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LFCalRectifyLF.m 4.79 KB
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% LFCalRectifyLF - rectify a light field using a calibrated camera model, called as part of LFUtilDecodeLytroFolder
% Usage:
% [LF, RectOptions] = LFCalRectifyLF( LF, CalInfo, RectOptions )
% [LF, RectOptions] = LFCalRectifyLF( LF, CalInfo )
% This function is called by LFUtilDecodeLytroFolder to rectify a light field. It follows the
% rectification procedure described in:
% D. G. Dansereau, O. Pizarro, and S. B. Williams, "Decoding, calibration and rectification for
% lenslet-based plenoptic cameras," in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), IEEE
% Conference on. IEEE, Jun 2013.
% Minor differences from the paper: light field indices [i,j,k,l] are 1-based in this
% implementation, and not 0-based as described in the paper.
% Note that a calibration should only be applied to a light field decoded using the same lenslet
% grid model. This is because the lenslet grid model forms an implicit part of the calibration,
% and changing it will invalidate the calibration.
% LFCalDispRectIntrinsics is useful for visualizing the sampling pattern associated with a requested
% intrinsic matrix.
% Inputs:
% LF : The light field to rectify; should be floating point
% CalInfo struct contains a calibrated camera model, see LFUtilCalLensletCam:
% .EstCamIntrinsicsH : 5x5 homogeneous matrix describing the lenslet camera intrinsics
% .EstCamDistortionV : Estimated distortion parameters
% [optional] RectOptions struct (all fields are optional) :
% .NInverse_Distortion_Iters : Number of iterations in inverse distortion estimation
% .Precision : 'single' or 'double'
% .RectCamIntrinsicsH : Requests a specific set of intrinsics for the rectified light
% field. By default the rectified intrinsic matrix is
% automatically constructed from the calibrated intrinsic
% matrix, but this process can in some instances yield poor
% results: excessive black space at the edges of the light field
% sample space, or excessive loss of scene content off the edges
% of the space. This parameters allows you to fine-tune the
% desired rectified intrinsic matrix.
% Outputs :
% LF : The rectified light field
% RectOptions : The rectification options as applied, including any default values employed.
% User guide: <a href="matlab:which LFToolbox.pdf; open('LFToolbox.pdf')">LFToolbox.pdf</a>
% See also: LFCalDispRectIntrinsics, LFUtilCalLensletCam, LFUtilDecodeLytroFolder, LFUtilProcessWhiteImages
% Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Donald G. Dansereau
function [LF, RectOptions] = LFCalRectifyLF( LF, CalInfo, RectOptions )
RectOptions = LFDefaultField( 'RectOptions', 'Precision', 'single' );
RectOptions = LFDefaultField( 'RectOptions', 'NInverse_Distortion_Iters', 2 );
RectOptions = LFDefaultField( 'RectOptions', 'MaxUBlkSize', 32 );
LFSize = size(LF);
RectOptions = LFDefaultField( 'RectOptions', 'RectCamIntrinsicsH', LFDefaultIntrinsics( LFSize, CalInfo ) );
%---Build interpolation indices---
fprintf('Generating interpolation indices...\n');
NChans = LFSize(5);
LF = cast(LF, RectOptions.Precision);
%---chop up the LF along u---
UBlkSize = RectOptions.MaxUBlkSize;
LFOut = LF;
for( UStart = 1:UBlkSize:LFSize(4) )
UStop = UStart + UBlkSize - 1;
UStop = min(UStop, LFSize(4));
t_in=cast(1:LFSize(1), 'uint16'); % saving some mem by using uint16
s_in=cast(1:LFSize(2), 'uint16');
v_in=cast(1:LFSize(3), 'uint16');
u_in=cast(UStart:UStop, 'uint16');
[tt,ss,vv,uu] = ndgrid(t_in,s_in,v_in,u_in);
% InterpIdx initially holds the index of the desired ray, and is evolved through the application
% of the inverse distortion model to eventually hold the continuous-domain index of the undistorted
% ray, and passed to the interpolation step.
InterpIdx = [ss(:)'; tt(:)'; uu(:)'; vv(:)'; ones(size(ss(:)'))];
DestSize = size(tt);
clear tt ss vv uu
InterpIdx = LFMapRectifiedToMeasured( InterpIdx, CalInfo, RectOptions );
for( ColChan = 1:NChans )
% todo[optimization]: use a weighted interpolation scheme to exploit the weight channel
InterpSlice = interpn(squeeze(LF(:,:,:,:,ColChan)), InterpIdx(2,:),InterpIdx(1,:), InterpIdx(4,:),InterpIdx(3,:), 'linear');
InterpSlice = reshape(InterpSlice, DestSize);
LFOut(:,:,:,UStart:UStop,ColChan) = InterpSlice;
LF = LFOut;
clear LFOut;
%---Clip interpolation result, which sometimes rings slightly out of range---
LF(isnan(LF)) = 0;
LF = max(0, min(1, LF));
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