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frameobject.cpp 19.86 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
/* YUView - YUV player with advanced analytics toolset
* Copyright (C) 2015 Institut für Nachrichtentechnik
* RWTH Aachen University, GERMANY
* YUView is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* YUView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with YUView. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "frameobject.h"
#include "yuvfile.h"
#include <QPainter>
#include "assert.h"
#include <iostream>
#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
#define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
#if __STDC__ != 1
# define restrict __restrict /* use implementation __ format */
# ifndef __STDC_VERSION__
# define restrict __restrict /* use implementation __ format */
# else
# if __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901L
# define restrict __restrict /* use implementation __ format */
# else
# /* all ok */
# endif
# endif
static unsigned char clp_buf[384+256+384];
static unsigned char *clip_buf = clp_buf+384;
enum {
QCache<CacheIdx, QPixmap> FrameObject::frameCache;
QStringList duplicateList;
FrameObject::FrameObject(const QString& srcFileName, QObject* parent) : DisplayObject(parent)
p_srcFile = NULL;
// set some defaults
p_width = 640;
p_height = 480;
p_frameRate = 30.0;
p_lumaScale = 1;
p_chromaUScale = 1;
p_chromaVScale = 1;
p_lumaOffset = 125;
p_chromaOffset = 128;
p_lumaInvert = 0;
p_chromaInvert = 0;
p_name = "";
p_colorConversionMode = YUVC709ColorConversionType;
// initialize clipping table
memset(clp_buf, 0, 384);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
clp_buf[384+i] = i;
memset(clp_buf+384+256, 255, 384);
QFileInfo checkFile(srcFileName);
if( checkFile.exists() && checkFile.isFile() )
p_srcFile = new YUVFile(srcFileName);
p_srcFile->extractFormat(&p_width, &p_height, &p_endFrame, &p_frameRate);
// listen to changes emitted from YUV file and propagate to GUI
QObject::connect(p_srcFile, SIGNAL(yuvInformationChanged()), this, SLOT(propagateParameterChanges()));
QObject::connect(p_srcFile, SIGNAL(yuvInformationChanged()), this, SLOT(refreshDisplayImage()));
// set our name (remove file extension)
int lastPoint = p_srcFile->fileName().lastIndexOf(".");
p_name = p_srcFile->fileName().left(lastPoint);
p_endFrame = p_srcFile->getNumberFrames(p_width, p_height) -1;
// listen to changes emitted from frame object and propagate to GUI
QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(frameInformationChanged()), this, SLOT(propagateParameterChanges()));
QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(frameInformationChanged()), this, SLOT(refreshDisplayImage()));
if(p_srcFile != NULL)
delete p_srcFile;
void FrameObject::clearCurrentCache()
if (p_srcFile!=NULL)
if (duplicateList.count(p_srcFile->fileName())<=1)
for (int frameIdx=p_startFrame;frameIdx<=p_endFrame;frameIdx++)
CacheIdx cIdx(p_srcFile->fileName(), frameIdx);
if (frameCache.contains(cIdx))
void FrameObject::loadImage(int frameIdx)
// TODO:
// this method gets called way too many times even
// if just a single parameter was changed
if (frameIdx==INT_INVALID || frameIdx >= numFrames())
p_displayImage = QPixmap();
if( p_srcFile == NULL )
// check if we have this frame index in our cache already
CacheIdx cIdx(p_srcFile->fileName(), frameIdx);
QPixmap* cachedFrame = frameCache.object(cIdx);
if(cachedFrame == NULL) // load the corresponding frame from yuv file into the frame buffer
// add new QPixmap to cache and use its data buffer
cachedFrame = new QPixmap();
if( p_srcFile->pixelFormat() != YUVC_24RGBPixelFormat )
// read YUV444 frame from file - 16 bit LE words
p_srcFile->getOneFrame(&p_tmpBufferYUV444, frameIdx, p_width, p_height);
// if requested, do some YUV math
if( doApplyYUVMath() )
applyYUVMath(&p_tmpBufferYUV444, p_width, p_height, p_srcFile->pixelFormat());
// convert from YUV444 (planar) - 16 bit words to RGB888 (interleaved) color format (in place)
convertYUV2RGB(&p_tmpBufferYUV444, &p_PixmapConversionBuffer, YUVC_24RGBPixelFormat);
// read RGB24 frame from file
p_srcFile->getOneFrame(&p_PixmapConversionBuffer, frameIdx, p_width, p_height);
// add this frame into our cache, use MBytes as cost
int sizeInMB = p_PixmapConversionBuffer.size() >> 20;
// Convert the image in p_PixmapConversionBuffer to a QPixmap
QImage tmpImage((unsigned char*)p_PixmapConversionBuffer.data(),p_width,p_height,QImage::Format_RGB888);
// QImage tmpImage((unsigned char*)p_PixmapConversionBuffer.data(),p_width,p_height,QImage::Format_RGB30);
frameCache.insert(cIdx, cachedFrame, sizeInMB);
p_lastIdx = frameIdx;
// update our QImage with frame buffer
p_displayImage = *cachedFrame;
void FrameObject::saveFrame(int frameIdx, QRect widget, QRect image)
QString filename = p_srcFile->fileName();
if (frameIdx==INT_INVALID || frameIdx >= numFrames())
p_displayImage = QPixmap();
if( p_srcFile == NULL )
// check if we have this frame index in our cache already
CacheIdx cIdx(p_srcFile->fileName(), frameIdx);
QPixmap* cachedFrame = frameCache.object(cIdx);
if(cachedFrame == NULL) // load the corresponding frame from yuv file into the frame buffer
// add new QPixmap to cache and use its data buffer
cachedFrame = new QPixmap();
if( p_srcFile->pixelFormat() != YUVC_24RGBPixelFormat )
// read YUV444 frame from file
p_srcFile->getOneFrame(&p_tmpBufferYUV444, frameIdx, p_width, p_height);
// if requested, do some YUV math
if( doApplyYUVMath() )
applyYUVMath(&p_tmpBufferYUV444, p_width, p_height, p_srcFile->pixelFormat());
// convert from YUV444 (planar) to RGB888 (interleaved) color format (in place)
convertYUV2RGB(&p_tmpBufferYUV444, &p_PixmapConversionBuffer, YUVC_24RGBPixelFormat);
// read RGB24 frame from file
p_srcFile->getOneFrame(&p_PixmapConversionBuffer, frameIdx, p_width, p_height);
// add this frame into our cache, use MBytes as cost
int sizeInMB = p_PixmapConversionBuffer.size() >> 20;
// Convert the image in p_PixmapConversionBuffer to a QPixmap
QImage tmpImage((unsigned char*)p_PixmapConversionBuffer.data(),p_width,p_height,QImage::Format_RGB888);
frameCache.insert(cIdx, cachedFrame, sizeInMB);
p_lastIdx = frameIdx;
// update our QImage with frame buffer
p_displayImage = *cachedFrame;
int scaleFactor = image.width()/p_displayImage.width();
std::cout << scaleFactor << std::endl;
// How displayed image is shifted to the original
int xShift, yShift;
int width, height;
width = widget.width();
height = widget.height();
if (image.x()<0)
xShift = abs(image.x());
xShift = 0;
width -= image.x();
if (image.y()<0)
yShift = abs(image.y());
yShift = 0;
height -= image.y();
filename = filename.left(filename.size()-4) + "_%1,%2_%3x%4.png";
filename = filename.arg(xShift/scaleFactor).arg(yShift/scaleFactor).arg(width/scaleFactor).arg(height/scaleFactor);
QRect displayedRect(xShift, yShift, width, height);
QPixmap scaled = p_displayImage.scaled(image.width(), image.height());
QPixmap cropped= scaled.copy(displayedRect);
ValuePairList FrameObject::getValuesAt(int x, int y)
if ( (p_srcFile == NULL) || (x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x >= p_width) || (y >= p_height) )
return ValuePairList();
// read YUV 444 from file
QByteArray yuvByteArray;
p_srcFile->getOneFrame(&yuvByteArray, p_lastIdx, p_width, p_height);
const unsigned int planeLength = p_width*p_height;
const unsigned char valY = yuvByteArray.data()[y*p_width+x];
const unsigned char valU = yuvByteArray.data()[planeLength+(y*p_width+x)];
const unsigned char valV = yuvByteArray.data()[2*planeLength+(y*p_width+x)];
ValuePairList values;
values.append( ValuePair("Y", QString::number(valY)) );
values.append( ValuePair("U", QString::number(valU)) );
values.append( ValuePair("V", QString::number(valV)) );
return values;
void FrameObject::applyYUVMath(QByteArray *sourceBuffer, int lumaWidth, int lumaHeight, YUVCPixelFormatType srcPixelFormat)
const int lumaLength = lumaWidth*lumaHeight;
const int singleChromaLength = lumaLength;
const int chromaLength = 2*singleChromaLength;
const int sourceBPS = YUVFile::bitsPerSample( srcPixelFormat );
const int maxVal = (1<<sourceBPS)-1;
const bool yInvert = p_lumaInvert;
const int yOffset = p_lumaOffset;
const int yMultiplier = p_lumaScale;
const bool cInvert = p_chromaInvert;
const int cOffset = p_chromaOffset;
const int cMultiplier0 = p_chromaUScale;
const int cMultiplier1 = p_chromaVScale;
int colorMode = YUVMathDefaultColors;
if( p_lumaScale != 0 && p_chromaUScale == 0 && p_chromaVScale == 0 )
colorMode = YUVMathLumaOnly;
else if( p_lumaScale == 0 && p_chromaUScale != 0 && p_chromaVScale == 0 )
colorMode = YUVMathCbOnly;
else if( p_lumaScale == 0 && p_chromaUScale == 0 && p_chromaVScale != 0 )
colorMode = YUVMathCrOnly;
if (sourceBPS == 8)
const unsigned char *src = (const unsigned char*)sourceBuffer->data();
unsigned char *dst = (unsigned char*)sourceBuffer->data();
//int i;
if (colorMode == YUVMathDefaultColors || colorMode == YUVMathLumaOnly)
int i;
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(src,dst)
for (i = 0; i < lumaLength; i++) {
int newVal = yInvert ? (maxVal-(int)(src[i])):((int)(src[i]));
newVal = (newVal - yOffset) * yMultiplier + yOffset;
newVal = MAX( 0, MIN( maxVal, newVal ) );
dst[i] = (unsigned char)newVal;
dst += lumaLength;
src += lumaLength;
for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++) {
if ( colorMode == YUVMathDefaultColors
|| (colorMode == YUVMathCbOnly && c == 0)
|| (colorMode == YUVMathCrOnly && c == 1)
int i;
int cMultiplier = (c==0)?cMultiplier0:cMultiplier1;
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(src,dst,cMultiplier)
for (i = 0; i < singleChromaLength; i++) {
int newVal = cInvert?(maxVal-(int)(src[i])):((int)(src[i]));
newVal = (newVal - cOffset) * cMultiplier + cOffset;
newVal = MAX( 0, MIN( maxVal, newVal ) );
dst[i] = (unsigned char)newVal;
dst += singleChromaLength;
src += singleChromaLength;
if (colorMode != YUVMathDefaultColors) {
// clear the chroma planes
memset(dst, 128, chromaLength);
else if (sourceBPS == 16)
const unsigned short *src = (const unsigned short*)sourceBuffer->data();
unsigned short *dst = (unsigned short*)sourceBuffer->data();
if (colorMode == YUVMathDefaultColors || colorMode == YUVMathLumaOnly)
int i;
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(src,dst)
for (i = 0; i < lumaLength; i++) {
int newVal = yInvert?(maxVal-(int)(src[i])):((int)(src[i]));
newVal = (newVal - yOffset) * yMultiplier + yOffset;
newVal = MAX( 0, MIN( maxVal, newVal ) );
dst[i] = (unsigned short)newVal;
dst += lumaLength;
src += lumaLength;
for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++)
if ( colorMode == YUVMathDefaultColors
|| (colorMode == YUVMathCbOnly && c == 0)
|| (colorMode == YUVMathCrOnly && c == 1)
int i;
int cMultiplier = (c==0)?cMultiplier0:cMultiplier1;
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(src,dst,cMultiplier)
for (i = 0; i < singleChromaLength; i++) {
int newVal = cInvert?(maxVal-(int)(src[i])):((int)(src[i]));
newVal = (newVal - cOffset) * cMultiplier + cOffset;
newVal = MAX( 0, MIN( maxVal, newVal ) );
dst[i] = (unsigned short)newVal;
dst += singleChromaLength;
src += singleChromaLength;
if (colorMode != YUVMathDefaultColors)
// clear the chroma planes
int i;
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(dst)
for (i = 0; i < chromaLength; i++)
dst[i] = 32768;
printf("unsupported bitdepth %d, returning original data\n", sourceBPS);
void FrameObject::convertYUV2RGB(QByteArray *sourceBuffer, QByteArray *targetBuffer, YUVCPixelFormatType targetPixelFormat)
Q_ASSERT(targetPixelFormat == YUVC_24RGBPixelFormat);
//const int bps = YUVFile::bitsPerSample(targetPixelFormat);
const int bps = YUVFile::bitsPerSample(p_srcFile->pixelFormat());
//const int bps = YUVFile::bitsPerSample(YUVC_420YpCbCr10LEPlanarPixelFormat);
// make sure target buffer is big enough
int srcBufferLength = sourceBuffer->size();
Q_ASSERT( srcBufferLength%3 == 0 ); // YUV444 has 3 bytes per pixel
int componentLength = 0;
//buffer size changes depending on the bit depth
if( targetBuffer->size() != srcBufferLength/2 *3)
if(bps == 8)
componentLength = srcBufferLength/3;
else if(bps==10)
componentLength = srcBufferLength/6;
const int yOffset = 16<<(bps-8);
const int cZero = 128<<(bps-8);
const int rgbMax = (1<<bps)-1;
int yMult, rvMult, guMult, gvMult, buMult;
unsigned char *dst = (unsigned char*)targetBuffer->data();
if (bps == 8) {
switch (p_colorConversionMode) {
case YUVC601ColorConversionType:
yMult = 76309;
rvMult = 104597;
guMult = -25675;
gvMult = -53279;
buMult = 132201;
case YUVC2020ColorConversionType:
yMult = 76309;
rvMult = 110013;
guMult = -12276;
gvMult = -42626;
buMult = 140363;
case YUVC709ColorConversionType:
yMult = 76309;
rvMult = 117489;
guMult = -13975;
gvMult = -34925;
buMult = 138438;
const unsigned char * restrict srcY = (unsigned char*)sourceBuffer->data();
const unsigned char * restrict srcU = srcY + componentLength;
const unsigned char * restrict srcV = srcU + componentLength;
unsigned char * restrict dstMem = dst;
int i;
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) private(i) shared(srcY,srcU,srcV,dstMem,yMult,rvMult,guMult,gvMult,buMult,clip_buf,componentLength)// num_threads(2)
for (i = 0; i < componentLength; ++i) {
const int Y_tmp = ((int)srcY[i] - yOffset) * yMult;
const int U_tmp = (int)srcU[i] - cZero;
const int V_tmp = (int)srcV[i] - cZero;
const int R_tmp = (Y_tmp + V_tmp * rvMult ) >> 16;//32 to 16 bit conversion by left shifting
const int G_tmp = (Y_tmp + U_tmp * guMult + V_tmp * gvMult ) >> 16;
const int B_tmp = (Y_tmp + U_tmp * buMult ) >> 16;
dstMem[3*i] = clip_buf[R_tmp];
dstMem[3*i+1] = clip_buf[G_tmp];
dstMem[3*i+2] = clip_buf[B_tmp];
} else if (bps > 8 && bps <= 16) {
switch (p_colorConversionMode) {
case YUVC601ColorConversionType:
yMult = 19535114;
rvMult = 26776886;
guMult = -6572681;
gvMult = -13639334;
buMult = 33843539;
case YUVC709ColorConversionType:
yMult = 19535114;
rvMult = 30077204;
guMult = -3577718;
gvMult = -8940735;
buMult = 35440221;
if (bps < 16) {
yMult = (yMult + (1<<(15-bps))) >> (16-bps);//32 bit values
rvMult = (rvMult + (1<<(15-bps))) >> (16-bps);
guMult = (guMult + (1<<(15-bps))) >> (16-bps);
gvMult = (gvMult + (1<<(15-bps))) >> (16-bps);
buMult = (buMult + (1<<(15-bps))) >> (16-bps);
const unsigned short *srcY = (unsigned short*)sourceBuffer->data();
const unsigned short *srcU = srcY + componentLength;
const unsigned short *srcV = srcU + componentLength;
unsigned char *dstMem = dst;
int i;
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) private(i) shared(srcY,srcU,srcV,dstMem,yMult,rvMult,guMult,gvMult,buMult,componentLength) // num_threads(2)
for (i = 0; i < componentLength; ++i) {
qint64 Y_tmp = ((qint64)srcY[i] - yOffset)*yMult;
qint64 U_tmp = (qint64)srcU[i]- cZero ;
qint64 V_tmp = (qint64)srcV[i]- cZero ;
// unsigned int temp = 0, temp1=0;
qint64 R_tmp = (Y_tmp + V_tmp * rvMult) >> (8+bps);
dstMem[i*3] = (R_tmp<0 ? 0 : (R_tmp>rgbMax ? rgbMax : R_tmp))>>(bps-8);
qint64 G_tmp = (Y_tmp + U_tmp * guMult + V_tmp * gvMult) >> (8+bps);
dstMem[i*3+1] = (G_tmp<0 ? 0 : (G_tmp>rgbMax ? rgbMax : G_tmp))>>(bps-8);
qint64 B_tmp = (Y_tmp + U_tmp * buMult ) >> (8+bps);
dstMem[i*3+2] = (B_tmp<0 ? 0 : (B_tmp>rgbMax ? rgbMax : B_tmp))>>(bps-8);
//the commented section uses RGB 30 format (10 bits per channel)
qint64 R_tmp = ((Y_tmp + V_tmp * rvMult))>>(8+bps) ;
temp = (R_tmp<0 ? 0 : (R_tmp>rgbMax ? rgbMax : R_tmp));
dstMem[i*4+3] = ((temp>>4) & 0x3F);
qint64 G_tmp = ((Y_tmp + U_tmp * guMult + V_tmp * gvMult))>>(8+bps);
temp1 = (G_tmp<0 ? 0 : (G_tmp>rgbMax ? rgbMax : G_tmp));
dstMem[i*4+2] = ((temp<<4) & 0xF0 ) | ((temp1>>6) & 0x0F);
qint64 B_tmp = ((Y_tmp + U_tmp * buMult ))>>(8+bps) ;
temp = (B_tmp<0 ? 0 : (B_tmp>rgbMax ? rgbMax : B_tmp));
dstMem[i*4+1] = ((temp1<<2)&0xFC) | ((temp>>8) & 0x03);
dstMem[i*4] = temp & 0xFF;
} else {
printf("bitdepth %i not supported\n", bps);
马建仓 AI 助手


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