🚀 低代码后台管理框架,对象视图模型 → 0️⃣ 零前端代码、零代码生成、零SQL、零API声明、零DTO / VO / BO 创建,表结构注释自动生成 🛡 内置严密安全策略,细颗粒权限隔离 ☁️ Cloud开发能力,不停机升级,轻依赖,集群内每个服务都可以轻松实现数据可视化 ️☁️
Enhanced Class Decompiler - An Eclipse Plugin to integrate different Class Decompiler seamlessly into the development workflow
Enhance the Eclipse IDE experience with more custom features - including 'recursive call gutter icon' for Eclipse
Using Flat Look and Feel(a Swing look and feel that imitates IntelliJ Platform) to make Oracle SQL Developer more mordern