp_host_ip, self.tcp_port))
tcp_command = "movej([%f" % joint_configuration[0]
for joint_idx in range(1,6):
tcp_command = tcp_command + (",%f" % joint_configuration[joint_idx])
tcp_command = tcp_command + "],a=%f,v=%f)\n" % (self.joint_acc, self.joint_vel)
# Block until robot reaches home state
state_data = self.get_state()
actual_joint_positions = self.parse_tcp_state_data(state_data, 'joint_data')
time_start = time.time()
while not all([np.abs(actual_joint_positions[j] - joint_configuration[j]) < self.joint_tolerance for j in range(6)]):
state_data = self.get_state()
actual_joint_positions = self.parse_tcp_state_data(state_data, 'joint_data')
time_snapshot = time.time()
if time_snapshot - time_start > timeout_seconds:
print('move_joints() Timeout')
return False
return True
def go_home(self, block_until_home=False, timeout_seconds=7):
if self.is_sim:
success = self.move_to(self.sim_home_position, None)
if not self.home_joint_config:
return success
# hard set the joint position to the home position to work around IK choosing
# elbow down positions, which leads to physically impossible simulator states.
print(f"moving to home joint config {self.home_joint_config}")
return self.move_joints(self.home_joint_config)
if not block_until_home:
timeout_seconds = 0
# block_until_home with 0 second timeout will just
# get data from the robot once to indicate if we are
# without blocking otherwise.
return self.block_until_home(timeout_seconds)
def check_grasp(self):
Note: must be preceded by close_gripper()
if self.is_sim:
raise NotImplementedError
state_data = self.get_state()
tool_analog_input2 = self.parse_tcp_state_data(state_data, 'tool_data')
return tool_analog_input2 > 0.26
# HK: added a function to check if the right color is grasped
# Done(zhe) handle duplicate object colors and real robot colors
def check_correct_color_grasped(self, color_ind):
color_ind: the index in color_names to grasp.
object_positions = np.asarray(self.get_obj_positions())
object_positions = object_positions[:,2]
# Get the index at the highest position (ie, the picked object)
grasped_object_ind = np.argmax(object_positions)
grasped_object_handle = self.object_handles[grasped_object_ind]
# color_index = np.where(color==1)
# if grasped_object_ind == color_index[0]:
if self.grasp_color_task or self.language:
color_ind = color_ind % self.color_space.shape[0]
grasped_object_ind = grasped_object_ind % self.color_space.shape[0]
if grasped_object_ind == color_ind:
return True
return False
def check_correct_color_grasped_from_string(self, color_name):
color_name: the name of the color to grasp.
object_positions = np.asarray(self.get_obj_positions())
object_positions = object_positions[:,2]
# Get the index at the highest position (ie, the picked object)
grasped_object_ind = np.argmax(object_positions)
grasped_object_color = self.object_colors[grasped_object_ind]
if grasped_object_color == color_name:
return True
return False
def get_highest_object_list_index_and_handle(self):
Of the objects in self.object_handles, get the one with the highest z position and its handle.
# Returns
grasped_object_ind, grasped_object_handle
object_positions = np.asarray(self.get_obj_positions())
object_positions = object_positions[:,2]
grasped_object_ind = np.argmax(object_positions)
grasped_object_handle = self.object_handles[grasped_object_ind]
return grasped_object_ind, grasped_object_handle
def reposition_objects_near_gripper(self, distance_threshold=0.1, put_inside_workspace=True):
""" Simulation only function to detect objects near the gripper.
put_inside_workspace: True will select a random position inside workspace, false will select a specific position outside the workspace
# Returns
True if there are objects in the scene, False otherwise.
object_positions = np.asarray(self.get_obj_positions(self.UR5_tip_handle))
if object_positions.shape[0] == 0:
return False
is_near_gripper = np.linalg.norm(object_positions, axis=1) < distance_threshold
# get_object_handles_near_gripper
if put_inside_workspace:
object_handles_near_gripper = np.array(self.object_handles)[is_near_gripper]
for handle in object_handles_near_gripper:
for i, is_near in enumerate(is_near_gripper):
# set all objects near the gripper to a coordinated position
if is_near:
vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(self.sim_client,self.object_handles[i],-1,(-0.5, 0.5 + 0.05*float(i), 0.1),vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
return True
# Primitives ----------------------------------------------------------
def grasp(self, position, heightmap_rotation_angle, object_color=None, workspace_limits=None, go_home=True):
object_color: The index in the list self.color_names expected for the object to be grasped. If object_color is None the color does not matter.
if workspace_limits is None:
workspace_limits = self.workspace_limits
print('Executing: grasp at (%f, %f, %f) orientation: %f' % (position[0], position[1], position[2], heightmap_rotation_angle))
position = np.asarray(position).copy()
if self.is_sim:
# Avoid collision with floor
position[2] = max(position[2] - 0.04, workspace_limits[2][0] + 0.02)
# Move gripper to location above grasp target, this is the pre-grasp and post-grasp height
# grasp_location_margin = 0.15
grasp_location_margin = 0.2
# sim_ret, UR5_target_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.sim_client,'UR5_target',vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
location_above_grasp_target = (position[0], position[1], position[2] + grasp_location_margin)
# Compute gripper position and linear movement increments
tool_position = location_above_grasp_target
self.move_to(tool_position, heightmap_rotation_angle=heightmap_rotation_angle)
# Ensure gripper is open
# Approach grasp target
self.move_to(position, None)
# Close gripper to grasp target
gripper_fully_closed = self.close_gripper()
# Move gripper to location above grasp target
self.move_to(location_above_grasp_target, None)
# move to the simulator home position
if go_home:
# Check if grasp is successful
gripper_fully_closed = self.close_gripper()
grasp_success = not gripper_fully_closed
# HK: Check if right color is grasped
color_success = False
if grasp_success and self.grasp_color_task:
color_success = self.check_correct_color_grasped(object_color)
print('Correct color was grasped: ' + str(color_success))
elif grasp_success and self.language:
color_success = self.check_correct_color_grasped_from_string(object_color)
print('Correct color was grasped: ' + str(color_success))
# HK: Place grasped object at a random place
if grasp_success:
if self.place_task:
return grasp_success, color_success
# we are pushing and grasping, so move the objects outside the workspace
objects_anywhere_in_scene = self.reposition_objects_near_gripper(put_inside_workspace=False)
if not objects_anywhere_in_scene:
# there are no objects in the scene, so the grasp could not be successful
return False, False
# Warning: "Real Good Robot!" specific hack, increase gripper height for our different mounting config
# position[2] += self.gripper_ee_offset - 0.01
position[2] -= 0.04
# Compute tool orientation from heightmap rotation angle
grasp_orientation = [1.0,0.0]
if heightmap_rotation_angle > np.pi:
heightmap_rotation_angle = heightmap_rotation_angle - 2*np.pi
tool_rotation_angle = heightmap_rotation_angle/2
tool_orientation = np.asarray([grasp_orientation[0]*np.cos(tool_rotation_angle) - grasp_orientation[1]*np.sin(tool_rotation_angle), grasp_orientation[0]*np.sin(tool_rotation_angle) + grasp_orientation[1]*np.cos(tool_rotation_angle), 0.0])*np.pi
# tool_orientation_angle = np.linalg.norm(tool_orientation)
# tool_orientation_axis = tool_orientation/tool_orientation_angle
# tool_orientation_rotm = utils.angle2rotm(tool_orientation_angle, tool_orientation_axis, point=None)[:3,:3]
tilted_tool_orientation = tool_orientation
# Attempt grasp
# find position halfway between the current and final.
print("Grasp position before applying workspace bounds: " + str(position))
position[2] = max(position[2], workspace_limits[2][0] + 0.04)
position[2] = min(position[2], workspace_limits[2][1] - 0.01)
up_pos = np.array([position[0],position[1],position[2]+0.1])
position_tcp, tool_orientation_tcp = gripper_control_pose_to_arm_control_pose(position, tool_orientation, self.tool_tip_to_gripper_center_transform)
# we assume the same orientation will be fine for both the position and up position
up_pos_tcp, _ = gripper_control_pose_to_arm_control_pose(up_pos, tool_orientation, self.tool_tip_to_gripper_center_transform)
print("Real Good Robot grasping at: " + str(position) + ", " + str(tool_orientation))
self.tcp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.tcp_socket.connect((self.tcp_host_ip, self.tcp_port))
tcp_command = "def process():\n"
tcp_command += " set_digital_out(8,False)\n"
if go_home:
tcp_command += " movej(p[%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f],a=%f,v=%f,t=0,r=0.09)\n" % (self.home_cart_low[0],self.home_cart_low[1],self.home_cart_low[2],tool_orientation_tcp[0],tool_orientation_tcp[1],0.0,self.joint_acc,self.joint_vel)
tcp_command += " movej(p[%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f],a=%f,v=%f,t=0,r=0.09)\n" % (up_pos_tcp[0],up_pos_tcp[1],up_pos_tcp[2],tool_orientation_tcp[0],tool_orientation_tcp[1],0.0,self.joint_acc,self.joint_vel)
tcp_command += " movej(p[%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f],a=%f,v=%f,t=0,r=0.00)\n" % (position_tcp[0],position_tcp[1],position_tcp[2],tool_orientation_tcp[0],tool_orientation_tcp[1],0.0,self.joint_acc*0.1,self.joint_vel*0.1)
tcp_command += " set_digital_out(8,True)\n"
tcp_command += "end\n"
gripper_fully_closed = self.close_gripper()
color_success = None
bin_position = np.array([0.33, 0.40, 0.33])
# If gripper is open, drop object in bin and check if grasp is successful
grasp_success = False
if not gripper_fully_closed:
print("Possible Grasp success, moving up then closing again to see if object is still present...")
# self.move_to([position[0],position[1],bin_position[2] - 0.14],[tool_orientation[0],tool_orientation[1],0.0])
grasp_success = not self.close_gripper()
if grasp_success and not self.place_task:
print("Grasp success, moving to drop object in bin...")
# Move towards the bin, and up to the drop height
move_waypoint = (bin_position - position) * 0.6 + position
move_waypoint[2] = bin_position[2]
self.move_to(move_waypoint, [tilted_tool_orientation[0],tilted_tool_orientation[1],tilted_tool_orientation[2]])
# Move over the bin
self.move_to([bin_position[0],bin_position[1],bin_position[2]], [tilted_tool_orientation[0],tilted_tool_orientation[1],tilted_tool_orientation[2]])
print("Grasp failure, moving to home position...")
if not grasp_success or not self.place_task:
if self.place_task:
# go back to the grasp up pos
if go_home:
# TODO: change to 1 and 2 arguments
return grasp_success, color_success
def get_midpoint(self, pos):
""" Gets the cartesian midpoint between the current real robot position and some goal position
if self.is_sim:
raise NotImplementedError
# Get current tool pose
state_data = self.get_state()
actual_tool_pose = self.parse_tcp_state_data(state_data, 'cartesian_info')
# midpos is a hack to prevent the robot from going to an elbow down position on a long move,
# which leads to a security stop and an end to the program run.
midpos = (np.array(actual_tool_pose[:3]) + pos) / 2.0
return midpos
def push(self, position, heightmap_rotation_angle, workspace_limits=None, go_home=True):
if workspace_limits is None:
workspace_limits = self.workspace_limits
print('Executing: Push at (%f, %f, %f) angle: %f' % (position[0], position[1], position[2], heightmap_rotation_angle))
# Warning: "Real Good Robot!" specific hack, increase gripper height for our different mounting config
position = np.asarray(position).copy()
position[2] += self.push_vertical_offset
# Compute push direction and endpoint (push to right of rotated heightmap)
position, up_pos, push_endpoint, push_direction, tool_orientation, tilted_tool_orientation = push_poses(heightmap_rotation_angle, position, workspace_limits,
if self.is_sim:
self.move_to(up_pos, heightmap_rotation_angle=heightmap_rotation_angle)
# Ensure gripper is closed
# Approach pushing point
self.move_to(position, None)
# Move in pushing direction towards target location, but move a bit more slowly so stuff doesn't go flying
self.move_to(push_endpoint, None, sim_move_step=0.01)
# Move gripper to location above grasp target
push_success = self.move_to(up_pos, None)
# move to the simulator home position
if go_home:
push_success = self.go_home()
# Work around a simulator bug where objects will be stuck to the gripper
objects_anywhere_in_scene = self.reposition_objects_near_gripper(put_inside_workspace=True)
if not objects_anywhere_in_scene:
# there are no objects in the scene, so the push could not be successful
return False
return push_success
# Attempt push
self.tcp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.tcp_socket.connect((self.tcp_host_ip, self.tcp_port))
tcp_command = "def process():\n"
tcp_command += " set_digital_out(8,True)\n"
if go_home:
tcp_command += " movej(p[%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f],a=%f,v=%f,t=0,r=0.09)\n" % (self.home_cart_low[0],self.home_cart_low[1],self.home_cart_low[2],tool_orientation[0],tool_orientation[1],tool_orientation[2],self.joint_acc,self.joint_vel)
tcp_command += " movej(p[%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f],a=%f,v=%f,t=0,r=0.09)\n" % (up_pos[0],up_pos[1],up_pos[2],tool_orientation[0],tool_orientation[1],tool_orientation[2],self.joint_acc*0.75,self.joint_vel*0.75)
tcp_command += " movej(p[%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f],a=%f,v=%f,t=0,r=0.00)\n" % (position[0],position[1],position[2],tool_orientation[0],tool_orientation[1],tool_orientation[2],self.joint_acc*0.1,self.joint_vel*0.1)
tcp_command += " movej(p[%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f],a=%f,v=%f,t=0,r=0.00)\n" % (push_endpoint[0],push_endpoint[1],push_endpoint[2],tilted_tool_orientation[0],tilted_tool_orientation[1],tilted_tool_orientation[2],self.joint_acc*0.1,self.joint_vel*0.1)
tcp_command += " movej(p[%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f],a=%f,v=%f,t=0,r=0.03)\n" % (up_pos[0],up_pos[1],up_pos[2],tool_orientation[0],tool_orientation[1],tool_orientation[2],self.joint_acc*0.5,self.joint_vel*0.5)
if go_home:
tcp_command += " movej([%f" % self.home_joint_config[0]
for joint_idx in range(1,6):
tcp_command = tcp_command + (",%f" % self.home_joint_config[joint_idx])
tcp_command = tcp_command + "],a=%f,v=%f,t=0,r=0.09)\n" % (self.joint_acc, self.joint_vel)
# tcp_command += " movej(p[%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f],a=%f,v=%f,t=0,r=0.00)\n" % (home_position[0],home_position[1],home_position[2],tool_orientation[0],tool_orientation[1],tool_orientation[2],self.joint_acc*0.5,self.joint_vel*0.5)
# go to up pos instead of home
tcp_command += " movej(p[%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f],a=%f,v=%f,t=0,r=0.09)\n" % (up_pos[0],up_pos[1],up_pos[2],tool_orientation[0],tool_orientation[1],tool_orientation[2],self.joint_acc*0.75,self.joint_vel*0.75)
tcp_command += "end\n"
# Block until robot reaches target tool position and gripper fingers have stopped moving
# state_data = self.get_state()
# while True:
# state_data = self.get_state()
# actual_tool_pose = self.parse_tcp_state_data(state_data, 'cartesian_info')
# if all([np.abs(actual_tool_pose[j] - home_position[j]) < self.tool_pose_tolerance[j] for j in range(3)]):
# break
# Block until robot reaches target home joint position and gripper fingers have stopped moving
if go_home:
push_success = self.block_until_home()
# Redundant go home is applied in case the first move operation fails.
if not push_success:
push_success = self.go_home(block_until_home=True)
# time.sleep(0.25)
return push_success
def get_cartesian_position(self):
if self.is_sim:
raise NotImplementedError
state_data = self.get_state()
actual_tool_pose = self.parse_tcp_state_data(state_data, 'cartesian_info')
return actual_tool_pose
def get_joint_position(self):
""" get the position of all the joints.
Also see the sister function move_joints()
if not self.is_sim:
raise NotImplementedError
joint_handles = []
for i in range(1,6):
sim_ret, joint_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.sim_client, 'UR5_joint' + str(i), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
joint_handles += [joint_handle]
joint_positions = []
for joint_handle in joint_handles:
sim_ret, position = vrep.simxGetJointPosition(self.sim_client, joint_handle, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
joint_positions += [position]
return joint_positions
def block_until_home(self, timeout_seconds=7):
if self.is_sim:
raise NotImplementedError
# Don't wait for more than timeout_seconds,
# but get the state from the real robot at least once.
iteration_time_0 = time.time()
while True:
time_elapsed = time.time()-iteration_time_0
state_data = self.get_state()
actual_joint_pose = self.parse_tcp_state_data(state_data, 'joint_data')
if all([np.abs(actual_joint_pose[j] - self.home_joint_config[j]) < self.joint_tolerance for j in range(5)]):
print('Move to Home Position Complete')
return True
if int(time_elapsed) > timeout_seconds:
print('Move to Home Position Failed')
return False
def block_until_cartesian_position(self, position, timeout_seconds=7):
"""Block the real program until it reaches a specified cartesian pose or the timeout in seconds.
if self.is_sim:
raise NotImplementedError
# Block until robot reaches target tool position and gripper fingers have stopped moving
state_data = self.get_state()
timeout_t0 = time.time()
tool_analog_input2 = self.parse_tcp_state_data(state_data, 'tool_data')
while True:
timeout_t1 = time.time()
state_data = self.get_state()
new_tool_analog_input2 = self.parse_tcp_state_data(state_data, 'tool_data')
actual_tool_pose = self.parse_tcp_state_data(state_data, 'cartesian_info')
if ((tool_analog_input2 < 3.7 and (abs(new_tool_analog_input2 - tool_analog_input2) < 0.01) and
all([np.abs(actual_tool_pose[j] - position[j]) < self.tool_pose_tolerance[j] for j in range(3)]))):
return True
if (timeout_t1 - timeout_t0) > timeout_seconds:
return False
tool_analog_input2 = new_tool_analog_input2
def block_until_joint_position(self, position, timeout_seconds=7):
if self.is_sim:
raise NotImplementedError
# Don't wait for more than 20 seconds
iteration_time_0 = time.time()
while True:
time_elapsed = time.time()-iteration_time_0
if int(time_elapsed) > timeout_seconds:
print('Move to Joint Position Failed')
return False
state_data = self.get_state()
actual_joint_pose = self.parse_tcp_state_data(state_data, 'joint_data')
if all([np.abs(actual_joint_pose[j] - self.home_joint_config[j]) < self.joint_tolerance for j in range(5)]):
print('Move to Joint Position Complete')
return True
def place(self, position, heightmap_rotation_angle, workspace_limits=None, distance_threshold=0.06, go_home=True, save_history=True, over_block=True, intended_position=None):
""" Place an object, currently only tested for blocks.
When in sim mode it assumes the current position of the robot and grasped object is higher than any other object.
intended_position a python list containing a position array at index 0 and a rotation array at index 1.
if workspace_limits is None:
workspace_limits = self.workspace_limits
place_pose = (position[0], position[1], position[2], heightmap_rotation_angle)
print('Executing: Place at (%f, %f, %f) angle: %f' % place_pose)
if save_history:
while len(self.place_pose_history) > self.place_pose_history_limit: # only store x most recent place attempts
if self.is_sim:
# Ensure gripper is closed
gripper_fully_closed = self.close_gripper()
if gripper_fully_closed:
# There is no object present, so we cannot possibly place!
return False
# If the object has been grasped it should be the highest object and held by the gripper
grasped_object_ind, grasped_object_handle = self.get_highest_object_list_index_and_handle()
sim_ret, grasped_object_position = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.sim_client, grasped_object_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
grasped_object_position = np.array(grasped_object_position)
# Compute tool orientation from heightmap rotation angle
# tool_rotation_angle = (heightmap_rotation_angle % np.pi) - np.pi/2
# tool_orientation = (np.pi/2, tool_rotation_angle, np.pi/2)
if over_block:
position[2] += 0.04
# Avoid collision with floor
position[2] = max(position[2] + 0.02, workspace_limits[2][0] + 0.02)
# Move gripper to location above place target
place_location_margin = 0.2
# sim_ret, UR5_target_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.sim_client,'UR5_target',vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
location_above_place_target = (position[0], position[1], position[2] + place_location_margin)
# self.move_to(location_above_place_target, None)
# sim_ret,gripper_orientation = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(self.sim_client, UR5_target_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
# if tool_rotation_angle - gripper_orientation[1] > 0:
# increment = 0.2
# else:
# increment = -0.2
# while abs(tool_rotation_angle - gripper_orientation[1]) >= 0.2:
# vrep.simxSetObjectOrientation(self.sim_client, UR5_target_handle, -1, (np.pi/2, gripper_orientation[1] + increment, np.pi/2), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
# time.sleep(0.005)
# sim_ret,gripper_orientation = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(self.sim_client, UR5_target_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
# vrep.simxSetObjectOrientation(self.sim_client, UR5_target_handle, -1, (np.pi/2, tool_rotation_angle, np.pi/2), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
# # not supported in some sim move_to() modes: self.move_to(location_above_place_target, tool_orientation)
self.move_to(location_above_place_target, heightmap_rotation_angle=heightmap_rotation_angle)
# Approach place target
self.move_to(position, None)
# Ensure gripper is open
# Move gripper to location above place target
self.move_to(location_above_place_target, None)
# move to the simulator home position
if go_home:
sim_ret, placed_object_position = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.sim_client, grasped_object_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
placed_object_position = np.array(placed_object_position)
has_moved = np.linalg.norm(placed_object_position - grasped_object_position, axis=0) > (distance_threshold/2)
if not has_moved:
# The highest object, which we had supposedly grasped, didn't move!
return False
print('current_position: ' + str(placed_object_position))
current_obj_z_location = placed_object_position[2]
print('current_obj_z_location: ' + str(current_obj_z_location+distance_threshold/2))
if intended_position is None:
near_goal = np.linalg.norm(placed_object_position - position, axis=0) < (distance_threshold)
near_goal = np.linalg.norm(placed_object_position - intended_position[0], axis=0) < (distance_threshold)
print('goal_position: ' + str(position[2]) + ' goal_position_margin: ' + str(position[2] + place_location_margin))
place_success = has_moved and near_goal
print('has_moved: ' + str(has_moved) + ' near_goal: ' + str(near_goal) + ' place_success: ' + str(place_success))
# Work around a simulator bug where objects will be stuck to the gripper
objects_anywhere_in_scene = self.reposition_objects_near_gripper(put_inside_workspace=True)
if not objects_anywhere_in_scene:
# there are no objects in the scene, so the place could not be successful
return False
return place_success
#if abs(current_obj_z_location - position[2]) < 0.009:
# if ((current_obj_z_location+distance_threshold/2) >= position[2]) and ((current_obj_z_location+distance_threshold/2) < (position[2]+distance_threshold)):
# place_success = True
# else:
# place_success = False
# return place_success
# Warning: "Real Good Robot!" specific hack, increase gripper height for our different mounting config
# position[2] += self.gripper_ee_offset + 0.05
if over_block:
position[2] += 0.04
# Compute tool orientation from heightmap rotation angle
grasp_orientation = [1.0,0.0]
if heightmap_rotation_angle > np.pi:
heightmap_rotation_angle = heightmap_rotation_angle - 2*np.pi
tool_rotation_angle = heightmap_rotation_angle/2
tool_orientation = np.asarray([grasp_orientation[0]*np.cos(tool_rotation_angle) - grasp_orientation[1]*np.sin(tool_rotation_angle), grasp_orientation[0]*np.sin(tool_rotation_angle) + grasp_orientation[1]*np.cos(tool_rotation_angle), 0.0])*np.pi
# tool_orientation_angle = np.linalg.norm(tool_orientation)
# tool_orientation_axis = tool_orientation/tool_orientation_angle
# tool_orientation_rotm = utils.angle2rotm(tool_orientation_angle, tool_orientation_axis, point=None)[:3,:3]
# Attempt place
position = np.asarray(position).copy()
# find position halfway between the current and final.
print("Place position before applying workspace bounds: " + str(position))
# position[2] = max(position[2], workspace_limits[2][0] + self.gripper_ee_offset + 0.04)
# position[2] = min(position[2], workspace_limits[2][1] + self.gripper_ee_offset - 0.01)
position[2] = max(position[2], workspace_limits[2][0] + 0.04)
position[2] = min(position[2], workspace_limits[2][1] - 0.01)
up_pos = np.array([position[0],position[1],position[2]+0.1])
position_tcp, tool_orientation_tcp = gripper_control_pose_to_arm_control_pose(position, tool_orientation, self.tool_tip_to_gripper_center_transform)
# we assume the same orientation will be fine for both the position and up position
up_pos_tcp, _ = gripper_control_pose_to_arm_control_pose(up_pos, tool_orientation, self.tool_tip_to_gripper_center_transform)
print("Real Good Robot placing at: " + str(position) + ", " + str(tool_orientation))
self.tcp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.tcp_socket.connect((self.tcp_host_ip, self.tcp_port))
tcp_command = "def process():\n"
tcp_command += " set_digital_out(8,False)\n"
if go_home:
tcp_command += " movej(p[%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f],a=%f,v=%f,t=0,r=0.09)\n" % (self.home_cart_low[0],self.home_cart_low[1],self.home_cart_low[2],tool_orientation_tcp[0],tool_orientation_tcp[1],0.0,self.joint_acc,self.joint_vel)
tcp_command += " movej(p[%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f],a=%f,v=%f,t=0,r=0.09)\n" % (up_pos_tcp[0],up_pos_tcp[1],up_pos_tcp[2],tool_orientation_tcp[0],tool_orientation_tcp[1],0.0,self.joint_acc,self.joint_vel)
tcp_command += " movej(p[%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f],a=%f,v=%f,t=0,r=0.00)\n" % (position_tcp[0],position_tcp[1],position_tcp[2],tool_orientation_tcp[0],tool_orientation_tcp[1],0.0,self.joint_acc*0.1,self.joint_vel*0.1)
tcp_command += " set_digital_out(8,True)\n"
tcp_command += "end\n"
move_to_result = self.move_to(up_pos)
# TODO(ahundt) save previous and new depth image, and if the depth at the place coordinate increased, return True for place success
if go_home:
# TODO(ahundt) confirm redundant go_home works around some cases where the robot fails to reach the destination
home_success = self.go_home(block_until_home=True)
if not home_success:
home_success = self.go_home(block_until_home=True)
return home_success
return move_to_result
def check_row(self, object_color_sequence,
"""Check for a complete row in the correct order, along any of the `num_directions` directions.
Input: vector length of 1, 2, or 3
Example: goal = [0] or [0,1] or [0,1,3]
# Arguments
object_color_sequence: vector indicating the index order of self.object_handles we expect to grasp.
num_obj: number of blocks in the workspace (needed to get all subsets)
separation_threshold: The max distance cutoff between blocks in meters for the stack to be considered complete.
distance_threshold: maximum distance for blocks to be off-row
num_directions: number of rotations that are checked for rows.
# Returns
List [success, height_count].
success: will be True if the stack matches the specified order from bottom to top, False otherwise.
row_size: will be the number of individual blocks which passed the check, with a minimum value of 1.
i.e. if 4 blocks pass the check the return will be 4, but if there are only single blocks it will be 1.
If the list passed is length 0 then height_count will return 0 and it will automatically pass successfully.
if check_z_height:
# TODO(ahundt) Remove this call to self.get_camera_data. Added because the
# valid_depth_heightmap here used for row checking is delayed by one action
# Figure out why.
valid_depth_heightmap, _, _, _, _, _ = self.get_camera_data(return_heightmaps=True)
success, row_size = utils.check_row_success(valid_depth_heightmap, prev_z_height=prev_z_height)
return success, row_size
if len(object_color_sequence) < 1:
print('check_row() object_color_sequence length is 0 or 1, so there is nothing to check and it passes automatically')
return True, 1
pos = np.asarray(self.get_obj_positions())
posyx = copy.deepcopy(pos)
posyx[:, [0,1]] = posyx[:, [1,0]]
success = False
row_size = 1
row_length = len(object_color_sequence)
# Color order of blocks doesn't matter, just the length of the sequence.
# Therefore, check every row_length-size subset of blocks to see if
# they are in a row and, if so, whether they are close enough
# together.
# lists all the possible subsets of blocks to check, for each possible length of row (except 1).
# So for 3 objects, this would be:
# [[[0,1], [0,2], [1,2]], [[0,1,2]]]
#all_block_indices = [map(list, itertools.permutations(np.arange(num_obj), length))
# for length in range(1, num_obj+1)]
# only check row size rows
all_block_indices = [map(list, itertools.permutations(np.arange(num_obj), row_length))]
successful_block_indices = []
for block_indices_of_length in all_block_indices:
do_break = False
for block_indices in block_indices_of_length:
# check each rotation angle for a possible row
#print('checking {}'.format(block_indices))
#print('checking {}'.format(np.array(self.color_names)[block_indices]))
specific_success, specific_row_size, specific_successful_block_indices = self.check_specific_blocks_for_row(pos, block_indices, distance_threshold, separation_threshold, object_color_sequence, row_size, success)
#print(f"horizontal SUCCESS: {specific_success}")
if specific_row_size > row_size:
success = specific_success
row_size = max(row_size, specific_row_size)
successful_block_indices = specific_successful_block_indices
# TODO(ahundt) FIX HACK switch axis to yx order, to workaround the problem where it cannot check vertical lines for rows
specific_success, specific_row_size, specific_successful_block_indices = self.check_specific_blocks_for_row(posyx, block_indices, distance_threshold, separation_threshold, object_color_sequence, row_size, success)
#print(f"vertical SUCCESS: {specific_success}")
if specific_row_size > row_size:
success = specific_success
row_size = max(row_size, specific_row_size)
successful_block_indices = specific_successful_block_indices
if specific_success:
success = specific_success
successful_block_indices = specific_successful_block_indices
row_size = len(successful_block_indices)
do_break = True
if do_break:
print('check_row: {} | row_size: {} | blocks: {}'.format(
success, row_size, np.array(self.color_names)[successful_block_indices]))
return success, row_size
def check_specific_blocks_for_row(self, pos, block_indices, distance_threshold, separation_threshold, object_color_sequence, row_size, success):
""" check_row helper function to workaround that it cannot currently check vertical rows of blocks.
# TODO(ahundt) FIX HACK switch axis to yx order, to workaround the problem where it cannot check vertical lines for rows
successful_block_indices = []
xs = pos[block_indices][:, 0]
ys = pos[block_indices][:, 1]
if xs.size == 0 or ys.size == 0:
# there is nothing to fit,
# not successful, row size 0, and empty block indices
return False, 0, successful_block_indices
# print('xs: {}'.format(xs))
# print('ys: {}'.format(ys))
m, b = utils.polyfit(xs, ys, 1)
# print('m, b: {}, {}'.format(m, b))
theta = np.arctan(m) # TODO(bendkill): use arctan2?
c = np.cos(theta)
s = np.sin(theta)
R = np.array([[c, s, 0], [-s, c, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
T = np.array([0, -b, 0])
# aligned_pos rotates X along the line of best fit (in x,y), so y should be small
aligned_pos = np.array([np.matmul(R, p + T) for p in pos[block_indices]])
aligned = True
median_z = np.median(aligned_pos[:, 2])
print(f"pos: {aligned_pos} \n block_indices {block_indices} object_color_sequence {object_color_sequence}")
for p in aligned_pos:
# print('distance from line: {:.03f}'.format(p[1]))
if abs(p[1]) > distance_threshold or abs(p[2] - median_z) > distance_threshold:
# too far from line on table, or blocks are not on the same Z plane
#print(f"distance is too far")
aligned = False
#print(f"called check_specific_blocks_for_row with pos: {pos}, block_indices: {block_indices}, distance_threshold: {distance_threshold}, separation_threshold: {separation_threshold}, object_color_sequence: {object_color_sequence}, row_size: {row_size}, success: {success}")
# if using language, don't sort them, just take them as is, should work since we're using permutations not combinations
if self.language:
xs = aligned_pos[:,0]
indices = aligned_pos[:, 0].argsort()
xs = aligned_pos[indices, 0]
separation_p = utils.check_separation(xs, separation_threshold)
except AssertionError:
# blocks are not left-to-right
separation_p = False
if aligned and separation_p:
# print('valid row along', theta, 'with indices', block_indices)
if self.grasp_color_task or self.language:
block_inds = np.array(block_indices)
min_len = min(len(block_inds), len(object_color_sequence))
detected_colors = np.array(self.color_names)[block_inds[0:min_len]]
detected_colors_reverse = np.array(self.color_names)[block_inds[::-1][0:min_len]]
expected_colors = np.array(self.color_names)[np.array(object_color_sequence[0:min_len])]
eq_forward = [detected_colors[i] == expected_colors[i] for i in range(len(detected_colors))]
eq_backward = [detected_colors_reverse[i] == expected_colors[i] for i in range(len(detected_colors_reverse))]
success = np.array(eq_forward).all() or np.array(eq_backward).all()
print(f"detected: {detected_colors} expected {expected_colors} success {success}")
#success = np.equal(indices[0:min_len], object_color_sequence[0:min_len]).all() or \
# np.equal(indices[0:min_len][::-1], object_color_sequence[0:min_len]).all()
success = True
successful_block_indices = block_indices
#row_size = max(len(block_indices), row_size)
# if row_size > 1 and success:
if row_size == 4:
# if detected row size is 4 and correct so far, then must have rest correct so return that
#print(f"separation is too far")
# if we have found a candidate, make sure that it's the right color order
if success:
print(f"predicted stack {successful_block_indices} matches color sequence {object_color_sequence}!!!!!!")
return success, row_size, successful_block_indices
def detect_stack(self, pos, curr_sequence, horiz_distance_threshold=0.06, top_idx = -1):
# Automatically determine the color order.
# We don't worry about the colors, just the length of the sequence.
# This should even handle 2 stacks of 2 blocks after a single place success
# TODO(ahundt) See if there are any special failure cases common enough to warrant more code improvements
num_obj = len(curr_sequence)
# object_z_positions = np.array(pos[:,2])
# object_color_sequence = object_z_positions.argsort()[:num_obj][::-1]
# object indices sorted highest to lowest
# low2high_idx = object_z_positions.argsort()
low2high_idx = np.array(pos[:, 2]).argsort()
high_idx = low2high_idx[top_idx]
low2high_pos = pos[low2high_idx, :]
# filter objects closest to the highest block in x, y based on the threshold
# ordered from low to high, boolean mask array
nearby_obj = np.linalg.norm(low2high_pos[:, :2] - pos[high_idx, :2], axis=1) < \
# print('nearby:', nearby_obj)
# take num_obj that are close enough from bottom to top
# TODO(ahundt) auto-generated object_color_sequence definitely has some special case failures, check if it is good enough
object_color_sequence = low2high_idx[nearby_obj]
return object_color_sequence
def check_stack(self, object_color_sequence, crop_stack_sequence=True,
horiz_distance_threshold=0.06, vert_distance_threshold=0.06, top_idx=-1,
pos=None, return_inds=False, goal_num_obj = 4):
""" Check for a complete stack in the correct order from bottom to top.
Input: vector length of 1, 2, or 3
Example: goal = [0] or [0,1] or [0,1,3]
# Arguments
object_color_sequence: vector indicating the index order of self.object_handles we expect to grasp.
horiz_distance_threshold: The max distance cutoff between blocks(horizontal) in meters for the stack to be considered complete.
vert_distance_threshold: The max distance cutoff between blocks(vertical) in meters for the stack to be considered complete.
# Returns
List [success, height_count].
success: will be True if the stack matches the specified order from bottom to top, False otherwise.
height_count: will be the number of individual blocks which passed the check, with a minimum value of 1.
i.e. if 4 blocks pass the check the return will be 4, but if there are only single blocks it will be 1.
If the list passed is length 0 then height_count will return 0 and it will automatically pass successfully.
# TODO(ahundt) support the check after a specific grasp in case of successful grasp topple. Perhaps allow the top block to be specified?
checks = len(object_color_sequence) - 1
if checks <= 0:
print('check_stack() object_color_sequence length is 0 or 1, so there is nothing to check and it passes automatically')
if return_inds:
return True, checks+1, []
return True, checks+1
# TODO(killeen) move grasp_color_task check to end, want to find stacks even if the order isn't right.
# if block positions aren't specified, call get_obj_positions
if pos is None:
print('regenerating pos')
pos = np.asarray(self.get_obj_positions())
# Assume the stack will work out successfully
# in the end until proven otherwise
goal_success = True
if not self.grasp_color_task and not self.language:
object_color_sequence = self.detect_stack(pos, object_color_sequence, horiz_distance_threshold, top_idx)
if len(object_color_sequence) < num_obj:
print('check_stack() False, not enough nearby objects for a successful stack! ' \
'expected at least ' + str(num_obj) + ' nearby objects, but only counted: ' + \
# there aren't enough nearby objects for a successful stack!
checks = len(object_color_sequence) - 1
# We know the goal won't be met, so goal_success is False
# But we still need to count the actual stack height so set the variable for later
goal_success = False
elif crop_stack_sequence:
# cut out objects we don't need to check if crop_stack_sequence is set
object_color_sequence = object_color_sequence[:num_obj+1]
checks = len(object_color_sequence) - 1
# print('auto object_color_sequence: ' + str(object_color_sequence))
elif not self.grasp_color_task and self.language:
detected_object_color_sequence = self.detect_stack(pos, object_color_sequence, horiz_distance_threshold, top_idx)
# If we have duplicate colored blocks (ie, two reds), we need to generate all possible sequences
if self.grasp_color_task and self.num_obj > self.color_space.shape[0]:
sequences = []
# The following function fills in the sequences variable with possible sequences
self.generate_possible_color_stack_sequences(object_color_sequence, 0, [], sequences)
sequences = [object_color_sequence]
# print('bottom: ' + str(object_color_sequence[:-1]))
# print('top: ' + str(object_color_sequence[1:]))
idx = 0
working_seq_found = True
max_height = 0
# The outside for loop is to check all possible stacks that fit the color order.
# It is mainly used for grasp_color_task (color stacking)
for sequence in sequences:
working_seq_found = True
for idx in range(checks):
bottom_pos = pos[sequence[idx]]
top_pos = pos[sequence[idx+1]]
# Check that Z is higher by at least half the distance threshold
# print('bottom_pos:', bottom_pos)
# print('top_pos:', top_pos)
# print('distance_threshold: ', distance_threshold)
if top_pos[2] < (bottom_pos[2] + vert_distance_threshold / 2.0):
if not self.grasp_color_task:
print('check_stack(): top object z pos ' + str(top_pos[2]) + ' not high enough for object idx: ' + str(idx) + ' possibly color: ' + self.color_names[idx % len(self.color_names)])
max_height=max(max_height, idx + 1)
# Check that the blocks are near each other
dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(bottom_pos) - np.array(top_pos))
# print('distance: ', dist)
if dist > vert_distance_threshold:
if not self.grasp_color_task:
print('check_stack(): the vertical distance between block sequence ' + str(sequence) + ' colors is ' + str(dist) +
'. This is larger than the threshold ' + str(vert_distance_threshold) + '. marking this sequence as not successful.')
max_height=max(max_height, idx + 1)
if working_seq_found:
pred = detected_object_color_sequence[0:goal_num_obj]
goal = object_color_sequence[0:goal_num_obj]
object_color_seq_to_ret = detected_object_color_sequence
if np.array_equal(pred,goal):
if return_inds:
return True, len(pred), object_color_seq_to_ret
return True, len(pred)
if not working_seq_found:
if return_inds:
return False, max_height, object_color_seq_to_ret
return False, max_height
detected_height = min(idx + 2, len(object_color_sequence))
print('check_stack() current detected stack height: ' + str(detected_height))
if return_inds:
return goal_success, detected_height, object_color_seq_to_ret
return goal_success, detected_height
def generate_possible_color_stack_sequences(self, object_color_sequence, index, used_indicies, output):
# Recursive function to help check the stack
if index == len(object_color_sequence):
bottom_color_index = object_color_sequence[index] % self.color_space.shape[0]
bottom_index_options = [i for i in range(bottom_color_index, self.num_obj, self.color_space.shape[0]) if i not in used_indicies]
for ib in bottom_index_options:
new_used_indicies = used_indicies.copy()
self.generate_possible_color_stack_sequences(object_color_sequence, index+1, new_used_indicies, output)
def vertical_square_partial_success(self, current_stack_goal, check_z_height,
row_dist_thresh=0.02, separation_threshold=0.1, stack_dist_thresh=0.06):
Checks if the last action was successful.
NOTE: could be bugs with this, need to use location of last action to be sure
current_stack_goal: array with current goal (length represents goal structure size)
success: whether the previous action was successful
structure_progress: step of task we are on (e.g. 2 if structure has 2 blocks)
# initially no stacks or rows, 1 block in structure
num_stacks = 0
has_row = False
structure_size = 1
if check_z_height:
raise NotImplementedError
# partial success is true if we meet the current stack goal (# of blocks in structure)
# get object positions (array with each object position)
pos = np.asarray(self.get_obj_positions())
# sort indices of blocks by z value
low2high_idx = np.array(pos[:, 2]).argsort()
# check if we are currently holding a block, then we need to use -2 for top_idx
if pos[low2high_idx[-1], 2] > 0.2:
top_idx = -2
top_idx = -1
# first check for any stacks
# NOTE if there isn't a first stack, then all blocks must be on the table so
# we don't need to check for a second stack
# for first stack, check if the highest block forms a stack, make sure to store inds of blocks in stack
# top_idx is set to the index of low2high_idx we want to check the stack at
_, stack_height, first_stack_inds = self.check_stack(np.ones(2), crop_stack_sequence=False,
top_idx=top_idx, horiz_distance_threshold=stack_dist_thresh, pos=pos, return_inds=True)
second_stack_inds = None
if stack_height > 1:
# we have at least 1 stack
num_stacks += 1
# iterate through all blocks except blocks in first stack to check for another stack
for i, block_ind in enumerate(low2high_idx[::-1]):
# skip blocks in first stack
if block_ind in first_stack_inds:
# check for 2nd stack (use index of block_ind in low2high_idx)
top_idx = len(low2high_idx) - 1 - i
_, stack_height, second_stack_inds = self.check_stack(np.ones(2),
crop_stack_sequence=False, top_idx=top_idx, pos=pos, return_inds=True,
if stack_height > 1:
num_stacks += 1
# now check for rows
# if we have 2 stacks, check the bottom blocks of each stack
if num_stacks == 2:
lowest_blocks = np.array([first_stack_inds[0], second_stack_inds[0]]).astype(int)
has_row, _, _ = self.check_specific_blocks_for_row(pos, lowest_blocks,
row_dist_thresh, separation_threshold, None, 1, False)
if has_row:
# we have 2 stacks and they form a row (structure is complete)
structure_size = 4
structure_size = 2
# if we have 1 stack, check bottom block of stack with all other blocks
elif num_stacks == 1:
# structure_size is at least 2
structure_size = 2
lowest_block = first_stack_inds[0]
for block_ind in low2high_idx:
# skip blocks already in stack
if block_ind in first_stack_inds: continue
lowest_blocks = np.array([lowest_block, block_ind]).astype(int)
has_row, _, _ = self.check_specific_blocks_for_row(pos, lowest_blocks,
row_dist_thresh, separation_threshold, None, 1, False)
if has_row:
# there is 1 stack and 1 row
structure_size = 3
# if we have 0 stacks, check all pairs of blocks
for i in range(len(low2high_idx)):
for j in range(i+1, len(low2high_idx)):
lowest_blocks = np.array([low2high_idx[i], low2high_idx[j]]).astype(int)
has_row, _, _ = self.check_specific_blocks_for_row(pos, lowest_blocks,
row_dist_thresh, separation_threshold, None, 1, False)
if has_row:
structure_size = 2
if has_row:
print("vertical square partial success: structure height:", structure_size, "has_row:",
has_row, "num stacks:", num_stacks)
# success if we match or exceed current stack goal, also return structure size
return structure_size >= len(current_stack_goal), structure_size
def unstacking_partial_success(self, prev_structure_progress, distance_threshold=0.06, top_idx=-1, check_z_height=False, depth_img=None):
""" Check stack height, set partial_stack_success flag to true if stack height decreases on grasp
# Arguments
prev_stack_height: height of stack before last action was taken
distance_threshold: The max distance cutoff between blocks in meters for the stack to be considered complete.
# Returns
List [success, stack_height].
success: will be True if the stack matches the specified order from bottom to top, False otherwise.
stack_height: number of blocks in stack
if check_z_height:
_, stack_height, _ = self.check_z_height(depth_img, prev_structure_progress)
stack_height = int(np.rint(stack_height))
# get object positions (array with each object position)
pos = np.asarray(self.get_obj_positions())
# sort indices of blocks by z value
low2high_idx = np.array(pos[:, 2]).argsort()
# check if we are currently holding a block, then we need to use -2 for top_idx
if pos[low2high_idx[-1], 2] > 0.2:
top_idx = -2
# run check stack to get height of stack
_, stack_height = self.check_stack(np.ones(4), pos=pos, top_idx=top_idx, horiz_distance_threshold=distance_threshold)
# structure progress is 1 when stack is full, 2 when we unstack 1 block, and so on
structure_progress = 5 - stack_height
# check if we decreased or maintained last stack height
goal_success = (structure_progress >= prev_structure_progress)
print('unstacking_partial_success() structure_progress:', structure_progress,
'prev_structure_progress:', prev_structure_progress, 'goal_success:',
return goal_success, structure_progress
def manual_progress_check(self, prev_structure_progress, task_type):
# play a sound to get the human's attention.
while True:
progress = float(input(" ".join(["For task", task_type.upper(),
"input current structure size: "])))
except ValueError:
print("ENTER AN INTEGER!!!!")
if progress < prev_structure_progress:
needed_to_reset = True
needed_to_reset = False
if progress > prev_structure_progress:
stack_matches_goal = True
elif task_type == 'unstack' and progress >= prev_structure_progress:
stack_matches_goal = True
stack_matches_goal = False
return stack_matches_goal, progress, needed_to_reset
def check_incremental_height(self, input_img, current_stack_goal):
goal_success = False
goal, max_z, decrease_threshold = self.check_z_height(input_img)
#TODO(hkwon214) Double check this
current_stack_goal = len(current_stack_goal)
if (max_z <= 0.069):
detected_height = 1
elif (max_z > 0.069) and (max_z <= 0.11):
detected_height = 2
elif (max_z > 0.11) and (max_z <= 0.156):
detected_height = 3
# elif (max_z > 0.156) and (max_z <= 0.21):
# detected_height = 4
detected_height = 4
#TODO(hkwon214) What happens if the height is above the limit?
if current_stack_goal == detected_height:
goal_success = True
return goal_success, detected_height
def check_z_height(self, input_img, prev_height=0.0, increase_threshold=0.03, decrease_threshold=0.02, reward_multiplier=None):
""" Checks the maximum z height after applying a median filter. Includes checks for significant increases and decreases.
# Returns
[goal_success, max_z, needed_to_reset]
goal_success: has height increased by the increase_threshold
max_z: what is the current maximum z height in the image
neede_to_reset: has the height decreased from the prev_height enough to warrant special reset/recovery actions.
reward_multiplier: Converts scale from "meters" to "blocks" scale. Default None means 20.0 if self.is_sim else 22.0.
if reward_multiplier is None:
reward_multiplier = 20.0 if self.is_sim else 22.0
# TODO(ahundt) make reward multiplier, increase threshold, and decrease threshold command line parameters which can be modified.
img_median = ndimage.median_filter(input_img, size=5)
max_z = np.max(img_median) * reward_multiplier
# TODO(ahundt) should the reward multiplier be applied to increase_threshold, or should the parameter be totally indepenedent?
goal_success = max_z >= (prev_height + (increase_threshold * reward_multiplier))
needed_to_reset = False
max_workspace_height = prev_height - (decrease_threshold * reward_multiplier)
if decrease_threshold is not None and max_z < max_workspace_height:
needed_to_reset = True
print('prev_height: ' + str(prev_height) + ' max_z: ' + str(max_z) + \
' goal_success: ' + str(goal_success) + ' needed to reset: ' + \
str(needed_to_reset) + ' max_workspace_height: ' + str(max_workspace_height) + ' <<<<<<<<<<<')
return goal_success, max_z, needed_to_reset
def restart_real(self):
# reset objects for stacking
if self.place_task:
return self.reposition_objects()
# reset objects for pushing and grasping
# position just over the box to dump
# [0.2035772 0.14621875 0.07735696]
# Compute tool orientation from heightmap rotation angle
tool_orientation = [0, np.pi, 0.0] # Real Good Robot
above_bin_waypoint = [ 0.6, -0.1, 0.25]
self.move_to(above_bin_waypoint, tool_orientation)
above_box_waypoint = [0.32, 0.29, 0.30]
self.move_to(above_box_waypoint, tool_orientation)
# grasp_box is to grasp the edge of of the box
grasp_box = [0.32, 0.29, 0.22]
self.move_to(grasp_box, tool_orientation)
drag_goal = [0.67, -0.16, 0.20]
self.move_to(drag_goal, tool_orientation)
move_up_goal = [0.67, -0.16, 0.33]
self.move_to(move_up_goal, tool_orientation)
self.move_to(above_box_waypoint, tool_orientation)
self.move_to(grasp_box, tool_orientation)
self.move_to(above_box_waypoint, tool_orientation)
self.move_to(above_bin_waypoint, tool_orientation)
return self.go_home(block_until_home=True)
def shutdown(self):
if self.is_sim:
vrep.simxStopSimulation(self.sim_client, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
马建仓 AI 助手
