Mirror of https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/sdxl-turbo
Fast and accurate 4D light field depth estimation via sparse reconstruction and diffusion.
The Plenoptic Toolbox 2.0 aims to help promote research on Focused Plenoptic Cameras (a.k.a. Plenoptic 2.0)
:baby_chick:This is an useful tool to decode/display lightfield files(.lfp) OR 2D remapping images into 5D data.
A Collection of Papers and Datasets for Light Field Image Super-Resolution
A repository for the paper "Improved Adversarial Systems for 3D Object Generation and Reconstruction".
A pytorch implementation of Paper "Wavelet-srnet: A wavelet-based cnn for multi-scale face super resolution"
The Pytorch reproduction of WMCNN [Aerial Image Super Resolution via Wavelet Multiscale Convolutional Neural Networks]
Pytorch implementation of 2D Discrete Wavelet (DWT) and Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transforms (DTCWT) and a DTCWT based ScatterNet
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