#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8
# releaseAttachmentCmd.py
import math, re, os
from PySide import QtGui, QtCore
import FreeCADGui as Gui
import FreeCAD as App
import Part
import libAsm4 as Asm4
| main class |
class releaseAttachment:
def __init__(self):
self.selectedObj = []
def GetResources(self):
return {"MenuText": "Release from Attachment",
"ToolTip": "Release an object from all attachments to any geometry",
"Pixmap" : os.path.join( Asm4.iconPath , 'Asm4_releaseAttachment.svg')
def IsActive(self):
# is there an active document ?
if App.ActiveDocument:
# is something selected ?
selObj = self.checkSelection()
if selObj != None:
return True
return False
def checkSelection(self):
selectedObj = None
# check that there is an App::Part called 'Model'
# a standard App::Part would also do, but then more error checks are necessary
if App.ActiveDocument.getObject('Model') and App.ActiveDocument.getObject('Model').TypeId=='App::Part' :
# check that something is selected
if Gui.Selection.getSelection():
# set the (first) selected object as global variable
selection = Gui.Selection.getSelection()[0]
selectedType = selection.TypeId
# check that the selected object is a Datum CS or Point type
if selectedType=='App::Link' or selectedType=='PartDesign::CoordinateSystem' or selectedType=='PartDesign::Plane' or selectedType=='PartDesign::Line' or selectedType=='PartDesign::Point' :
selectedObj = selection
# now we should be safe
return selectedObj
| the real stuff |
def Activated(self):
# check what we have selected
selectedObj = self.checkSelection()
if not selectedObj:
objName = selectedObj.Name
objLabel = selectedObj.Label
objType = selectedObj.TypeId
# ask for confirmation before resetting everything
if objName==objLabel:
objText = objLabel
objText = objLabel+' ('+objName+')'
confirmText = 'This command will release all attachments on '+objText+' and set it to manual positioning in its current location.'
msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox()
msgBox.setWindowTitle('FreeCAD Warning')
msgBox.setText('This command will release all attachments on '+objText+' and set it to manual positioning in its current location.')
msgBox.setInformativeText('Are you sure you want to proceed ?')
msgBox.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel | QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok)
retval = msgBox.exec_()
# Cancel = 4194304
# Ok = 1024
if retval == 4194304:
if not Asm4.confirmBox(confirmText):
# don't do anything
# the root Assembly4 Model
model = App.ActiveDocument.getObject('Model')
# handle oject types differently
# an App::Link
if objType == 'App::Link':
# unset the ExpressionEngine for the Placement
selectedObj.setExpression('Placement', None)
# property AssemblyType
if hasattr(selectedObj,'AssemblyType'):
selectedObj.AssemblyType = ''
selectedObj.addProperty( 'App::PropertyString', 'AssemblyType', 'Attachment' ).AssemblyType = ''
# property AttachedBy
if hasattr(selectedObj,'AttachedBy'):
selectedObj.AttachedBy = ''
selectedObj.addProperty( 'App::PropertyString', 'AttachedBy', 'Attachment' ).AttachedBy = ''
# property AttachedTo
if hasattr(selectedObj,'AttachedTo'):
selectedObj.AttachedTo = ''
selectedObj.addProperty( 'App::PropertyString', 'AttachedTo', 'Attachment' ).AttachedTo = ''
# property AttachmentOffset
if hasattr(selectedObj,'AttachmentOffset'):
selectedObj.AttachmentOffset = App.Placement()
selectedObj.addProperty( 'App::PropertyPlacement', 'AttachmentOffset', 'Attachment' ).AttachmentOffset = App.Placement()
# a datum object
elif objType=='PartDesign::CoordinateSystem' or objType=='PartDesign::Plane' or objType=='PartDesign::Line' or objType=='PartDesign::Point' :
# unset the MapMode; this actually keeps the MapMode parameters intact,
# so it's easy for the user to re-enable it
selectedObj.MapMode = 'Deactivated'
# unset both Placements (who knows what confusion the user has done)
selectedObj.setExpression( 'Placement', None )
selectedObj.setExpression( 'AttachmentOffset', None )
# recompute the assembly model
| add the command to the workbench |
Gui.addCommand( 'Asm4_releaseAttachment', releaseAttachment() )
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