% LFDispProj - Project a 4D light field onto a plane, and optionally display it to the screen
% Usage:
% [Img,XL,YL] = LFDispProj( LF, [Dim1], [Dim2], [ProjectionMethod], [<LFDisp options>] )
% All parameters except LF are optional. If an output argument is assigned, the result is not
% displayed to the screen.
% Inputs :
% LF : a light field to display.
% Optional Inputs :
% Dim1, Dim2 : indices for each of the two dimensions to project onto; Defaults 3, 4.
% ProjectionMethod : One of 'sum', 'mean', 'max', or 'min'; how the remaining two dimensions are
% to be collapsed. Default: 'mean'.
% <LFDisp options> : any additional parameters get passed along to LFDisp
% Outputs :
% Img: A 2D bitmap of the generated image.
% XL, YL: labels for the x and y axes.
% Examples :
% LFDispProj( LF ); % projects LF onto dimensions 3,4 and displays to screen
% LFDispProj( LF, 1, 3, 'max' ); % projects onto dimensions 1,2 by taking the max
% I = LFDispProj( LF ); % returns projection as I, does not display to screen
% LFDisp( I, 'Renormalize' ); % display I with renormalisation
% % project onto dims 1,2 with default projection method, enable renormalisation in LFDisp
% LFDispProj( LF, 1,2, [], 'Renormalize' );
% User guide: <a href="matlab:which LFToolbox.pdf; open('LFToolbox.pdf')">LFToolbox.pdf</a>
% See also: LFDispProjSubfigs, LFDisp, LFDispMousePan, LFDispVidCirc, LFDispLawnmower, LFDispTiles
% Copyright (c) 2012-2020 Donald G. Dansereau
function [Img,XL,YL] = LFDispProj( LF, Dim1, Dim2, ProjectionMethod, varargin )
Dim1 = LFDefaultVal('Dim1', 3);
Dim2 = LFDefaultVal('Dim2', 4);
ProjectionMethod = LFDefaultVal('ProjectionMethod', 'mean');
LF = LFConvertToFloat(LF); % this implementation doesn't deal well with ints
%---Set labels, always display in same order---
if( Dim1 > Dim2 )
t = Dim1;
Dim1 = Dim2;
Dim2 = t;
DimLabels = ['t','s','v','u'];
XL = DimLabels(Dim2);
YL = DimLabels(Dim1);
%---Find the two dims to remove---
RemoveDims = 1:4;
RemoveDims([Dim1, Dim2]) = [];
% post-Dim1 squeeze, Dim2 will be lesser by one
RemoveDims(2) = RemoveDims(2) - 1;
switch( lower(ProjectionMethod) )
case 'sum'
Img = squeeze(sum(squeeze(sum(LF,RemoveDims(1))), RemoveDims(2)));
case 'mean'
Img = squeeze(mean(squeeze(mean(LF,RemoveDims(1))), RemoveDims(2)));
case 'max'
Img = squeeze(max(squeeze(max(LF,[],RemoveDims(1))),[],RemoveDims(2)));
case 'min'
Img = squeeze(min(squeeze(max(LF,[],RemoveDims(1))),[],RemoveDims(2)));
error('Unrecognized projection method');
if( nargout < 1 )
LFDisp(Img, varargin{:});
clear Img
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