1. Make sure you have your SSH key setup to GitHub per these instructions:
2. Make sure you have generated a GPG key and have the gpg executable in your
path per these instructions:
Before releasing:
1. Make sure the version numbers are updated in the runningWithMaven.xhtml page
2. Make sure the GitHub issues and pull requests are associated with the
GitHub milestone for this release.
Releasing Core:
1. Clone the main repo (with ssh), checkout the master branch
2. cd core
3. mvn release:prepare
4. mvn release:perform (this also updates the site)
5. Logon to https://oss.sonatype.org/
6. Find the mybatis staging repo
7. Verify everything looks OK (I usually delete the bundle files as they're not
really maven artifacts)
8. Close the repo
9. Release the repo
Releasing the Eclipse Feature:
1. On a linux machine, clone the main repo and checkout the release tag. e.g.:
git clone https://github.com/mybatis/generator.git
cd generator
git checkout mybatis-generator-1.3.3
2. cd eclipse/org.mybatis.generator.eclipse.parent
3. mvn -Prelease-composite clean integration-test
4. cd ../org.mybatis.generator.eclipse.site/target/p2-composite-repo
5. Edit bintrayUpload.sh and add your Bintray credentials
6. ./bintrayUpload.sh
7. Logon to the eclipse marketplace and add the new release information
Final Details:
1. If the DTD has changed, then update it at https://github.com/mybatis/mybatis.github.io
2. Make a Github Release that contains the Bundle and the Zipped Eclipse Site
3. Send announcement to mailing list
4. Write a blog post
5. Update the version numbers in all the Eclipse projects with the tycho-versions plugin. For example:
git checkout master
cd .../org.mybatis.generator.eclipse.parent
mvn tycho-versions:set-version -DnewVersion=1.3.7-SNAPSHOT
git commit -m "Update versions for new release" .
git push
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