同步操作将从 zhangjie/cv2x-message-asn1 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
* Creator: ASNDT (http://www.asnlab.org)
* Author: WANGYizhi
* Created: Thu Jul 25 14:42:35 CST 2019
-- imports and exports
EXPORTS PersonalSafetyMessage, Non-motorData;
IMPORTS DSecond, TimeConfidence FROM DefTime
Speed, Heading FROM DefMotion
Position3D, PositionConfidenceSet, PositionalAccuracy FROM DefPosition
MsgCount FROM MsgFrame
AccelerationSet4Way FROM DefAcceleration
PathHistory, PathPrediction FROM VehSafetyExt
PathPlanning FROM VIR;
PersonalSafetyMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
-- Basic Info --
msgCnt MsgCount,
-- temperary ID
secMark DSecond,
timeConfidence TimeConfidence OPTIONAL,
pos Position3D,
posAccuracy PositionalAccuracy,
-- Accuracy for GNSS system
speed Speed,
heading Heading,
accelSet AccelerationSet4Way OPTIONAL,
pathHistory PathHistory OPTIONAL,
path-Planning PathPlanning OPTIONAL,
overallRadius INTEGER (0..200),
-- In units of one decimeter
-- Radius considering cluster or attachment
-- Type-related Data --
non-motorData Non-motorData,
Non-motorData ::= SEQUENCE {
-- Type-related Data --
basicType PersonalDeviceUserType,
propulsion PropelledInformation OPTIONAL,
clusterSize NumberOfParticipantsInCluster OPTIONAL,
attachment Attachment OPTIONAL,
personalExt PersonalExtensions OPTIONAL,
roadWorkerExt RoadWorkerExtensions OPTIONAL,
personalReq PersonalRequest OPTIONAL,
PersonalDeviceUserType ::= ENUMERATED {
unavailable (0),
anANIMAL (4),
PropelledInformation ::= CHOICE {
human HumanPropelledType, -- PersonalDeviceUserType would be a aPEDESTRIAN
animal AnimalPropelledType,
motor MotorizedPropelledType,
HumanPropelledType ::= ENUMERATED {
unavailable (0),
otherTypes (1),
onFoot (2),
skateboard (3),
pushOrKickScooter (4),
wheelchair (5),
AnimalPropelledType ::= ENUMERATED {
unavailable (0),
otherTypes (1),
animalMounted (2),
animalDrawnCarriage (3),
MotorizedPropelledType ::= ENUMERATED {
unavailable (0),
otherTypes (1),
wheelChair (2),
bicycle (3),
scooter (4),
selfBalancingDevice (5),
NumberOfParticipantsInCluster ::= ENUMERATED {
unavailable (0),
small (1),
-- 2-5
medium (2),
-- 6-10
large (3),
-- >10
Attachment ::= ENUMERATED {
unavailable (0),
stroller (1),
bicycleTrailer (2),
cart (3),
wheelchair (4),
otherWalkAssistAttachments (5),
pet (6),
PersonalExtensions ::= SEQUENCE {
useState PersonalDeviceUsageState OPTIONAL,
assistType PersonalAssistive OPTIONAL,
PersonalDeviceUsageState ::= BIT STRING {
unavailable (0), -- Not specified
other (1), -- Used for states not defined below
idle (2), -- Human is not interacting with device
listeningToAudio (3), -- Any audio source other then calling
typing (4), -- Including texting, entering addresses
-- and other manual input activity
calling (5),
playingGames (6),
reading (7),
viewing (8) -- Watching dynamic content, including following
-- navigation prompts, viewing videos or other
-- visual contents that are not static
} (SIZE (9, ...)) -- All bits shall be set to zero when unknown state
PersonalAssistive::= BIT STRING {
unavailable (0),
otherType (1),
vision (2),
hearing (3),
movement (4),
cognition (5)
} (SIZE (6, ...))
RoadWorkerExtensions ::= SEQUENCE {
workerType RoadWorkerType OPTIONAL,
activityType RoadWorkerActivityType OPTIONAL,
RoadWorkerType ::= ENUMERATED {
unavailable (0),
trafficPolice (1),
constructionPersonnel (2),
policeOfficers (3),
trafficControlPersons (4),
-- Road workers with special equipment for directing traffic.
railroadCrossingGuards (5),
-- Railroad crossing guards who notify motorists of approaching trains
-- at locations like private roads or driveways crossing train tracks
-- and where automated equipment is disabled or not present.
emergencyOrganizationPersonnel (6),
-- Personnel belonging to emergency response organizations such as
-- fire departments, hospitals, river rescue, or associated with
-- emergency vehicles including ambulances as designated by the
-- regional authority (relating to designation of emergency vehicles)
-- while performing their duties.
RoadWorkerActivityType ::= BIT STRING {
unavailable (0), -- Not specified
workingOnRoad (1), -- Road workers on foot, in or out of
-- a closure, performing activities like:
-- construction, land surveying,
-- trash removal, or site inspection.
settingUpClosures (2), -- Road workers on foot performing
-- activities like: setting up signs,
-- placing cones/barrels/pylons, or placing
-- flares. Note: People are in the road
-- redirecting traffic, but the closure is
-- not complete, so utmost care is required
-- to determine the allowed path to take to
-- avoid entering the work zone and/or
-- harming the workers.
respondingToEvents (3), -- Public safety or other road workers on
-- foot performing activities like: treating
-- injured people, putting out fires,
-- cleaning chemical spills, aiding disabled
-- vehicles, criminal investigations,
-- or animal control. Note: These events tend
-- to be more dynamic than workingOnRoad
directingTraffic (4), -- Public safety or other road workers on
-- foot directing traffic in situations like:
-- a traffic signal out of operation,
-- a construction or crash site with a short
-- term lane closure, a single lane flagging
-- operation, or ingress/egress to a special event.
otherActivities (5) -- Designated by regional authorities
} (SIZE (6, ...))
PersonalRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
crossing PersonalCrossing OPTIONAL,
PersonalCrossing ::= ENUMERATED {
unavailable (0),
request (1),
crossing (2),
finish (3),
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