File Manager is a file management tool independently developed by GXDE OS, featured with searching, copying, trash, compression/decompression, file property and other file management functio
Garma is a tool to create dialog boxes, based on Qt + dtk2. It's a clone of Zenity which was written for GTK+.
DDE Control Center is the control panel of GXDE Desktop Environment.
GXDE OS: 稳定,优雅,轻量的Linux操作系统 GXDE 基于 DDE15 重生构建,全称为 Gorgeous eXtended Deepin Environment ,致力于提供稳定,优雅,轻量的使用体验,减少新手痛苦,节省老手时间 GXDE Devepoler center
Wine运行器是一个能让Linux用户更加方便地运行Windows应用的程序。原版的 Wine 只能使用命令操作,且安装过程较为繁琐,对小白不友好。于是该运行器为了解决该痛点,内置了对Wine图形化的支持、Wine 安装器、微型应用商店、各种Wine工具、自制的Wine程序打包器、运行库安装工具等。
Wine运行器是一个能让Linux用户更加方便地运行Windows应用的程序。原版的 Wine 只能使用命令操作,且安装过程较为繁琐,对小白不友好。于是该运行器为了解决该痛点,内置了对Wine图形化的支持、Wine 安装器、微型应用商店、各种Wine工具、自制的Wine程序打包器、运行库安装工具等。
Startdde is used for launching GXDE components and invoking user's custom applications which compliant with xdg autostart specification.
GXDE OCR provides the base character recognition ability on GXDE. Based on Durian OCR