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Makefile 9.26 KB
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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# This makefile defines the following targets
# - all (default) - builds all targets and runs all tests/checks
# - checks - runs all tests/checks
# - peer - builds the fabric peer binary
# - membersrvc - builds the membersrvc binary
# - unit-test - runs the go-test based unit tests
# - behave - runs the behave test
# - behave-deps - ensures pre-requisites are availble for running behave manually
# - gotools - installs go tools like golint
# - linter - runs all code checks
# - images[-clean] - ensures all docker images are available[/cleaned]
# - peer-image[-clean] - ensures the peer-image is available[/cleaned] (for behave, etc)
# - membersrvc-image[-clean] - ensures the membersrvc-image is available[/cleaned] (for behave, etc)
# - protos - generate all protobuf artifacts based on .proto files
# - node-sdk - builds the node.js client sdk
# - node-sdk-unit-tests - runs the node.js client sdk unit tests
# - clean - cleans the build area
# - dist-clean - superset of 'clean' that also removes persistent state
PROJECT_NAME = hyperledger/fabric
IS_RELEASE = false # commit as 'true' only once for a given $(BASE_VERSION)
ifneq ($(IS_RELEASE),true)
EXTRA_VERSION ?= SNAPSHOT-$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
DOCKER_TAG=$(shell uname -m)-$(PROJECT_VERSION)
PKGNAME = github.com/$(PROJECT_NAME)
GO_LDFLAGS = -X github.com/hyperledger/fabric/metadata.Version=$(PROJECT_VERSION)
CGO_FLAGS = CGO_CFLAGS=" " CGO_LDFLAGS="-lrocksdb -lstdc++ -lm -lz -lbz2 -lsnappy"
UID = $(shell id -u)
EXECUTABLES = go docker git curl
K := $(foreach exec,$(EXECUTABLES),\
$(if $(shell which $(exec)),some string,$(error "No $(exec) in PATH: Check dependencies")))
# SUBDIRS are components that have their own Makefiles that we can invoke
SUBDIRS = gotools sdk/node
SUBDIRS:=$(strip $(SUBDIRS))
# Make our baseimage depend on any changes to images/base or scripts/provision
BASEIMAGE_RELEASE = $(shell cat ./images/base/release)
BASEIMAGE_DEPS = $(shell git ls-files images/base scripts/provision)
JAVASHIM_DEPS = $(shell git ls-files core/chaincode/shim/java)
PROJECT_FILES = $(shell git ls-files)
IMAGES = base src ccenv peer membersrvc javaenv
all: peer membersrvc checks
checks: linter unit-test behave
cd $@ && $(MAKE)
.PHONY: peer
peer: build/bin/peer
peer-image: build/image/peer/.dummy
.PHONY: membersrvc
membersrvc: build/bin/membersrvc
membersrvc-image: build/image/membersrvc/.dummy
unit-test: peer-image gotools
@./scripts/goUnitTests.sh $(DOCKER_TAG) "$(GO_LDFLAGS)"
.PHONY: images
images: $(patsubst %,build/image/%/.dummy, $(IMAGES))
behave-deps: images peer build/bin/block-listener
behave: behave-deps
@echo "Running behave tests"
@cd bddtests; behave $(BEHAVE_OPTS)
linter: gotools
@echo "LINT: Running code checks.."
@echo "Running go vet"
go vet ./consensus/...
go vet ./core/...
go vet ./events/...
go vet ./examples/...
go vet ./membersrvc/...
go vet ./peer/...
go vet ./protos/...
@echo "Running goimports"
# We (re)build protoc-gen-go from within docker context so that
# we may later inject the binary into a different docker environment
# This is necessary since we cannot guarantee that binaries built
# on the host natively will be compatible with the docker env.
%/bin/protoc-gen-go: build/image/base/.dummy Makefile
@echo "Building $@"
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@docker run -i \
--user=$(UID) \
-v $(abspath vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf):/opt/gopath/src/github.com/golang/protobuf \
-v $(abspath $(@D)):/opt/gopath/bin \
hyperledger/fabric-baseimage go install github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
build/bin/chaintool: Makefile
@echo "Installing chaintool"
@mkdir -p $(@D)
curl -L https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-chaintool/releases/download/$(CHAINTOOL_RELEASE)/chaintool > $@
chmod +x $@
%/bin/chaintool: build/bin/chaintool
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@cp $^ $@
# JIRA FAB-243 - Mark build/docker/bin artifacts explicitly as secondary
# since they are never referred to directly. This prevents
# the makefile from deleting them inadvertently.
.SECONDARY: build/docker/bin/peer build/docker/bin/membersrvc
# We (re)build a package within a docker context but persist the $GOPATH/pkg
# directory so that subsequent builds are faster
build/docker/bin/%: build/image/src/.dummy $(PROJECT_FILES)
$(eval TARGET = ${patsubst build/docker/bin/%,%,${@}})
@echo "Building $@"
@mkdir -p build/docker/bin build/docker/pkg
@docker run -i \
--user=$(UID) \
-v $(abspath build/docker/bin):/opt/gopath/bin \
-v $(abspath build/docker/pkg):/opt/gopath/pkg \
hyperledger/fabric-src:$(DOCKER_TAG) go install -ldflags "$(GO_LDFLAGS)" github.com/hyperledger/fabric/$(TARGET)
@touch $@
mkdir -p $@
# Both peer and peer-image depend on ccenv-image and javaenv-image (all docker env images it supports)
build/bin/peer: build/image/ccenv/.dummy build/image/javaenv/.dummy
build/image/peer/.dummy: build/image/ccenv/.dummy build/image/javaenv/.dummy
@mkdir -p $(@D)
$(CGO_FLAGS) GOBIN=$(abspath $(@D)) go install $(PKGNAME)/examples/events/block-listener
@echo "Binary available as $@"
@touch $@
build/bin/%: build/image/base/.dummy $(PROJECT_FILES)
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@echo "$@"
$(CGO_FLAGS) GOBIN=$(abspath $(@D)) go install -ldflags "$(GO_LDFLAGS)" $(PKGNAME)/$(@F)
@echo "Binary available as $@"
@touch $@
# Special override for base-image.
build/image/base/.dummy: $(BASEIMAGE_DEPS)
@echo "Building docker base-image"
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@./scripts/provision/docker.sh $(BASEIMAGE_RELEASE)
@touch $@
# Special override for src-image
build/image/src/.dummy: build/image/base/.dummy $(PROJECT_FILES)
@echo "Building docker src-image"
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@cat images/src/Dockerfile.in \
| sed -e 's/_TAG_/$(DOCKER_TAG)/g' \
> $(@D)/Dockerfile
@git ls-files | tar -jcT - > $(@D)/gopath.tar.bz2
docker build -t $(PROJECT_NAME)-src $(@D)
docker tag $(PROJECT_NAME)-src $(PROJECT_NAME)-src:$(DOCKER_TAG)
@touch $@
# Special override for ccenv-image (chaincode-environment)
build/image/ccenv/.dummy: build/image/src/.dummy build/image/ccenv/bin/protoc-gen-go build/image/ccenv/bin/chaintool Makefile
@echo "Building docker ccenv-image"
@cat images/ccenv/Dockerfile.in \
| sed -e 's/_TAG_/$(DOCKER_TAG)/g' \
> $(@D)/Dockerfile
docker build -t $(PROJECT_NAME)-ccenv $(@D)
docker tag $(PROJECT_NAME)-ccenv $(PROJECT_NAME)-ccenv:$(DOCKER_TAG)
@touch $@
# Special override for java-image
build/image/javaenv/.dummy: Makefile $(JAVASHIM_DEPS)
@echo "Building docker javaenv-image"
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@cat images/javaenv/Dockerfile.in > $(@D)/Dockerfile
# Following items are packed and sent to docker context while building image
# 1. Java shim layer source code
# 2. Proto files used to generate java classes
# 3. Gradle settings file
@git ls-files core/chaincode/shim/java | tar -jcT - > $(@D)/javashimsrc.tar.bz2
@git ls-files protos settings.gradle | tar -jcT - > $(@D)/protos.tar.bz2
docker build -t $(PROJECT_NAME)-javaenv $(@D)
docker tag $(PROJECT_NAME)-javaenv $(PROJECT_NAME)-javaenv:$(DOCKER_TAG)
@touch $@
# Default rule for image creation
build/image/%/.dummy: build/image/src/.dummy build/docker/bin/%
$(eval TARGET = ${patsubst build/image/%/.dummy,%,${@}})
@echo "Building docker $(TARGET)-image"
@mkdir -p $(@D)/bin
@cat images/app/Dockerfile.in \
| sed -e 's/_TAG_/$(DOCKER_TAG)/g' \
> $(@D)/Dockerfile
cp build/docker/bin/$(TARGET) $(@D)/bin
docker build -t $(PROJECT_NAME)-$(TARGET) $(@D)
@touch $@
.PHONY: protos
protos: gotools
-docker rmi -f $(PROJECT_NAME)-baseimage
-@rm -rf build/image/base ||:
src-image-clean: ccenv-image-clean peer-image-clean membersrvc-image-clean
$(eval TARGET = ${patsubst %-image-clean,%,${@}})
-docker images -q $(PROJECT_NAME)-$(TARGET) | xargs -r docker rmi -f
-@rm -rf build/image/$(TARGET) ||:
images-clean: $(patsubst %,%-image-clean, $(IMAGES))
node-sdk: sdk/node
node-sdk-unit-tests: peer membersrvc
cd sdk/node && $(MAKE) unit-tests
.PHONY: $(SUBDIRS:=-clean)
cd $(patsubst %-clean,%,$@) && $(MAKE) clean
.PHONY: clean
clean: images-clean $(filter-out gotools-clean, $(SUBDIRS:=-clean))
-@rm -rf build ||:
.PHONY: dist-clean
dist-clean: clean gotools-clean
-@rm -rf /var/hyperledger/* ||:
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