gfdgd xi


一位使用 deepin 操作系统的学生



所有 个人的 我参与的
Forks 暂停/关闭的

    GXDE OS/dde-file-manager

    File Manager is a file management tool independently developed by GXDE OS, featured with searching, copying, trash, compression/decompression, file property and other file management functio

    GXDE OS/garma

    Garma is a tool to create dialog boxes, based on Qt + dtk2. It's a clone of Zenity which was written for GTK+.

    GXDE OS/calamares-settings-gxde

    GXDE OS/gxde-lang-selector

    GXDE OS/dtk2widget


    GXDE OS/dtk2core


    GXDE OS/deepin-desktop-base


    GXDE OS/dde-control-center

    DDE Control Center is the control panel of GXDE Desktop Environment.

    GXDE OS/gxde-deb-installer

    Debian package installer for GXDE

    GXDE OS/

    GXDE 官网页面

    GXDE OS/GXDE OS 支持中心

    GXDE OS: 稳定,优雅,轻量的Linux操作系统 GXDE 基于 DDE15 重生构建,全称为 Gorgeous eXtended Deepin Environment ,致力于提供稳定,优雅,轻量的使用体验,减少新手痛苦,节省老手时间 GXDE Devepoler center

    GXDE OS/gxde-iso-builder

    用于实现 GXDE ISO 和内核构建的仓库

    GXDE OS/xdg-desktop-portal-gxde

    xdg-desktop-portal 在 GXDE desktop 环境的后端实现

    GXDE OS/Wine 运行器 forked from gfdgd xi/Wine 运行器

    Wine运行器是一个能让Linux用户更加方便地运行Windows应用的程序。原版的 Wine 只能使用命令操作,且安装过程较为繁琐,对小白不友好。于是该运行器为了解决该痛点,内置了对Wine图形化的支持、Wine 安装器、微型应用商店、各种Wine工具、自制的Wine程序打包器、运行库安装工具等。

    gfdgd xi/Wine 运行器

    Wine运行器是一个能让Linux用户更加方便地运行Windows应用的程序。原版的 Wine 只能使用命令操作,且安装过程较为繁琐,对小白不友好。于是该运行器为了解决该痛点,内置了对Wine图形化的支持、Wine 安装器、微型应用商店、各种Wine工具、自制的Wine程序打包器、运行库安装工具等。

    GXDE OS/startdde

    Startdde is used for launching GXDE components and invoking user's custom applications which compliant with xdg autostart specification.

    GXDE OS/gxde-image-viewer

    Image viewer for GXDE Desktop Environment.

    GXDE OS/dtklog


    GXDE OCR provides the base character recognition ability on GXDE. Based on Durian OCR

    GXDE OS/dde-qt6platform-plugins
