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PHYS613 A11 Exercise7.11 HeatEqnSquare.py 4.32 KB
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Nick Crump authored 2015-06-01 21:22 . computational physics
Created on Fri Nov 29 21:27:07 2013
PHYS 613, Assignment 11
Nick Crump
# Exercise 7.11
Calculate the temperature profile over a square plate by solving
the 2-D steady state heat equation as a difference equation using
heat flow through the boundary conditions (Neumann Boundary).
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import cm
from math import sqrt,cos,pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# set iteration parameters
# --------------------------------------------
tol = 1e-5 # desired relative accuracy
Nx = 30 # x-grid size
Ny = 30 # y-grid size
h = 1 # grid step size
# --------------------------------------------
# set SOR relaxation parameter
# --------------------------------------------
alpha = (4.0/(2+sqrt(4-4*cos(pi/Nx)**2)))-1
# --------------------------------------------
# set heat flow boundary conditions
# --------------------------------------------
L = -700.0/Ny # left side flow (degC/m)
R = -200.0/Ny # right side flow (degC/m)
B = 400.0/Nx # bottom side flow (degC/m)
T = -100.0/Nx # top side flow (degC/m)
Tref = 750.0 # steady state reference temp at lower left corner (degC)
# --------------------------------------------
# start main loop to calculate values
# --------------------------------------------
# initialize solution matrix
temp = np.zeros((Nx,Ny))
done = 'no'
iters = 0
while done == 'no':
done = 'yes'
iters = iters + 1
# iterate over xy-grid (i = y-row, j = x-col)
for i in range(0,Ny-1):
for j in range(0,Nx-1):
temp0 = temp[i][j]
# compute along left edge
if j == 0:
temp1 = 0.25*(2*temp[i][1] + temp[i+1][0] + temp[i-1][0] - 2*h*L)
# compute along right edge
if j == Nx-1:
temp1 = 0.25*(2*temp[i][Nx-2] + temp[i+1][Nx-1] + temp[i-1][Nx-1] + 2*h*R)
# compute along bottom edge
if i == 0:
temp1 = 0.25*(2*temp[1][j] + temp[0][j+1] + temp[0][j-1] - 2*h*B)
# compute along top edge
if i == Ny-1:
temp1 = 0.25*(2*temp[Ny-2][j] + temp[Ny-1][j+1] + temp[Ny-1][j-1] + 2*h*T)
# compute at lower left corner
if i == 0 and j == 0:
temp1 = 0.5*(temp[0][1] + temp[1][0] - h*B - h*L)
# compute at upper left corner
if i == Ny-1 and j == 0:
temp1 = 0.5*(temp[Ny-1][1] + temp[Ny-2][0] + h*T - h*L)
# compute at lower right corner
if i == 0 and j == Nx-1:
temp1 = 0.5*(temp[0][Nx-2] + temp[1][Nx-1] + h*R - h*B)
# compute at upper right corner
if i == Ny-1 and j == Nx-1:
temp1 = 0.5*(temp[Ny-2][Nx-1] + temp[Ny-1][Nx-2] + h*R + h*T)
# compute everywhere else inside plate
if 0 < i < Ny-1 and 0 < j < Nx-1:
temp1 = 0.25*(temp[i][j+1] + temp[i][j-1] + temp[i+1][j] + temp[i-1][j])
# compute improved SOR approximation and error
tempSOR = temp1 + alpha*(temp1 - temp0)
err = abs(tempSOR-temp1)/tempSOR
temp[i][j] = tempSOR
# shift all temps so that lower left reference temp equals Tref
diff = Tref - temp[0][0]
temp = temp + diff
# if desired tolerance met then stop
if err > tol:
done = 'no'
print '\n','iterations = ',iters
# --------------------------------------------
# set contour levels for plotting
TMin = np.min(temp)
TMax = np.max(temp)
levels = np.arange(int(TMin),int(TMax),1)
print 'max temp =',TMax
# build x,y meshgrids for plotting axes
xpts = np.linspace(0,1,Nx)
ypts = np.linspace(0,1,Ny)
xMesh,yMesh = np.meshgrid(xpts,ypts)
# plot temperature distribution over square plate
plt.contourf(xMesh,yMesh,temp, cmap=cm.jet,levels=levels)
plt.xlabel('x (m)',fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('y (m)',fontsize=14)
# plot isotherms - contour lines of constant temperature
plt.contour(xMesh,yMesh,temp, cmap=cm.jet,levels=range(int(TMin),int(TMax),50))
plt.xlabel('x (m)',fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('y (m)',fontsize=14)
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