

JiangYong 暂无简介

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Forks 暂停/关闭的

    JiangYong/UniProton forked from openEuler/UniProton

    A lightweight real-time operating system

    JiangYong/mcs forked from openEuler/mcs

    The linux side's codes of openeuler embedded's mixed criticality system related feature

    JiangYong/OpenAMP forked from src-openEuler/OpenAMP

    Open Asymmetirc Multi Processing framework project

    JiangYong/community forked from openEuler/community

    The Community repo is to store all the information about openEuler Community, inclouding governance, SIGs(project teams), Communications and etc.

    JiangYong/Jailhouse forked from src-openEuler/Jailhouse

    Jailhouse is a partitioning Hypervisor based on Linux. It is able to run bare-metal applications or (adapted) operating systems besides Linux. For this purpose, it configures CPU and device virtualization features of the hardware platform in a way that none of these domains, called "cells" here, can interfere with each other in an unacceptable way.

    JiangYong/xenomai forked from Xenomai/xenomai

    Mirror of https://source.denx.de/Xenomai/xenomai

    JiangYong/rt-thread forked from RT-Thread/rt-thread

    RT-Thread是一个来自中国的开源物联网操作系统,它提供了非常强的可伸缩能力:从一个可以运行在ARM Cortex-M0芯片上的极小内核,到中等的ARM Cortex-M3/4/7系统,甚至是多核,64位的ARM Cortex-A,MIPS32/64处理器的功能丰富系统

    JiangYong/kernel_liteos_a_note forked from WeHarmony/kernel_liteos_a_note

    精读鸿蒙内核源码,百万汉字注解分析; 百篇博客深入解剖,挖透内核地基工程. 定期同步官方源码,输出覆盖主流站点. 鸿蒙研究站 | 每天死磕一点点 => weharmonyos.com 做一个专注而靠谱的技术站,持续更新中 ...

    JiangYong/LiteOS forked from Huawei LiteOS/LiteOS

    Huawei LiteOS开源代码官方主仓库. LiteOS Studio 开发工具请访问https://gitee.com/LiteOS/LiteOS_Studio
