# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# ***** GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# All rights reserved.
# ***** GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import bpy
from bpy.props import (StringProperty, IntProperty, FloatProperty, BoolProperty,
EnumProperty, FloatVectorProperty, PointerProperty)
from bpy.types import Operator, Panel, PropertyGroup
from .prefs import PredefCRS
from .core.proj.reproj import reprojPt
from .core.proj.srs import SRS
from .operators.utils import mouseTo3d
PKG = __package__
Policy :
This module manages in priority the CRS coordinates of the scene's origin and
updates the corresponding longitude/latitude only if it can to do the math.
A scene is considered correctly georeferenced when at least a valid CRS is defined
and the coordinates of scene's origin in this CRS space is set. A geoscene will be
broken if the origin is set but not the CRS or if the origin is only set as longitude/latitude.
Changing the CRS will raise an error if updating existing origin coordinate is not possible.
Both methods setOriginGeo() and setOriginPrj() try a projection task to maintain
coordinates synchronized. Failing reprojection does not abort the exec, but will
trigger deletion of unsynch coordinates. Synchronization can be disable for
setOriginPrj() method only.
Except setOriginGeo() method, dealing directly with longitude/latitude
automatically trigger a reprojection task which will raise an error if failing.
Sequences of methods :
moveOriginPrj() | updOriginPrj() > setOriginPrj() > [reprojPt()]
moveOriginGeo() > updOriginGeo() > reprojPt() > updOriginPrj() > setOriginPrj()
Standalone properties (lon, lat, crsx et crsy) can be edited independently without any extra checks.
class SK():
"""Alias to Scene Keys used to store georef infos"""
# latitude and longitude of scene origin in decimal degrees
LAT = "latitude"
LON = "longitude"
#Spatial Reference System Identifier
# can be directly an EPSG code or formated following the template "AUTH:4326"
# or a proj4 string definition of Coordinate Reference System (CRS)
# Coordinates of scene origin in CRS space
CRSX = "crs x"
CRSY = "crs y"
# General scale denominator of the map (1:x)
SCALE = "scale"
# Current zoom level in the Tile Matrix Set
ZOOM = "zoom"
class GeoScene():
def __init__(self, scn=None):
if scn is None:
self.scn = bpy.context.scene
self.scn = scn
self.SK = SK()
def _rna_ui(self):
# get or init the dictionary containing IDprops settings
rna_ui = self.scn.get('_RNA_UI', None)
if rna_ui is None:
self.scn['_RNA_UI'] = {}
rna_ui = self.scn['_RNA_UI']
return rna_ui
def view3dToProj(self, dx, dy):
'''Convert view3d coords to crs coords'''
if self.hasOriginPrj:
x = self.crsx + (dx * self.scale)
y = self.crsy + (dy * self.scale)
return x, y
raise Exception("Scene origin coordinate is unset")
def projToView3d(self, dx, dy):
'''Convert view3d coords to crs coords'''
if self.hasOriginPrj:
x = (dx * self.scale) - self.crsx
y = (dy * self.scale) - self.crsy
return x, y
raise Exception("Scene origin coordinate is unset")
def hasCRS(self):
return SK.CRS in self.scn
def hasValidCRS(self):
if not self.hasCRS:
return False
return SRS.validate(self.crs)
def isGeoref(self):
'''A scene is georef if at least a valid CRS is defined and
the coordinates of scene's origin in this CRS space is set'''
return self.hasValidCRS and self.hasOriginPrj
def isFullyGeoref(self):
return self.hasValidCRS and self.hasOriginPrj and self.hasOriginGeo
def isPartiallyGeoref(self):
return self.hasCRS or self.hasOriginPrj or self.hasOriginGeo
def isBroken(self):
"""partial georef infos make the geoscene unusuable and broken"""
return (self.hasCRS and not self.hasValidCRS) \
or (not self.hasCRS and (self.hasOriginPrj or self.hasOriginGeo)) \
or (self.hasCRS and self.hasOriginGeo and not self.hasOriginPrj)
def hasOriginGeo(self):
return SK.LAT in self.scn and SK.LON in self.scn
def hasOriginPrj(self):
return SK.CRSX in self.scn and SK.CRSY in self.scn
def setOriginGeo(self, lon, lat):
self.lon, self.lat = lon, lat
self.crsx, self.crsy = reprojPt(4326, self.crs, lon, lat)
except Exception as e:
if self.hasOriginPrj:
log.warning('Origin proj has been deleted because the property could not be updated', exc_info=True)
def setOriginPrj(self, x, y, synch=True):
self.crsx, self.crsy = x, y
if synch:
self.lon, self.lat = reprojPt(self.crs, 4326, x, y)
except Exception as e:
if self.hasOriginGeo:
log.warning('Origin geo has been deleted because the property could not be updated', exc_info=True)
elif self.hasOriginGeo:
log.warning('Origin geo has been deleted because coordinate synchronization is disable')
def updOriginPrj(self, x, y, updObjLoc=True, synch=True):
'''Update/move scene origin passing absolute coordinates'''
if not self.hasOriginPrj:
raise Exception("Cannot update an unset origin.")
dx = x - self.crsx
dy = y - self.crsy
self.setOriginPrj(x, y, synch)
if updObjLoc:
self._moveObjLoc(dx, dy)
def updOriginGeo(self, lon, lat, updObjLoc=True):
if not self.isGeoref:
raise Exception("Cannot update geo origin of an ungeoref scene.")
x, y = reprojPt(4326, self.crs, lon, lat)
self.updOriginPrj(x, y, updObjLoc)
def moveOriginGeo(self, dx, dy, updObjLoc=True):
if not self.hasOriginGeo:
raise Exception("Cannot move an unset origin.")
x = self.lon + dx
y = self.lat + dy
self.updOriginGeo(x, y, updObjLoc=updObjLoc)
def moveOriginPrj(self, dx, dy, useScale=True, updObjLoc=True, synch=True):
'''Move scene origin passing relative deltas'''
if not self.hasOriginPrj:
raise Exception("Cannot move an unset origin.")
if useScale:
self.setOriginPrj(self.crsx + dx * self.scale, self.crsy + dy * self.scale, synch)
self.setOriginPrj(self.crsx + dx, self.crsy + dy, synch)
if updObjLoc:
self._moveObjLoc(dx, dy)
def _moveObjLoc(self, dx, dy):
topParents = [obj for obj in self.scn.objects if not obj.parent]
for obj in topParents:
obj.location.x -= dx
obj.location.y -= dy
def getOriginGeo(self):
return self.lon, self.lat
def getOriginPrj(self):
return self.crsx, self.crsy
def delOriginGeo(self):
del self.lat
del self.lon
def delOriginPrj(self):
del self.crsx
del self.crsy
def delOrigin(self):
def crs(self):
return self.scn.get(SK.CRS, None) #always string
def crs(self, v):
#Make sure input value is a valid crs string representation
crs = SRS(v) #will raise an error if the crs is not valid
#Reproj existing origin. New CRS will not be set if updating existing origin is not possible
# try first to reproj from origin geo because self.crs can be empty or broken
if self.hasOriginGeo:
if crs.isWGS84:
#if destination crs is wgs84, just assign lonlat to originprj
self.crsx, self.crsy = self.lon, self.lat
self.crsx, self.crsy = reprojPt(4326, str(crs), self.lon, self.lat)
elif self.hasOriginPrj and self.hasCRS:
if self.hasValidCRS:
# will raise an error is current crs is empty or invalid
self.crsx, self.crsy = reprojPt(self.crs, str(crs), self.crsx, self.crsy)
raise Exception("Scene origin coordinates cannot be updated because current CRS is invalid.")
#Set ID prop
if SK.CRS not in self.scn:
self._rna_ui[SK.CRS] = {"description": "Map Coordinate Reference System", "default": ''}
self.scn[SK.CRS] = str(crs)
def crs(self):
if SK.CRS in self.scn:
del self.scn[SK.CRS]
def lat(self):
return self.scn.get(SK.LAT, None)
def lat(self, v):
if SK.LAT not in self.scn:
self._rna_ui[SK.LAT] = {"description": "Scene origin latitude", "default": 0.0, "min":-90.0, "max":90.0}
if -90 <= v <= 90:
self.scn[SK.LAT] = v
raise ValueError('Wrong latitude value '+str(v))
def lat(self):
if SK.LAT in self.scn:
del self.scn[SK.LAT]
def lon(self):
return self.scn.get(SK.LON, None)
def lon(self, v):
if SK.LON not in self.scn:
self._rna_ui[SK.LON] = {"description": "Scene origin longitude", "default": 0.0, "min":-180.0, "max":180.0}
if -180 <= v <= 180:
self.scn[SK.LON] = v
raise ValueError('Wrong longitude value '+str(v))
def lon(self):
if SK.LON in self.scn:
del self.scn[SK.LON]
def crsx(self):
return self.scn.get(SK.CRSX, None)
def crsx(self, v):
if SK.CRSX not in self.scn:
self._rna_ui[SK.CRSX] = {"description": "Scene x origin in CRS space", "default": 0.0}
if isinstance(v, (int, float)):
self.scn[SK.CRSX] = v
raise ValueError('Wrong x origin value '+str(v))
def crsx(self):
if SK.CRSX in self.scn:
del self.scn[SK.CRSX]
def crsy(self):
return self.scn.get(SK.CRSY, None)
def crsy(self, v):
if SK.CRSY not in self.scn:
self._rna_ui[SK.CRSY] = {"description": "Scene y origin in CRS space", "default": 0.0}
if isinstance(v, (int, float)):
self.scn[SK.CRSY] = v
raise ValueError('Wrong y origin value '+str(v))
def crsy(self):
if SK.CRSY in self.scn:
del self.scn[SK.CRSY]
def scale(self):
return self.scn.get(SK.SCALE, 1)
def scale(self, v):
if SK.SCALE not in self.scn:
self._rna_ui[SK.SCALE] = {"description": "Map scale denominator", "default": 1, "min": 1}
self.scn[SK.SCALE] = v
def scale(self):
if SK.SCALE in self.scn:
del self.scn[SK.SCALE]
def zoom(self):
return self.scn.get(SK.ZOOM, None)
def zoom(self, v):
if SK.ZOOM not in self.scn:
self._rna_ui[SK.ZOOM] = {"description": "Basemap zoom level", "default": 1, "min": 0, "max":25}
self.scn[SK.ZOOM] = v
def zoom(self):
if SK.ZOOM in self.scn:
del self.scn[SK.ZOOM]
def hasScale(self):
#return self.scale is not None
return SK.SCALE in self.scn
def hasZoom(self):
return self.zoom is not None
################ OPERATORS ######################
from bpy_extras.view3d_utils import region_2d_to_location_3d, region_2d_to_vector_3d
class GEOSCENE_OT_coords_viewer(Operator):
bl_idname = "geoscene.coords_viewer"
bl_description = ''
bl_label = ""
bl_options = {'INTERNAL', 'UNDO'}
coords: FloatVectorProperty(subtype='XYZ')
def poll(cls, context):
return bpy.context.mode == 'OBJECT' and context.area.type == 'VIEW_3D'
def invoke(self, context, event):
self.geoscn = GeoScene(context.scene)
if not self.geoscn.isGeoref or self.geoscn.isBroken:
self.report({'ERROR'}, "Scene is not correctly georeferencing")
return {'CANCELLED'}
#Add modal handler and init a timer
self.timer = context.window_manager.event_timer_add(0.05, window=context.window)
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
def modal(self, context, event):
if event.type == 'MOUSEMOVE':
loc = mouseTo3d(context, event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y)
x, y = self.geoscn.view3dToProj(loc.x, loc.y)
context.area.header_text_set("x {:.3f}, y {:.3f}, z {:.3f}".format(x, y, loc.z))
if event.type == 'ESC' and event.value == 'PRESS':
return {'CANCELLED'}
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
class GEOSCENE_OT_set_crs(Operator):
use the enum of predefinites crs defined in addon prefs
to select and switch scene crs definition
bl_idname = "geoscene.set_crs"
bl_description = 'Switch scene crs'
bl_label = "Switch to"
bl_options = {'INTERNAL', 'UNDO'}
#to avoid conflict, make a distinct predef crs enum
#instead of reuse the one defined in addon pref
def listPredefCRS(self, context):
return PredefCRS.getEnumItems()
crsEnum = EnumProperty(
name = "Predefinate CRS",
description = "Choose predefinite Coordinate Reference System",
items = listPredefCRS
def draw(self,context):
prefs = context.preferences.addons[PKG].preferences
layout = self.layout
row = layout.row(align=True)
#row.prop(self, "crsEnum", text='')
row.prop(prefs, "predefCrs", text='')
#row.operator("geoscene.show_pref", text='', icon='PREFERENCES')
row.operator("bgis.add_predef_crs", text='', icon='ADD')
def invoke(self, context, event):
return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=200)
def execute(self, context):
geoscn = GeoScene(context.scene)
prefs = context.preferences.addons[PKG].preferences
geoscn.crs = prefs.predefCrs
except Exception as err:
log.error('Cannot update crs', exc_info=True)
self.report({'ERROR'}, 'Cannot update crs. Check logs form more info')
return {'CANCELLED'}
return {'FINISHED'}
class GEOSCENE_OT_init_org(Operator):
bl_idname = "geoscene.init_org"
bl_description = 'Init scene origin custom props at location 0,0'
bl_label = "Init origin"
bl_options = {'INTERNAL', 'UNDO'}
lonlat: BoolProperty(
name = "As lonlat",
description = "Set origin coordinate as longitude and latitude"
x: FloatProperty()
y: FloatProperty()
def invoke(self, context, event):
return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=200)
def execute(self, context):
geoscn = GeoScene(context.scene)
if geoscn.hasOriginGeo or geoscn.hasOriginPrj:
log.warning('Cannot init scene origin because it already exist')
return {'CANCELLED'}
#geoscn.lon, geoscn.lat = 0, 0
#geoscn.crsx, geoscn.crsy = 0, 0
if self.lonlat:
geoscn.setOriginGeo(self.x, self.y)
geoscn.setOriginPrj(self.x, self.y)
return {'FINISHED'}
class GEOSCENE_OT_edit_org_geo(Operator):
bl_idname = "geoscene.edit_org_geo"
bl_description = 'Edit scene origin longitude/latitude'
bl_label = "Edit origin geo"
bl_options = {'INTERNAL', 'UNDO'}
lon: FloatProperty()
lat: FloatProperty()
def invoke(self, context, event):
geoscn = GeoScene(context.scene)
if geoscn.isBroken:
self.report({'ERROR'}, "Scene georef is broken")
return {'CANCELLED'}
self.lon, self.lat = geoscn.getOriginGeo()
return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self)
def execute(self, context):
geoscn = GeoScene(context.scene)
if geoscn.hasOriginGeo:
geoscn.updOriginGeo(self.lon, self.lat)
geoscn.setOriginGeo(self.lon, self.lat)
return {'FINISHED'}
class GEOSCENE_OT_edit_org_prj(Operator):
bl_idname = "geoscene.edit_org_prj"
bl_description = 'Edit scene origin in projected system'
bl_label = "Edit origin proj"
bl_options = {'INTERNAL', 'UNDO'}
x: FloatProperty()
y: FloatProperty()
def invoke(self, context, event):
geoscn = GeoScene(context.scene)
if geoscn.isBroken:
self.report({'ERROR'}, "Scene georef is broken")
return {'CANCELLED'}
self.x, self.y = geoscn.getOriginPrj()
return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self)
def execute(self, context):
geoscn = GeoScene(context.scene)
if geoscn.hasOriginPrj:
geoscn.updOriginPrj(self.x, self.y)
geoscn.setOriginPrj(self.x, self.y)
return {'FINISHED'}
class GEOSCENE_OT_link_org_geo(Operator):
bl_idname = "geoscene.link_org_geo"
bl_description = 'Link scene origin lat long'
bl_label = "Link geo"
bl_options = {'INTERNAL', 'UNDO'}
def execute(self, context):
geoscn = GeoScene(context.scene)
if geoscn.hasOriginPrj and geoscn.hasCRS:
geoscn.lon, geoscn.lat = reprojPt(geoscn.crs, 4326, geoscn.crsx, geoscn.crsy)
except Exception as err:
log.error('Cannot compute lat/lon coordinates', exc_info=True)
self.report({'ERROR'}, 'Cannot compute lat/lon. Check logs for more infos.')
return {'CANCELLED'}
self.report({'ERROR'}, 'No enough infos')
return {'CANCELLED'}
return {'FINISHED'}
class GEOSCENE_OT_link_org_prj(Operator):
bl_idname = "geoscene.link_org_prj"
bl_description = 'Link scene origin in crs space'
bl_label = "Link prj"
bl_options = {'INTERNAL', 'UNDO'}
def execute(self, context):
geoscn = GeoScene(context.scene)
if geoscn.hasOriginGeo and geoscn.hasCRS:
geoscn.crsx, geoscn.crsy = reprojPt(4326, geoscn.crs, geoscn.lon, geoscn.lat)
except Exception as err:
log.error('Cannot compute crs coordinates', exc_info=True)
self.report({'ERROR'}, 'Cannot compute crs coordinates. Check logs for more infos.')
return {'CANCELLED'}
self.report({'ERROR'}, 'No enough infos')
return {'CANCELLED'}
return {'FINISHED'}
class GEOSCENE_OT_clear_org(Operator):
bl_idname = "geoscene.clear_org"
bl_description = 'Clear scene origin coordinates'
bl_label = "Clear origin"
bl_options = {'INTERNAL', 'UNDO'}
def execute(self, context):
geoscn = GeoScene(context.scene)
return {'FINISHED'}
class GEOSCENE_OT_clear_georef(Operator):
bl_idname = "geoscene.clear_georef"
bl_description = 'Clear all georef infos'
bl_label = "Clear georef"
bl_options = {'INTERNAL', 'UNDO'}
def execute(self, context):
geoscn = GeoScene(context.scene)
del geoscn.crs
return {'FINISHED'}
################ PROPS GETTERS SETTERS ######################
def getLon(self):
geoscn = GeoScene()
return geoscn.lon
def getLat(self):
geoscn = GeoScene()
return geoscn.lat
def setLon(self, lon):
geoscn = GeoScene()
prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons[PKG].preferences
if geoscn.hasOriginGeo:
geoscn.updOriginGeo(lon, geoscn.lat, updObjLoc=prefs.lockObj)
geoscn.setOriginGeo(lon, geoscn.lat)
def setLat(self, lat):
geoscn = GeoScene()
prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons[PKG].preferences
if geoscn.hasOriginGeo:
geoscn.updOriginGeo(geoscn.lon, lat, updObjLoc=prefs.lockObj)
geoscn.setOriginGeo(geoscn.lon, lat)
def getCrsx(self):
geoscn = GeoScene()
return geoscn.crsx
def getCrsy(self):
geoscn = GeoScene()
return geoscn.crsy
def setCrsx(self, x):
geoscn = GeoScene()
prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons[PKG].preferences
if geoscn.hasOriginPrj:
geoscn.updOriginPrj(x, geoscn.crsy, updObjLoc=prefs.lockObj)
geoscn.setOriginPrj(x, geoscn.crsy)
def setCrsy(self, y):
geoscn = GeoScene()
prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons[PKG].preferences
if geoscn.hasOriginPrj:
geoscn.updOriginPrj(geoscn.crsx, y, updObjLoc=prefs.lockObj)
geoscn.setOriginPrj(geoscn.crsx, y)
################ PANEL ######################
class GEOSCENE_PT_georef(Panel):
bl_category = "View"#"GIS"
bl_label = "Geoscene"
bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"
bl_context = "objectmode"
bl_region_type = "UI"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
scn = context.scene
geoscn = GeoScene(scn)
#layout.operator("bgis.pref_show", icon='PREFERENCES')
georefManagerLayout(self, context)
layout.operator("geoscene.coords_viewer", icon='WORLD', text='Geo-coordinates')
#hidden props used as display options in georef manager panel
class GLOBAL_PROPS(PropertyGroup):
displayOriginGeo: BoolProperty(
name='Geo', description='Display longitude and latitude of scene origin')
displayOriginPrj: BoolProperty(
name='Proj', description='Display coordinates of scene origin in CRS space')
lon: FloatProperty(get=getLon, set=setLon)
lat: FloatProperty(get=getLat, set=setLat)
crsx: FloatProperty(get=getCrsx, set=setCrsx)
crsy: FloatProperty(get=getCrsy, set=setCrsy)
def georefManagerLayout(self, context):
'''Use this method to extend a panel with georef managment tools'''
layout = self.layout
scn = context.scene
wm = bpy.context.window_manager
geoscn = GeoScene(scn)
prefs = context.preferences.addons[PKG].preferences
if geoscn.isBroken:
layout.alert = True
row = layout.row(align=True)
row.label(text='Scene georeferencing :')
if geoscn.hasCRS:
row.operator("geoscene.clear_georef", text='', icon='CANCEL')
row = layout.row(align=True)
#row.alignment = 'LEFT'
split = row.split(factor=0.25)
if geoscn.hasCRS:
split.label(icon='PROP_ON', text='CRS:')
elif not geoscn.hasCRS and (geoscn.hasOriginGeo or geoscn.hasOriginPrj):
split.label(icon='ERROR', text='CRS:')
split.label(icon='PROP_OFF', text='CRS:')
if geoscn.hasCRS:
##col = split.column(align=True)
##col.enabled = False
##col.prop(scn, '["'+SK.CRS+'"]', text='')
crs = scn[SK.CRS]
name = PredefCRS.getName(crs)
if name is not None:
split.label(text="Not set")
row.operator("geoscene.set_crs", text='', icon='PREFERENCES')
row = layout.row(align=True)
#row.alignment = 'LEFT'
split = row.split(factor=0.25, align=True)
if not geoscn.hasOriginGeo and not geoscn.hasOriginPrj:
split.label(icon='PROP_OFF', text="Origin:")
elif not geoscn.hasOriginGeo and geoscn.hasOriginPrj:
split.label(icon='PROP_CON', text="Origin:")
elif geoscn.hasOriginGeo and geoscn.hasOriginPrj:
split.label(icon='PROP_ON', text="Origin:")
elif geoscn.hasOriginGeo and not geoscn.hasOriginPrj:
split.label(icon='ERROR', text="Origin:")
col = split.column(align=True)
if not geoscn.hasOriginGeo:
col.enabled = False
col.prop(wm.geoscnProps, 'displayOriginGeo', toggle=True)
col = split.column(align=True)
if not geoscn.hasOriginPrj:
col.enabled = False
col.prop(wm.geoscnProps, 'displayOriginPrj', toggle=True)
if geoscn.hasOriginGeo or geoscn.hasOriginPrj:
if geoscn.hasCRS and not geoscn.hasOriginPrj:
row.operator("geoscene.link_org_prj", text="", icon='CONSTRAINT')
if geoscn.hasCRS and not geoscn.hasOriginGeo:
row.operator("geoscene.link_org_geo", text="", icon='CONSTRAINT')
row.operator("geoscene.clear_org", text="", icon='REMOVE')
if not geoscn.hasOriginGeo and not geoscn.hasOriginPrj:
row.operator("geoscene.init_org", text="", icon='ADD')
if geoscn.hasOriginGeo and wm.geoscnProps.displayOriginGeo:
row = layout.row()
row.prop(wm.geoscnProps, 'lon', text='Lon')
row.prop(wm.geoscnProps, 'lat', text='Lat')
row.enabled = False
row.prop(scn, '["'+SK.LON+'"]', text='Lon')
row.prop(scn, '["'+SK.LAT+'"]', text='Lat')
if geoscn.hasOriginPrj and wm.geoscnProps.displayOriginPrj:
row = layout.row()
row.prop(wm.geoscnProps, 'crsx', text='X')
row.prop(wm.geoscnProps, 'crsy', text='Y')
row.enabled = False
row.prop(scn, '["'+SK.CRSX+'"]', text='X')
row.prop(scn, '["'+SK.CRSY+'"]', text='Y')
if geoscn.hasScale:
row = layout.row()
row.label(text='Map scale:')
col = row.column()
col.enabled = False
col.prop(scn, '["'+SK.SCALE+'"]', text='')
#if geoscn.hasZoom:
# layout.prop(scn, '["'+SK.ZOOM+'"]', text='Zoom level', slider=True)
classes = [
def register():
for cls in classes:
except ValueError as e:
log.warning('{} is already registered, now unregister and retry... '.format(cls))
bpy.types.WindowManager.geoscnProps = PointerProperty(type=GLOBAL_PROPS)
def unregister():
del bpy.types.WindowManager.geoscnProps
for cls in classes:
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