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PHYS613 A7 P1 CubicLattice.py 5.33 KB
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Nick Crump 提交于 2015-06-01 21:22 . computational physics
Created on Wed Oct 23 20:55:21 2013
PHYS 613, Assignment 7
Nick Crump
# Problem 1 (EBB8): Unit Cell Lattice
Generates positions of atoms that form clusters of the following unit cells:
1. Simple Cubic (SC)
2. Body Centered Cubic (BCC)
3. Face Centered Cubic (FCC)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# Part 1: simple cubic lattice
def SC(Lsides, Ncubes):
# arrays to store atoms positions
x = []
y = []
z = []
# get x corner locations
intvl = (Ncubes+1)*Lsides
xCorners = np.arange(0, intvl, Lsides)
# loop over line of atoms to build 3D lattice of corners
for y0 in xCorners:
for z0 in xCorners:
# duplicates corner lattice in y,z
yCNR = np.ones(Ncubes+1)*y0
zCNR = np.ones(Ncubes+1)*z0
# write lattice points to arrays
x = np.append(x,xCorners)
y = np.append(y,yCNR)
z = np.append(z,zCNR)
return x,y,z
# Part 2: body centered cubic lattice
def BCC(Lsides, Ncubes):
# arrays to store atoms positions
x = []
y = []
z = []
# get x corner locations
intvl = (Ncubes+1)*Lsides
xCorners = np.arange(0, intvl, Lsides)
# loop over line of atoms to build 3D lattice of corners
for y0 in xCorners:
for z0 in xCorners:
# duplicates corner lattice in y,z
yCNR = np.ones(Ncubes+1)*y0
zCNR = np.ones(Ncubes+1)*z0
# write lattice points to arrays
x = np.append(x,xCorners)
y = np.append(y,yCNR)
z = np.append(z,zCNR)
# ----------------------------------------------
# get x center locations
intvl = Ncubes*Lsides
xCenters = np.arange(Lsides/2.0, intvl, Lsides)
# loop over line of atoms to build 3D lattice of centers
for y0 in xCenters:
for z0 in xCenters:
# duplicates center lattice in y,z
yCTR = np.ones(Ncubes)*y0
zCTR = np.ones(Ncubes)*z0
# write lattice points to arrays
x = np.append(x,xCenters)
y = np.append(y,yCTR)
z = np.append(z,zCTR)
return x,y,z
# Part 3: face centered cubic lattice
def FCC(Lsides, Ncubes):
# arrays to store atoms positions
x = []
y = []
z = []
# get x corner locations
intvl1 = (Ncubes+1)*Lsides
xCorners = np.arange(0, intvl1, Lsides)
# loop over line of atoms to build 3D lattice of corners
for y0 in xCorners:
for z0 in xCorners:
# duplicates corner lattice in y,z
yCNR = np.ones(Ncubes+1)*y0
zCNR = np.ones(Ncubes+1)*z0
# write lattice points to arrays
x = np.append(x,xCorners)
y = np.append(y,yCNR)
z = np.append(z,zCNR)
# ----------------------------------------------
# get x face locations
intvl2 = Ncubes*Lsides
xFace1 = np.arange(0, intvl1, Lsides)
xFace2 = np.arange(Lsides/2.0, intvl2, Lsides)
# loop over line of atoms to build 3D lattice of faces in yz-plane
for y0 in xFace2:
for z0 in xFace2:
# duplicates face lattice in y,z
yFCE = np.ones(Ncubes+1)*y0
zFCE = np.ones(Ncubes+1)*z0
# write lattice points to arrays
x = np.append(x,xFace1)
y = np.append(y,yFCE)
z = np.append(z,zFCE)
# loop over line of atoms to build 3D lattice of faces in xy-plane
for y0 in xFace2:
for z0 in xFace1:
# duplicates face lattice in y,z
yFCE = np.ones(Ncubes)*y0
zFCE = np.ones(Ncubes)*z0
# write lattice points to arrays
x = np.append(x,xFace2)
y = np.append(y,yFCE)
z = np.append(z,zFCE)
# loop over line of atoms to build 3D lattice of faces in xz-plane
for y0 in xFace1:
for z0 in xFace2:
# duplicates face lattice in y,z
yFCE = np.ones(Ncubes)*y0
zFCE = np.ones(Ncubes)*z0
# write lattice points to arrays
x = np.append(x,xFace2)
y = np.append(y,yFCE)
z = np.append(z,zFCE)
return x,y,z
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Lsides = length of cubic sides
# Ncubes = number of times to replicate unit cube to form lattice
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
x,y,z = FCC(2.2, 6)
# write atom positions to txt file for visualizing lattice in Avogadro
# label with '20' for Calcium
atoms = np.ones(len(x))*20
stack = np.column_stack((atoms,x,y,z))
# plot atom positions
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
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