Framework 4.5.1
Include "packages\Hangfire.Build.0.2.6\tools\psake-common.ps1"
Task Default -Depends Collect
Task CI -Depends Pack
Task Build -Depends Clean -Description "Restore all the packages and build the whole solution." {
Exec { dotnet build -c Release }
Task Merge -Depends Build -Description "Run ILRepack /internalize to merge required assemblies." {
Repack-Assembly @("Hangfire.Core", "net451") @("Cronos", "CronExpressionDescriptor", "Microsoft.Owin")
Repack-Assembly @("Hangfire.Core", "net46") @("Cronos", "CronExpressionDescriptor", "Microsoft.Owin")
Repack-Assembly @("Hangfire.SqlServer", "net451") @("Dapper")
# Referenced packages aren't copied to the output folder in .NET Core <= 2.X. To make ILRepack run,
# we need to copy them using the `dotnet publish` command prior to merging them. In .NET Core 3.0
# everything should be working without this extra step.
Publish-Assembly "Hangfire.Core" "netstandard1.3"
Publish-Assembly "Hangfire.Core" "netstandard2.0"
Publish-Assembly "Hangfire.SqlServer" "netstandard1.3"
Publish-Assembly "Hangfire.SqlServer" "netstandard2.0"
Repack-Assembly @("Hangfire.Core", "netstandard1.3") @("Cronos")
Repack-Assembly @("Hangfire.Core", "netstandard2.0") @("Cronos")
Repack-Assembly @("Hangfire.SqlServer", "netstandard1.3") @("Dapper")
Repack-Assembly @("Hangfire.SqlServer", "netstandard2.0") @("Dapper")
Task Test -Depends Merge -Description "Run unit and integration tests against merged assemblies." {
# Dependencies shouldn't be re-built, because we need to run tests against merged assemblies to test
# the same assemblies that are distributed to users. Since the `dotnet test` command doesn't support
# the `--no-dependencies` command directly, we need to re-build tests themselves first.
Exec { ls "tests\**\*.csproj" | % { dotnet build -c Release --no-dependencies $_.FullName } }
# We are running unit test project one by one, because pipelined version like the line above does not
# support halting the whole execution pipeline when "dotnet test" command fails due to a failed test,
# silently allowing build process to continue its execution even with failed tests.
Exec { dotnet test -c Release --no-build "tests\Hangfire.Core.Tests" }
Exec { dotnet test -c Release --no-build "tests\Hangfire.SqlServer.Tests" }
Exec { dotnet test -c Release --no-build "tests\Hangfire.SqlServer.Msmq.Tests" }
Task Collect -Depends Test -Description "Copy all artifacts to the build folder." {
Collect-Assembly "Hangfire.Core" "net451"
Collect-Assembly "Hangfire.SqlServer" "net451"
Collect-Assembly "Hangfire.SqlServer.Msmq" "net451"
Collect-Assembly "Hangfire.NetCore" "net451"
Collect-Assembly "Hangfire.AspNetCore" "net451"
Collect-Assembly "Hangfire.Core" "net46"
Collect-Assembly "Hangfire.Core" "netstandard1.3"
Collect-Assembly "Hangfire.SqlServer" "netstandard1.3"
Collect-Assembly "Hangfire.NetCore" "netstandard1.3"
Collect-Assembly "Hangfire.AspNetCore" "netstandard1.3"
Collect-Assembly "Hangfire.Core" "netstandard2.0"
Collect-Assembly "Hangfire.SqlServer" "netstandard2.0"
Collect-Assembly "Hangfire.AspNetCore" "netstandard2.0"
Collect-Assembly "Hangfire.NetCore" "netstandard2.0"
Collect-Assembly "Hangfire.AspNetCore" "net461"
Collect-Assembly "Hangfire.AspNetCore" "netcoreapp3.0"
Collect-Assembly "Hangfire.NetCore" "netstandard2.1"
Collect-Content "content\readme.txt"
Collect-Tool "src\Hangfire.SqlServer\DefaultInstall.sql"
Collect-Localizations "Hangfire.Core" "net451"
Collect-Localizations "Hangfire.Core" "net46"
Collect-Localizations "Hangfire.Core" "netstandard1.3"
Collect-Localizations "Hangfire.Core" "netstandard2.0"
Collect-File "LICENSE.md"
Collect-File "NOTICES"
Collect-File "COPYING"
Task Pack -Depends Collect -Description "Create NuGet packages and archive files." {
$version = Get-PackageVersion
Create-Archive "Hangfire-$version"
Create-Package "Hangfire" $version
Create-Package "Hangfire.Core" $version
Create-Package "Hangfire.SqlServer" $version
Create-Package "Hangfire.SqlServer.Msmq" $version
Create-Package "Hangfire.AspNetCore" $version
Create-Package "Hangfire.NetCore" $version
function Collect-Localizations($project, $target) {
Write-Host "Collecting localizations for '$target/$project'..." -ForegroundColor "Green"
$output = (Get-SrcOutputDir $project $target)
$dirs = Get-ChildItem -Path $output -Directory
foreach ($dir in $dirs) {
$source = "$output\$dir\$project.resources.dll"
if (Test-Path $source) {
Write-Host " Collecting '$dir' localization..."
$destination = "$build_dir\$target\$dir"
Create-Directory $destination
Copy-Files $source $destination
function Publish-Assembly($project, $target) {
$output = Get-SrcOutputDir $project $target
Write-Host "Publishing '$project'/$target to '$output'..." -ForegroundColor "Green"
Exec { dotnet publish --no-build -c Release -o $output -f $target "$base_dir\src\$project" }
Remove-Item "$output\System.*"
function Repack-Assembly($projectWithOptionalTarget, $internalizeAssemblies, $target) {
$project = $projectWithOptionalTarget
$target = $null
$base_dir = resolve-path .
$ilrepack = "$base_dir\packages\ilrepack.*\tools\ilrepack.exe"
if ($projectWithOptionalTarget -Is [System.Array]) {
$project = $projectWithOptionalTarget[0]
$target = $projectWithOptionalTarget[1]
Write-Host "Merging '$project'/$target with $internalizeAssemblies..." -ForegroundColor "Green"
$internalizePaths = @()
$projectOutput = Get-SrcOutputDir $project $target
foreach ($assembly in $internalizeAssemblies) {
$internalizePaths += "$assembly.dll"
$primaryAssemblyPath = "$project.dll"
$temp_dir = "$base_dir\temp"
Create-Directory $temp_dir
Set-Location -Path $projectOutput
Exec { .$ilrepack `
/out:"$temp_dir\$project.dll" `
/target:library `
/internalize `
$primaryAssemblyPath `
$internalizePaths `
Move-Files "$temp_dir\$project.*" $projectOutput
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