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evaluate.py 14.06 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
HITalexwang 提交于 2016-05-02 23:21 . first update
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Official Evaluation Script for Semeval2016 Task9 Chinese Semantic Dependency Parsing #
# Version : 1.0 #
# Author : Xu , Wei ( based on scripts for Dependency Parsing written by Liu , Yijia) #
# BUG Report : wxu@ir.hit.edu.cn #
import sys
import re
import unicodedata
from argparse import ArgumentParser
INF = float('inf')
opts = None
engine = None
UNICODEPUNC = dict.fromkeys(i for i in xrange(sys.maxunicode)
if unicodedata.category(unichr(i)).startswith('P'))
def stat_one_tree(lines) :
stat_data = {}
for line in lines :
payload = line.strip().split("\t")
if(len(payload) < 7) :
print lines
id_val = int(payload[0])
form_val = payload[1]
postag_val = payload[4]
head_val = payload[6]
deprel_val = payload[7]
if not opts.punctuation and engine(form_val ,postag_val ) :
if id_val not in stat_data :
stat_data[id_val] = {
"id" : id_val ,
"form" : form_val ,
"heads" : [ head_val ] ,
"deprels" : [ deprel_val ]
else :
assert(form_val == stat_data[id_val]["form"])
return stat_data
def stat_one_node_heads_and_deprels(gold_heads , gold_deprels , test_heads , test_deprels) :
gold_len = len(gold_heads) #! assert( len(gold_heads) == len(gold_deprels))
test_len = len(test_heads)
nr_right_heads = 0
nr_right_deprels = 0
nr_non_local_gold = 0
nr_non_local_test = 0
nr_non_local_right_heads = 0
nr_non_local_right_deprels = 0
is_head_right = True #! set default True . The default value is important : `if the state is not changed , we'll not set it value any more`
is_deprel_right = True #! set default True
assert(gold_len != 0 and test_len != 0 )
if gold_len == 1 and test_len == 1 :
#! normal situation
if(gold_heads[0] == test_heads[0]) :
nr_right_heads = 1
if gold_deprels[0] == test_deprels[0] :
nr_right_deprels = 1
else :
is_deprel_right = False
else :
is_head_right = False
is_deprel_right = False #! Attention . If head is wrong , deprel should be set to wrong .
else :
#! Non local situation
if gold_len > 1 :
is_gold_non_local = True
nr_non_local_gold = gold_len
nr_non_local_test = test_len
#! for Non local , if len(test_heads) != len(gold_heads) , the node 's head and deprels is not right
if nr_non_local_gold != nr_non_local_test :
is_deprel_right = False
is_head_right = False
#! find the right non-local head and deprel
#! if has wrong head or deprel , set the `is_head_right` or `is_deprel_right` to `False`
for gold_head , gold_deprel in zip(gold_heads , gold_deprels) :
if gold_head in test_heads :
nr_right_heads += 1
head_idx = test_heads.index(gold_head)
if gold_deprel == test_deprels[head_idx] : #!! head_idx == deprel_idx
nr_right_deprels += 1
else :
is_deprel_right = False
else :
is_head_right = False
is_deprel_right = False #!
#! here no local state equals to normal state
nr_non_local_right_heads = nr_right_heads
nr_non_local_right_deprels = nr_right_deprels
return (gold_len , test_len , nr_right_heads , nr_right_deprels ,
nr_non_local_gold , nr_non_local_test , nr_non_local_right_heads , nr_non_local_right_deprels ,
is_head_right , is_deprel_right)
def stat_gold_and_test_data(gold_stat_data , test_stat_data) :
nr_gold_rels = 0
nr_test_rels = 0
nr_head_right = 0
nr_deprel_right = 0
sentence_all_heads_is_right = True
sentence_all_deprels_is_right = True
nr_gold_non_local = 0
nr_test_non_local = 0
nr_head_non_local_right = 0
nr_deprel_non_local_right = 0
for idx in gold_stat_data.keys() :
gold_node = gold_stat_data[idx]
test_node = test_stat_data[idx]
assert(gold_node['id'] == test_node['id'])
(gold_rels_len , test_rels_len , nr_one_node_right_head , nr_one_node_right_deprel ,
gold_non_local_rels , test_non_local_rels , nr_one_node_non_local_right_head , nr_one_node_non_local_right_deprel ,
is_one_node_head_right , is_one_node_deprel_right) = (
stat_one_node_heads_and_deprels(gold_node['heads'] , gold_node['deprels'] ,
test_node['heads'] , test_node['deprels']) )
nr_gold_rels += gold_rels_len
nr_test_rels += test_rels_len
nr_head_right += nr_one_node_right_head
nr_deprel_right += nr_one_node_right_deprel
nr_gold_non_local += gold_non_local_rels
nr_test_non_local += test_non_local_rels
nr_head_non_local_right += nr_one_node_non_local_right_head
nr_deprel_non_local_right += nr_one_node_non_local_right_deprel
sentence_all_heads_is_right &= is_one_node_head_right
sentence_all_deprels_is_right &= is_one_node_deprel_right
return (nr_gold_rels , nr_test_rels , nr_head_right , nr_deprel_right ,
nr_gold_non_local , nr_test_non_local , nr_head_non_local_right , nr_deprel_non_local_right ,
sentence_all_heads_is_right , sentence_all_deprels_is_right)
if __name__ == "__main__" :
description = "Official Evaluation Script for Semeval2016 Task9 Chinese Semantic Dependency Parsing"
parser = ArgumentParser(description=description)
parser.add_argument("--reference", dest="reference", help="path to reference(gold) data" , required=True)
parser.add_argument("--answer" , dest="answer" , help="path to answer(test) data" , required=True)
parser.add_argument("--language", dest="language", default="universal" , help="specify language . 'universal' is defaulted. ")
parser.add_argument("--punctuation", dest="punctuation", default=False, action="store_true", help="specify to include punctuation in evaluation. default ignored")
parser.add_argument("--ignore", dest="ignore", default=None, help="ignore form . A char is a valid ignore form . default is None .")
parser.add_argument("--debug", dest="debug", default=False, action="store_true", help="if set , statistic info will be output . default not set.")
opts = parser.parse_args()
if opts.language == "en":
# English punctuation list is obtained from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punctuation_of_English
engine = lambda x, y: x in ("'", "''", # apostrophe
"(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "-LRB-", "-RRB-", "-LSB-", "-RSB-", "-LCB-", "-RCB-", # brackets
":", # colon
",", # comma
"-", "--", # dash
"...", # ellipsis
"!", # exclamation mark
".", # full stop
"\"", "``", "`", # quotation marks
";", # semicolon
"?" # question mark
) or x == opts.ignore
elif opts.language == "ch":
engine = lambda x, y: x in (
"锛�", "锛�",
"銆�", "銆�", "锛�",
"鈥�", "锛�", "锛�", "锛�", "锛�",
"鈥�", "鈥�", "鈥�", "鈥�",
"銆�", "銆�", "銆�", "銆�", "銆�", "銆�", "銆�", "銆�",
"涓€涓€", "鈥曗€�", "鈥�",
) or x == opts.ignore
elif opts.language == "universal":
engine = lambda x, y: len(x.decode("utf-8").translate(UNICODEPUNC)) == 0 or x == opts.ignore
elif opts.language == "chen2014en":
engine = lambda x, y: y in set(["''", "``", ",", ".", ":"])
elif opts.language == "chen2014ch":
engine = lambda x, y: y in set(['PU'])
print >> sys.stderr, "Unknown language"
print >> sys.stderr, "valid language : { universal[default] , en , ch , chen2014en , chen2014ch }"
reference_dataset = open( opts.reference , "r").read().strip().split("\n\n")
answer_dataset = open(opts.answer , "r").read().strip().split("\n\n")
assert len(reference_dataset) == len(answer_dataset), "Number of instance unequal."
nr_total_gold_rels = 0
nr_total_test_rels = 0
nr_total_right_heads = 0
nr_total_right_deprels = 0
nr_sentence = len(reference_dataset)
nr_right_sentence_head = 0
nr_right_sentence_deprel = 0
nr_total_gold_non_local = 0
nr_total_test_non_local = 0
nr_total_right_heads_non_local = 0
nr_total_right_deprel_non_local = 0
for reference_data, answer_data in zip(reference_dataset, answer_dataset):
reference_lines = reference_data.split("\n")
answer_lines = answer_data.split("\n")
reference_lines_len = len(reference_lines)
answer_lines_len = len(answer_lines)
reference_stat_data = stat_one_tree(reference_lines)
answer_stat_data = stat_one_tree(answer_lines)
#print "ref len:{},ans len:{}".format(len(reference_stat_data),len(answer_stat_data))
assert(len(reference_stat_data) == len(answer_stat_data))
(nr_one_gold_rels , nr_one_test_rels , nr_one_head_right , nr_one_deprel_right ,
nr_one_gold_non_local , nr_one_test_non_local , nr_one_head_non_local_right , nr_one_deprel_non_local_right ,
sentence_all_heads_is_right , sentence_all_deprels_is_right) = stat_gold_and_test_data(reference_stat_data , answer_stat_data)
nr_total_gold_rels += nr_one_gold_rels
nr_total_test_rels += nr_one_test_rels
nr_total_right_heads += nr_one_head_right
nr_total_right_deprels += nr_one_deprel_right
nr_total_gold_non_local += nr_one_gold_non_local
nr_total_test_non_local += nr_one_test_non_local
nr_total_right_heads_non_local += nr_one_head_non_local_right
nr_total_right_deprel_non_local += nr_one_deprel_non_local_right
if sentence_all_heads_is_right :
nr_right_sentence_head += 1
if sentence_all_deprels_is_right :
nr_right_sentence_deprel += 1
LP = float(nr_total_right_deprels) / nr_total_test_rels if nr_total_test_rels != 0 else INF
LR = float(nr_total_right_deprels) / nr_total_gold_rels if nr_total_gold_rels != 0 else INF
LF = float(2 * nr_total_right_deprels) / (nr_total_test_rels + nr_total_gold_rels) if (nr_total_gold_rels + nr_total_test_rels) != 0 else INF
NLP = float(nr_total_right_deprel_non_local ) / nr_total_test_non_local if nr_total_test_non_local != 0 else INF
NLR = float(nr_total_right_deprel_non_local) / nr_total_gold_non_local if nr_total_gold_non_local != 0 else INF
NLF = float( 2 * nr_total_right_deprel_non_local ) / (nr_total_test_non_local + nr_total_gold_non_local) if (nr_total_test_non_local + nr_total_gold_non_local) != 0 else INF
UP = float(nr_total_right_heads) / nr_total_test_rels if nr_total_test_rels != 0 else INF
UR = float(nr_total_right_heads) / nr_total_gold_rels if nr_total_gold_rels != 0 else INF
UF = float(2 * nr_total_right_heads) / (nr_total_test_rels + nr_total_gold_rels) if (nr_total_gold_rels + nr_total_test_rels ) != 0 else INF
NUP = float(nr_total_right_heads_non_local) / nr_total_test_non_local if nr_total_test_non_local != 0 else INF
NUR = float(nr_total_right_heads_non_local) / nr_total_gold_non_local if nr_total_gold_non_local != 0 else INF
NUF = float(2 * nr_total_right_heads_non_local) / (nr_total_test_non_local + nr_total_gold_non_local) if (nr_total_test_non_local + nr_total_gold_non_local) != 0 else INF
LM = float(nr_right_sentence_deprel) / nr_sentence if nr_sentence != 0 else INF
UM = float(nr_right_sentence_head) / nr_sentence if nr_sentence != 0 else INF
if opts.debug :
print "{0}{1}{0}".format("-"*15 , "statistic info")
print "puncuation ingoring mode : {0}".format(opts.language)
print "total gold rels : {0}".format(nr_total_gold_rels)
print "total test rels : {0}".format(nr_total_test_rels)
print "total right heads : {0}".format(nr_total_right_heads)
print "total right deprels : {0}".format(nr_total_right_deprels)
print "total gold non-local : {0}".format(nr_total_gold_non_local)
print "total test non-local : {0}".format(nr_total_test_non_local)
print "total right head(non-local) : {0}".format(nr_total_right_heads_non_local)
print "total right deprels(non-local) : {0}".format(nr_total_right_deprel_non_local)
print "total sentence : {0}".format(nr_sentence)
print "total sentence with right head : {0}".format(nr_right_sentence_head)
print "total sentence with right label : {0}".format(nr_right_sentence_deprel)
print "{0}{0}{0}".format("-"*15)
print "{0:^10}{1:^10}{2:^10}{3:^10}{4:^10}{5:^10}{6:^10}{7:^10}{8:^10}{9:^10}".format(
"LP" , "LR" , "LF" , "NLF" , "UP" , "UR" , "UF" , "NUF" , "LM" , "UM")
print "{0[0]:^10}{0[1]:^10}{0[2]:^10}{0[3]:^10}{0[4]:^10}{0[5]:^10}{0[6]:^10}{0[7]:^10}{0[8]:^10}{0[9]:^10}".format(
map(lambda x : "{:.2f}%".format(x*100) , [LP , LR , LF , NLF , UP , UR , UF , NUF , LM , UM]))
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0d507c66 1850385 C8b1a773 1850385