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* Description of the Program - *
* EDA Stata program for automated exploratory data analysis *
* *
* Program Output - *
* Creates LaTeX output, pdf/gph graphs, and an optional PDF compiled from *
* the LaTeX source document. *
* *
* Lines - *
* 880 *
* *
*! eda
*! v 0.0.5
*! 03may2019
// If you don't have the tuples program installed you may want to do that
// ssc inst tuples, replace
cap prog drop eda
// Install the estout program for generating tables of statistics
// ssc inst estout, replace
prog def eda
// Version to use for interpretation of code
version 14
// Syntax structure of program
syntax [varlist] [using/] [if] [in], Output(string) Root(string) ///
[ IDvars(varlist) STRok STRok2(varlist) MINNsize(passthru) ///
MINCat(passthru) MAXCat(passthru) CATVars(passthru) CONTVars(passthru) ///
AUTHorname(string) REPOrtname(string) MISSing scheme(passthru) keepgph ///
PERCent GRLABLength(passthru) noBARGRaphs BARGRAphopts(string asis) ///
noPIECharts PIECHartopts(string asis) noHISTOgrams ///
HISTOGramopts(string asis) KDENSity KDENSOpts(string asis) FIVENUMsum ///
FNSOpts(string asis) noDISTROplots DISTROPlotopts(string asis) ///
noLADDERplots noSCATterplots LFIT LFIT2(string asis) QFIT ///
QFIT2(string asis) LOWess LOWess2(string asis) FPFIT FPFIT2(string asis) ///
LFITCi LFITCi2(string asis) QFITCi QFITCi2(string asis) FPFITCi ///
FPFITCi2(string asis) noBUBBLEplots noBOXplots noMOSAIC noHEATmap ///
COMPile PDFLatex(passthru) BYGraphs(string asis) BYVars(passthru) ///
BYSeq WEIGHTtype(passthru) REBuild ]
// List of dependencies needed for the program to execute
loc deps tuples spineplot estout brewscheme
// Loop over dependencies
foreach d of loc deps {
// Test if the user has tuples installed
cap which `d'
// If the user does not have tuples
if _rc != 0 {
// Print error message to screen
di as err "You do not have the dependency `d' installed on your machine."
// Ask user if they would like to install the package
di "Would you like to install it now? (Y/N)" _request(depcheck)
// Loop until a valid response is received
while !inlist(`"$depcheck"', "y", "Y", "n", "N") {
// Print updated error message
di "I'm sorry, I do not understand what you would like me to do."
// As if they would like to install the program again
di "Would you like to install `d' now? (Y/N)" _request(depcheck)
} // End WHILE Loop for invalid responses
// If they would like to install the dependency
if inlist(`"$depcheck"', "y", "Y") {
// For other dependencies install from SSC
if `"`d'"' != "brewscheme" ssc inst `d', replace
// For brewscheme install from repository
else net inst brewscheme, from("http://wbuchanan.github.io/brewscheme")
} // End IF Block for installation
// If they do not want to install the dependency
else {
// Print error message to screen
di as err "This program cannot execute without its dependencies."
di as err "The program will stop running now."
// Exit the program
} // End ELSE Block for not installing the dependencies
} // End IF Block for dependency checks
} // End Loop over dependencies
// Remove depcheck global
glo depcheck ""
// Preserve the current state of the data in memory
// If using specified load those data
if `"`using'"' != "" qui: use `varlist' `"`using'"', clear
// Make the sample to use for the program
marksample edause, strok novarlist
// If percentage is not specified set it to frequency
if "`percent'" == "" loc bartype count
// If turned on set the bartype macro to percent
else loc bartype percent
// If no author name use the system's username
if `"`authorname'"' == "" loc authorname `c(username)'
// If no report name set the report name parameter to the file name
if `"`reportname'"' == "" loc reportname $S_FN
// Replace Windows style path delimiters in root with *nix path delimiters
loc root `: subinstr loc root "\" "/", all'
// Replace any windows path delimiters with *nix style path delimiters
loc reportname `: subinstr loc reportname "\" "/", all'
// If slow option is enabled, reassign the macro with the sleep command
if "`slow'" != "" loc slow sleep 5000
// Test whether the root directory exists
// Build root directory
dirfile `root', p("graphs") `rebuild'
// Build graphs subdirectory
// dirfile, p(`"`root'/graphs"')
// Build subdirectory for tables
dirfile `root', p("tables") `rebuild'
// Check for variable list for strings OK
if `"`strok'"' != "" & `"`strok2'"' != "" {
// Remove ID Variables from string variable list
loc strvars : list strok2 - idvars
// Check if varlist option
if `"`varlist'"' != "" {
// Remove variables not passed as part of varlist
loc strvars : list strvars & varlist
} // End IF Block to select only variables in the varlist
// Loop over string variables
foreach i in `strvars' {
// Create a numeric version
qui: encode `i', gen(`i'2)
// Apply variable label to numeric version of string variable
la var `i'2 `"`: var l `i''"'
} // End Loop over string variables
} // End IF Block for string ok variable list
// If user wants any string variable to be considered
else if `"`strok'"' != "" & `"`strok2'"' == "" {
// Get list of all string variables
qui: ds, has(type string)
// Store string variables in local macro for later
loc strvars `r(varlist)'
// Remove any ID variables from string variable list
loc strvars : list strvars - idvars
// Check if varlist option
if `"`varlist'"' != "" {
// Remove variables not passed as part of varlist
loc strvars : list strvars & varlist
} // End IF Block to select only variables in the varlist
// Loop over string variables
foreach i in `strvars' {
// Create a numeric version
qui: encode `i', gen(`i'2)
// Apply variable label to numeric version of string variable
la var `i'2 `"`: var l `i''"'
} // End Loop over string variables
} // End ELSEIF Block for all strings OK
// New way to try identifying categorical vs. continuous variables
qui: ds, not(type string)
// Store the variables in a new local macro
loc numvars `r(varlist)'
// Remove any id variables from the variable list
loc numvars : list numvars - idvars
// Select only variables that are in the variable list and numeric
if `"`varlist'"' != "" loc numvars : list numvars & varlist
// Allocates namespace for tempfile name
tempfile edatemp
// Classify variables as continuous or categorical
catorcont `numvars', `minnsize' `mincat' `maxcat' `contvars' ///
`catvars' `missing' `grlablength'
// Store continuous variables
loc continuous `r(cont)'
// Store categorical variables
loc categorical `r(cat)'
// Store number of continuous variables to prevent zero varlists
loc contvarcount `: word count `continuous''
// Store number of categorical variables to prevent zero varlists
loc catvarcount `: word count `categorical''
// Add characteristics to variables to split the var labels for titles
grlabsplit `continuous' `categorical', `grlablength'
// Saves tempfile with characteristics in the data set
qui: save `edatemp'.dta, replace
// Create a new LaTeX File
file open doc using `"`root'/`output'.tex"', w replace
// Write a LaTeX file Heading
file write doc "\documentclass[12pt,oneside,fleqn,final,letterpaper]{report}" _n
file write doc "\usepackage{pdflscape}" _n
file write doc `"\usepackage{tocloft}"' _n
file write doc `"\usepackage{titlesec}"' _n
// Deprecating the use of the fixltx2e package
// file write doc `"\usepackage{fixltx2e}"' _n
file write doc "\usepackage[letterpaper,margin=0.25in]{geometry}" _n
file write doc "\usepackage{graphicx}" _n
file write doc "\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref}" _n
file write doc "\usepackage{longtable}" _n
file write doc "\usepackage[toc,page,titletoc]{appendix}" _n
file write doc "\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf, .png}" _n
file write doc `"\graphicspath{{"`root'/graphs/"}}"' _n
file write doc `"\title{Exploratory Data Analysis of: \\ \normalsize{`reportname'}}"' _n
file write doc `"\author{`authorname'}"' _n
file write doc "\let\mypdfximage\pdfximage" _n
file write doc "\def\pdfximage{\immediate\mypdfximage}" _n
file write doc `"\titleformat{\chapter}[display]"' _n
file write doc `"{\centering\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter.}{5pt}{}"' _n
file write doc `"\titleformat{\section}[display]"' _n
file write doc `"{\centering\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}{}{0pt}{}"' _n
file write doc `"\titleformat{\subsection}[hang]"' _n
file write doc `"{\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}{}{0pt}{}"' _n
file write doc `"\titleformat{\subsubsection}[runin]"' _n
file write doc `"{\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}{}{0pt}{}[.\rule{0.5em}{0pt}]"' _n
file write doc `"\titleformat{\paragraph}[runin]"' _n
file write doc `"{\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries\itshape}{}{0pt}{}[.\rule{0.5em}{0pt}]"' _n
file write doc `"\titleformat{\subparagraph}[runin]"' _n
file write doc `"{\normalfont\normalfont\itshape}{}{0pt}{}[.\rule{0.5em}{0pt}]"' _n
file write doc `"\titlespacing{\chapter}{0em}{*0}{*0}"' _n
file write doc `"\titlespacing{\section}{0em}{*0}{*0}"' _n
file write doc `"\titlespacing{\subsection}{0em}{*0}{*0}"' _n
file write doc `"\titlespacing{\subsubsection}{1.5em}{*0}{*0}"' _n
file write doc `"\titlespacing{\paragraph}{1.5em}{*0}{*0}"' _n
file write doc `"\setcounter{tocdepth}{5}"' _n
file write doc `"\setcounter{LTchunksize}{50}"' _n
file write doc "\begin{document}" _n
file write doc "\begin{titlepage} \maketitle \end{titlepage}" _n
file write doc "\newpage\clearpage \tableofcontents \newpage\clearpage" _n
file write doc "\listoffigures \newpage\clearpage" _n
file write doc "\listoftables \newpage\clearpage" _n
// Make sure the data are stored more efficiently
qui: compress
// Build a codebook
codebook, all mv
// The inspect command will give a bit more detail regarding the distribution of
// the data in addition to more meta-data
// Look at the missing values
misstable summ
// And look at patterns of missing data
misstable pattern
// Check for univariate graphs
if inlist("", "`bargraphs'", "`piecharts'", "`histograms'", ///
"`distroplots'", "`ladderplots'") == 1 {
// Add univariate to macro
loc graphs "univariate"
} // End IF Block for univariate graphs
// Check for bivariate graphs
if inlist("", "`scatterplots'", "`bubbleplots'", "`boxplots'", ///
"`mosaic'", "`heatmap'") == 1 {
// Add bivariate to graphs macro
loc graphs `graphs' "bivariate"
} // End IF Block to check for graphs
// If any graphs are going to be drawn
if `"`graphs'"' != "" {
// Add a graphs chapter header and set
file write doc "\chapter{Graphs} \newpage\clearpage" _n
// Check for univariate graphs
if inlist("univariate", "`: word 1 of `graphs''") == 1 {
// Add entry for univariate distributions
file write doc "\section{Single Variable Graphs} \newpage\clearpage" _n
} // End IF Block for univariate graphs
// Check for only bivariate graphs
else if "`graphs'" == "bivariate" {
// Add entry for univariate distributions
file write doc "\section{Multi-Variable Graphs} \newpage\clearpage" _n
} // End ELSE IF Block for multivariable graphs only
// Change the page orientation to landscape
file write doc "\begin{landscape}" _n
} // End IF Block for graphs macro
// If Block for categorical variable sub header
if inlist("", "`bargraphs'", "`piecharts'") {
// Add subsubsection header for categorical data
file write doc "\subsection{Categorical Variables} \newpage\clearpage" _n
} // End IF Block for categorical variables sub header
// Check if user wants bargraphs
if "`bargraphs'" != "nobargraphs" & !inlist(`catvarcount', 0, .) {
// Call Bar graph subroutine
edabar `categorical' if `edause', root(`root') `bargraphopts' ///
bart(`bartype') `scheme' `keepgph'
} // End IF Block for bar graph creation
// Check if user wants pie charts
if "`piecharts'" != "nopiecharts" & !inlist(`catvarcount', 0, .) {
// Call Pie chart subroutine
edapie `categorical' if `edause', root(`root') `piechartopts' ///
`scheme' `keepgph'
} // End IF Block for pie charts option
// If Block for continuous variable sub header
if inlist("", "`histograms'", "`distroplots'", "`ladderplots'") == 1 {
// Add subheading to the LaTeX file
file write doc "\subsection{Continuous Variables} \newpage\clearpage" _n
} // End IF Block for continuous variable sub header
// Check if user wants histograms
if "`histograms'" != "nohistograms" & !inlist(`contvarcount', 0, .) {
// Call histogram subroutine
edahist `continuous' if `edause', `histogramopts' `scheme' ///
root(`root') `kdensity' kdensopts(`kdensopts') `fivenumsum' ///
} // End IF Block for histograms
// Check for distroplots option
if "`distroplots'" != "nodistroplots" & !inlist(`contvarcount', 0, .) {
// Call distribution plot subroutine
edadistro `continuous' if `edause', root(`root') `scheme' ///
`keepgph' distrop(`distroplotopts')
} // End IF Block for distribution plots
// Check for ladders
if "`ladderplots'" != "noladderplots" & !inlist(`contvarcount', 0, .) {
// Call subroutine for ladders of power graphs
edaladder `continuous' if `edause', `scheme' `histogramopts' ///
} // End IF Block for ladder of power graphs
// If Block for bivariate graphs
if "`: word 2 of `graphs''" == "bivariate" {
// Header for bivariate/conditional distribution graphs
file write doc "\section{Multi-Variable Graphs} \newpage\clearpage" _n
} // End IF Block for bivariate subheader with univariate graphs
// Check for scatter plot option
if "`scatterplots'" != "noscatterplots" & !inlist(`contvarcount', 0, .) {
// Call to scatterplot subroutine
edascat `continuous' if `edause', `lfit' lfit2(`lfit2') `qfit' ///
qfit2(`qfit2') `lowess' lowess2(`lowess2') `fpfit' ///
fpfit2(`fpfit2') `lfitci' lfitci2(`lfitci2') `qfitci' ///
qfitci2(`qfitci2') `fpfitci' fpfitci2(`fpfitci2') root(`root') ///
`scheme' `keepgph'
} // End IF Block for scatter plots
// Check for bubble plots
if "`bubbleplots'" != "nobubbleplots" & !inlist(`contvarcount', 0, .) {
// Call subroutine for bubble plots
edabubble `continuous' if `edause', root(`root') `scheme' `keepgph'
} // End IF Block for bubble plots
// Check distro plots again
if "`distroplots'" != "nodistroplots" & !inlist(`contvarcount', 0, .) {
// Call subroutine for joint distribution plots
edadistro `continuous' if `edause', nounivariate root(`root') ///
`scheme' `keepgph' distrop(`distroplotopts')
} // End IF Block for quantile-quantile plots
// Option to generate box plots
if "`boxplots'" != "noboxplots" & (!inlist(`contvarcount', 0, .) & ///
!inlist(`catvarcount', 0, .)) {
// Create Box Plots
edabox if `edause', cat(`categorical') cont(`continuous') ///
root(`root') `scheme' `keepgph'
} // End IF Block for box plots
// Check for mosiac/spine plots
if "`mosaic'" != "nomosaic" & !inlist(`catvarcount', 0, .) {
// Subroutine used to generate mosaic/spine plots
edamosaic `categorical' if `edause', root(`root') `scheme' ///
`missing' `percent' `keepgph'
} // End IF Block for mosaic plot creation
// Check for correlation heatmap option
if "`heatmap'" != "noheatmap" & !inlist(`contvarcount', 0, ., 1, 2) {
// Create heatmap from continuous variables
edaheat `continuous' if `edause', root(`root') `keepgph'
// Reloads the tempfile with the characteristics saved
qui: use `edatemp'.dta, clear
} // End IF Block for correlation heatmap option
// If any graphs are going to be drawn
if `"`graphs'"' != "" {
// Change back to portrait page layout
file write doc "\end{landscape}" _n
} // End IF Block to reorient pages after graphs section
// Check for by graphs
if "`bygraphs'" != "" & "`byvars'" != "" {
// Check if user wants bargraphs
if "`bargraphs'" != "nobargraphs" & !inlist(`catvarcount', 0, .) ///
& inlist("bar", `"`: subinstr loc bygraphs `" "' `"", ""''"') == 1 {
// Call Bar graph subroutine
edabar `categorical' if `edause', `bargraphopts' `byvars' ///
root(`root') bart(`bartype') `scheme' `keepgph' `byseq'
} // End IF Block for bar graph creation
// Check if user wants pie charts
if "`piecharts'" != "nopiecharts" & !inlist(`catvarcount', 0, .) ///
& inlist("pie", `"`: subinstr loc bygraphs `" "' `"", ""''"') == 1 {
// Call Pie chart subroutine
edapie `categorical' if `edause', `piechartopts' ///
`scheme' `keepgph' root(`root') `byvars' `byseq'
} // End IF Block for pie charts option
// Add subheading to the LaTeX file
file write doc "\subsection{Continuous Variables} \newpage\clearpage" _n
// Check if user wants histograms
if "`histograms'" != "nohistograms" & !inlist(`contvarcount', 0, .) ///
& inlist("histogram", `"`: subinstr loc bygraphs `" "' `"", ""''"') == 1 {
// Call histogram subroutine
edahist `continuous' if `edause', `histogramopts' `scheme' ///
`kdensity' kdensopts(`kdensopts') `fivenumsum' `byvars' ///
fnsopts(`fnsopts') root(`root') `byseq'
} // End IF Block for histograms
// Check for scatter plot option
if "`scatterplots'" != "noscatterplots" & !inlist(`contvarcount', 0, .) ///
& inlist("scatterplot", `"`: subinstr loc bygraphs `" "' `"", ""''"') == 1 {
// Call to scatterplot subroutine
edascat `continuous' if `edause', `lfit' lfit2(`lfit2') ///
qfit2(`qfit2') `lowess' lowess2(`lowess2') `fpfit' ///
fpfit2(`fpfit2') `lfitci' lfitci2(`lfitci2') `qfitci' ///
qfitci2(`qfitci2') `fpfitci' fpfitci2(`fpfitci2') `qfit' ///
`scheme' `keepgph' root(`root') `byvars' `byseq'
} // End IF Block for scatter plots
// Check for bubble plots
if "`bubbleplots'" != "nobubbleplots" & !inlist(`contvarcount', 0, .) ///
& inlist("bubble", `"`: subinstr loc bygraphs `" "' `"", ""''"') == 1 {
// Call subroutine for bubble plots
edabubble `continuous' if `edause', `scheme' `keepgph' ///
root(`root') `byvars' `byseq'
} // End IF Block for bubble plots
// Option to generate box plots
if "`boxplots'" != "noboxplots" & (!inlist(`contvarcount', 0, .) ///
& !inlist(`catvarcount', 0, .)) ///
& inlist("boxplot", `"`: subinstr loc bygraphs `" "' `"", ""''"') == 1 {
// Create Box Plots
edabox if `edause', cat(`categorical') cont(`continuous') ///
`scheme' `keepgph' root(`root') `byvars' `byseq'
} // End IF Block for box plots
// Check for mosiac/spine plots
if "`mosaic'" != "nomosaic" & !inlist(`catvarcount', 0, .) ///
& inlist("mosaic", `"`: subinstr loc bygraphs `" "' `"", ""''"') == 1 {
// Subroutine used to generate mosaic/spine plots
edamosaic `categorical' if `edause', `scheme' `missing' ///
`percent' `keepgph' root(`root') `byvars' `byseq'
} // End IF Block for mosaic plot creation
} // End IF Block for by graphs
// Create next section/subsection headers
file write doc "\chapter{Descriptive Statistics} \newpage\clearpage" _n
// Adjust variable labels since they get used in the tables
foreach v of var `categorical' `continuous' {
// Get LaTeX sanitized string of the variable label
texclean `"`: var l `v''"'
// Relabel the variable
la var `v' `"`r(clntex)'"'
} // End Loop to relabel variables
// Check for categorical variables
if !inlist(`catvarcount', 0, .) {
// Add categorical variable header
file write doc "\section{Categorical Variables} \newpage\clearpage" _n
// Set counter to force page dumps from LaTeX
loc counter = 0
// Create statistical summaries of all categorical variables
foreach v of var `categorical' {
// Increment counter
loc counter = `counter' + 1
// Will the table require more than 6 columns?
if `: char `v'[nvals]' >= 5 {
// If so change page orientation
file write doc `"\begin{landscape}"' _n
} // End IF Block for wide tables
// Use estpost to post the results of the tabulation
qui: estpost ta `v' if `edause', mi notot
// Export table to LaTeX file
qui: esttab . using `"`root'/tables/tab`v'.tex"', uns noobs ///
longtable varlabels(`e(labels)') eql("`v'") ml(, none) ///
nonum cells("b pct(fmt(a3))") replace ///
coll("Frequency" "Percentage") ti(`"Distribution of `: var l `v''"')
// Add the table to the LaTeX document
file write doc "\begin{table}" _n
file write doc `"\input{`root'/tables/tab`v'.tex}"' _n
file write doc "\end{table}" _n
// Will the table require more than 6 columns?
if `: char `v'[nvals]' >= 5 {
// If so revert page orientation
file write doc `"\end{landscape}"' _n
} // End IF Block for wide tables
// Check if there are three floats
if mod(`counter', 3) == 0 {
// Add a page break
file write doc "\clearpage" _n
} // End IF Block to process floats
} // End Loop to build one-way tables
// Generate all of the two-way permutations
tuples `categorical', asis min(2) max(2) cvp
// Set counter to force page dumps from LaTeX
loc counter = 0
// Create two-way tables
forv i = 1/`ntuples' {
// Increment counter
loc counter = `counter' + 1
// Get the first variable
loc y : word 1 of `tuple`i''
// Get the second variable
loc x : word 2 of `tuple`i''
// Create cross-tabulation
qui: estpost ta `y' `x' if `edause', mi notot
// Will the table require more than 6 columns?
if `: char `x'[nvals]' >= 5 {
// If so change page orientation
file write doc `"\begin{landscape}"' _n
} // End IF Block for wide tables
// Create cross-tabulation
qui: estpost ta `y' `x' if `edause', mi notot
// Export frequency cross tab to file
qui: esttab . using `"`root'/tables/tab-`y'-`x'.tex"', ///
varlabels(`e(labels)') eql(`e(eqlabels)') ml(, none) nonum ///
cells("b") coll("Frequency") noobs uns longtable ///
ti(`"Frequency of `: var l `y'' by `: var l `x''"') replace
// Create cross-tabulation
qui: estpost ta `y' `x' if `edause', mi notot
// Export Joint Percentages
qui: esttab . using `"`root'/tables/tab-`y'-`x'.tex"', ///
varlabels(`e(labels)') eql(`e(eqlabels)') ml(, none) nonum ///
cells("pct(fmt(a3))") coll("Overall\%") noobs uns longtable ///
ti(`"Overall \% of `: var l `y'' by `: var l `x''"') append
// Create cross-tabulation
qui: estpost ta `y' `x' if `edause', mi notot
// Export Column-Wise marginal percentages to file
qui: esttab . using `"`root'/tables/tab-`y'-`x'.tex"', ///
varlabels(`e(labels)') eql(`e(eqlabels)') ml(, none) nonum ///
cells("colpct(fmt(a3))") coll("Column\%") noobs uns longtable ///
ti(`"Column \% of `: var l `y'' by `: var l `x''"') append
// Create cross-tabulation
qui: estpost ta `y' `x' if `edause', mi notot
// Export Row-Wise marginal percentages to file
qui: esttab . using `"`root'/tables/tab-`y'-`x'.tex"', ///
varlabels(`e(labels)') eql(`e(eqlabels)') ml(, none) nonum ///
cells("rowpct(fmt(a3))") coll("Row\%") noobs uns longtable ///
ti(`"Row \% of `: var l `y'' by `: var l `x''"') append
// Add the table to the LaTeX document
file write doc "\begin{table}" _n
file write doc `"\input{`root'/tables/tab-`y'-`x'.tex}"' _n
file write doc "\end{table}" _n
// Will the table require more than 6 columns?
if `: char `x'[nvals]' >= 5 {
// If so revert page orientation
file write doc `"\end{landscape}"' _n
} // End IF Block for wide tables
// Check if there are three floats
if mod(`counter', 3) == 0 {
// Add a page break
file write doc "\clearpage" _n
} // End IF Block to process floats
} // End Loop for two way tables
} // End IF Block for categorical variables
// Check for categorical variables
if !inlist(`contvarcount', 0, .) {
// Add section header in file
file write doc "\section{Continuous Variables} \newpage\clearpage" _n
// Create summary statistics table for continuous variables
qui: estpost su `continuous' if `edause', de quietly
// Create LaTeX table of parametric descriptive stats
qui: esttab . using `"`root'/tables/descriptives.tex"', nonum ///
nomti noobs ti("Descriptive Statistics of Continuous Variables") ///
cells("count mean(fmt(3)) sd(fmt(3))") label replace longtable ///
varlabels(`e(labels)') collab("N" "$\mu$" "$\sigma$") ///
addn("$\mu$ = Average $\sigma$ = Standard Deviation") nodep
// Create summary statistics table for continuous variables
qui: estpost su `continuous' if `edause', de quietly
// Create table of higher order moment conditions
qui: esttab . using `"`root'/tables/higherorder.tex"', nomti ///
label cells("skewness(fmt(3)) kurtosis(fmt(3))") replace nonum ///
collab("Skewness" "Kurtosis") longtable varlabels(`e(labels)') ///
ti("Higher Order Moment Conditions") noobs nodep
// Create summary statistics table for continuous variables
qui: estpost su `continuous' if `edause', de quietly
// Create LaTeX table of non-parametric stats
qui: esttab . using `"`root'/tables/orderstats.tex"', nomti ///
label ti("Order Statistics") nonum varlabels(`e(labels)') ///
longtable collab("Min." "25\%ile" "Median" "75\%ile" "Max") ///
cells("min(fmt(3)) p25(fmt(3)) p50(fmt(3)) p75(fmt(3)) max(fmt(3))") ///
addn("This is also known as Tukey's Five Number Summary") ///
noobs replace nodep
// Create correlation matrix
// estpost correlate `continuous', matrix
// Create LaTeX table of the correlations table
// esttab . using correlationtable.tex, not unstack compress noobs
// Add both tables to LaTeX document
file write doc "\begin{table}" _n
file write doc `"\input{`root'/tables/descriptives.tex}"' _n
file write doc "\end{table}" _n
file write doc "\begin{table}" _n
file write doc `"\input{`root'/tables/higherorder.tex}"' _n
file write doc "\end{table}" _n
file write doc "\begin{table}" _n
file write doc `"\input{`root'/tables/orderstats.tex}"' _n
file write doc "\end{table}" _n
file write doc "\clearpage" _n
} // End IF Block for continuous variables
// Check for categorical variables
if !inlist(`catvarcount', 0, .) & !inlist(`contvarcount', 0, .) {
// Add file header for conditional distributions
file write doc "\section{Conditional Descriptive Statistics} \newpage\clearpage" _n
// Set the maximum matrix size to prevent a matsize error in the loop below
set matsize 11000
// Increment counter
loc counter = 0
// Create conditional descriptive statistics
foreach cat of var `categorical' {
file write doc `"\subsection{Tables by groups of `cat'}"' _n
// Will the table require more than 6 columns?
if `: char `cat'[nvals]' >= 5 {
// If so change page orientation
file write doc `"\begin{landscape}"' _n
} // End IF Block for wide tables
// Increment counter
loc counter = `counter' + 1
// Get means/SDs for each category in variable cat
qui: estpost tabstat `continuous' if `edause', by(`cat') ///
s(mean) c(s)
// Create the output table
qui: esttab . using `"`root'/tables/condmean`cat'.tex"', ///
nomti nonum main(mean) nostar uns longtable replace label ///
coll(`e(labels)') addn(" ") noobs ///
ti("Averages by groups of `: var l `cat''")
// Add table to LaTeX document
file write doc "\begin{table}" _n
file write doc `"\input{"`root'/tables/condmean`cat'"}"' _n
file write doc "\end{table}" _n
// Get means/SDs for each category in variable cat
qui: estpost tabstat `continuous', by(`cat') s(sd) c(s)
// Create the output table
qui: esttab . using `"`root'/tables/condsd`cat'.tex"', ///
nomti nonum main(sd) nostar uns longtable replace label ///
coll(`e(labels)') addn(" ") noobs ///
ti("Standard Deviations by groups of `: var l `cat''")
// Add table to LaTeX document
file write doc "\begin{table}" _n
file write doc `"\input{"`root'/tables/condsd`cat'"}"' _n
file write doc "\end{table}" _n
// Will the table require more than 6 columns?
if `: char `cat'[nvals]' >= 5 {
// If so revert page orientation
file write doc `"\end{landscape}"' _n
} // End IF Block for wide tables
// Check if there are three floats
if mod(`counter', 3) == 0 {
// Add a page break
file write doc "\clearpage" _n
} // End IF Block to process floats
} // End Loop for conditional descriptive statistics
} // End IF Block for categorical and continuous variables
// Add ending to LaTeX file
file write doc "\end{document}"
// Close and save the LaTeX document
file close doc
// Check for option to compile LaTeX file
if "`compile'" != "" {
// Create bash/batch script to compile source
maketexcomp "`root'/`output'", scr(`"`root'/makeLaTeX"') ///
`pdflatex' root(`root')
// Local with code to execute compiler script
loc exec `r(comp)'
// Execute the compile script to make the LaTeX turn into a PDF
} // End IF Block for compilation option
// Restore data to original state
// End program definition
马建仓 AI 助手
