deep learning for image processing including classification and object-detection etc.
Example TensorFlow codes and Caicloud TensorFlow as a Service dev environment.
Recurrent Neural Network using randomized SMILES strings to generate molecules
A Recurrent Neural Network implementation that uses SMILES strings to generate molecules from GDB-13
Convolutional nets which can take molecular graphs of arbitrary size as input.
PyTorch tutorials and fun projects including neural talk, neural style, poem writing, anime generation (《深度学习框架PyTorch:入门与实战》)
pytorch handbook是一本开源的书籍,目标是帮助那些希望和使用PyTorch进行深度学习开发和研究的朋友快速入门,其中包含的Pytorch教程全部通过测试保证可以成功运行
text detection mainly based on ctpn model in tensorflow, id card detect, connectionist text proposal network
Deep ReLeaSE (Reinforcement Learning for de-novo Drug Design) using H2O4GPU, Anaconda, Docker, CUDA 10, RDKit, TensorFlow-GPU, OpenChem, & Mordred/Molecular descriptor calculator