Originally from https://github.com/jhu-lcsr/costar_plan/blob/d469d62d72cd405ed07b10c62eb24391c0af1975/ctp_integration/python/ctp_integration/collector.py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import PyKDL as kdl
import rospy
import tf2_ros as tf2
import tf_conversions.posemath as pm
import io
import message_filters
from costar_models.datasets.npz import NpzDataset
from costar_models.datasets.h5f import H5fDataset
from costar_models.datasets.image import GetJpeg
from costar_models.datasets.image import GetPng
from costar_models.datasets.image import JpegToNumpy
from costar_models.datasets.image import ConvertImageListToNumpy
from costar_models.datasets.depth_image_encoding import FloatArrayToRgbImage
from cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
from sensor_msgs.msg import CameraInfo
from std_msgs.msg import String
from robotiq_c_model_control.msg import CModel_robot_input as GripperMsg
import cv2
import six
import json
import sys
import datetime
from constants import GetHomeJointSpace
from constants import GetHomePose
from threading import Lock
# TODO(ahundt) move all direct h5py code back to H5fDataset class
import h5py
from ctp_integration.ros_geometry import pose_to_vec_quat_pair
from ctp_integration.ros_geometry import pose_to_vec_quat_list
def timeStamped(fname, fmt='%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S_{fname}'):
""" Apply a timestamp to the front of a filename description.
see: http://stackoverflow.com/a/5215012/99379
return datetime.datetime.now().strftime(fmt).format(fname=fname)
class DataCollector(object):
Buffers data from an example then writes it to disk.
Data received includes:
- images from camera
- depth data (optional)
- current end effector pose
- current joint states
- current gripper status
def __init__(
self, robot_config,
img_shape=(128, 128),
""" Initialize a data collector object for writing ros topic information and data collection state to disk
img_shape: currently ignored
camera_frame: ros tf rigid body transform frame to use as the base of the camera coodinate systems
tf_buffer: temp store for 3d rigid body transforms, used during logging
tf_listener: integrates with tf_buffer
action_labels_to_always_log: 'move_to_home' is always logged by default, others can be added. This option may not work yet.
verbose: print lots of extra info, useful for debuggging
synchronize: will attempt to synchronize image data by timestamp. Not yet working as of 2018-05-05.
self.js_topic = "joint_states"
# http://wiki.ros.org/depth_image_proc
# http://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0118.html
# http://wiki.ros.org/rgbd_launch
# we will be getting 16 bit integer values in milimeters
self.rgb_topic = "/camera/rgb/image_rect_color"
# raw means it is in the format provided by the openi drivers, 16 bit int
self.depth_topic = "/camera/depth_registered/hw_registered/image_rect"
self.ee = "endpoint"
self.base_link = "base_link"
self.description = "/robot_description"
self.data_types = ["h5f", "npz"]
self.info_topic = "/costar/info"
self.object_topic = "/costar/SmartMove/object"
self.gripper_topic = "/CModelRobotInput"
self.camera_depth_info_topic = "/camera/rgb/camera_info"
self.camera_rgb_info_topic = "/camera/depth_registered/camera_info"
self.camera_rgb_optical_frame = "camera_rgb_optical_frame"
self.camera_depth_optical_frame = "camera_depth_optical_frame"
self.verbose = verbose
self.mutex = Lock()
if action_labels_to_always_log is None:
self.action_labels_to_always_log = ['move_to_home']
self.action_labels_to_always_log = action_labels_to_always_log
Set up the writer (to save trials to disk) and subscribers (to process
input from ROS and store the current state).
if tf_buffer is None:
self.tf_buffer = tf2.Buffer()
self.tf_buffer = tf_buffer
if tf_listener is None:
self.tf_listener = tf2.TransformListener(self.tf_buffer)
self.tf_listener = tf_listener
if isinstance(rate, int) or isinstance(rate, float):
self.rate = rospy.Rate(rate)
elif isinstance(rate, rospy.Rate):
self.rate = rate
raise RuntimeError("rate data type not supported: %s" % type(rate))
self.root = data_root
self.data_type = data_type
rospy.logwarn("Dataset root set to " + str(self.root))
if self.data_type == "h5f":
self.writer = H5fDataset(self.root)
elif self.data_type == "npz":
self.writer = NpzDataset(self.root)
raise RuntimeError("data type %s not supported" % data_type)
self.T_world_ee = None
self.T_world_camera = None
self.camera_frame = camera_frame
self.ee_frame = robot_config['end_link']
self.rgb_time = None
self.q = None
self.dq = None
self.pc = None
self.camera_depth_info = None
self.camera_rgb_info = None
self.depth_img = None
self.rgb_img = None
self.gripper_msg = None
self._bridge = CvBridge()
self.task = task
if synchronize:
# TODO(ahundt) synchronize image time stamps, consider including joint info too
# http://docs.ros.org/kinetic/api/message_filters/html/python/
# http://library.isr.ist.utl.pt/docs/roswiki/message_filters.html
# may want to consider approx:
# http://wiki.ros.org/message_filters/ApproximateTime
# self._camera_depth_info_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.camera_depth_info_topic, CameraInfo)
# self._camera_rgb_info_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.camera_rgb_info_topic, CameraInfo)
# ensure synced data has headers: https://answers.ros.org/question/206650/subcribe-to-multiple-topics-with-message_filters/
# example code:
# https://github.com/gt-ros-pkg/hrl/blob/df47c6fc4fbd32df44df0060643e94cdf5741ff3/hai_sandbox/src/hai_sandbox/kinect_fpfh.py
# https://github.com/b2256/catkin_ws/blob/fef8bc05f34262083f02e06b1585f2170d6de5a3/src/bag2orb/src/afl_sync_node_16.py
rospy.loginfo('synchronizing data for logging')
self._camera_depth_info_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.camera_depth_info_topic, CameraInfo, self._depthInfoCb)
self._camera_rgb_info_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.camera_rgb_info_topic, CameraInfo, self._rgbInfoCb)
self._rgb_sub = message_filters.Subscriber(self.rgb_topic, Image)
self._depth_sub = message_filters.Subscriber(self.depth_topic, Image)
self._time_sync_rgbd_sub = message_filters.TimeSynchronizer(
[self._rgb_sub, self._depth_sub], 30)
# just take the data as it comes rather than synchronizing
self._camera_depth_info_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.camera_depth_info_topic, CameraInfo, self._depthInfoCb)
self._camera_rgb_info_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.camera_rgb_info_topic, CameraInfo, self._rgbInfoCb)
self._rgb_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.rgb_topic, Image, self._rgbCb)
self._depth_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.depth_topic, Image, self._depthCb)
self._joints_sub = rospy.Subscriber(
self._info_sub = rospy.Subscriber(
self._smartmove_object_sub = rospy.Subscriber(
self._gripper_sub = rospy.Subscriber(
def _rgbdCb(self, rgb_msg, depth_msg):
if rgb_msg is None:
rospy.logwarn("_rgbdCb: rgb_msg is None !!!!!!!!!")
# max out at 10 hz assuming 30hz data source
# TODO(ahundt) make mod value configurable
if rgb_msg.header.seq % 3 == 0:
cv_image = self._bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(rgb_msg, "rgb8")
# decode the data, this will take some time
rospy.loginfo('rgb color cv_image shape: ' + str(cv_image.shape) + ' depth sequence number: ' + str(msg.header.seq))
# print('rgb color cv_image shape: ' + str(cv_image.shape))
cv_image = cv2.cvtColor(cv_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# encode the jpeg with high quality
encode_params = [cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 99]
rgb_img = cv2.imencode('.jpg', cv_image, encode_params)[1].tobytes()
# rgb_img = GetJpeg(np.asarray(cv_image))
cv_depth_image = self._bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(depth_msg, desired_encoding="passthrough")
depth_encoded_as_rgb_numpy = encode_depth_numpy(cv_depth_image)
bytevalues = cv2.imencode('.png', depth_encoded_as_rgb_numpy)[1].tobytes()
with self.mutex:
self.rgb_time = msg.header.stamp
self.rgb_img = rgb_img
# self.depth_info = depth_camera_info
# self.rgb_info = rgb_camera_info
self.depth_img_time = msg.header.stamp
# self.depth_img = np_image
# self.depth_img = img_str
self.depth_img = bytevalues
except CvBridgeError as e:
def _rgbCb(self, msg):
if msg is None:
rospy.logwarn("_rgbCb: msg is None !!!!!!!!!")
# max out at 10 hz assuming 30hz data source
if msg.header.seq % 3 == 0:
cv_image = self._bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, "rgb8")
# decode the data, this will take some time
# rospy.loginfo('rgb color cv_image shape: ' + str(cv_image.shape) + ' depth sequence number: ' + str(msg.header.seq))
# print('rgb color cv_image shape: ' + str(cv_image.shape))
cv_image = cv2.cvtColor(cv_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
rgb_img = cv2.imencode('.jpg', cv_image)[1].tobytes()
# rgb_img = GetJpeg(np.asarray(cv_image))
with self.mutex:
self.rgb_time = msg.header.stamp
self.rgb_img = rgb_img
except CvBridgeError as e:
def _infoCb(self, msg):
with self.mutex:
self.info = msg.data
def _depthInfoCb(self, msg):
with self.mutex:
self.depth_info = msg
def _rgbInfoCb(self, msg):
with self.mutex:
self.rgb_info = msg
def _objectCb(self, msg):
with self.mutex:
self.object = msg.data
def _gripperCb(self, msg):
with self.mutex:
self.gripper_msg = msg
def _depthCb(self, msg):
if msg.header.seq % 3 == 0:
cv_image = self._bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, desired_encoding="passthrough")
# ref: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25592959
# also: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17970817
# kinda works, but only 8 bit image....
# img_str = cv2.imencode('.png', cv_image, cv2.CV_16U)[1].tobytes()
# img_str = np.frombuffer(cv2.imencode('.png', cv_image)[1].tobytes(), np.uint8)
# doesn't work
# img_str = np.string_(cv2.imencode('.png', cv_image)[1].tostring())
# img_str = io.BytesIO(img_str).getvalue()
# doesn't work
# img_str = io.BytesIO(cv2.imencode('.png', cv_image)[1].tobytes().getvalue())
# These values are in mm according to:
# https://github.com/ros-perception/depthimage_to_laserscan/blob/indigo-devel/include/depthimage_to_laserscan/depth_traits.h#L49
# np_image = np.asarray(cv_image, dtype=np.uint16)
# depth_image = PIL.Image.fromarray(np_image)
# if depth_image.mode == 'I;16':
# # https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/1099
# # https://github.com/arve0/leicaexperiment/blob/master/leicaexperiment/experiment.py#L560
# depth_image = depth_image.convert(mode='I')
# max_val = np.max(np_image)
# min_val = np.min(np_image)
# print('max val: ' + str(max_val) + ' min val: ' + str(min_val))
# decode the data, this will take some time
# output = io.BytesIO()
# depth_image.save(output, format="PNG")
# begin 32 bit float code (too slow)
# cv_image = self._bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, "32FC1")
# # These values are in mm according to:
# # https://github.com/ros-perception/depthimage_to_laserscan/blob/indigo-devel/include/depthimage_to_laserscan/depth_traits.h#L49
# np_image = np.asarray(cv_image, dtype=np.float32) * 1000.0
# # max_val = np.max(np_image)
# # min_val = np.min(np_image)
# # print('max val: ' + str(max_val) + ' min val: ' + str(min_val))
# # decode the data, this will take some time
# depth_image = FloatArrayToRgbImage(np_image)
# output = io.BytesIO()
# depth_image.save(output, format="PNG")
# end 32 bit float code (too slow)
# convert to meters from milimeters
# plt.imshow(cv_image, cmap='nipy_spectral')
# plt.pause(.01)
# plt.draw()
# print('np_image shape: ' + str(np_image.shape))
# split into three channels
# np_image = np.asarray(cv_image, dtype=np.uint32) * 1000
# r = np.array(np.divide(np_image, 256*256), dtype=np.uint8)
# g = np.array(np.mod(np.divide(np_image, 256), 256), dtype=np.uint8)
# b = np.array(np.mod(np_image, 256), dtype=np.uint8)
# split into two channels with a third zero channel
# bytevalues = uint16_depth_image_to_png_numpy(cv_image)
depth_encoded_as_rgb_numpy = encode_depth_numpy(cv_image)
bytevalues = cv2.imencode('.png', depth_encoded_as_rgb_numpy)[1].tobytes()
with self.mutex:
self.depth_img_time = msg.header.stamp
# self.depth_img = np_image
# self.depth_img = img_str
self.depth_img = bytevalues
# print (self.depth_img)
except CvBridgeError as e:
def setTask(self, task):
self.task = task
def reset(self):
self.data = {}
self.data["nsecs"] = []
self.data["secs"] = []
self.data["q"] = []
self.data["dq"] = []
self.data["pose"] = []
self.data["camera"] = []
self.data["image"] = []
self.data["depth_image"] = []
self.data["goal_idx"] = []
self.data["gripper"] = []
self.data["label"] = []
self.data["info"] = []
self.data["depth_info"] = []
self.data["rgb_info"] = []
self.data["object"] = []
self.data["object_pose"] = []
self.data["labels_to_name"] = list(self.task.labels)
self.data["rgb_info_D"] = []
self.data["rgb_info_K"] = []
self.data["rgb_info_R"] = []
self.data["rgb_info_P"] = []
self.data["rgb_info_distortion_model"] = []
self.data["depth_info_D"] = []
self.data["depth_info_K"] = []
self.data["depth_info_R"] = []
self.data["depth_info_P"] = []
self.data["depth_distortion_model"] = []
self.data["all_tf2_frames_as_yaml"] = []
self.data["all_tf2_frames_from_base_link_vec_quat_xyzxyzw_json"] = []
self.data["visualization_marker"] = []
self.data["camera_rgb_optical_frame_pose"] = []
self.data["camera_depth_optical_frame_pose"] = []
#self.data["depth"] = []
self.info = None
self.object = None
self.prev_objects = []
self.action = None
self.prev_action = None
self.current_ee_pose = None
self.last_goal = 0
self.prev_last_goal = 0
self.home_xyz_quat = GetHomePose()
def _jointsCb(self, msg):
with self.mutex:
self.q = msg.position
self.dq = msg.velocity
if self.verbose > 3:
rospy.loginfo(self.q, self.dq)
def save(self, seed, result, log=None):
Save function that wraps dataset access, dumping the data
which is currently buffered in memory to disk.
seed: An integer identifer that should go in the filename.
result: Options are 'success' 'failure' or 'error.failure'
error.failure should indicate a failure due to factors
outside the purposes for which you are collecting data.
For example, if there is a network communication error
and you are collecting data for a robot motion control
problem, that can be considered an error based failure,
since the goal task may essentially already be complete.
You may also pass a numerical reward value, for numerical
reward values, 0 will name the output file 'failure', and
anything > 0 will name the output file 'success'.
log: A string containing any log data you want to save,
For example, if you want to store information about errors
that were encounterd to help figure out if the problem
is one that is worth including in the dataset even if it
is an error.failure case. For example, if the robot
was given a motion command that caused it to crash into the
floor and hit a safety stop, this could be valuable training
data and the error string will make it easier to determine
what happened after the fact.
if self.verbose:
for k, v in self.data.items():
print(k, np.array(v).shape)
print("Labels and goals:")
# TODO(ahundt) make nonspecific to hdf5
# dt = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=bytes)
# self.data['depth_image'] = np.asarray(self.data['depth_image'], dtype=dt)
self.data['depth_image'] = np.asarray(self.data['depth_image'])
self.data['image'] = np.asarray(self.data['image'])
if log is None:
# save an empty string in the log if nothing is specified
log = ''
self.data['log'] = np.asarray(log)
if isinstance(result, int) or isinstance(result, float):
result = "success" if result > 0. else "failure"
filename = timeStamped("example%06d.%s.h5f" % (seed, result))
rospy.loginfo('Saving dataset example with filename: ' + filename)
# for now all examples are considered a success
self.writer.write(self.data, filename, image_types=[("image", "jpeg"), ("depth_image", "png")])
def set_home_pose(self, pose):
self.home_xyz_quat = pose
def update(self, action_label, is_done):
Compute endpoint positions and update data. Should happen at some
fixed frequency like 10 hz.
action: name of high level action being executed
switched = False
if not self.action == action_label:
if self.action is not None:
switched = True
self.prev_action = self.action
self.action = action_label
self.object = None
if switched or is_done:
self.prev_last_goal = self.last_goal
self.last_goal = len(self.data["label"])
len_label = len(self.data["label"])
# Count one more if this is the last frame -- since our goal could
# not be the beginning of a new action
if is_done:
len_label += 1
extra = 1
extra = 0
"Starting new action: " +
str(action_label) +
", prev was from " +
str(self.prev_last_goal) +
# ' ' + (str(self.data["label"][self.prev_last_goal]) if self.prev_last_goal else "") +
" to " + str(self.last_goal)
# ' ' + (str(self.data["label"][self.last_goal]) if self.last_goal else "") +
self.data["goal_idx"] += (self.last_goal - self.prev_last_goal + extra) * [self.last_goal]
len_idx = len(self.data["goal_idx"])
if not len_idx == len_label:
rospy.logerr("lens = " + str(len_idx) + ", " + str(len_label))
raise RuntimeError("incorrectly set goal idx")
# action text to check will be the string contents after the colon
label_to_check = action_label.split(':')[-1]
should_log_this_timestep = (self.object is not None or
label_to_check in self.action_labels_to_always_log)
if not should_log_this_timestep:
# here we check if a smartmove object is defined to determine
# if we should be logging at this time.
if self.verbose:
rospy.logwarn("passing -- has not yet started executing motion")
return True
if self.verbose:
rospy.loginfo("Logging: " + str(self.action) +
", obj = " + str(self.object) +
", prev = " + str(self.prev_objects))
local_time = rospy.Time.now()
# this will get the latest available time
latest_available_time_lookup = rospy.Time(0)
with self.mutex:
# get the time for this data sample
if self.rgb_time is not None:
t = self.rgb_time
t = local_time
self.t = t
# make sure we keep the right rgb and depth
img_jpeg = self.rgb_img
depth_png = self.depth_img
have_data = False
# how many times have we tried to get the transforms
attempts = 0
max_attempts = 10
# the number attempts that should
# use the backup timestamps
backup_timestamp_attempts = 4
while not have_data:
c_pose = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(self.base_link, self.camera_frame, t)
ee_pose = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(self.base_link, self.ee_frame, t)
if self.object:
lookup_object = False
# Check for the detected object at the current time.
obj_pose = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(self.base_link, self.object, t)
lookup_object = True
except (tf2.ExtrapolationException, tf2.ConnectivityException) as e:
if not lookup_object:
# If we can't get the current time for the object,
# get the latest available. This particular case will be common.
# This is because the object detection srcipt can only run when the
# arm is out of the way.
obj_pose = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(self.base_link, self.object, latest_available_time_lookup)
rgb_optical_pose = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(self.base_link, self.camera_rgb_optical_frame, t)
depth_optical_pose = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(self.base_link, self.camera_depth_optical_frame, t)
all_tf2_frames_as_string = self.tf_buffer.all_frames_as_string()
self.tf2_dict = {}
transform_strings = all_tf2_frames_as_string.split('\n')
# get all of the other tf2 transforms
# using the latest available frame as a fallback
# if the current timestep frame isn't available
for transform_string in transform_strings:
transform_tokens = transform_string.split(' ')
if len(transform_tokens) > 1:
k = transform_tokens[1]
lookup_object = False
# Check for the detected object at the current time.
k_pose = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(self.base_link, k, t)
lookup_object = True
except (tf2.ExtrapolationException, tf2.ConnectivityException) as e:
if not lookup_object:
# If we can't get the current time for the object,
# get the latest available. This particular case will be common.
# This is because the object detection srcipt can only run when the
# arm is out of the way.
k_pose = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(self.base_link, k, latest_available_time_lookup)
k_pose = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(self.base_link, k, t)
k_xyz_qxqyqzqw = [
self.tf2_dict[k] = k_xyz_qxqyqzqw
except (tf2.ExtrapolationException, tf2.ConnectivityException) as e:
# don't load the yaml because it can take up to 0.2 seconds
all_tf2_frames_as_yaml = self.tf_buffer.all_frames_as_yaml()
self.tf2_json = json.dumps(self.tf2_dict)
have_data = True
except (tf2.LookupException, tf2.ExtrapolationException, tf2.ConnectivityException) as e:
'Collector transform lookup Failed: %s to %s, %s, %s'
' at image time: %s and local time: %s '
'\nNote: This message may print >1000x less often than the problem occurs.' %
(self.base_link, self.camera_frame, self.ee_frame,
str(self.object), str(t), str(latest_available_time_lookup)))
have_data = False
attempts += 1
# rospy.sleep(0.0)
if attempts > max_attempts - backup_timestamp_attempts:
'Collector failed to use the rgb image rosmsg timestamp, '
'trying latest available time as backup. '
'Note: This message may print >1000x less often than the problem occurs.')
# try the backup timestamp even though it will be less accurate
t = latest_available_time_lookup
if attempts > max_attempts:
# Could not look up one of the transforms -- either could
# not look up camera, endpoint, or object.
raise e
if t == latest_available_time_lookup:
# Use either the latest available timestamp or
# the local timestamp as backup,
# even though it will be less accurate
if self.rgb_time is not None:
t = self.rgb_time
t = local_time
c_xyz_quat = pose_to_vec_quat_list(c_pose)
rgb_optical_xyz_quat = pose_to_vec_quat_list(rgb_optical_pose)
depth_optical_xyz_quat = pose_to_vec_quat_list(depth_optical_pose)
ee_xyz_quat = pose_to_vec_quat_list(ee_pose)
if self.object:
obj_xyz_quat = pose_to_vec_quat_list(obj_pose)
self.current_ee_pose = pm.fromTf(pose_to_vec_quat_pair(ee_pose))
self.data["nsecs"].append(np.copy(self.t.nsecs)) # time
self.data["secs"].append(np.copy(self.t.secs)) # time
self.data["pose"].append(np.copy(ee_xyz_quat)) # end effector pose (6 DOF)
self.data["camera"].append(np.copy(c_xyz_quat)) # camera pose (6 DOF)
if self.object:
elif 'move_to_home' in label_to_check:
# TODO(ahundt) should object pose be all 0 or NaN when there is no object?
# self.data["object_pose"].append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
raise ValueError("Attempted to log unsupported "
"object pose data for action_label " +
# print("jpg size={}, png size={}".format(sys.getsizeof(img_jpeg), sys.getsizeof(depth_png)))
self.data["image"].append(img_jpeg) # encoded as JPEG
self.data["gripper"].append(self.gripper_msg.gPO / 255.)
# TODO(cpaxton): verify
if not self.task.validLabel(action_label):
raise RuntimeError("action not recognized: " + str(action_label))
action = self.task.index(action_label)
self.data["label"].append(action) # integer code for high-level action
# Take Mutex ---
with self.mutex:
self.data["q"].append(np.copy(self.q)) # joint position
self.data["dq"].append(np.copy(self.dq)) # joint velocuity
self.data["info"].append(np.copy(self.info)) # string description of current step
if self.object:
return True
def uint16_depth_image_to_png_numpy(cv_image):
# split into two channels with a third zero channel
rgb_np_image = encode_depth_numpy(cv_image)
# plt.imshow(cv_image, cmap='nipy_spectral')
# plt.imshow(rgb_np_image)
# plt.pause(.01)
# plt.draw()
bytevalues = rgb_as_png_binary_bytes(rgb_np_image)
return bytevalues
def rgb_as_png_binary_bytes(rgb_np_image):
pil_image = PIL.Image.fromarray(rgb_np_image, mode='RGB')
output = io.BytesIO()
pil_image.save(output, format="PNG")
bytevalues = output.getvalue()
return bytevalues
def encode_depth_numpy(cv_image, order='bgr'):
# split into two channels with a third zero channel
r = np.array(np.divide(cv_image, 256), dtype=np.uint8)
g = np.array(np.mod(cv_image, 256), dtype=np.uint8)
b = np.zeros(cv_image.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
# If we are using opencv to encode we want to use bgr for
# the encoding step to ensure the color order is correct
# when it is decoded
if order == 'rgb':
rgb_np_image = np.stack([r, g, b], axis=-1)
elif order == 'bgr':
rgb_np_image = np.stack([b, g, r], axis=-1)
raise ValueError('encode_depth_numpy unsupported encoding' + str(order))
# rospy.loginfo('rgb_np_image shape: ' + str(rgb_np_image.shape) + ' depth sequence number: ' + str(msg.header.seq))
# plt.imshow(cv_image, cmap='nipy_spectral')
# plt.imshow(rgb_np_image)
# plt.pause(.01)
# plt.draw()
return rgb_np_image
if __name__ == '__main__':
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