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cuda_utils.cu 40.90 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Fujun 提交于 2018-04-09 19:46 . update
extern "C" {
#include "lua.h"
#include "lualib.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
#include "luaT.h"
#include "THC.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <math_constants.h>
#include <math_functions.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include "curand_kernel.h"
#define TB 256
#define EPS 0.1
#undef MIN
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#undef MAX
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
__host__ __device__ int clamp(int x, int x_max, int x_min) {//assume x_max >= x_min
if (x > x_max)
return x_max;
else if (x < x_min)
return x_min;
return x;
__host__ __device__ int cuMax(int a, int b) {
if (a > b) {
return a;
else {
return b;
__host__ __device__ int cuMin(int a, int b) {
if (a < b) {
return a;
else {
return b;
__device__ float MycuRand(curandState &state) {//random number in cuda, between 0 and 1
return curand_uniform(&state);
__device__ void InitcuRand(curandState &state) {//random number in cuda, between 0 and 1
int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
curand_init(i, 0, 0, &state);
THCState* getCutorchState(lua_State* L)
lua_getglobal(L, "cutorch");
lua_getfield(L, -1, "getState");
lua_call(L, 0, 1);
THCState *state = (THCState*) lua_touserdata(L, -1);
lua_pop(L, 2);
return state;
void checkCudaError(lua_State *L) {
cudaError_t status = cudaPeekAtLastError();
if (status != cudaSuccess) {
luaL_error(L, cudaGetErrorString(status));
THCudaTensor *new_tensor_like(THCState *state, THCudaTensor *x)
THCudaTensor *y = THCudaTensor_new(state);
THCudaTensor_resizeAs(state, y, x);
return y;
__global__ void histogram_kernel(
float *I, float *minI, float *maxI, float *mask,
int nbins, int c, int h, int w, float *hist
int _id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int size = h * w;
if (_id < c * size) {
int id = _id % size, dc = _id / size;
if (mask[id] < EPS)
return ;
float val = I[_id];
float _minI = minI[dc];
float _maxI = maxI[dc];
if (_minI == _maxI) {
_minI -= 1;
_maxI += 1;
if (_minI <= val && val <= _maxI) {
int idx = MIN((val - _minI) / (_maxI - _minI) * nbins, nbins-1);
int index = dc * nbins + idx;
atomicAdd(&hist[index], 1.0f);
return ;
int histogram(lua_State *L) {
THCState *state = getCutorchState(L);
THCudaTensor *I = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 1, "torch.CudaTensor");
int nbins = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
THCudaTensor *minI = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 3, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaTensor *maxI = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 4, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaTensor *mask = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 5, "torch.CudaTensor");
int c = THCudaTensor_size(state, I, 0);
int h = THCudaTensor_size(state, I, 1);
int w = THCudaTensor_size(state, I, 2);
THCudaTensor *hist = THCudaTensor_new(state);
THCudaTensor_resize2d(state, hist, c, nbins);
THCudaTensor_zero(state, hist);
histogram_kernel<<<(c*h*w-1)/TB+1, TB>>>(
THCudaTensor_data(state, I),
THCudaTensor_data(state, minI),
THCudaTensor_data(state, maxI),
THCudaTensor_data(state, mask),
nbins, c, h, w,
THCudaTensor_data(state, hist)
luaT_pushudata(L, hist, "torch.CudaTensor");
return 1;
void histogram_cpu_kernel(
float *I, float *minI, float *maxI, float *mask,
int nbins, int c, int h, int w, float *hist
int size = h * w;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
int id = y * w + x;
if (mask[id] < EPS)
for (int dc = 0; dc < c; dc++)
float val = I[dc * size + id];
float _minI = minI[dc];
float _maxI = maxI[dc];
if (_minI == _maxI) {
_minI -= 1;
_maxI += 1;
if (_minI <= val && val <= _maxI) {
int idx = MIN((val - _minI) / (_maxI - _minI) * nbins, nbins-1);
int index = dc * nbins + idx;
// atomicAdd(&hist[index], 1.0f);
#pragma omp atomic
return ;
int histogram_cpu(lua_State *L) {
// THCState *state = getCutorchState(L);
THFloatTensor *I = (THFloatTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 1, "torch.FloatTensor");
int nbins = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
THFloatTensor *minI = (THFloatTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 3, "torch.FloatTensor");
THFloatTensor *maxI = (THFloatTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 4, "torch.FloatTensor");
THFloatTensor *mask = (THFloatTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 5, "torch.FloatTensor");
int c = THFloatTensor_size(I, 0);
int h = THFloatTensor_size(I, 1);
int w = THFloatTensor_size(I, 2);
THFloatTensor *hist = THFloatTensor_new();
THFloatTensor_resize2d(hist, c, nbins);
nbins, c, h, w,
luaT_pushudata(L, hist, "torch.FloatTensor");
return 1;
__global__ void hist_remap2_kernel(
float *I, int nI, float *mI, float *histJ, float *cumJ,
float *_minJ, float *_maxJ, int nbins,
float *_sortI, int *_idxI, float *R, int c, int h, int w
int _id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int size = h * w;
if (_id < c * size) {
// _id = dc * size + id
int id = _id % size, dc = _id / size;
float minJ = _minJ[dc];
float maxJ = _maxJ[dc];
float stepJ = (maxJ - minJ) / nbins;
int idxI = _idxI[_id] - 1;
if (mI[idxI] < EPS)
return ;
int offset = h * w - nI;
int cdf = id - offset;
int s = 0;
int e = nbins - 1;
int m = (s + e) / 2;
int binIdx = -1;
while (s <= e) {
// special handling for range boundary
float cdf_e = m == nbins - 1 ?
cumJ[dc * nbins + m] + 0.5f :
cumJ[dc * nbins + m];
float cdf_s = m == 0 ?
-0.5f :
cumJ[dc * nbins + m - 1];
if (cdf >= cdf_e) {
s = m + 1;
m = (s + e) / 2;
} else if (cdf < cdf_s) {
e = m - 1;
m = (s + e) / 2;
} else {
binIdx = m; break;
float hist = histJ[dc * nbins + binIdx];
float cdf_e = cumJ[dc * nbins + binIdx];
float cdf_s = cdf_e - hist;
float ratio = MIN(MAX((cdf - cdf_s) / (hist + 1e-8), 0.0f), 1.0f);
float activation = minJ + (static_cast<float>(binIdx) + ratio) * stepJ;
R[dc * size + idxI] = activation;
return ;
int hist_remap2(lua_State *L) {
THCState *state = getCutorchState(L);
THCudaTensor *I = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 1, "torch.CudaTensor");
int nI = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
THCudaTensor *mI = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 3, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaTensor *histJ = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 4, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaTensor *cumJ = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 5, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaTensor *minJ = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 6, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaTensor *maxJ = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 7, "torch.CudaTensor");
int nbins = luaL_checknumber(L, 8);
THCudaTensor *sortI = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 9, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaIntTensor *idxI = (THCudaIntTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 10, "torch.CudaIntTensor");
THCudaTensor *R = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 11, "torch.CudaTensor");
int c = THCudaTensor_size(state, I, 0);
int h = THCudaTensor_size(state, I, 1);
int w = THCudaTensor_size(state, I, 2);
hist_remap2_kernel<<<(c*h*w-1)/TB+1, TB>>>(
THCudaTensor_data(state, I),
THCudaTensor_data(state, mI),
THCudaTensor_data(state, histJ),
THCudaTensor_data(state, cumJ),
THCudaTensor_data(state, minJ),
THCudaTensor_data(state, maxJ),
THCudaTensor_data(state, sortI),
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, idxI),
THCudaTensor_data(state, R),
c, h, w
return 0;
__global__ void patchmatch_conv_kernel(
float *input, float *target, float *conv,
int patch, int c1, int h1, int w1, int h2, int w2,
int *mask = NULL
int id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int size1 = h1 * w1, size2 = h2 * w2;
int N = size1 * size2;
if (id < N) {
conv[id] = -1;
// id = id1 * size2 + id2
int id1 = id / size2, id2 = id % size2;
if (mask && mask[id1] == 0)
return ;
int x1 = id1 % w1, y1 = id1 / w1;
int x2 = id2 % w2, y2 = id2 / w2;
int kernel_radius = (patch - 1) / 2;
double conv_result = 0;
// double sigma = 0.5;
// double sum_weight = 0;
// int cnt = 0;
for (int dy = -kernel_radius; dy <= kernel_radius; dy++) {
for (int dx = -kernel_radius; dx <= kernel_radius; dx++) {
int xx1 = x1 + dx, yy1 = y1 + dy;
int xx2 = x2 + dx, yy2 = y2 + dy;
if (0 <= xx1 && xx1 < w1 && 0 <= yy1 && yy1 < h1 &&
0 <= xx2 && xx2 < w2 && 0 <= yy2 && yy2 < h2)
int _id1 = yy1 * w1 + xx1, _id2 = yy2 * w2 + xx2;
// float weight = exp(-(dx*dx + dy*dy) / (2*sigma*sigma));
for (int c = 0; c < c1; c++) {
float term1 = input[c * size1 + _id1];
float term2 = target[c * size2 + _id2];
conv_result += term1 * term2;
// conv_result += (term1 - term2) * (term1 - term2) * weight;
// cnt++;
// sum_weight += weight;
// conv[id] = conv_result / cnt;
// conv[id] = conv_result / sum_weight;
conv[id] = conv_result;
return ;
__global__ void patchmatch_argmax_kernel(
float *conv, int *correspondence, int patch,
int c1, int h1, int w1, int h2, int w2
int id1 = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int size1 = h1 * w1, size2 = h2 * w2;
int kernel_radius = (patch - 1) / 2;
if (id1 < size1) {
float conv_max = -FLT_MAX;
int y1 = id1 / w1, x1 = id1 % w1;
for (int y2 = 0; y2 < h2; y2++) {
for (int x2 = 0; x2 < w2; x2++) {
int id2 = y2 * w2 + x2;
int id = id1 * size2 + id2;
float conv_result = conv[id];
if (x2 < kernel_radius && !(x1 < kernel_radius))
if (x2 > w2 - 1 - kernel_radius && !(x1 > w1 - 1 - kernel_radius))
if (y2 < kernel_radius && !(y1 < kernel_radius))
if (y2 > h2 - 1 - kernel_radius && !(y1 > h1 - 1 - kernel_radius))
if (conv_result > conv_max) {
conv_max = conv_result;
correspondence[id1 * 2 + 0] = x2;
correspondence[id1 * 2 + 1] = y2;
// if (conv_result < conv_min) {
// conv_min = conv_result;
// correspondence[id1 * 2 + 0] = x2;
// correspondence[id1 * 2 + 1] = y2;
// }
return ;
int patchmatch(lua_State *L) {
THCState *state = getCutorchState(L);
THCudaTensor *input = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 1, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaTensor *target = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 2, "torch.CudaTensor");
int patch = luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
int c1 = THCudaTensor_size(state, input, 0);
int h1 = THCudaTensor_size(state, input, 1);
int w1 = THCudaTensor_size(state, input, 2);
int c2 = THCudaTensor_size(state, target, 0);
int h2 = THCudaTensor_size(state, target, 1);
int w2 = THCudaTensor_size(state, target, 2);
THCudaTensor *conv = THCudaTensor_new(state);
THCudaTensor_resize2d(state, conv, h1*w1, h2*w2);
THCudaTensor_zero(state, conv);
assert(c1 == c2);
int N = h1*w1*h2*w2;
patchmatch_conv_kernel<<<(N-1)/TB+1, TB>>>(
THCudaTensor_data(state, input),
THCudaTensor_data(state, target),
THCudaTensor_data(state, conv),
h1, w1,
h2, w2
THCudaIntTensor *correspondence = THCudaIntTensor_new(state);
THCudaIntTensor_resize3d(state, correspondence, h1, w1, 2);
THCudaIntTensor_zero(state, correspondence);
patchmatch_argmax_kernel<<<(h1*w1-1)/TB+1, TB>>>(
THCudaTensor_data(state, conv),
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, correspondence),
h1, w1,
h2, w2
THCudaTensor_free(state, conv);
luaT_pushudata(L, correspondence, "torch.CudaIntTensor");
return 1;
int conv(lua_State *L) {
THCState *state = getCutorchState(L);
THCudaTensor *input = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 1, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaTensor *target = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 2, "torch.CudaTensor");
int patch = luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
THCudaIntTensor *mask = (THCudaIntTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 4, "torch.CudaIntTensor");
int c1 = THCudaTensor_size(state, input, 0);
int h1 = THCudaTensor_size(state, input, 1);
int w1 = THCudaTensor_size(state, input, 2);
int c2 = THCudaTensor_size(state, target, 0);
int h2 = THCudaTensor_size(state, target, 1);
int w2 = THCudaTensor_size(state, target, 2);
THCudaTensor *conv = THCudaTensor_new(state);
THCudaTensor_resize2d(state, conv, h1*w1, h2*w2);
THCudaTensor_zero(state, conv);
assert(c1 == c2);
int N = h1*w1*h2*w2;
patchmatch_conv_kernel<<<(N-1)/TB+1, TB>>>(
THCudaTensor_data(state, input),
THCudaTensor_data(state, target),
THCudaTensor_data(state, conv),
h1, w1,
h2, w2,
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, mask)
luaT_pushudata(L, conv, "torch.CudaTensor");
return 1;
__global__ void avg_vote_kernel(
float *A, float *B, int *corrAB,
int patch, int c, int h, int w
int _id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int size = h * w;
int radius = patch / 2;
if (_id < c * size) {
// _id = dc * size + id
int id = _id % size, dc = _id / size;
int x1 = id % w, y1 = id / w;
double sum = 0;
int cnt = 0;
for (int dx = -radius; dx <= radius; dx++) {
for (int dy = -radius; dy <= radius; dy++) {
int new_x1 = x1 + dx, new_y1 = y1 + dy;
if (new_x1 >= 0 && new_x1 < w && new_y1 >= 0 && new_y1 < h) {
int new_id1 = new_y1 * w + new_x1;
int x2 = corrAB[new_id1 * 2 + 0];
int y2 = corrAB[new_id1 * 2 + 1];
int new_x2 = x2 - dx, new_y2 = y2 - dy;
if (new_x2 >= 0 && new_x2 < w && new_y2 >= 0 && new_y2 < h) {
int new_id2 = new_y2 * w + new_x2;
sum += A[dc * size + new_id2];
if (cnt != 0)
B[dc * size + id] = sum / cnt;
return ;
int avg_vote(lua_State *L) {
THCState *state = getCutorchState(L);
THCudaIntTensor *corrAB = (THCudaIntTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 1, "torch.CudaIntTensor");
THCudaTensor *A = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 2, "torch.CudaTensor");
int patch = luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
THCudaTensor *B = new_tensor_like(state, A);
THCudaTensor_zero(state, B);
int c = THCudaTensor_size(state, A, 0);
int h = THCudaTensor_size(state, A, 1);
int w = THCudaTensor_size(state, A, 2);
// int h1 = THCudaIntTensor_size(state, corrAB, 0);
// int w1 = THCudaIntTensor_size(state, corrAB, 1);
// int c1 = THCudaIntTensor_size(state, corrAB, 2);
avg_vote_kernel<<<(c*h*w-1)/TB+1, TB>>>(
THCudaTensor_data(state, A),
THCudaTensor_data(state, B),
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, corrAB),
patch, c, h, w
luaT_pushudata(L, B, "torch.CudaTensor");
return 1;
__global__ void blend_kernel(
float *A, float *BP, float *M, float *AP,
float alpha, int c, int h, int w
int _id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int size = h * w;
if (_id < c * size) {
// _id = dc * size + id
int id = _id % size, dc = _id / size;
// int x = id % w, y = id / w;
float weight = M[id] < 0.05f ? 0.f : alpha;
AP[dc * size + id] =
A[dc * size + id] * weight +
BP[dc * size + id] * (1.f - weight);
return ;
int blend(lua_State *L) {
THCState *state = getCutorchState(L);
THCudaTensor *A = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 1, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaTensor *BP = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 2, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaTensor *M = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 3, "torch.CudaTensor");
float alpha = luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
THCudaTensor *AP = new_tensor_like(state, A);
THCudaTensor_zero(state, AP);
int c = THCudaTensor_size(state, A, 0);
int h = THCudaTensor_size(state, A, 1);
int w = THCudaTensor_size(state, A, 2);
blend_kernel<<<(c*h*w-1)/TB+1, TB>>>(
THCudaTensor_data(state, A),
THCudaTensor_data(state, BP),
THCudaTensor_data(state, M),
THCudaTensor_data(state, AP),
alpha, c, h, w
luaT_pushudata(L, AP, "torch.CudaTensor");
return 1;
__global__ void patchmatch2_conv_kernel(
float *A, float *B, float *AP, float *BP, float *conv,
int *prev_corrAB_upsampled, int patch, int s_rad,
int c, int h, int w
int h1 = h, h2 = h, w1 = w, w2 = w;
int _id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int size1 = h * w, size2 = h * w;
int s_size = 2 * s_rad + 1;
int s_n = s_size * s_size;
if (_id < size1 * s_n) {
conv[_id] = -1;
int id1 = _id / s_n, s_idx = _id % s_n;
int y1 = id1 / w1, x1 = id1 % w1;
int dy2 = s_idx / s_size - s_rad, dx2 = s_idx % s_size - s_rad;
int x2 = prev_corrAB_upsampled[2 * id1 + 0];
int y2 = prev_corrAB_upsampled[2 * id1 + 1];
int new_y2 = y2 + dy2;
int new_x2 = x2 + dx2;
if (!(new_x2 >= 0 && new_x2 < w2 && new_y2 >= 0 && new_y2 < h2)) {
return ;
// Improve by local searching
int kernel_radius = (patch - 1) / 2;
float conv_result = 0;
int cnt = 0;
for (int dy = -kernel_radius; dy <= kernel_radius; dy++) {
for (int dx = -kernel_radius; dx <= kernel_radius; dx++) {
int xx1 = x1 + dx, yy1 = y1 + dy;
int xx2 = new_x2 + dx, yy2 = new_y2 + dy;
if (0 <= xx1 && xx1 < w1 && 0 <= yy1 && yy1 < h1 &&
0 <= xx2 && xx2 < w2 && 0 <= yy2 && yy2 < h2)
int _id1 = yy1 * w1 + xx1, _id2 = yy2 * w2 + xx2;
for (int dc = 0; dc < c; dc++) {
float term1 = A[dc * size1 + _id1];
float term2 = B[dc * size2 + _id2];
conv_result += term1 * term2;
term1 = AP[dc * size1 + _id1];
term2 = BP[dc * size2 + _id2];
conv_result += term1 * term2;
conv[_id] = conv_result / cnt;
return ;
__global__ void patchmatch2_argmax_kernel(
float *conv, int *prev_corrAB_upsampled, int *corrAB, int s_rad,
int c, int h, int w
int h1 = h, h2 = h, w1 = w, w2 = w;
int id1 = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int size1 = h1 * w1;//, size2 = h2 * w2;
int s_size = 2 * s_rad + 1;
int s_n = s_size * s_size;
if (id1 < size1) {
float conv_max = -1;
// int y1 = id1 / w1, x1 = id1 % w1;
int x2 = prev_corrAB_upsampled[2 * id1 + 0];
int y2 = prev_corrAB_upsampled[2 * id1 + 1];
for (int dx2 = -s_rad; dx2 <= s_rad; dx2++) {
for (int dy2 = -s_rad; dy2 <= s_rad; dy2++) {
int new_y2 = y2 + dy2;
int new_x2 = x2 + dx2;
if (new_x2 >= 0 && new_x2 < w2 && new_y2 >= 0 && new_y2 < h2) {
int s_idx = (dy2 + s_rad) * s_size + (dx2 + s_rad);
int id = id1 * s_n + s_idx;
float conv_result = conv[id];
if (conv_result > conv_max) {
conv_max = conv_result;
corrAB[id1 * 2 + 0] = new_x2;
corrAB[id1 * 2 + 1] = new_y2;
return ;
int patchmatch2(lua_State *L) {
THCState *state = getCutorchState(L);
THCudaTensor *A = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 1, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaTensor *B = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 2, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaTensor *AP = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 3, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaTensor *BP = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 4, "torch.CudaTensor");
int patch = luaL_checknumber(L, 5);
int s_rad = luaL_checknumber(L, 6);
THCudaIntTensor *prev_corrAB_upsampled = (THCudaIntTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 7, "torch.CudaIntTensor");
int c = THCudaTensor_size(state, A, 0);
int h = THCudaTensor_size(state, A, 1);
int w = THCudaTensor_size(state, A, 2);
THCudaIntTensor *corrAB = THCudaIntTensor_new(state);
THCudaIntTensor_resize3d(state, corrAB, h, w, 2);
THCudaIntTensor_zero(state, corrAB);
THCudaTensor *conv = THCudaTensor_new(state);
THCudaTensor_resize2d(state, conv, h*w, (2*s_rad+1)*(2*s_rad+1));
THCudaTensor_zero(state, conv);
int N = h*w*(2*s_rad+1)*(2*s_rad+1);
patchmatch2_conv_kernel<<<(N-1)/TB+1, TB>>>(
THCudaTensor_data(state, A),
THCudaTensor_data(state, B),
THCudaTensor_data(state, AP),
THCudaTensor_data(state, BP),
THCudaTensor_data(state, conv),
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, prev_corrAB_upsampled),
patch, s_rad,
c, h, w
patchmatch2_argmax_kernel<<<(h*w-1)/TB+1, TB>>>(
THCudaTensor_data(state, conv),
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, prev_corrAB_upsampled),
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, corrAB),
s_rad, c, h, w
THCudaTensor_free(state, conv);
luaT_pushudata(L, corrAB, "torch.CudaIntTensor");
return 1;
__global__ void upsample_corr_kernel(
int *curr_corr, int *next_corr,
int curr_h, int curr_w, int next_h, int next_w
int id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (id < next_h * next_w) {
int next_x = id % next_w, next_y = id / next_w;
float w_ratio = (float)next_w / (float)curr_w;
float h_ratio = (float)next_h / (float)curr_h;
int curr_x = (next_x + 0.5) / w_ratio;
int curr_y = (next_y + 0.5) / h_ratio;
curr_x = MAX(MIN(curr_x, curr_w-1), 0);
curr_y = MAX(MIN(curr_y, curr_h-1), 0);
int curr_id = curr_y * curr_w + curr_x;
int curr_x2 = curr_corr[2 * curr_id + 0];
int curr_y2 = curr_corr[2 * curr_id + 1];
int next_x2 = next_x + (curr_x2 - curr_x) * w_ratio + 0.5;
int next_y2 = next_y + (curr_y2 - curr_y) * h_ratio + 0.5;
next_x2 = MAX(MIN(next_x2, next_w-1), 0);
next_y2 = MAX(MIN(next_y2, next_h-1), 0);
next_corr[2 * id + 0] = next_x2;
next_corr[2 * id + 1] = next_y2;
return ;
int upsample_corr(lua_State *L) {
THCState *state = getCutorchState(L);
THCudaIntTensor *curr_corrAB = (THCudaIntTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 1, "torch.CudaIntTensor");
int next_h = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
int next_w = luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
THCudaIntTensor *next_corrAB = THCudaIntTensor_new(state);
THCudaIntTensor_resize3d(state, next_corrAB, next_h, next_w, 2);
THCudaIntTensor_zero(state, next_corrAB);
int curr_h = THCudaIntTensor_size(state, curr_corrAB, 0);
int curr_w = THCudaIntTensor_size(state, curr_corrAB, 1);
upsample_corr_kernel<<<(next_h*next_w-1)/TB+1, TB>>>(
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, curr_corrAB),
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, next_corrAB),
curr_h, curr_w, next_h, next_w
luaT_pushudata(L, next_corrAB, "torch.CudaIntTensor");
return 1;
__host__ __device__ float dist(float *A, float *B, float *AP, float *BP,
int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int c1, int h1, int w1, int h2, int w2, int patch_w)
int size1 = h1 * w1;
int size2 = h2 * w2;
float conv_result = 0;
int cnt = 0;
for (int dy = -patch_w / 2; dy <= patch_w / 2; dy++) {
for (int dx = -patch_w / 2; dx <= patch_w / 2; dx++) {
if (
(y1 + dy) < h1 && (y1 + dy) >= 0 && (x1 + dx) < w1 && (x1 + dx) >= 0
(y2 + dy) < h2 && (y2 + dy) >= 0 && (x2 + dx) < w2 && (x2 + dx) >= 0
int _id1 = (y1 + dy) * w1 + (x1 + dx);
int _id2 = (y2 + dy) * w2 + (x2 + dx);
for (int c = 0; c < c1; c++) {
float term1 = A[c * size1 + _id1];
float term2 = B[c * size2 + _id2];
conv_result += term1 * term2;
term1 = AP[c * size1 + _id1];
term2 = BP[c * size2 + _id2];
conv_result += term1 * term2;
float d = conv_result / cnt;
return d;
__device__ void improve_guess(float *A, float *B, float *AP, float *BP,
int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int c1, int h1, int w1, int h2, int w2, int patch_w,
int &xbest, int &ybest, float &dbest, float rr = 0.f)
float d = dist(A, B, AP, BP, x1, y1, x2, y2, c1, h1, w1, h2, w2, patch_w);
if (d > dbest + rr) { // note: normalized cross-correlation
dbest = d;
xbest = x2;
ybest = y2;
#define ITERS 10
__global__ void PatchMatch_global_kernel(
float *A, float *B, float *AP, float *BP, int *corr, int *prev_corr_upsampled,
int patch, int rs_max, int c1, int h1, int w1, int h2, int w2
int x1 = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int y1 = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
int id1 = y1 * w1 + x1;
if (x1 < w1 && y1 < h1) {
curandState state;
float dbest;
int xbest, ybest;
xbest = prev_corr_upsampled[2 * id1 + 0]; //static_cast<int>(MycuRand(state) * w2);
ybest = prev_corr_upsampled[2 * id1 + 1]; //static_cast<int>(MycuRand(state) * h2);
dbest = dist(A, B, AP, BP, x1, y1, xbest, ybest, c1, h1, w1, h2, w2, patch);
corr[2 * id1 + 0] = xbest;
corr[2 * id1 + 1] = ybest;
for (int it = 0; it < ITERS; it++)
// Current best guess
xbest = corr[2 * id1 + 0];
ybest = corr[2 * id1 + 1];
dbest = dist(A, B, AP, BP, x1, y1, xbest, ybest, c1, h1, w1, h2, w2, patch);
// Propagation
for (int jump = 8; jump > 0; jump /= 2) {
if (x1 - jump >= 0) { // left
int _id1 = y1 * w1 + x1 - jump;
int xp = corr[2 * _id1 + 0] + jump;
int yp = corr[2 * _id1 + 1];
if (xp >= 0 && xp < w2 && yp >= 0 && yp < h2) {
improve_guess(A, B, AP, BP, x1, y1, xp, yp, c1, h1, w1, h2, w2, patch, xbest, ybest, dbest);
corr[2 * id1 + 0] = xbest;
corr[2 * id1 + 1] = ybest;
if (x1 + jump < w1) { // right
int _id1 = y1 * w1 + x1 + jump;
int xp = corr[2 * _id1 + 0] - jump;
int yp = corr[2 * _id1 + 1];
if (xp >= 0 && xp < w2 && yp >= 0 && yp < h2) {
improve_guess(A, B, AP, BP, x1, y1, xp, yp, c1, h1, w1, h2, w2, patch, xbest, ybest, dbest);
corr[2 * id1 + 0] = xbest;
corr[2 * id1 + 1] = ybest;
if (y1 - jump >= 0) { // up
int _id1 = (y1 - jump) * w1 + x1;
int xp = corr[2 * _id1 + 0];
int yp = corr[2 * _id1 + 1] + jump;
if (xp >= 0 && xp < w2 && yp >= 0 && yp < h2) {
improve_guess(A, B, AP, BP, x1, y1, xp, yp, c1, h1, w1, h2, w2, patch, xbest, ybest, dbest);
corr[2 * id1 + 0] = xbest;
corr[2 * id1 + 1] = ybest;
if (y1 + jump < h1) { // down
int _id1 = (y1 + jump) * w1 + x1;
int xp = corr[2 * _id1 + 0];
int yp = corr[2 * _id1 + 1] - jump;
if (xp >= 0 && xp < w2 && yp >= 0 && yp < h2) {
improve_guess(A, B, AP, BP, x1, y1, xp, yp, c1, h1, w1, h2, w2, patch, xbest, ybest, dbest);
corr[2 * id1 + 0] = xbest;
corr[2 * id1 + 1] = ybest;
// Random Search
int rs = rs_max;
if (rs > cuMax(h2, w2)) {
rs = cuMax(h2, w2);
for (int mag = rs; mag >= 1; mag /= 2) {
int xmin = cuMax(xbest - mag, 0),
xmax = cuMin(xbest + mag + 1, w2);
int ymin = cuMax(ybest - mag, 0),
ymax = cuMin(ybest + mag + 1, h2);
int xp = xmin + (int)(MycuRand(state)*(xmax - xmin)) % (xmax - xmin);
int yp = ymin + (int)(MycuRand(state)*(ymax - ymin)) % (ymax - ymin);
improve_guess(A, B, AP, BP, x1, y1, xp, yp, c1, h1, w1, h2, w2, patch, xbest, ybest, dbest, FLT_MIN);
corr[2 * id1 + 0] = xbest;
corr[2 * id1 + 1] = ybest;
return ;
int PatchMatch(lua_State *L) {
THCState *state = getCutorchState(L);
THCudaTensor *A = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 1, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaTensor *B = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 2, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaTensor *AP = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 3, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaTensor *BP = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 4, "torch.CudaTensor");
int patch = luaL_checknumber(L, 5);
int s_rad = luaL_checknumber(L, 6);
THCudaIntTensor *prev_corr_upsampled = (THCudaIntTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 7, "torch.CudaIntTensor");
int c1 = THCudaTensor_size(state, A, 0);
int h1 = THCudaTensor_size(state, A, 1);
int w1 = THCudaTensor_size(state, A, 2);
int c2 = THCudaTensor_size(state, BP, 0);
int h2 = THCudaTensor_size(state, BP, 1);
int w2 = THCudaTensor_size(state, BP, 2);
THCudaIntTensor *corr = THCudaIntTensor_new(state);
THCudaIntTensor_resize3d(state, corr, h1, w1, 2);
THCudaIntTensor_zero(state, corr);
// Generalized PatchMatch
assert(c1 == c2);
dim3 blocksPerGrid(w1 / 20 + 1, h1 / 20 + 1, 1);
dim3 threadsPerBlock(20, 20, 1);
PatchMatch_global_kernel<<<blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock>>>(
THCudaTensor_data(state, A),
THCudaTensor_data(state, B),
THCudaTensor_data(state, AP),
THCudaTensor_data(state, BP),
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, corr),
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, prev_corr_upsampled),
patch, s_rad,
h1, w1,
h2, w2
luaT_pushudata(L, corr, "torch.CudaIntTensor");
return 1;
__global__ void Ring_kernel(
float *A, float *BP, int *corrAB, float *M,
int ring, int c, int h, int w
int id1 = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int size = h * w;
int ringSize = 2*ring + 1;
int ringPatch = ringSize * ringSize;
if (id1 < size) {
int y1 = id1 / w, x1 = id1 % w;
int y2 = corrAB[2 * id1 + 1], x2 = corrAB[2 * id1 + 0];
// int id2 = y2 * w + x2;
for (int dx = -ring; dx <= ring; dx++)
for (int dy = -ring; dy <= ring; dy++)
int pIdx = (dy + ring) * ringSize + (dx + ring);
int _x2 = x2 + dx, _y2 = y2 + dy;
if (_x2 >= 0 && _x2 < w && _y2 >= 0 && _y2 < h)
for (int dc = 0; dc < c; dc++) {
// M[(dc * size + y1 * w + x1) * ringPatch + pIdx] =
M[(dc * size + y1 * w) * ringPatch + pIdx * w + x1] =
BP[dc * size + _y2 * w + _x2];
return ;
int Ring(lua_State *L) {
THCState *state = getCutorchState(L);
THCudaTensor *A = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 1, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaTensor *BP = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 2, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaIntTensor *corrAB = (THCudaIntTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 3, "torch.CudaIntTensor");
int ring = luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
int c = THCudaTensor_size(state, A, 0);
int h = THCudaTensor_size(state, A, 1);
int w = THCudaTensor_size(state, A, 2);
THCudaTensor *M = THCudaTensor_new(state);
THCudaTensor_resize3d(state, M, c, h, w*(2*ring+1)*(2*ring+1));
THCudaTensor_zero(state, M);
Ring_kernel<<<(c*h*w-1)/TB+1, TB>>>(
THCudaTensor_data(state, A),
THCudaTensor_data(state, BP),
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, corrAB),
THCudaTensor_data(state, M),
ring, c, h, w
luaT_pushudata(L, M, "torch.CudaTensor");
return 1;
void Ring_cpu_kernel(
float *A, float *BP, int *corrAB, float *M,
int ring, int c, int h, int w
int ringSize = 2*ring + 1;
int ringPatch = ringSize * ringSize;
int size = h * w;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int y1 = 0; y1 < h; y1++)
for (int x1 = 0; x1 < w; x1++)
int id = y1 * w + x1;
int x2 = corrAB[2*id + 0];
int y2 = corrAB[2*id + 1];
for (int dx = -ring; dx <= ring; dx++)
for (int dy = -ring; dy <= ring; dy++)
int pIdx = (dy + ring) * ringSize + (dx + ring);
int _x2 = x2 + dx, _y2 = y2 + dy;
if (_x2 >= 0 && _x2 < w && _y2 >= 0 && _y2 < h)
for (int dc = 0; dc < c; dc++) {
M[(dc * size + y1 * w) * ringPatch + pIdx * w + x1] =
BP[dc * size + _y2 * w + _x2];
return ;
int Ring_cpu(lua_State *L) {
THFloatTensor *A = (THFloatTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 1, "torch.FloatTensor");
THFloatTensor *BP = (THFloatTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 2, "torch.FloatTensor");
THIntTensor *corrAB = (THIntTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 3, "torch.IntTensor");
int ring = luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
int c = THFloatTensor_size(A, 0);
int h = THFloatTensor_size(A, 1);
int w = THFloatTensor_size(A, 2);
THFloatTensor *M = THFloatTensor_new();
THFloatTensor_resize3d(M, c, h, w*(2*ring+1)*(2*ring+1));
ring, c, h, w
luaT_pushudata(L, M, "torch.FloatTensor");
return 1;
__global__ void Ring2_kernel(
float *A, float *BP, int *corrAB, int *mask, int *m,
int ring, int c, int h, int w
int id1 = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int size = h * w;
if (id1 < size) {
// int y1 = id1 / w, x1 = id1 % w;
if (mask[id1] != 0) {
int y2 = corrAB[2 * id1 + 1], x2 = corrAB[2 * id1 + 0];
for (int dx = -ring; dx <= ring; dx++)
for (int dy = -ring; dy <= ring; dy++)
int _x2 = x2 + dx, _y2 = y2 + dy;
if (_x2 >= 0 && _x2 < w && _y2 >= 0 && _y2 < h)
m[_y2 * w + _x2] = 1;
return ;
int Ring2(lua_State *L) {
THCState *state = getCutorchState(L);
THCudaTensor *A = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 1, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaTensor *BP = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 2, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaIntTensor *corrAB = (THCudaIntTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 3, "torch.CudaIntTensor");
int ring = luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
THCudaIntTensor *mask = (THCudaIntTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 5, "torch.CudaIntTensor");
int c = THCudaTensor_size(state, A, 0);
int h = THCudaTensor_size(state, A, 1);
int w = THCudaTensor_size(state, A, 2);
THCudaIntTensor *m = THCudaIntTensor_new(state);
THCudaIntTensor_resize2d(state, m, h, w);
THCudaIntTensor_zero(state, m);
Ring2_kernel<<<(h*w-1)/TB+1, TB>>>(
THCudaTensor_data(state, A),
THCudaTensor_data(state, BP),
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, corrAB),
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, mask),
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, m),
ring, c, h, w
luaT_pushudata(L, m, "torch.CudaIntTensor");
return 1;
__global__ void patchmatch_r_conv_kernel(
float *input, float *target, float *conv,
int patch, int stride,
int c1, int h1, int w1, int h2, int w2
int id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int size1 = h1 * w1, size2 = h2 * w2;
int N = size1 * size2;
// id = id1 * size2 + id2
if (id < N) {
int id1 = id / size2, id2 = id % size2;
int x1 = id1 % w1, y1 = id1 / w1;
int x2 = id2 % w2, y2 = id2 / w2;
int kernel_radius = (patch - 1) / 2;
double conv_result = 0, norm_1 = 0, norm_2 = 0;
for (int dy = -kernel_radius; dy <= kernel_radius; dy+=stride) {
for (int dx = -kernel_radius; dx <= kernel_radius; dx+=stride) {
int xx1 = x1 + dx, yy1 = y1 + dy;
int xx2 = x2 + dx, yy2 = y2 + dy;
if (0 <= xx1 && xx1 < w1 && 0 <= yy1 && yy1 < h1 &&
0 <= xx2 && xx2 < w2 && 0 <= yy2 && yy2 < h2)
int _id1 = yy1 * w1 + xx1, _id2 = yy2 * w2 + xx2;
for (int c = 0; c < c1; c++) {
float term1 = input[c * size1 + _id1];
float term2 = target[c * size2 + _id2];
conv_result += term1 * term2;
norm_1 += term1 * term1;
norm_2 += term2 * term2;
norm_1 = sqrt(norm_1);
norm_2 = sqrt(norm_2);
conv[id] = conv_result / (norm_1 * norm_2 + 1e-9);
return ;
__global__ void patchmatch_r_argmax_kernel(
float *conv, float *target, float *match, int *correspondence,
int c1, int h1, int w1, int h2, int w2
int id1 = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int size1 = h1 * w1, size2 = h2 * w2;
if (id1 < size1) {
//int x1 = id1 % w1, y1 = id1 / w1;
double conv_max = -1e20;
for (int y2 = 0; y2 < h2; y2++) {
for (int x2 = 0; x2 < w2; x2++) {
int id2 = y2 * w2 + x2;
int id = id1 * size2 + id2;
float conv_result = conv[id];
if (conv_result > conv_max) {
conv_max = conv_result;
correspondence[id1 * 2 + 0] = x2;
correspondence[id1 * 2 + 1] = y2;
for (int c = 0; c < c1; c++) {
match[c * size1 + id1] = target[c * size2 + id2];
return ;
int patchmatch_r(lua_State *L) {
THCState *state = getCutorchState(L);
THCudaTensor *input = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 1, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaTensor *target = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 2, "torch.CudaTensor");
int patch = luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
int stride = luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
int c1 = THCudaTensor_size(state, input, 0);
int h1 = THCudaTensor_size(state, input, 1);
int w1 = THCudaTensor_size(state, input, 2);
int c2 = THCudaTensor_size(state, target, 0);
int h2 = THCudaTensor_size(state, target, 1);
int w2 = THCudaTensor_size(state, target, 2);
THCudaTensor *conv = THCudaTensor_new(state);
THCudaTensor_resize2d(state, conv, h1*w1, h2*w2);
THCudaTensor_zero(state, conv);
assert(c1 == c2);
int N = h1*w1*h2*w2;
patchmatch_r_conv_kernel<<<(N-1)/TB+1, TB>>>(
THCudaTensor_data(state, input),
THCudaTensor_data(state, target),
THCudaTensor_data(state, conv),
patch, stride,
h1, w1,
h2, w2
THCudaTensor *match = new_tensor_like(state, input);
THCudaTensor_zero(state, match);
THCudaIntTensor *correspondence = THCudaIntTensor_new(state);
THCudaIntTensor_resize3d(state, correspondence, h1, w1, 2);
THCudaIntTensor_zero(state, correspondence);
patchmatch_r_argmax_kernel<<<(h1*w1-1)/TB+1, TB>>>(
THCudaTensor_data(state, conv),
THCudaTensor_data(state, target),
THCudaTensor_data(state, match),
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, correspondence),
h1, w1,
h2, w2
THCudaTensor_free(state, conv);
luaT_pushudata(L, match, "torch.CudaTensor");
luaT_pushudata(L, correspondence, "torch.CudaIntTensor");
return 2;
__global__ void refineNNF_kernel(
float *N_A, float *N_BP,
int *init_corr, float *guide,
int *tmask, int *corr,
int patch, int c, int h, int w
int id1 = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int size = h * w;
int r = (patch - 1) / 2;
if (id1 < size) {
int x1 = id1 % w, y1 = id1 / w;
int x2 = init_corr[2*id1 + 0];
int y2 = init_corr[2*id1 + 1];
corr[2*id1 + 0] = x2;
corr[2*id1 + 1] = y2;
if (tmask[id1] < EPS)
return ;
float best_d = FLT_MAX;
int best_x2 = x2, best_y2 = y2;
for (int dx = -r; dx <= r; dx++)
for (int dy = -r; dy <= r; dy++)
int new_x1 = x1 + dx;
int new_y1 = y1 + dy;
int new_id1 = new_y1 * w + new_x1;
if (new_x1 >= 0 && new_x1 < w && new_y1 >= 0 && new_y1 < h) {
int new_x2 = init_corr[2*new_id1 + 0] - dx;
int new_y2 = init_corr[2*new_id1 + 1] - dy;
int new_id2 = new_y2 * w + new_x2;
if (new_x2 >= r && new_x2 < w - r - 1 && new_y2 >= r && new_y2 < h - r - 1) {
float dist = 0;
int cnt = 0;
for (int _dx = -r; _dx <= r; _dx++)
for (int _dy = -r; _dy <= r; _dy++)
int _new_x1 = x1 + _dx;
int _new_y1 = y1 + _dy;
int _new_id1 = _new_y1 * w + _new_x1;
if (_new_x1 >= 0 && _new_x1 < w && _new_y1 >= 0 && _new_y1 < h) {
int _new_x2 = init_corr[2*_new_id1 + 0] - _dx;
int _new_y2 = init_corr[2*_new_id1 + 1] - _dy;
int _new_id2 = _new_y2 * w + _new_x2;
if (_new_x2 >= 0 && _new_x2 < w && _new_y2 >= 0 && _new_y2 < h) {
float d = 0;
for (int dc = 0; dc < 3; dc++) {
float diff = guide[dc * size + new_id2] - guide[dc * size + _new_id2];
d += diff * diff;
d = sqrt(d);
dist += d;
dist = dist / cnt;
if (dist < best_d) {
best_d = dist;
best_x2 = new_x2;
best_y2 = new_y2;
corr[2*id1 + 0] = best_x2;
corr[2*id1 + 1] = best_y2;
return ;
int refineNNF(lua_State *L) {
THCState *state = getCutorchState(L);
THCudaTensor *N_A = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 1, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaTensor *N_BP = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 2, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaIntTensor *init_corr = (THCudaIntTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 3, "torch.CudaIntTensor");
THCudaTensor *guide = (THCudaTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 4, "torch.CudaTensor");
THCudaIntTensor *tmask = (THCudaIntTensor*)luaT_checkudata(L, 5, "torch.CudaIntTensor");
int patch = luaL_checknumber(L, 6);
int niter = luaL_checknumber(L, 7);
int c = THCudaTensor_size(state, N_BP, 0);
int h = THCudaTensor_size(state, N_BP, 1);
int w = THCudaTensor_size(state, N_BP, 2);
THCudaIntTensor *corr = THCudaIntTensor_new(state);
THCudaIntTensor_resize3d(state, corr, h, w, 2);
THCudaIntTensor_zero(state, corr);
for (int iter = 0; iter < niter; iter++) {
printf(" iter=%d\n", iter);
refineNNF_kernel<<<(h*w-1)/TB+1, TB>>>(
THCudaTensor_data (state, N_A),
THCudaTensor_data (state, N_BP),
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, init_corr),
THCudaTensor_data (state, guide),
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, tmask),
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, corr),
patch, c, h, w
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, init_corr),
THCudaIntTensor_data(state, corr),
sizeof(int) * h * w * 2,
luaT_pushudata(L, corr, "torch.CudaIntTensor");
return 1;
static const struct luaL_Reg funcs[] = {
{"histogram" , histogram}, // compute histogram
{"histogram_cpu", histogram_cpu}, // compute histogram on cpu
{"hist_remap2" , hist_remap2}, // histogram remapping
{"patchmatch" , patchmatch}, // brute force
{"patchmatch_r" , patchmatch_r}, // raw
{"conv" , conv}, // brute force conv
{"avg_vote" , avg_vote}, // avg reconstruction features
{"blend" , blend}, // blend feature maps
{"patchmatch2" , patchmatch2}, // patch match locally
{"upsample_corr", upsample_corr}, // upsample correspondence
{"PatchMatch" , PatchMatch}, // PatchMatch algorithm
{"Ring" , Ring}, // Spatial neural patch for more texture
{"Ring_cpu" , Ring_cpu}, // ... cpu
{"Ring2" , Ring2}, // draw on BP instead of A (no many-to-one since used once)
{"refineNNF" , refineNNF}, // NNF spatial consistency
extern "C" int luaopen_libcuda_utils(lua_State *L) {
luaL_openlib(L, "cuda_utils", funcs, 0);
return 1;
马建仓 AI 助手
