# Copyright 2017 ghostop14
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
import os
import subprocess
# import sys
import signal
from time import sleep
import re
from threading import Lock
import datetime
from dateutil import parser
import json
from sparrowcommon import BaseThreadClass
# ------------------ Ubertooth Specan scanning Thread ----------------------------------
class HackrfSweepThread(BaseThreadClass):
def __init__(self, parentHackrf):
self.parentHackrf= parentHackrf
self.minFreq = 2400
self.maxFreq = 5900
self.binWidth = 250000 # 250 KHz width
self.gain = 40
# mirror qspectrumanalyzer
# In python3 / is a floating point operation whereas // is explicitly integer division. Result is without remainder
self.lna_gain = 8 * (self.gain // 18)
self.vga_gain = 2 * ((self.gain - self.lna_gain) // 2)
def run(self):
self.threadRunning = True
subprocess.run(['pkill', '-9','hackrf_sweep'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
# See this for a good example on threading and reading from a streaming proc
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16768290/understanding-popen-communicate
freqRange = str(self.minFreq) + ":" + str(self.maxFreq)
params = ['hackrf_sweep', '-f', freqRange, '-l',str(self.lna_gain),'-g',str(self.vga_gain),'-w', str(self.binWidth)]
#if '/usr/bin' not in sys.path:
# sys.path.append('/usr/bin')
#if '/usr/local/bin' not in sys.path:
# sys.path.append('/usr/local/bin')
#cmd = 'hackrf_sweep -f '+ freqRange + ' -l ' + str(self.lna_gain) + ' -g ' + str(self.vga_gain) + ' -w '+ str(self.binWidth)
hackrfsweepProc = subprocess.Popen(params,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) # , shell=True)
# hackrf_sweep output:
# strftime(time_str, 50, "%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M:%S", fft_time);
# fprintf(fd, "%s.%06ld, %" PRIu64 ", %" PRIu64 ", %.2f, %u",
# time_str,
# (long int)time_stamp.tv_usec,
# (uint64_t)(frequency),
# (uint64_t)(frequency+DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ/4),
# fft_bin_width,
# fftSize);
# for(i = 0; (fftSize / 4) > i; i++) {
# fprintf(fd, ", %.2f", pwr[i + 1 + (fftSize*5)/8]);
# }
# fprintf(fd, "\n");
# fprintf(fd, "%s.%06ld, %" PRIu64 ", %" PRIu64 ", %.2f, %u",
# time_str,
# (long int)time_stamp.tv_usec,
# (uint64_t)(frequency+(DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ/2)),
# (uint64_t)(frequency+((DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ*3)/4)),
# fft_bin_width,
# fftSize);
# for(i = 0; (fftSize / 4) > i; i++) {
# fprintf(fd, ", %.2f", pwr[i + 1 + (fftSize/8)]);
# }
# fprintf(fd, "\n");
iteration = 0
while not hackrfsweepProc.poll() and not self.signalStop:
dataline = hackrfsweepProc.stdout.readline().decode('ASCII').replace('\n', '')
dataline = dataline.replace(' ', '')
data = dataline.split(',')
# First 6 fields are setup: date/time, start/end freq, etc.
if len(data) > 6:
startfreq = int(data[2])
# debug:
# print('DEBUG: ' + str(startfreq) + "," + data[3])
numSamples = len(data) - 6
# self.parentHackrf.spectrumLock.acquire()
if numSamples > 0:
for i in range(0, numSamples):
self.parentHackrf.spectrum[startfreq + i * self.binWidth] = float(data[i+6])
# self.parentHackrf.spectrumLock.release()
# Just give the thread a chance to release resources
iteration += 1
if iteration > 50000:
iteration = 0
os.kill(hackrfsweepProc.pid, signal.SIGINT)
self.threadRunning = False
# ------------------ Sparrow HackRF Class ----------------------------------
class SparrowHackrf(object):
def __init__(self):
self.spectrum = {}
self.minFreq = 2400
self.maxFreq = 2500 # 5900
self.binWidth = 500000
self.gain = 40
self.spectrumLock = Lock()
# This scan thread is for the spectrum
self.spectrumScanThread = None
if SparrowHackrf.getNumHackrfDevices() > 0:
self.hasHackrf = True
self.hasHackrf = False
def resetSpectrum(self):
# + 1 is for the range loop. range goes 1 less than numNetries
numEntries = int((self.maxFreq - self.minFreq) * 1000000 / self.binWidth) + 1
freqHz = self.minFreq * 1000000
for i in range(0, numEntries):
self.spectrum[freqHz + i * self.binWidth] = -100.0
def getNumHackrfDevices():
result = subprocess.run(['lsusb', '-d', '1d50:6089'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
if result.returncode != 0:
return 0
hciResult = result.stdout.decode('ASCII')
p = re.compile('^.*(1d50)', re.MULTILINE)
tmpInterfaces = p.findall(hciResult)
retVal = 0
if (len(tmpInterfaces) > 0):
for curInterface in tmpInterfaces:
retVal += 1
return retVal
def startScanning24(self):
if self.scanRunning():
self.minFreq = 2400
self.maxFreq = 2500
self.binWidth = 500000
self.gain = 40
self.startScanning(16, 24)
def startScanning5(self):
self.minFreq = 5170
# self.maxFreq = 5270
self.maxFreq = 5840
#self.binWidth = 2000000
# Settled on this as the most optimal resolution versus update rate setting. (5 GHz uses 52 streams across 20 MHz for about 0.38 MHz
# per stream. Taking into account spacing and such this captures probably about 4 streams per bucket)
self.binWidth = 1600000
self.gain = 48
# 5 GHz needs more gain
self.startScanning(32, 16)
def startScanning(self, lna_gain = 32, vga_gain = 16):
if not self.hasHackrf:
if self.spectrumScanThread:
self.spectrumScanThread = HackrfSweepThread(self)
self.spectrumScanThread.minFreq = self.minFreq
self.spectrumScanThread.maxFreq = self.maxFreq
self.spectrumScanThread.binWidth = self.binWidth # 250 KHz width
self.spectrumScanThread.gain = self.gain
# mirror qspectrumanalyzer
self.spectrumScanThread.lna_gain = lna_gain
self.spectrumScanThread.vga_gain = vga_gain
# self.resetSpectrum()
def scanRunning(self):
if self.spectrumScanThread and self.spectrumScanThread.threadRunning:
return True
return False
def scanRunning24(self):
if self.scanRunning():
if self.minFreq == 2400:
return True
return False
return False
def scanRunning5(self):
if self.scanRunning():
if self.minFreq == 5170:
return True
return False
return False
def stopScanning(self):
if self.spectrumScanThread:
self.spectrumScanThread = None
subprocess.run(['pkill', '-9','hackrf_sweep'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
def spectrum24ToChannels(self):
retVal = {}
# if len(self.spectrum) < 14001:
# return retVal
# self.spectrumLock.acquire()
for curKey in self.spectrum.keys():
# curKey is frequency
if curKey >= 2400000000 and curKey < 3000000000:
curFreq = float(curKey)/1000000.0
channel = SparrowHackrf.fFreqTo24Channel(curFreq)
power = self.spectrum[curKey] - 25.0
if power <= -100.0:
power = -100.0
retVal[channel] = power
# self.spectrumLock.release()
return retVal
def spectrum5ToChannels(self):
retVal = {}
# self.spectrumLock.acquire()
for curKey in self.spectrum.keys():
# curKey is frequency
if curKey >= 5180000000 and curKey <= 5835000000:
curFreq = float(curKey)/1000000.0
channel = SparrowHackrf.fFreqTo5Channel(curFreq)
power = self.spectrum[curKey]
# 5 Ghz with the gain the noise floor is a bit higher.
power = self.spectrum[curKey] - 30.0
if power <= -100.0:
power = -100.0
retVal[channel] = power
# self.spectrumLock.release()
return retVal
def fFreqTo24Channel(frequency):
# Note: This function returns a float for partial channels
# ch1 center freq is 2412. +- 1 channel is 5 MHz
# 2402 = Ch -1
# Map bluetooth frequency to 2.4 GHz wifi channel
# ch 1 starts at 2401 MHz and ch 14 tops out at 2495
if frequency < 2402:
return float(-1.0)
elif frequency > 2494:
return float(16.0)
channel = -1.0 + (float(frequency) - 2402.0)/5.0
return channel
# Frequency range of 2.4 GHz channels 1 (low end 2402) to 14 (high end 2494)
#frange = 2494.0 - 2402.0
# The top end of 14 is 2494 but that would map to 16 on the chart
#crange = 16.0
#channel = float((float(frequency) - 2402.0) / frange * crange)
#return channel
def fFreqTo5Channel(frequency):
# Note: This function returns a float for partial channels
# ch 36 lower = 5180 MHz
# ch 144 high = 5730
# Gap
# ch 149 low = 5735
# ch 165 high = 5835
if frequency < 5180:
return float(36.0)
elif frequency > 5835:
return float(166.0)
channel = 35.0 + (float(frequency) - 5180.0)/5.0
return channel
# Frequency range of 2.4 GHz channels 1 (low end 2402) to 14 (high end 2494)
#frange = 2494.0 - 2402.0
# The top end of 14 is 2494 but that would map to 16 on the chart
#crange = 16.0
#channel = float((float(frequency) - 2402.0) / frange * crange)
#return channel
if __name__ == '__main__':
hackrf = SparrowHackrf()
if SparrowHackrf.getNumHackrfDevices() == 0:
print("ERROR: No HackRF devices found.")
# Scan 5 GHz
hackrf.minFreq = 5170
hackrf.maxFreq = 5840
hackrf.binWidth = 1000000
hackrf.startScanning(32, 16)
for i in range(0, 30):
print('Spectrum Length: ' + str(len(hackrf.spectrum)))
i = 0
for curKey in hackrf.spectrum.keys():
print('spectrum[' + str(curKey) + '] = ' + str(hackrf.spectrum[curKey]))
i += 1
if i > 50:
print("Test complete.")
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