同步操作将从 kerrydu/gtfpch 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
*! version 4.03, 12 Dec 2021
*! version 4.02, 21 Oct 2021
*! version 4.01, 11 Sep 2021
*! version 3.01, 20 June 2021
*! version 3.0, 20 Apr 2021
* use frame to store results
*! version 3.0, 6 Apr 2021
* add subsample bootstrap
*! version 2.1, 7 Aug 2020
*! version 2.0
* By Kerry Du, Daoping Wang, Ning Zhang, 30 Jul 2020
capture program drop teddf
program define teddf, rclass
version 16
* install moremata pacakge
cap which lmoremata.mlib
if _rc ssc install moremata, replace
* recompile the mlib for different Stata version
_get_version gtfpch
_compile_mata, package(gtfpch) version(`package_version') verbose
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse(" =:,")
while `"`word'"' != ":" & `"`word'"' != "=" {
if `"`word'"' == "," | `"`word'"'=="" {
error 198
local invars `invars' `word'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=:,")
unab invars : `invars'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse(" =:,")
while `"`word'"' != ":" & `"`word'"' != "=" {
if `"`word'"' == "," | `"`word'"'=="" {
error 198
local gopvars `gopvars' `word'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse(" =:,")
unab gopvars : `gopvars'
syntax varlist [if] [in], Dmu(varname) [rf(varname) Time(varname) gx(varlist) gy(varlist) gb(varlist) frame(name) ///
BIennial SEQuential GLObal VRS NONRadial brep(integer 0) alpha(real 0.7) ///
Wmat(string) SAVing(string) WINdow(numlist integer max=1 >=1) level(real 95) ///
maxiter(numlist integer >0 max=1) tol(numlist max=1) NODOTS noPRINT NOCHeck]
* check whether the new version is available
if "`nocheck"==""{ //default
if "$gtfpchcheck"=="" gtfpchcheckupdate teddf
local bopvars `varlist'
if "`nodots'"!=""{
local nodots = 1
local nodots = 0
if (`brep'<100 & `brep'>0) {
di "{p 1 1 7}{error}# of bootstrap replications must be at least 100."
exit 198
if (`brep'<200 & `brep'>0) {
di as red "Warning: Statistical inference may be unreliable for small number of bootstrap replications."
if (`level' < 10 | `level' > 99.99) {
di "{p 1 1 7}{error}level() must be between 10 and 99.99 inclusive{p_end}"
exit 198
if (`alpha' < 0.5 | `alpha' > 1) {
di "{p 1 1 7}{error}alpha() must be between 0.5 and 1{p_end}"
exit 198
if `"`frame'"'!=""{
confirm new frame `frame'
// copy data to ddfResults frame & saved resulst
qui pwf
local currentframe = r(currentframe)
*frame copy `currentframe' ddfResults
*cwf ddfResults
confirm numeric var `invars' `gopvars' `bopvars' `rf' `gx' `gy' `gb'
marksample touse
markout `touse' `invars' `gopvars' `gx' `gy' `gb' //excluding missing obs
local invars: list uniq invars
local gopvars: list uniq gopvars
local bopvars: list uniq bopvars
local ninp: word count `invars'
local ngo: word count `gopvars'
local nbo: word count `bopvars'
local nvar=`ninp'+`ngo'+`nbo'
local band = 0
local comvars: list invars & gopvars
if !(`"`comvars'"'==""){
disp as error "`comvars' should not be specified as input and desriable output simultaneously."
error 498
local comvars: list invars & bopvars
if !(`"`comvars'"'==""){
disp as error "`comvars' should not be specified as input and undesriable output simultaneously."
error 498
local comvars: list gopvars & bopvars
if !(`"`comvars'"'==""){
disp as error "`comvars' should not be specified as desriable and undesriable outputs simultaneously."
error 498
if "`nonradial'"==""{
if `"`wmat'"'!=""{
disp as error "wmat() should be only used when nonradial is specified."
error 498
tempname weightvec
if `"`wmat'"'!=""{
confirm matrix `wmat'
local ncol=colsof(`wmat')
if `ncol'!=`nvar'{
dis as error `"# of column of `wmat' != # of input-output variables"'
exit 498
forv i=1/`ncol'{
local wival=`wmat'[1,`i']
if `wival'<0{
di as error `"The element of matrix `wmat' should not be negative."'
exit 498
mat `weightvec'=`wmat'
mat `weightvec'=J(1,`nvar',1) // by default, W=[1,...,1]
forval i = 1/`=colsof(`weightvec')' {
local wvalues `wvalues' `=`weightvec'[1,`i']'
disp " The weight vector is (`wvalues')"
local rweightvec (`wvalues')
//mat list `weightvec',noblank noheader
local techtype "contemporaneous production technology"
local ttype contemporaneous
//local techtype "contemporaneous"
if `"`time'"'==""& "`sequential'`biennial'`window'"==""{
local techtype "global production technology"
local global global
if "`global'"=="" {
if "`time'"==""{
disp as error "For biennial/window/sequential/ model, time() should be specified."
error 498
if "`maxiter'"==""{
local maxiter=-1
if "`tol'"==""{
local tol=-1
if "`global'"!=""{
if "`sequential'"!=""{
disp as error "global and sequential cannot be specified together."
error 498
if "`window'"!=""{
disp as error "global and window() cannot be specified together."
error 498
if "`biennial'"!=""{
disp as error "global and biennial cannot be specified together."
error 498
local techtype "global production technology"
local ttype global
if "`sequential'"!=""{
if "`window'"!=""{
disp as error "sequential and window() cannot be specified together."
error 498
if "`biennial'"!=""{
disp as error "sequential and biennial cannot be specified together."
error 498
local techtype "sequential production technology"
local ttype sequential
if "`window'"!=""{
if "`biennial'"!=""{
disp as error "biennial and window() cannot be specified together."
error 498
local band = `window'
local techtype "window(`window') production technology"
local ttype window
if "`biennial'"!=""{
local techtype "biennial production technology"
local ttype biennial
if "`gx'"!=""{
local ngx: word count `gx'
if `ngx'!=`ninp'{
disp as error "# of input variables != # of variables specified in gx()."
error 498
local gmat `gmat' `gx'
local gmatname `gmatname' `gx'
local invarscopy `invars'
forv k=1/`ninp'{
gettoken word invarscopy:invarscopy
tempvar gx_`k'
qui gen `gx_`k''=-`word' //by default, gx=-x
local gmat `gmat' `gx_`k''
local gmatname `gmatname' -`word'
if "`gy'"!=""{
local ngy: word count `gy'
if `ngy'!=`ngo'{
disp as error "# of desriable output variables != # of variables specified in gy()."
error 498
local gmat `gmat' `gy'
local gmatname `gmatname' `gy'
local gopvarscopy `gopvars'
forv k=1/`ngo'{
gettoken word gopvarscopy:gopvarscopy
tempvar gy_`k'
qui gen `gy_`k''=`word' //by default, gy=Y
local gmat `gmat' `gy_`k''
local gmatname `gmatname' `word'
if "`gb'"!=""{
local ngb: word count `gb'
if `ngb'!=`nbo'{
disp as error "# of undesriable output variables != # of variables specified in gb()."
error 498
local gmat `gmat' `gb'
local gmatname `gmatname' `gb'
local bopvarscopy `bopvars'
forv k=1/`nbo'{
gettoken word bopvarscopy:bopvarscopy
tempvar gb_`k'
qui gen `gb_`k''=-`word' // by default, gB=-B
local gmat `gmat' `gb_`k''
local gmatname `gmatname' -`word'
di " The directional vector is (`gmatname')"
local rstype=0
if "`vrs'"!=""{
local rstype=1
qui keep `invars' `gopvars' `bopvars' `dmu' `time' `gmat' `touse' `rf' `gx' `gy' `gb'
qui gen Row=_n
label var Row "Row # in the original data"
tempvar tvar dmu2
qui egen `dmu2'=group(`dmu')
if `"`time'"'!="" {
qui egen `tvar'=group(`time')
qui gen `tvar'=1
sort `dmu2' `tvar' // important for mm_sample() in the context of panel data
tempvar touse2
qui gen byte `touse2'=1
if "`rf'"!=""{
qui replace `touse2'=(`rf'!=0) if !missing(`rf')
markout `touse2' `invars' `opvars' `badvars' `rf'
*count if `touse2'
qui mata mata mlib index
local data `invars' `gopvars' `bopvars'
tempname data0 dataref gmat0
qui putmata `data0' = (`dmu2' `tvar' `data') if `touse', replace
qui putmata `gmat0' = (`gmat') if `touse', replace
qui putmata `dataref' = (`dmu2' `tvar' `data') if `touse2', replace
qui keep if `touse'
qui gen double Dv=.
label var Dv "value of distance function"
local outputvar Dv
if `brep'>0{
qui gen double Dv_bc=.
label var Dv_bc "the bias-corrected Dv"
qui gen double Dv_lower=.
label var Dv_lower "the lower-bound estimate of Dv"
qui gen double Dv_upper=.
label var Dv_upper "the upper-bound estimate of Dv"
qui gen double bootvar=.
label var bootvar "the bootstrap variance estimate"
if "`nonradial'"!=""{
local Dvbeta Dv
foreach v in `invars' `gopvars' `bopvars'{
qui gen double B_`v'=.
label var B_`v' `"beta:`v'"'
//local adjvars `adjvars' B_`v'
local Dvbeta `Dvbeta' B_`v'
tempname wmat0
*local rownumw = rowsof(`weightvec')
*if `rownumw'!=1 mat `weightvec' =`weightvec''
mata: `wmat0'=st_matrix("`weightvec'")
if `brep'==0{
tempname DV
mata: `DV'=nddf`ttype'(`data0',`dataref',`ninp',`ngo',`wmat0',`gmat0',`band',`rstype',`maxiter',`tol')
qui getmata (`Dvbeta')= `DV', replace
local outputvar `Dvbeta'
mata: nddf`ttype'bt(`data0',`dataref',`ninp',`ngo',`wmat0',`gmat0',`band',`alpha',`level',`brep',`rstype',`maxiter',`tol',`nodots',"`Dvbeta'")
local outputvar `Dvbeta' Dv_bc Dv_lower Dv_upper bootvar
local outputvar Dv
if `brep'==0{
tempname DV
mata: `DV'=ddf`ttype'(`data0',`dataref',`ninp',`ngo',`gmat0',`band',`rstype',`maxiter',`tol')
qui getmata Dv = `DV', replace
mata: ddf`ttype'bt(`data0',`dataref',`ninp',`ngo',`gmat0',`band',`alpha',`level',`brep',`rstype',`maxiter',`tol',`nodots')
local outputvar Dv Dv_bc Dv_lower Dv_upper bootvar
local NDDF=cond("`nonradial'"!="","Nonraidal","")
format `outputvar' %9.4f
order Row `dmu' `time' `outputvar'
keep Row `dmu' `time' `outputvar'
//di "`print'"
if "`print'" != "noprint" {
disp _n(2) " `NDDF' Directional Distance Function Results:"
disp " (Row: Row # in the original data; Dv: Estimated value of `NDDF' DDF.)"
list, sep(0)
di "Note: Missing value indicates infeasible problem."
if `"`saving'"'!=""{
save `saving'
gettoken filenames saving:saving, parse(",")
local filenames `filenames'.dta
disp _n `"Estimated Results are saved in `filenames'."'
if `"`frame'"'!=""{
frame copy `currentframe' `frame'
disp _n `"Estimated Results are also saved in `frame' frame temporarily."'
return local file `filenames'
return local frame `frame'
return local gvec (`gmatname')
return local weight `rweightvec'
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