同步操作将从 CHIPS-Alliance/SweRV-ISS 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
// Copyright 2020 Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include "Interactive.hpp"
#include "linenoise.hpp"
using namespace WdRiscv;
/// Return format string suitable for printing an integer of type URV
/// in hexadecimal form.
template <typename URV>
const char*
if (sizeof(URV) == 4)
return "0x%08x";
if (sizeof(URV) == 8)
return "0x%016x";
if (sizeof(URV) == 16)
return "0x%032x";
return "0x%x";
/// Convert the command line string numberStr to a number using
/// strotull and a base of zero (prefixes 0 and 0x are
/// honored). Return true on success and false on failure (string does
/// not represent a number). TYPE is an integer type (e.g
/// uint32_t). Option is the command line option associated with the
/// string and is used for diagnostic messages.
template <typename TYPE>
parseCmdLineNumber(const std::string& option,
const std::string& numberStr,
TYPE& number)
bool good = not numberStr.empty();
if (good)
char* end = nullptr;
uint64_t value = strtoull(numberStr.c_str(), &end, 0);
number = static_cast<TYPE>(value);
if (number != value)
std::cerr << "parseCmdLineNumber: Number too large: " << numberStr
<< '\n';
return false;
if (end and *end)
good = false; // Part of the string are non parseable.
if (not good)
std::cerr << "Invalid command line " << option << " value: " << numberStr
<< '\n';
return good;
template <typename URV>
Interactive<URV>::Interactive(System<URV>& system)
: system_(system)
template <typename URV>
Interactive<URV>::untilCommand(Hart<URV>& hart, const std::string& line,
const std::vector<std::string>& tokens,
FILE* traceFile)
if (tokens.size() != 2)
std::cerr << "Invalid until command: " << line << '\n';
std::cerr << "Expecting: until address\n";
return false;
size_t addr = 0;
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("address", tokens.at(1), addr))
return false;
if (addr >= hart.memorySize())
std::cerr << "Warning: Address outside memory range.\n";
return hart.untilAddress(addr, traceFile);
template <typename URV>
Interactive<URV>::stepCommand(Hart<URV>& hart, const std::string& /*line*/,
const std::vector<std::string>& tokens,
FILE* traceFile)
if (not hart.isStarted())
// WD special.
std::cerr << "Cannot step a non-started hart: Consider writing "
<< "the mhartstart CSR\n";
return false;
if (tokens.size() == 1)
return true;
uint64_t count = 0;
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("instruction-count", tokens.at(1), count))
return false;
if (count == 0)
return true;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
return true;
template <typename URV>
peekAllFpRegs(Hart<URV>& hart)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < hart.fpRegCount(); ++i)
uint64_t val = 0;
if (hart.peekFpReg(i, val))
std::cout << "f" << i << ": "
<< (boost::format("0x%016x") % val) << '\n';
template <typename URV>
peekAllIntRegs(Hart<URV>& hart)
bool abiNames = hart.abiNames();
auto hexForm = getHexForm<URV>(); // Format string for printing a hex val
for (unsigned i = 0; i < hart.intRegCount(); ++i)
std::string name;
URV val = 0;
if (hart.peekIntReg(i, val, name))
std::string tag = name;
if (abiNames)
tag += "(" + std::to_string(i) + ")";
tag += ":";
std::cout << (boost::format("%-9s") % tag)
<< (boost::format(hexForm) % val) << '\n';
template <typename URV>
peekAllCsrs(Hart<URV>& hart)
auto hexForm = getHexForm<URV>(); // Format string for printing a hex val
std::cout << (boost::format("%-23s") % "csr");
if (sizeof(URV) == 4)
std::cout << (boost::format("%-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s\n") % "value" %
"reset" % "mask" % "pokemask");
std::cout << (boost::format("%-18s %-18s %-18s %-10s\n") % "value" %
"reset" % "mask" % "pokemask");
for (size_t i = 0; i <= size_t(CsrNumber::MAX_CSR_); ++i)
CsrNumber csr = CsrNumber(i);
std::string name;
URV val = 0;
if (hart.peekCsr(csr, val, name))
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << name << "(0x" << std::hex << i << "):" << std::dec;
std::cout << (boost::format("%-23s") % oss.str())
<< (boost::format(hexForm) % val);
URV reset = 0, writeMask = 0, pokeMask = 0;
if (hart.peekCsr(csr, val, reset, writeMask, pokeMask))
std::cout << ' ' << (boost::format(hexForm) % reset);
std::cout << ' ' << (boost::format(hexForm) % writeMask);
std::cout << ' ' << (boost::format(hexForm) % pokeMask);
std::cout << '\n';
template <typename URV>
peekAllTriggers(Hart<URV>& hart)
auto hexForm = getHexForm<URV>(); // Format string for printing a hex val
std::cout << (boost::format("%-12s") % "trigger");
if (sizeof(URV) == 4)
std::cout << (boost::format("%-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s\n") %
"value1" % "value2" % "value3" %
"mask1" % "mask2" % "mask3" %
"poke-mask1" % "poke-mask2" % "poke-mask3");
std::cout << (boost::format("%-18s %-18s %-18s %-18s %-18s %-18s %-18s %-18s %-18s\n") %
"value1" % "value2" % "value3" %
"mask1" % "mask2" % "mask3" %
"poke-mask1" % "poke-mask2" % "poke-mask3");
// value/reset/write-mask/poke-mask
URV tselVal = 0, tselReset, tselWm = 0, tselPm = 0;
if (hart.peekCsr(CsrNumber::TSELECT, tselVal, tselReset, tselWm, tselPm))
URV maxTrigger = tselWm;
for (URV trigger = 0; trigger <= maxTrigger; ++trigger)
URV v1(0), v2(0), v3(0), wm1(0), wm2(0), wm3(0);
URV pm1(0), pm2(0), pm3(0);
if (hart.peekTrigger(trigger, v1, v2, v3, wm1, wm2, wm3,
pm1, pm2, pm3))
std::string name = "trigger" + std::to_string(trigger) + ":";
std::cout << (boost::format("%-11s") % name);
std::cout << ' ' << (boost::format(hexForm) % v1);
std::cout << ' ' << (boost::format(hexForm) % v2);
std::cout << ' ' << (boost::format(hexForm) % v3);
std::cout << ' ' << (boost::format(hexForm) % wm1);
std::cout << ' ' << (boost::format(hexForm) % wm2);
std::cout << ' ' << (boost::format(hexForm) % wm3);
std::cout << ' ' << (boost::format(hexForm) % pm1);
std::cout << ' ' << (boost::format(hexForm) % pm2);
std::cout << ' ' << (boost::format(hexForm) % pm3);
std::cout << '\n';
template <typename URV>
Interactive<URV>::peekCommand(Hart<URV>& hart, const std::string& line,
const std::vector<std::string>& tokens)
if (tokens.size() < 2)
std::cerr << "Invalid peek command: " << line << '\n';
std::cerr << "Expecting: peek <item> <addr> or peek pc or peek all\n";
std::cerr << " Item is one of r, f, c, t or m for integer, floating point,\n";
std::cerr << " CSR, trigger register or memory location respective\n";
std::cerr << " example: peek r x3\n";
std::cerr << " example: peek c mtval\n";
std::cerr << " example: peek m 0x4096\n";
std::cerr << " example: peek t 0\n";
std::cerr << " example: peek pc\n";
return false;
auto hexForm = getHexForm<URV>(); // Format string for printing a hex val
URV val = 0;
const std::string& resource = tokens.at(1);
if (resource == "all")
std::cout << "pc: " << (boost::format(hexForm) % hart.peekPc()) << '\n';
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "\n";
return true;
if (resource == "pc")
URV pc = hart.peekPc();
std::cout << (boost::format(hexForm) % pc) << std::endl;
return true;
if (tokens.size() < 3)
std::cerr << "Invalid peek command: " << line << '\n';
std::cerr << "Expecting: peek <resource> <address>\n";
return false;
const std::string& addrStr = tokens.at(2);
if (resource == "m")
size_t addr0 = 0;
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("memory-address", addrStr, addr0))
return false;
size_t addr1 = addr0;
if (tokens.size() == 4)
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("memory-address", tokens.at(3), addr1))
return false;
uint32_t word = 0;
for (size_t addr = addr0; addr <= addr1; addr += 4)
if (not hart.peekMemory(addr, word))
std::cerr << "Memory address out of bounds: " << addrStr << '\n';
return false;
std::cout << (boost::format(hexForm) % addr) << ": ";
std::cout << (boost::format("0x%08x") % word) << std::endl;
return true;
if (resource == "r")
if (addrStr == "all")
return true;
unsigned intReg = 0;
if (not hart.findIntReg(addrStr, intReg))
std::cerr << "No such integer register: " << addrStr << '\n';
return false;
if (hart.peekIntReg(intReg, val))
std::cout << (boost::format(hexForm) % val) << std::endl;
return true;
std::cerr << "Failed to read integer register: " << addrStr << '\n';
return false;
if (resource == "f")
if (not hart.isRvf())
std::cerr << "Floating point extension is no enabled\n";
return false;
if (addrStr == "all")
return true;
unsigned fpReg = 0;
if (not hart.findFpReg(addrStr, fpReg))
std::cerr << "No such integer register: " << addrStr << '\n';
return false;
uint64_t fpVal = 0;
if (hart.peekFpReg(fpReg, fpVal))
std::cout << (boost::format("0x%016x") % fpVal) << std::endl;
return true;
std::cerr << "Failed to read fp register: " << addrStr << '\n';
return false;
if (resource == "c")
if (addrStr == "all")
return true;
auto csr = hart.findCsr(addrStr);
if (not csr)
std::cerr << "No such CSR: " << addrStr << '\n';
return false;
if (hart.peekCsr(csr->getNumber(), val))
std::cout << (boost::format(hexForm) % val) << std::endl;
return true;
std::cerr << "Failed to read CSR: " << addrStr << '\n';
return false;
if (resource == "t")
if (addrStr == "all")
return true;
URV trigger = 0;
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("trigger-number", addrStr, trigger))
return false;
URV v1(0), v2(0), v3(0);
if (hart.peekTrigger(trigger, v1, v2, v3))
std::cout << (boost::format(hexForm) % v1) << ' '
<< (boost::format(hexForm) % v2) << ' '
<< (boost::format(hexForm) % v3) << std::endl;
return true;
std::cerr << "Trigger number out of bounds: " << addrStr << '\n';
return false;
std::cerr << "No such resource: " << resource
<< " -- expecting r, m, c, t, or pc\n";
return false;
template <typename URV>
Interactive<URV>::pokeCommand(Hart<URV>& hart, const std::string& line,
const std::vector<std::string>& tokens)
if (tokens.size() < 3)
std::cerr << "Invalid poke command: " << line << '\n';
std::cerr << " Expecting: poke pc <value>\n";
std::cerr << " or poke <resource> <address> <value>\n";
std::cerr << " or poke t <number> <value1> <value2> <value3>\n";
std::cerr << " where <resource> is one of r, f, c, t or m\n";
return false;
const std::string& resource = tokens.at(1);
URV value = 0;
if (resource == "pc")
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("pc", tokens.at(2), value))
return false;
return true;
size_t count = tokens.size();
if ((resource == "t" and count != 6) or (resource != "t" and count != 4))
std::cerr << "Invalid poke command: " << line << '\n';
std::cerr << " Expecting: poke <resource> <address> <value>\n";
std::cerr << " or poke t <number> <value1> <value2> <value3>\n";
std::cerr << " where <resource> is one of r, c, or m\n";
return false;
const std::string& addrStr = tokens.at(2);
const std::string& valueStr = tokens.at(3);
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("poke", valueStr, value))
return false;
if (resource == "r")
unsigned intReg = 0;
if (hart.findIntReg(addrStr, intReg))
if (hart.pokeIntReg(intReg, value))
return true;
std::cerr << "Failed to write integer register " << addrStr << '\n';
return false;
std::cerr << "No such integer register " << addrStr << '\n';
return false;
if (resource == "f")
unsigned fpReg = 0;
if (hart.findFpReg(addrStr, fpReg))
if (hart.pokeFpReg(fpReg, value))
return true;
std::cerr << "Failed to write FP register " << addrStr << '\n';
return false;
std::cerr << "No such FP register " << addrStr << '\n';
return false;
if (resource == "c")
auto csr = hart.findCsr(addrStr);
if (csr)
if (hart.pokeCsr(csr->getNumber(), value))
return true;
std::cerr << "Failed to write CSR " << addrStr << '\n';
return false;
std::cerr << "No such CSR " << addrStr << '\n';
return false;
if (resource == "t")
URV trigger = 0, v1 = 0, v2 = 0, v3 = 0;
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("trigger", addrStr, trigger))
return false;
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("value1", tokens.at(3), v1))
return false;
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("value2", tokens.at(4), v2))
return false;
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("value3", tokens.at(5), v3))
return false;
if (hart.pokeTrigger(trigger, v1, v2, v3))
return true;
std::cerr << "Trigger out of bounds: " << addrStr << '\n';
return false;
if (resource == "m")
size_t addr = 0;
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("address", addrStr, addr))
return false;
if (hart.pokeMemory(addr, value))
return true;
std::cerr << "Address out of bounds: " << addrStr << '\n';
return false;
std::cerr << "No such resource: " << resource <<
" -- expecting r, c, m or pc\n";
return false;
template <typename URV>
Interactive<URV>::disassCommand(Hart<URV>& hart, const std::string& line,
const std::vector<std::string>& tokens)
if (tokens.size() >= 2 and tokens.at(1) == "opcode")
for (size_t i = 2; i < tokens.size(); ++i)
uint32_t code = 0;
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("opcode", tokens[i], code))
return false;
std::string str;
hart.disassembleInst(code, str);
std::cout << " " << tokens[i] << ": " << str << '\n';
return true;
auto hexForm = getHexForm<URV>(); // Format string for printing a hex val
if (tokens.size() == 3 and (tokens.at(1) == "func" or
tokens.at(1) == "function"))
std::string item = tokens.at(2);
std::string name; // item (if a symbol) or function name containing item
ElfSymbol symbol;
if (hart.findElfSymbol(item, symbol))
name = item;
// See if address falls in a function, then disassemble function.
URV addr = 0;
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("address", item, addr))
return false;
// Find function containing address.
hart.findElfFunction(addr, name, symbol);
if (name.empty())
std::cerr << "Not a function or an address withing a function: " << item
<< '\n';
return false;
std::cout << "disassemble function " << name << ":\n";
size_t start = symbol.addr_, end = symbol.addr_ + symbol.size_;
for (size_t addr = start; addr < end; )
uint32_t inst = 0;
if (not hart.peekMemory(addr, inst))
std::cerr << "Address out of bounds: 0x" << std::hex << addr
<< '\n' << std::dec;
return false;
unsigned instSize = instructionSize(inst);
if (instSize == 2)
inst = (inst << 16) >> 16; // Clear top 16 bits.
std::string str;
hart.disassembleInst(inst, str);
std::cout << " " << (boost::format(hexForm) % addr) << ' '
<< (boost::format(hexForm) % inst) << ' ' << str << '\n';
addr += instSize;
return true;
if (tokens.size() != 3)
std::cerr << "Invalid disass command: " << line << '\n';
std::cerr << "Expecting: disass opcode <number> ...\n";
std::cerr << " or: disass function <name>\n";
std::cerr << " or: disass function <addr>\n";
std::cerr << " or: disass <addr1> <addr2>\n";
return false;
URV addr1, addr2;
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("address", tokens[1], addr1))
return false;
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("address", tokens[2], addr2))
return false;
for (URV addr = addr1; addr <= addr2; )
uint32_t inst = 0;
if (not hart.peekMemory(addr, inst))
std::cerr << "Address out of bounds: 0x" << std::hex << addr
<< '\n' << std::dec;
return false;
unsigned instSize = instructionSize(inst);
if (instSize == 2)
inst = (inst << 16) >> 16; // Clear top 16 bits.
std::string str;
hart.disassembleInst(inst, str);
std::cout << (boost::format(hexForm) % addr) << ' '
<< (boost::format(hexForm) % inst) << ' '
<< str << '\n';
addr += instSize;
return true;
template <typename URV>
Interactive<URV>::elfCommand(Hart<URV>& hart, const std::string& line,
const std::vector<std::string>& tokens)
if (tokens.size() != 2)
std::cerr << "Invalid elf command: " << line << '\n';
std::cerr << "Expecting: elf <file-name>\n";
return false;
std::string filePath = tokens.at(1);
size_t entryPoint = 0;
if (not hart.loadElfFile(filePath, entryPoint))
return false;
return true;
template <typename URV>
Interactive<URV>::hexCommand(Hart<URV>& hart, const std::string& line,
const std::vector<std::string>& tokens)
if (tokens.size() != 2)
std::cerr << "Invalid hex command: " << line << '\n';
std::cerr << "Expecting: hex <file-name>\n";
return false;
std::string fileName = tokens.at(1);
if (not hart.loadHexFile(fileName))
return false;
return true;
template <typename URV>
Interactive<URV>::resetCommand(Hart<URV>& hart, const std::string& /*line*/,
const std::vector<std::string>& tokens)
if (tokens.size() == 1)
return true;
if (tokens.size() == 2)
URV resetPc = 0;
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("reset-pc", tokens[1], resetPc))
return false;
return true;
std::cerr << "Invalid reset command (extra arguments)\n";
return false;
template <typename URV>
Interactive<URV>::replayFileCommand(const std::string& line,
const std::vector<std::string>& tokens,
std::ifstream& stream)
if (tokens.size() != 2)
std::cerr << "Invalid replay_file command: " << line << '\n';
std::cerr << "Expecting: replay_file <file-name>\n";
return false;
std::string fileName = tokens.at(1);
if (not stream.good())
std::cerr << "Failed to open replay-file '" << fileName << "'\n";
return false;
return true;
template <typename URV>
Interactive<URV>::exceptionCommand(Hart<URV>& hart, const std::string& line,
const std::vector<std::string>& tokens)
using std::cerr;
bool bad = false;
URV addr = 0;
if (tokens.size() < 2)
bad = true;
const std::string& tag = tokens.at(1);
if (tag == "inst")
if (tokens.size() == 2)
else if (tokens.size() == 3)
if (parseCmdLineNumber("exception inst offset", tokens.at(2), addr))
bad = true;
bad = true;
else if (tag == "data")
if (tokens.size() == 2)
hart.postDataAccessFault(0, SecondaryCause::LOAD_ACC_DOUBLE_ECC);
else if (tokens.size() == 3)
if (parseCmdLineNumber("exception data offset", tokens.at(2), addr))
hart.postDataAccessFault(addr, SecondaryCause::LOAD_ACC_DOUBLE_ECC);
bad = true;
bad = true;
else if (tag == "store")
bad = tokens.size() != 3;
if (not bad)
bad = not parseCmdLineNumber("exception store address",
tokens.at(2), addr);
if (not bad)
unsigned matches = 0;
if (not hart.applyStoreException(addr, matches))
cerr << "Invalid exception store command: " << line << '\n';
if (matches == 0)
cerr << " No pending store or invalid address\n";
cerr << " Multiple matching addresses (unsupported)\n";
return false;
else if (tag == "load")
bad = tokens.size() != 4;
if (not bad)
bad = not parseCmdLineNumber("exception load address",
tokens.at(2), addr);
unsigned tag = 0;
bad = bad or not parseCmdLineNumber("exception load tag",
tokens.at(3), tag);
if (not bad)
unsigned matches = 0;
if (not hart.applyLoadException(addr, tag, matches))
cerr << "Invalid exception load command: " << line << '\n';
if (matches == 0)
cerr << " No pending load or invalid address/tag\n";
cerr << " Multiple matching tags\n";
return false;
else if (tag == "precise_load")
if (tokens.size() == 2)
hart.postDataAccessFault(0, SecondaryCause::LOAD_ACC_PRECISE);
else if (tokens.size() == 3)
if (parseCmdLineNumber("exception precise_load offset", tokens.at(2), addr))
hart.postDataAccessFault(addr, SecondaryCause::LOAD_ACC_PRECISE);
bad = true;
bad = true;
else if (tag == "precise_store")
if (tokens.size() == 2)
hart.postDataAccessFault(0, SecondaryCause::STORE_ACC_PRECISE);
else if (tokens.size() == 3)
if (parseCmdLineNumber("exception precise_store offset", tokens.at(2), addr))
hart.postDataAccessFault(addr, SecondaryCause::STORE_ACC_PRECISE);
bad = true;
bad = true;
else if (tag == "nmi")
bad = tokens.size() != 3;
if (not bad)
bad = not parseCmdLineNumber("nmi", tokens.at(2), addr);
if (hart.isNmiEnabled())
else if (tag == "memory_data")
if (parseCmdLineNumber("memory_data", tokens.at(2), addr))
return true;
else if (tag == "memory_inst")
if (parseCmdLineNumber("memory_inst", tokens.at(2), addr))
return true;
bad = true;
if (bad)
std::cerr << "Invalid exception command: " << line << '\n';
std::cerr << " Expecting: exception inst [<offset>]\n";
std::cerr << " or: exception data [<offset>]\n";
std::cerr << " or: exception load <address> <tag>\n";
std::cerr << " or: exception store <address>\n";
std::cerr << " or: exception nmi <cause>\n";
return false;
return true;
template <typename URV>
Interactive<URV>::loadFinishedCommand(Hart<URV>& hart, const std::string& line,
const std::vector<std::string>& tokens)
if (tokens.size() != 3)
std::cerr << "Invalid load_finished command: " << line << '\n';
std::cerr << " Expecting: load_finished address tag\n";
return false;
URV addr = 0;
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("address", tokens.at(1), addr))
return false;
unsigned tag = 0;
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("tag", tokens.at(2), tag))
return false;
unsigned matchCount = 0;
hart.applyLoadFinished(addr, tag, matchCount);
return true;
/// If tokens contain a string of the form hart=<id> then remove that
/// token from tokens and set hartId to <id> returning true. Return
/// false if no hart=<id> token is found or if there is an error (<id>
/// is not an integer value) in which case error is set to true.
getCommandHartId(std::vector<std::string>& tokens, unsigned& hartId,
bool& error)
error = false;
if (tokens.empty())
return false;
bool hasHart = false;
// Remaining tokens after removal of hart=<id> tokens.
std::vector<std::string> rest;
for (const auto& token : tokens)
if (boost::starts_with(token, "hart="))
std::string value = token.substr(strlen("hart="));
hartId = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned>(value);
hasHart = true;
std::cerr << "Bad hart id: " << value << '\n';
error = true;
return false;
tokens = rest;
return hasHart;
/// Interactive "help" command.
using std::cout;
cout << "The argument hart=<id> may be used with any command.\n";
cout << "help [<command>]\n";
cout << " Print help for given command or for all commands if no command given.\n\n";
cout << "run\n";
cout << " Run till interrupted.\n\n";
cout << "until <address>\n";
cout << " Run until address or interrupted.\n\n";
cout << "step [<n>]\n";
cout << " Execute n instructions (1 if n is missing).\n\n";
cout << "peek <res> <addr>\n";
cout << " Print value of resource res (one of r, f, c, m) and address addr.\n";
cout << " For memory (m) up to 2 addresses may be provided to define a range\n";
cout << " of memory locations to be printed.\n";
cout << " examples: peek r x1 peek c mtval peek m 0x4096\n\n";
cout << "peek pc\n";
cout << " Print value of the program counter.\n\n";
cout << "peek all\n";
cout << " Print value of all non-memory resources\n\n";
cout << "poke res addr value\n";
cout << " Set value of resource res (one of r, c or m) and address addr\n";
cout << " Examples: poke r x1 0xff poke c 0x4096 0xabcd\n\n";
cout << "disass opcode <code> <code> ...\n";
cout << " Disassemble opcodes. Example: disass opcode 0x3b 0x8082\n\n";
cout << "disass function <name>\n";
cout << " Disassemble function with given name. Example: disas func main\n\n";
cout << "disass <addr1> <addr2>>\n";
cout << " Disassemble memory locations between addr1 and addr2.\n\n";
cout << "elf file\n";
cout << " Load elf file into simulated memory.\n\n";
cout << "hex file\n";
cout << " Load hex file into simulated memory.\n\n";
cout << "replay_file file\n";
cout << " Open command file for replay.\n\n";
cout << "replay n\n";
cout << " Execute the next n commands in the replay file or all the\n";
cout << " remaining commands if n is missing.\n\n";
cout << "replay step n\n";
cout << " Execute consecutive commands from the replay file until n\n";
cout << " step commands are executed or the file is exhausted\n\n";
cout << "reset [<reset_pc>]\n";
cout << " Reset hart. If reset_pc is given, then change the reset program\n";
cout << " counter to the given reset_pc before resetting the hart.\n\n";
cout << "symbols\n";
cout << " List all the symbols in the loaded ELF file(s).\n\n";
cout << "pagetable\n";
cout << " Print the entries of the address tanslation table.\n\n";
cout << "exception inst [<offset>]\n";
cout << " Take an instruction access fault on the subsequent step command. Given\n";
cout << " offset (defaults to zero) is added to the instruction PC to form the address\n";
cout << " responsible for the fault (that address is placed in the mtval CSR).\n\n";
cout << "exception data [<offset>]\n";
cout << " Take a data access fault on the subsequent load/store instruction executed\n";
cout << " by a step command. The offset value is currently not used.\n\n";
cout << "quit\n";
cout << " Terminate the simulator\n\n";
template <typename URV>
Interactive<URV>::helpCommand(const std::vector<std::string>& tokens)
using std::cout;
if (tokens.size() <= 1)
auto& tag = tokens.at(1);
if (tag == "help")
cout << "help [<command>]\n"
<< " Print information about interactive commands. If a command\n"
<< " argument is given, print info about that command.\n";
if (tag == "run")
cout << "run\n"
<< " Run the target program until it exits (in newlib emulation mode),\n"
<< " it writes into the \"tohost\" location, or the user interrupts\n"
<< " it by pressing control-c on the keyboard.\n";
if (tag == "until")
cout << "until <address>\n"
<< " Same as run but the target program will also stop when the\n"
<< " instruction at the given address is reached (but before it is\n"
<< " executed).\n";
if (tag == "step")
cout << "step [<n>]\n"
<< " Execute a single instruction. If an integer argument <n> is\n"
<< " given, then execute up to n instructions or until a stop\n"
<< " condition (see run command) is encountered\n";
if (tag == "peek")
cout << "peek <res> <addr>\n"
<< "peek pc\n"
<< " Show contents of given resource having given address. Possible\n"
<< " resources are r, f, c, or m for integer, floating-point,\n"
<< " control-and-status register or for memory respectively.\n"
<< " Addr stands for a register number, register name or memory\n"
<< " address. If resource is memory (m), then an additional address\n"
<< " may be provided to define a range of memory locations to be\n"
<< " display. Examples\n"
<< " peek pc\n"
<< " peek r t0\n"
<< " peek r x12\n"
<< " peek c mtval\n"
<< " peek m 0x80000000\n"
<< " peek m 0x80000000 0x80000010\n";
if (tag == "poke")
cout << "poke <res> <addr> <value>\n"
<< "poke pc <value>\n"
<< " Set the contents of given resource having given address to the\n"
<< " given value. Possible resources are r, f, c, or m for integer,\n"
<< " floating-point, control-and-status register or for memory\n"
<< " respectively. Addr stands for a register number, register name\n"
<< " or memory address. Examples:\n"
<< " poke r t0 0\n"
<< " poke r x12 0x44\n"
<< " poke c mtval 0xff\n"
<< " poke m 0x80000000 0xabdcffff\n";
if (tag == "disas")
cout << "disas opcode <op0> <op1> ...\n"
<< "disas func <address>\n"
<< "disas <addr1> <addr2>\n"
<< " The first form will disassemble the given opcodes.\n"
<< " The second form will disassemble the instructions of the\n"
<< " function containing the given address.\n"
<< " The third form will disassemble the memory contents between\n"
<< " addresses addr1 and addr2 inclusive.\n";
if (tag == "elf")
cout << "elf <file> ...\n"
<< " Load into memory the contents of the given ELF file.\n"
<< " Set the program counter to the value of the ELF file entry point.\n"
<< " If the file contains the symbol \"tohost\" then subsequent writes\n"
<< " to the corresponding address will stop the simulation.\n";
if (tag == "replay_file")
cout << "replay_file <file> ...\n"
<< " Define the input replay file to serve as input for the replay\n"
<< " command. The user would typically load the commands of a session\n"
<< " and replays them in a subsequent session.\n";
if (tag == "replay")
cout << "replay [step] [<n>]\n"
<< " Without any arguments, replay all remaining commands in the\n"
<< " replay file (defined by the replay_file command).\n"
<< " With the keyword step, key-in on step commands in the replay\n"
<< " file. With an integer number n, replay n commands (or n step\n"
<< " commands if step keyword is present).\n";
if (tag == "reset")
cout << "reset [<reset_pc>]\n"
<< " Reset simulated processor. If reset_pc is given, then change\n"
<< " reset program counter to the given reset_pc before resetting\n"
<< " the processor.\n";
if (tag == "reset")
cout << "quit\n"
<< " Terminate the simulator.\n";
std::cerr << "No such command: " << tag << '\n';
/// Command line interpreter: Execute a command line.
template <typename URV>
Interactive<URV>::executeLine(unsigned& currentHartId,
const std::string& inLine, FILE* traceFile,
FILE* commandLog,
std::ifstream& replayStream, bool& done)
// Remove comments (anything starting with #).
std::string line = inLine;
auto sharpIx = line.find_first_of('#');
if (sharpIx != std::string::npos)
line = line.substr(0, sharpIx);
// Remove leading/trailing white space
boost::algorithm::trim_if(line, boost::is_any_of(" \t"));
if (line.empty())
return true;
// Break line into tokens.
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
boost::split(tokens, line, boost::is_any_of(" \t"),
if (tokens.empty())
return true;
std::string outLine; // Line to print on command log.
// Recover hart id (if any) removing hart=<id> token from tokens.
unsigned hartId = 0;
bool error = false;
bool hasHart = getCommandHartId(tokens, hartId, error);
if (error)
return false;
if (hasHart)
outLine = line;
hartId = currentHartId;
outLine = std::string("hart=") + std::to_string(hartId) + " " + line;
if (hartId >= system_.hartCount())
std::cerr << "Hart id out of bounds: " << hartId << '\n';
return false;
Hart<URV>& hart = *(system_.ithHart(hartId));
const std::string& command = tokens.front();
if (not hart.isStarted())
if (command != "peek" and command != "poke" and command != "reset" and
command != "quit")
std::cerr << "Error: Command " << command << " received for a "
<< "non-started hart.\n";
return false;
// After the first step/run/until command, a reset command will reset
// the memory mapped registers.
if (command == "step" or command == "run" or command == "until")
resetMemoryMappedRegs_ = true;
if (command == "run")
bool success = hart.run(traceFile);
if (commandLog)
fprintf(commandLog, "%s\n", outLine.c_str());
return success;
if (command == "u" or command == "until")
if (not untilCommand(hart, line, tokens, traceFile))
return false;
if (commandLog)
fprintf(commandLog, "%s\n", outLine.c_str());
return true;
if (command == "s" or command == "step")
if (hart.inDebugMode() and not hart.inDebugStepMode())
std::cerr << "Error: Single step while in debug-halt mode\n";
return false;
if (not stepCommand(hart, line, tokens, traceFile))
return false;
if (commandLog)
fprintf(commandLog, "%s\n", outLine.c_str());
return true;
if (command == "peek")
if (not peekCommand(hart, line, tokens))
return false;
if (commandLog)
fprintf(commandLog, "%s\n", outLine.c_str());
return true;
if (command == "poke")
if (not pokeCommand(hart, line, tokens))
return false;
if (commandLog)
fprintf(commandLog, "%s\n", outLine.c_str());
return true;
if (command == "d" or command == "disas")
if (not disassCommand(hart, line, tokens))
return false;
if (commandLog)
fprintf(commandLog, "%s\n", outLine.c_str());
return true;
if (command == "elf")
if (not elfCommand(hart, line, tokens))
return false;
if (commandLog)
fprintf(commandLog, "%s\n", outLine.c_str());
return true;
if (command == "hex")
if (not hexCommand(hart, line, tokens))
return false;
if (commandLog)
fprintf(commandLog, "%s\n", outLine.c_str());
return true;
if (command == "q" or command == "quit")
if (commandLog)
fprintf(commandLog, "%s\n", outLine.c_str());
done = true;
return true;
if (command == "reset")
if (not resetCommand(hart, line, tokens))
return false;
if (commandLog)
fprintf(commandLog, "%s\n", outLine.c_str());
return true;
if (command == "exception")
if (not exceptionCommand(hart, line, tokens))
return false;
if (commandLog)
fprintf(commandLog, "%s\n", outLine.c_str());
return true;
if (command == "enter_debug")
if (commandLog)
fprintf(commandLog, "%s\n", outLine.c_str());
return true;
if (command == "exit_debug")
if (commandLog)
fprintf(commandLog, "%s\n", outLine.c_str());
return true;
if (command == "load_finished")
if (not loadFinishedCommand(hart, line, tokens))
return false;
if (commandLog)
fprintf(commandLog, "%s\n", outLine.c_str());
return true;
if (command == "cancel_div")
if (not hart.cancelLastDiv())
std::cerr << "Warning: Unexpected cancel_div\n";
if (commandLog)
fprintf(commandLog, "%s\n", outLine.c_str());
return true;
if (command == "cancel_lr")
if (commandLog)
fprintf(commandLog, "%s\n", outLine.c_str());
return true;
if (command == "replay_file")
if (not replayFileCommand(line, tokens, replayStream))
return false;
return true;
if (command == "replay")
if (not replayStream.is_open())
std::cerr << "No replay file defined. Use the replay_file to define one\n";
return false;
if (not replayCommand(currentHartId, line, tokens, traceFile, commandLog,
replayStream, done))
return false;
return true;
if (command == "symbols")
return true;
if (command == "pagetable")
return true;
if (command == "h" or command == "?" or command == "help")
return true;
std::cerr << "No such command: " << line << '\n';
return false;
/// Interactive "replay" command.
template <typename URV>
Interactive<URV>::replayCommand(unsigned& currentHartId,
const std::string& line,
const std::vector<std::string>& tokens,
FILE* traceFile, FILE* commandLog,
std::ifstream& replayStream, bool& done)
std::string replayLine;
uint64_t maxCount = ~uint64_t(0); // Unlimited
if (tokens.size() <= 2) // Either replay or replay n.
if (tokens.size() == 2)
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("command-count", tokens.at(1), maxCount))
return false;
uint64_t count = 0;
while (count < maxCount and not done and
std::getline(replayStream, replayLine))
if (not executeLine(currentHartId, replayLine, traceFile,
commandLog, replayStream, done))
return false;
return true;
if (tokens.size() == 3)
if (tokens.at(1) != "step")
std::cerr << "Invalid command: " << line << '\n';
std::cerr << "Expecting: replay <step> <count>\n";
return false;
if (not parseCmdLineNumber("step-count", tokens.at(2), maxCount))
return false;
uint64_t count = 0;
while (count < maxCount and not done and
std::getline(replayStream, replayLine))
if (not executeLine(currentHartId, replayLine, traceFile,
commandLog, replayStream, done))
return false;
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
boost::split(tokens, replayLine, boost::is_any_of(" \t"),
if (tokens.size() > 0 and tokens.at(0) == "step")
else if (tokens.size() > 1 and tokens.at(1) == "step")
return true;
std::cerr << "Invalid command: " << line << '\n';
std::cerr << "Expecting: replay, replay <count>, or replay step <count>\n";
return false;
template <typename URV>
Interactive<URV>::interact(FILE* traceFile, FILE* commandLog)
uint64_t errors = 0;
unsigned currentHartId = 0;
std::string replayFile;
std::ifstream replayStream;
const char* prompt = isatty(0) ? "whisper> " : "";
bool done = false;
while (not done)
errno = 0;
std::string line = linenoise::Readline(prompt);
if (line.empty())
if (std::cin.eof())
return true;
if (not executeLine(currentHartId, line, traceFile, commandLog,
replayStream, done))
return errors == 0;
template class WdRiscv::Interactive<uint32_t>;
template class WdRiscv::Interactive<uint64_t>;
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