The Community repo is to store all the information about openEuler Community, inclouding governance, SIGs(project teams), Communications and etc.
最近更新: 8小时前This repository contains the scripts which can be used to manage the commuity basic resources.
最近更新: 22小时前StratoVirt is an opensource VMM(Virtual Machine Manager) which aims to perform next generation virtualization.StratoVirt is based on Rust programming language.StratoVirt is lightweight, efficient and safe.It also has features like Full Sence Support and Modules Flexible Splitting.
最近更新: 1天前iSulad is a light weight container runtime daemon which is designed for IOT and Cloud infrastructure.
最近更新: 1天前🔥EovaMeta 低代码开发平台,后端核心技术: java 、 jfinal 、 hutool ,前端规范参考: vue 、 layui 、 element 、 easyui 、 antv 。平台特点:简单 轻量 元数据 低代码 快速开发 。 全新开源版EovaMeta秘密研发中,敬请关注。
最近更新: 17天前