import re #regular expressions
import calendar #module of python to provide useful fucntions related to calendar
import datetime # module of python to get the date and time
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
def process_date(user_input):
user_input=re.sub(r"/", " ", user_input) #substitute / with space
user_input=re.sub(r"-", " ", user_input) #substitute - with space
return user_input
def find_day(date):
born = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%d %m %Y').weekday() #this statement returns an integer corresponding to the day of the week
return (calendar.day_name[born]) #this statement returns the corresponding day name to the integer generated in the previous statement
#To get the input from the user
#User may type 1/2/1999 or 1-2-1999
#To overcome those we have to process user input and make it standard to accept as defined by calender and time module
def printt():
c="Day on " +user_input + " is "+ find_day(date)
label2 = tk.Label(root,text=c,font=("Times new roman",20),fg='black').place(x=20,y=200)
lbl = tk.Label(root,text="Date --",font=("Ubuntu",20),fg="black").place(x=0,y=0.1,height=60,width=150)
lbl1 = tk.Label(root,text="(DD/MM/YYYY)",font=("Ubuntu",15),fg="Gray").place(x=120,y=0.1,height=60,width=150)
but = tk.Button(root,text="Check",command=printt,cursor="hand2",font=("Times new roman",40),fg="white",bg="black").place(x=50,y=130,height=50,width=300)
Date= tk.Entry(root,font=("Times new roman",20),textvariable=user_input1,bg="white",fg="black").place(x=30,y=50,height=40,width=340)
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