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IntRegs.hpp 6.31 KB
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// Copyright 2020 Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <type_traits>
#include <cassert>
namespace WdRiscv
/// Symbolic names of the integer registers.
enum IntRegNumber
RegX0 = 0,
RegX1 = 1,
RegX2 = 2,
RegX3 = 3,
RegX4 = 4,
RegX5 = 5,
RegX6 = 6,
RegX7 = 7,
RegX8 = 8,
RegX9 = 9,
RegX10 = 10,
RegX11 = 11,
RegX12 = 12,
RegX13 = 13,
RegX14 = 14,
RegX15 = 15,
RegX16 = 16,
RegX17 = 17,
RegX18 = 18,
RegX19 = 19,
RegX20 = 20,
RegX21 = 21,
RegX22 = 22,
RegX23 = 23,
RegX24 = 24,
RegX25 = 25,
RegX26 = 26,
RegX27 = 27,
RegX28 = 28,
RegX29 = 29,
RegX30 = 30,
RegX31 = 31,
RegZero = RegX0,
RegRa = RegX1, // return address
RegSp = RegX2, // stack pointer
RegGp = RegX3, // global pointer
RegTp = RegX4, // thread pointer
RegFp = RegX8, // frame pointer
RegS0 = RegX8, // Callee saved registers
RegS1 = RegX9,
RegA0 = RegX10, // Call arguments (caller save)
RegA1 = RegX11,
RegA2 = RegX12,
RegA3 = RegX13,
RegA4 = RegX14,
RegA5 = RegX15,
RegA6 = RegX16,
RegA7 = RegX17,
RegS2 = RegX18, // Callee saved registers.
RegS3 = RegX19,
RegS4 = RegX20,
RegS5 = RegX21,
RegS6 = RegX22,
RegS7 = RegX23,
RegS8 = RegX24,
RegS9 = RegX25,
RegS10 = RegX26,
RegS11 = RegX27,
RegT0 = RegX5, // temporary
RegT1 = RegX6,
RegT2 = RegX7,
RegT3 = RegX28,
RegT4 = RegX29,
RegT5 = RegX30,
RegT6 = RegX31
template <typename URV>
class Hart;
/// Model a RISCV integer register file.
/// URV (unsigned register value) is the register value type. For
/// 32-bit registers, URV should be uint32_t. For 64-bit integers,
/// it should be uint64_t.
template <typename URV>
class IntRegs
friend class Hart<URV>;
/// Constructor: Define a register file with the given number of
/// registers. Each register is of type URV. All registers initialized
/// to zero.
IntRegs(unsigned registerCount);
/// Destructor.
{ regs_.clear(); }
/// Return value of ith register. Register zero always yields zero.
URV read(unsigned i) const
{ return regs_[i]; }
/// Set value of ith register to the given value. Setting register
/// zero has no effect.
void write(unsigned i, URV value)
originalValue_ = regs_[i];
if (i != 0)
regs_[i] = value;
lastWrittenReg_ = i;
/// Similar to write but does not record a change.
void poke(unsigned i, URV value)
if (i != 0)
regs_.at(i) = value;
/// Return the count of registers in this register file.
size_t size() const
{ return regs_.size(); }
/// Set ix to the number of the register corresponding to the
/// given name returning true on success and false if no such
/// register. For example, if name is "x2" then ix will be set to
/// 2. If name is "tp" then ix will be set to 4.
bool findReg(const std::string& name, unsigned& ix) const;
/// Return the number of bits in a register in this register file.
static constexpr uint32_t regWidth()
{ return sizeof(URV)*8; }
/// Return the name of the given register.
std::string regName(unsigned i, bool abiNames = false) const
if (abiNames)
if (i < numberToAbiName_.size())
return numberToAbiName_[i];
return std::string("x?");
if (i < numberToName_.size())
return numberToName_[i];
return std::string("x?");
/// Return the number of bits used to encode a shift amount in
/// the RISC-V instruction. For 32-bit registers, this returns 5
/// (which allows us to encode the amounts 0 to 31),
/// for 64-bit registers it returns 6 (which allows encoding of 0
/// to 63).
static uint32_t log2RegWidth()
if (std::is_same<URV, uint32_t>::value)
return 5;
if (std::is_same<URV, uint64_t>::value)
return 6;
assert(0 and "Register value type must be uint32_t or uint64_t.");
return 5;
/// Return a register value with the least significant n-bits set to 1
/// and all remaining bits set to zero where n is the number of bits
/// required to encode any bit number in a register. For 32-bit registers
/// this returns 0x1f, for 64-bit registers it returns 0x3f.
static URV shiftMask()
if (std::is_same<URV, uint32_t>::value)
return 0x1f;
if (std::is_same<URV, uint64_t>::value)
return 0x3f;
assert(0 and "Register value type must be uint32_t or uint64_t.");
return 0x1f;
void reset()
for (auto& reg : regs_)
reg = 0;
/// Clear the number denoting the last written register.
void clearLastWrittenReg()
{ lastWrittenReg_ = -1; }
/// Return the number of the last written register or -1 if no register has
/// been written since the last clearLastWrittenReg.
int getLastWrittenReg() const
{ return lastWrittenReg_; }
/// Set regIx and regValue to the index and previous value (before
/// write) of the last written register returning true on success
/// and false if no integer was written by the last executed
/// instruction (in which case regIx and regVal are left
/// unmodified).
bool getLastWrittenReg(unsigned& regIx, URV& regValue) const
if (lastWrittenReg_ < 0) return false;
regIx = lastWrittenReg_;
regValue = originalValue_;
return true;
std::vector<URV> regs_;
int lastWrittenReg_ = -1; // Register accessed in most recent write.
URV originalValue_ = 0; // Original value of last written reg.
std::unordered_map<std::string, IntRegNumber> nameToNumber_;
std::vector<std::string> numberToAbiName_;
std::vector<std::string> numberToName_;
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