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Dragonfly Business Source License 1.1 <u>License</u>: BSL 1.1 <u>Licensor</u>: Attos Technologies, Ltd. <u>Licensed Work</u>: Dragonfly including the software components, or any portion of them, and any modification. <u>Change Date</u>: June 1, 2027 <u>Change License</u>: [Apache License, Version 2.0](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0), as published by the Apache Foundation. <u>Additional Use Grant</u>: You may make use of the Licensed Work (i) only as part of your own product or service, provided it is not an in-memory data store product or service; and (ii) provided that you do not use, provide, distribute, or make available the Licensed Work as a Service. A “Service” is a commercial offering, product, hosted, or managed service, that allows third parties (other than your own employees and contractors acting on your behalf) to access and/or use the Licensed Work or a substantial set of the features or functionality of the Licensed Work to third parties as a software-as-a-service, platform-as-a-service, infrastructure-as-a-service or other similar services that compete with Licensor products or services. Text of BSL 1.1 The Licensor hereby grants you the right to copy, modify, create derivative works, redistribute, and make non-production use of the Licensed Work. The Licensor may make an Additional Use Grant, above, permitting limited production use. Effective on the Change Date, or the fifth anniversary of the first publicly available distribution of a specific version of the Licensed Work under this License, whichever comes first, the Licensor hereby grants you rights under the terms of the Change License, and the rights granted in the paragraph above terminate. If your use of the Licensed Work does not comply with the requirements currently in effect as described in this License, you must purchase a commercial license from the Licensor, its affiliated entities, or authorized resellers, or you must refrain from using the Licensed Work. All copies of the original and modified Licensed Work, and derivative works of the Licensed Work, are subject to this License. This License applies separately for each version of the Licensed Work and the Change Date may vary for each version of the Licensed Work released by Licensor. You must conspicuously display this License on each original or modified copy of the Licensed Work. If you receive the Licensed Work in original or modified form from a third party, the terms and conditions set forth in this License apply to your use of that work. Any use of the Licensed Work in violation of this License will automatically terminate your rights under this License for the current and all other versions of the Licensed Work. This License does not grant you any right in any trademark or logo of Licensor or its affiliates (provided that you may use a trademark or logo of Licensor as expressly required by this License).TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE LICENSED WORK IS PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS” BASIS. LICENSOR HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING (WITHOUT LIMITATION) WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND TITLE.


Dragonfly 是一个现代化的开源内存数据库,兼容 Redis 和 Memcached API expand collapse


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