22 Star 261 Fork 44


2024-05-08 17:55
299760 snxamdf 1675754835 yanghy
  1. Modify all demo syso
  2. U: Add JS ipc.emit to trigger Go event synchronization mode configuration option, default: MSync
  3. U: Optimizing the conflict between fullscreen and maximized window.
  4. A: demo headless
  5. U: command-line manifest requestedExecutionLevel => asInvoker
  6. U: command-line add gen windows > icon, syso cmd

Remarks: ipc.On

// go: Asynchronous listening mode
ipc.On("name", func(){
	// ...
}, ipcTypes.OnOptions{Mode: ipcTypes.MAsync})

Download energy

最后提交信息为: Upgrade 2.4.1
2024-04-26 14:46
299760 snxamdf 1675754835 yanghy

Full Changelog: https://github.com/energye/energy/compare/v2.3.8...v2.4.0

This version is incompatible with 2.3.x.

U: LCLBrowserWindow and ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow, Add func ChromiumBrowser() ICEFChromiumBrowser
U: rename, ipc.emitSync => ipc.emitWait, This trigger has a timeout configuration
A: linux arm64 demo startup.sh
U: energy cmd version 1.0.6, install golang default version 1.19.13
A: Add gif play component
U: TCEFWindowComponent.SetOnGetTitleBarHeight param titleBarHeight => *float32
A: extension, misc_functions api
U: MacOS UI async thread run function
U: Logic when using RunOnMainThread to determine IsMessage Loop
Fix: vf tary Window state control
U: Remove MainFormOnTaskBar configuration and use Enabling MainWindow configuration when the taskbar is not displayed
U: all demo, windows import syso
Fix: Use VF Application init. RunOnMainThread VF Use ThreadSync UI. ChromiumBrowser LCLBrowserWindow nil bug.
U: Go execution IPC listening event changed to asynchronous execution
U: Condition judgment when the gate is empty
U: browserConfig > BrowserConfig
U: IPC NewTarget IWindow > Add Chromium
U: Chromium All Event Callback Parameters NativeUInt Type Pointer Passing
A: Chromium SendDevToolsMessage function, ExecuteDevToolsMethod Add Result messageId
A&U: examples

Download liblcl

最后提交信息为: Upgrade 2.4.0
2024-04-08 14:19
299760 snxamdf 1675754835 yanghy

Full Changelog: https://github.com/energye/energy/compare/v2.3.7...v2.3.8

  1. Fix: Chromium event callback parameter pointer value
  2. U: Adjust the timing of the main window settings
  3. U: Adjusting the default implementation event to the chrrimbrowser structure
  4. Fix: When customizing the layout of Chromium in the window, you cannot drag to change the window size
  5. U: energy custom menu modify
  6. U: command-line, windows build write [app].manifest to disk
  7. Fix: Energy custom event, pop-up window event only triggers once issue
  8. Fix: Window Min,Max Size Bug
  9. Fix: cmd download cef-framework file name
  10. U: Modify some examples

Download energy

Download liblcl

2024-03-17 09:36
299760 snxamdf 1675754835 yanghy
  • Fix: Window Min,Max Size Bug
  • Fix: Energy custom event, pop-up window event only triggers once issue

Download energy

Download liblcl

2024-02-27 09:49
299760 snxamdf 1675754835 yanghy
  1. MacOS 增加 touch bar 支持, 和touchbar示例
  2. MacOS 无标题栏窗口状态控制
  3. 删除示例下的多于icon资源文件
  4. 增加 ipc 多窗口通信示例
  5. 修改托盘示例
  6. 增加LCL支持主窗口配置,关闭主窗口后,如果在多窗口时直到最后一个窗口关闭才退出应用
  7. 增加WindowsXP SP3支持
  8. 修改部分API字符串使用TString类
  9. 为了支持Go的底版本将所有any类型改为interface类型
  10. energy最底支持Go1.11版本
  11. 修复chromium相关事件回调函数参数
  12. 增加部分API判断, 对CEF API不支持CEF49, 未判断完全,但不影响,CEF49支持的API不如CEF新版本的多
  13. 命令行工具优化,未增加对WindowsXP的安装,目前WindowsXP需要手动安装
  14. 命令工具增加bindata命令,当Go版本小于1.16时,为支持Embed内嵌资源接口
  15. 优化LCL托盘可以同时创建多个
  16. 增加一些energy还未实现的CEF API
  17. 优化预先创建下一个子弹出窗口
  18. 修复一些错误,记录结构类型调用 API 时传递指针错误问题

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/energye/energy/compare/v2.3.5...v2.3.6

Download energy

最后提交信息为: 示例修改
2023-12-02 09:34
299760 snxamdf 1675754835 yanghy


  • U: 升级 liblclbinres v2.3.5
  • U: tempdll 修改编译命令readme.md
  • U: 编译内置dll调整
  • U: 修改ipc Go文件名
  • U: 修改ipc, net socket 端口号默认随机获取
  • U: 修改channel, net socket 端口号默认随机获取
  • Merge branch 'dev'
  • Merge pull request #20:集成Webkit from blitzgrove/main
  • Merge pull request #1:v1.107.1.11 Linux Bug from blitzgrove/improvement/format-readme-en
  • replace quotations with bullet points, fix a small typo, and rephrase few points
  • A: 增加一窗口多Chromium示例
  • U: 增加 Views 依赖关系图注释
  • U: 升级 liblclbinres v2.3.4
  • U: 修改独立子进程示例

完整的更新日志: https://gitee.com/energye/energy/compare/v2.3.4...v2.3.5

最后提交信息为: U: 升级 liblclbinres v2.3.5
2023-07-26 09:58
299760 snxamdf 1675754835 yanghy


  • U: liblclbinres v1.0.2
  • U: demo main-browser-window
  • U: Return value(float32) method
  • A: demo Window IScreen
  • A: Window IScreen
  • A: displayRef proc api
  • Fix: Multiple display window centering issue
  • Fix: Multiple display window centering issue
  • U: demo scheme
  • U: demo popup-sub-window elliptic
  • U: demo popup-sub-window elliptic
  • U: Optimize custom window drag and drop creation logic
  • Fix: potential problem, proc api return string error
  • Fix: v8value bug, string value error
  • U: demo frameless
  • A: window, full screen model, add common attributes
  • U: demo frameless
  • U: browser window, full screen
  • U: demo window state
  • U: demo window state
  • U: demo frameless, fullscreen
  • U: window state
  • U: window state
  • U: chromium context-menu-command callback
  • U: chromium context-menu-command callback
  • U: context-menu
  • A: open tab url callback event
  • U: demo liblcl autoupdate , linux lcl widget init
  • U: tempdll README.md
  • U: gen libbin
  • A: energy command line, Set energy framework development environment
  • A: energy command line, Set energy framework development environment
  • U: energy command line, support linux select gtk2 or gtk3 framework
  • U: remove CustomWidgetSetFinalization
  • U: demo context-menu
  • U: LCL CloseBrowserWindow RunOnMainThread
  • A: on message paint
  • U: on message struct
  • U: on message struct
  • U: demo test
  • A: TForm WM Message - > NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted
  • A: TForm WM Message
  • Fix: aux-viewsource, linux
  • U: demos, ui use gtk3, IconFS = xxx.png, other IconFS = xxx.ico
  • A: gtk2 support for CEF 106.1.1

完整的更新日志: https://gitee.com/energye/energy/compare/v2.2.2...v2.2.3

最后提交信息为: U: liblclbinres v1.0.2
2023-07-20 14:17
299760 snxamdf 1675754835 yanghy


  • U: demo msgbox
  • A: windows demo custom-browser-create
  • U: .gitattributes
  • U: tempdll for mac load liblcl
  • A: demo tempdll
  • A: go build -tags="tempdll" open TempDLL, import liblclbinres.
  • U: window drag switch
  • U: window drag explanatory
  • U: viewsource
  • A: demo drag file
  • R: remove BrowserWindow.Config.EnableWebkitAppRegion
  • A: demo custom-drag-window
  • U: lcl customer drag
  • U: demo frameless for mac, no hide caption
  • U: lcl window close for mac, 1.show,2.hide
  • U: demo
  • U: remove const.IsMessageLoop, add application.IsMessageLoop()
  • U: message const
  • Merge branch 'main' into dev
  • U: win32 consts, cefwinapi
  • Update README.zh_CN.md
  • Update README.md
  • A: lcl custom window drag
  • A: FramelessForDefault
  • A: CEF FileDialog
  • Fix: Chromium & DialogHandler onFileDialog callback args:acceptFiltersList
  • A: 4 types systray demo
  • A: windows frameless Control Window Border
  • U: demo-windows transparent

完整的更新日志: https://gitee.com/energye/energy/compare/v2.2.0-beta...v2.2.1

最后提交信息为: U: demo msgbox
2023-07-09 21:39
299760 snxamdf 1675754835 yanghy
  1. 增加 browser RunFileDialog 回调函数, 该功能是使用CEF打开选择文件弹窗
  2. 增加 DownloadImage 回调函数
  3. 增加 CEF的 MenuModel、View、Button、LabelButton、MenuButton、Panel、textfield 组件相关 Api
  4. 重命名示例目录名
  5. 增加 其它功能处理回调函数
  6. 修改底层实现类变更接口
  7. v2.2.0开始兼容老版本CEF 87 ~ 89, 新版本最低兼容到109
  8. 优化energy框架中的window相关事件
2023-06-29 16:47
299760 snxamdf 1675754835 yanghy

完整的更新日志: https://gitee.com/energye/energy/commits/v2.1.0
U: Linux GTK3 custom widget Set Initialization
A: window api (inc,proc,callback)
U&A: example
Fix: model window bug, IPC render nil error
A: chromium callback func
Fix&U: dev tools
A: TString Type Ref
A: global work schedule
Other: optimize & fix
Energy Upgrades v2.1.0

最后提交信息为: U: README
2023-06-07 17:19
299760 snxamdf 1675754835 yanghy
  • add demos: cookie, proxy, ipc composite type, msgbox, sysdialog, check liblcl auto update
  • add proc: chromium, liblcl version, print setting
  • fix: cef color uint16 -> uint32, window resize bug
  • other: update & fix
最后提交信息为: U: demos icon
2023-05-31 18:51
299760 snxamdf 1675754835 yanghy

2.0 版本升级
增加大量CEF底层API(部分未添加), 可以更好的在GO中使用
移除ApplicationConfig配置, 直接使用Application配置

1 IPC事件添加支持复合类型数据结构

2 IPC事件on(监听)函数, 调整为函数参数和context参数方式传参

3 IPC事件emit(触发)函数

Go: emit 增加触发指定子进程Go事件或指定子进程JS事件

JS: emit 增加配置项方式, 触发指定子进程事件或触发其它子进事件

name: string 函数名
arguments: array[...] 入参参数列表
callback: function(...) 回函函数
mode: int 触发模式:异步和同步 0:async or 1:sync
target: int 触发目标, 主进程、当前进程 int 0:main 1:current
IPC事件增加 JS 中增加 emitSync(触发同步)函数

Go: on 增加配置项, 进程监听事件可选





最后提交信息为: upgrade v2.0.0
2023-02-14 21:21
299760 snxamdf 1675754835 yanghy
  • 增加配置窗口隐藏标题栏属性
  • 优化窗口状态控制
  • 优化动态链接库在代码中导入的包结构调整
  • 更新License GPL3.0 => Apache License 2.0
  • 更新README
最后提交信息为: update mod version
2023-02-07 13:42
299760 snxamdf 1675754835 yanghy

修复chromium zoom传参问题

最后提交信息为: update mod version


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