Pyrsistent is a number of persistent collections(by some referred to as functional data structures).
PySAML2 is a pure python implementation of SAML Version 2 Standard.
A higher level API to Apache Zookeeper for Python clients
A library that allows your python tests to easily mock out the boto library
A WSGI object-dispatching web framework
pydot is an interface to Graphviz,can parse and dump into the DOT language used by GraphViz
pypowervm provides a Python-based API wrapper for interaction with IBM PowerVM-based systems.
Pure Python client SASL implementation
openstack.nose_plugin provides a nose plugin that allow’s nosetests output to mimic the output of openstack’s
python-muranoclient is a client library for Murano built on the Murano API.
python-ibmcclient is a Python library to communicate with HUAWEI iBMC based systems.
A utility library for mocking out the requests Python library.
Jaeger Python OpenTracing Tracer implementation
Utility library for managing HP Proliant servers.
Flake8 extension to validate (lack of) logging format strings
Cryptographic library for Python