"""py-motmetrics - metrics for multiple object tracker (MOT) benchmarking.
Christoph Heindl, 2017
import numpy as np
import numpy.ma as ma
import pandas as pd
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import count
from motmetrics.lap import linear_sum_assignment
class MOTAccumulator(object):
"""Manage tracking events.
This class computes per-frame tracking events from a given set of object / hypothesis
ids and pairwise distances. Indended usage
import motmetrics as mm
acc = mm.MOTAccumulator()
acc.update(['a', 'b'], [0, 1, 2], dists, frameid=0)
acc.update(['d'], [6,10], other_dists, frameid=76)
summary = mm.metrics.summarize(acc)
Update is called once per frame and takes objects / hypothesis ids and a pairwise distance
matrix between those (see distances module for support). Per frame max(len(objects), len(hypothesis))
events are generated. Each event type is one of the following
- `'MATCH'` a match between a object and hypothesis was found
- `'SWITCH'` a match between a object and hypothesis was found but differs from previous assignment
- `'MISS'` no match for an object was found
- `'FP'` no match for an hypothesis was found (spurious detections)
- `'RAW'` events corresponding to raw input
Events are tracked in a pandas Dataframe. The dataframe is hierarchically indexed by (`FrameId`, `EventId`),
where `FrameId` is either provided during the call to `update` or auto-incremented when `auto_id` is set
true during construction of MOTAccumulator. `EventId` is auto-incremented. The dataframe has the following
- `Type` one of `('MATCH', 'SWITCH', 'MISS', 'FP', 'RAW')`
- `OId` object id or np.nan when `'FP'` or `'RAW'` and object is not present
- `HId` hypothesis id or np.nan when `'MISS'` or `'RAW'` and hypothesis is not present
- `D` distance or np.nan when `'FP'` or `'MISS'` or `'RAW'` and either object/hypothesis is absent
From the events and associated fields the entire tracking history can be recovered. Once the accumulator
has been populated with per-frame data use `metrics.summarize` to compute statistics. See `metrics.compute_metrics`
for a list of metrics computed.
1. Bernardin, Keni, and Rainer Stiefelhagen. "Evaluating multiple object tracking performance: the CLEAR MOT metrics."
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2008.1 (2008): 1-10.
2. Milan, Anton, et al. "Mot16: A benchmark for multi-object tracking." arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.00831 (2016).
3. Li, Yuan, Chang Huang, and Ram Nevatia. "Learning to associate: Hybridboosted multi-target tracker for crowded scene."
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009. CVPR 2009. IEEE Conference on. IEEE, 2009.
def __init__(self, auto_id=False, max_switch_time=float('inf')):
"""Create a MOTAccumulator.
auto_id : bool, optional
Whether or not frame indices are auto-incremented or provided upon
updating. Defaults to false. Not specifying a frame-id when this value
is true results in an error. Specifying a frame-id when this value is
false also results in an error.
max_switch_time : scalar, optional
Allows specifying an upper bound on the timespan an unobserved but
tracked object is allowed to generate track switch events. Useful if groundtruth
objects leaving the field of view keep their ID when they reappear,
but your tracker is not capable of recognizing this (resulting in
track switch events). The default is that there is no upper bound
on the timespan. In units of frame timestamps. When using auto_id
in units of count.
self.auto_id = auto_id
self.max_switch_time = max_switch_time
def reset(self):
"""Reset the accumulator to empty state."""
self._events = []
self._indices = []
#self.events = MOTAccumulator.new_event_dataframe()
self.m = {} # Pairings up to current timestamp
self.last_occurrence = {} # Tracks most recent occurance of object
self.dirty_events = True
self.cached_events_df = None
def update(self, oids, hids, dists, frameid=None):
"""Updates the accumulator with frame specific objects/detections.
This method generates events based on the following algorithm [1]:
1. Try to carry forward already established tracks. If any paired object / hypothesis
from previous timestamps are still visible in the current frame, create a 'MATCH'
event between them.
2. For the remaining constellations minimize the total object / hypothesis distance
error (Kuhn-Munkres algorithm). If a correspondence made contradicts a previous
match create a 'SWITCH' else a 'MATCH' event.
3. Create 'MISS' events for all remaining unassigned objects.
4. Create 'FP' events for all remaining unassigned hypotheses.
oids : N array
Array of object ids.
hids : M array
Array of hypothesis ids.
dists: NxM array
Distance matrix. np.nan values to signal do-not-pair constellations.
See `distances` module for support methods.
frameId : id
Unique frame id. Optional when MOTAccumulator.auto_id is specified during
frame_events : pd.DataFrame
Dataframe containing generated events
1. Bernardin, Keni, and Rainer Stiefelhagen. "Evaluating multiple object tracking performance: the CLEAR MOT metrics."
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2008.1 (2008): 1-10.
self.dirty_events = True
oids = ma.array(oids, mask=np.zeros(len(oids)))
hids = ma.array(hids, mask=np.zeros(len(hids)))
dists = np.atleast_2d(dists).astype(float).reshape(oids.shape[0], hids.shape[0]).copy()
if frameid is None:
assert self.auto_id, 'auto-id is not enabled'
if len(self._indices) > 0:
frameid = self._indices[-1][0] + 1
frameid = 0
assert not self.auto_id, 'Cannot provide frame id when auto-id is enabled'
eid = count()
# 0. Record raw events
no = len(oids)
nh = len(hids)
if no * nh > 0:
for i in range(no):
for j in range(nh):
self._indices.append((frameid, next(eid)))
self._events.append(['RAW', oids[i], hids[j], dists[i,j]])
elif no == 0:
for i in range(nh):
self._indices.append((frameid, next(eid)))
self._events.append(['RAW', np.nan, hids[i], np.nan])
elif nh == 0:
for i in range(no):
self._indices.append((frameid, next(eid)))
self._events.append(['RAW', oids[i], np.nan, np.nan])
if oids.size * hids.size > 0:
# 1. Try to re-establish tracks from previous correspondences
for i in range(oids.shape[0]):
if not oids[i] in self.m:
hprev = self.m[oids[i]]
j, = np.where(hids==hprev)
if j.shape[0] == 0:
j = j[0]
if np.isfinite(dists[i,j]):
oids[i] = ma.masked
hids[j] = ma.masked
self.m[oids.data[i]] = hids.data[j]
self._indices.append((frameid, next(eid)))
self._events.append(['MATCH', oids.data[i], hids.data[j], dists[i, j]])
# 2. Try to remaining objects/hypotheses
dists[oids.mask, :] = np.nan
dists[:, hids.mask] = np.nan
rids, cids = linear_sum_assignment(dists)
for i, j in zip(rids, cids):
if not np.isfinite(dists[i,j]):
o = oids[i]
h = hids.data[j]
is_switch = o in self.m and \
self.m[o] != h and \
abs(frameid - self.last_occurrence[o]) <= self.max_switch_time
cat = 'SWITCH' if is_switch else 'MATCH'
self._indices.append((frameid, next(eid)))
self._events.append([cat, oids.data[i], hids.data[j], dists[i, j]])
oids[i] = ma.masked
hids[j] = ma.masked
self.m[o] = h
# 3. All remaining objects are missed
for o in oids[~oids.mask]:
self._indices.append((frameid, next(eid)))
self._events.append(['MISS', o, np.nan, np.nan])
# 4. All remaining hypotheses are false alarms
for h in hids[~hids.mask]:
self._indices.append((frameid, next(eid)))
self._events.append(['FP', np.nan, h, np.nan])
# 5. Update occurance state
for o in oids.data:
self.last_occurrence[o] = frameid
return frameid
def events(self):
if self.dirty_events:
self.cached_events_df = MOTAccumulator.new_event_dataframe_with_data(self._indices, self._events)
self.dirty_events = False
return self.cached_events_df
def mot_events(self):
df = self.events
return df[df.Type != 'RAW']
def new_event_dataframe():
"""Create a new DataFrame for event tracking."""
idx = pd.MultiIndex(levels=[[],[]], labels=[[],[]], names=['FrameId','Event'])
cats = pd.Categorical([], categories=['RAW', 'FP', 'MISS', 'SWITCH', 'MATCH'])
df = pd.DataFrame(
('Type', pd.Series(cats)), # Type of event. One of FP (false positive), MISS, SWITCH, MATCH
('OId', pd.Series(dtype=object)), # Object ID or -1 if FP. Using float as missing values will be converted to NaN anyways.
('HId', pd.Series(dtype=object)), # Hypothesis ID or NaN if MISS. Using float as missing values will be converted to NaN anyways.
('D', pd.Series(dtype=float)), # Distance or NaN when FP or MISS
return df
def new_event_dataframe_with_data(indices, events):
"""Create a new DataFrame filled with data.
indices: list
list of tuples (frameid, eventid)
events: list
list of events where each event is a list containing
'Type', 'OId', HId', 'D'
tevents = list(zip(*events))
raw_type = pd.Categorical(tevents[0], categories=['RAW', 'FP', 'MISS', 'SWITCH', 'MATCH'], ordered=False)
series = [
pd.Series(raw_type, name='Type'),
pd.Series(tevents[1], dtype=object, name='OId'),
pd.Series(tevents[2], dtype=object, name='HId'),
pd.Series(tevents[3], dtype=float, name='D')
idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(indices, names=['FrameId','Event'])
df = pd.concat(series, axis=1)
df.index = idx
return df
def merge_event_dataframes(dfs, update_frame_indices=True, update_oids=True, update_hids=True, return_mappings=False):
"""Merge dataframes.
dfs : list of pandas.DataFrame or MotAccumulator
A list of event containers to merge
update_frame_indices : boolean, optional
Ensure that frame indices are unique in the merged container
update_oids : boolean, unique
Ensure that object ids are unique in the merged container
update_hids : boolean, unique
Ensure that hypothesis ids are unique in the merged container
return_mappings : boolean, unique
Whether or not to return mapping information
df : pandas.DataFrame
Merged event data frame
mapping_infos = []
new_oid = count()
new_hid = count()
r = MOTAccumulator.new_event_dataframe()
for df in dfs:
if isinstance(df, MOTAccumulator):
df = df.events
copy = df.copy()
infos = {}
# Update index
if update_frame_indices:
next_frame_id = max(r.index.get_level_values(0).max()+1, r.index.get_level_values(0).unique().shape[0])
if np.isnan(next_frame_id):
next_frame_id = 0
copy.index = copy.index.map(lambda x: (x[0]+next_frame_id, x[1]))
infos['frame_offset'] = next_frame_id
# Update object / hypothesis ids
if update_oids:
oid_map = dict([oid, str(next(new_oid))] for oid in copy['OId'].dropna().unique())
copy['OId'] = copy['OId'].map(lambda x: oid_map[x], na_action='ignore')
infos['oid_map'] = oid_map
if update_hids:
hid_map = dict([hid, str(next(new_hid))] for hid in copy['HId'].dropna().unique())
copy['HId'] = copy['HId'].map(lambda x: hid_map[x], na_action='ignore')
infos['hid_map'] = hid_map
r = r.append(copy)
if return_mappings:
return r, mapping_infos
return r
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