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kdtree_flann.h 9.34 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
slam_kaka 提交于 2023-05-23 21:01 . Add files via upload
#pragma once
#include <kdtree/kdtree.h>
#include <flann/util/params.h>
#include <memory>
// Forward declarations
namespace flann
template <typename T> struct L2_Simple;
template <typename T> class Index;
namespace pcl
namespace detail {
// Helper struct to create a compatible Matrix and copy data back when needed
// Replace using if constexpr in C++17
template <typename IndexT>
struct compat_with_flann : std::false_type {};
template <>
struct compat_with_flann<std::size_t> : std::true_type {};
template <typename IndexT>
using CompatWithFlann = std::enable_if_t<compat_with_flann<IndexT>::value, bool>;
template <typename IndexT>
using NotCompatWithFlann = std::enable_if_t<!compat_with_flann<IndexT>::value, bool>;
} // namespace detail
* @brief Comaptibility template function to allow use of various types of indices with
* @details Template is used for all params to not constrain any FLANN side capability
* @param[in,out] index A index searcher, of type ::flann::Index<Dist> or similar, where
* Dist is a template for computing distance between 2 points
* @param[in] query A ::flann::Matrix<float> or compatible matrix representation of the
* query point
* @param[out] indices Indices found in radius
* @param[out] dists Computed distance matrix
* @param[in] radius Threshold for consideration
* @param[in] params Any parameters to pass to the radius_search call
template <class FlannIndex,
class Query,
class Indices,
class Distances,
class SearchParams>
radius_search(const FlannIndex& index,
const Query& query,
Indices& indices,
Distances& dists,
float radius,
const SearchParams& params);
* @brief Comaptibility template function to allow use of various types of indices with
* @details Template is used for all params to not constrain any FLANN side capability
* @param[in,out] index A index searcher, of type ::flann::Index<Dist> or similar, where
* Dist is a template for computing distance between 2 points
* @param[in] query A ::flann::Matrix<float> or compatible matrix representation of the
* query point
* @param[out] indices Neighboring k indices found
* @param[out] dists Computed distance matrix
* @param[in] k Number of neighbors to search for
* @param[in] params Any parameters to pass to the knn_search call
template <class FlannIndex,
class Query,
class Indices,
class Distances,
class SearchParams>
knn_search(const FlannIndex& index,
const Query& query,
Indices& indices,
Distances& dists,
unsigned int k,
const SearchParams& params);
/** \brief KdTreeFLANN is a generic type of 3D spatial locator using kD-tree structures.
* The class is making use of the FLANN (Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbor)
* project by Marius Muja and David Lowe.
* \author Radu B. Rusu, Marius Muja
* \ingroup kdtree
template <typename PointT, typename Dist = ::flann::L2_Simple<float>>
class KdTreeFLANN : public pcl::KdTree<PointT> {
using KdTree<PointT>::input_;
using KdTree<PointT>::indices_;
using KdTree<PointT>::epsilon_;
using KdTree<PointT>::sorted_;
using KdTree<PointT>::point_representation_;
using KdTree<PointT>::nearestKSearch;
using KdTree<PointT>::radiusSearch;
using PointCloud = typename KdTree<PointT>::PointCloud;
using PointCloudConstPtr = typename KdTree<PointT>::PointCloudConstPtr;
using IndicesPtr = std::shared_ptr<Indices>;
using IndicesConstPtr = std::shared_ptr<const Indices>;
using FLANNIndex = ::flann::Index<Dist>;
// Boost shared pointers
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<KdTreeFLANN<PointT, Dist>>;
using ConstPtr = std::shared_ptr<const KdTreeFLANN<PointT, Dist>>;
/** \brief Default Constructor for KdTreeFLANN.
* \param[in] sorted set to true if the application that the tree will be used for
* requires sorted nearest neighbor indices (default). False otherwise.
* By setting sorted to false, the \ref radiusSearch operations will be faster.
KdTreeFLANN(bool sorted = true);
/** \brief Copy constructor
* \param[in] k the tree to copy into this
KdTreeFLANN(const KdTreeFLANN<PointT, Dist>& k);
/** \brief Copy operator
* \param[in] k the tree to copy into this
inline KdTreeFLANN<PointT, Dist>&
operator=(const KdTreeFLANN<PointT, Dist>& k)
flann_index_ = k.flann_index_;
cloud_ = k.cloud_;
index_mapping_ = k.index_mapping_;
identity_mapping_ = k.identity_mapping_;
dim_ = k.dim_;
total_nr_points_ = k.total_nr_points_;
param_k_ = k.param_k_;
param_radius_ = k.param_radius_;
return (*this);
/** \brief Set the search epsilon precision (error bound) for nearest neighbors
* searches. \param[in] eps precision (error bound) for nearest neighbors searches
setEpsilon(float eps) override;
setSortedResults(bool sorted);
inline Ptr
return Ptr(new KdTreeFLANN<PointT, Dist>(*this));
/** \brief Destructor for KdTreeFLANN.
* Deletes all allocated data arrays and destroys the kd-tree structures.
~KdTreeFLANN() override
/** \brief Provide a pointer to the input dataset.
* \param[in] cloud the const boost shared pointer to a PointCloud message
* \param[in] indices the point indices subset that is to be used from \a cloud - if
* NULL the whole cloud is used
setInputCloud(const PointCloudConstPtr& cloud,
const IndicesConstPtr& indices = IndicesConstPtr()) override;
/** \brief Search for k-nearest neighbors for the given query point.
* \attention This method does not do any bounds checking for the input index
* (i.e., index >= cloud.size () || index < 0), and assumes valid (i.e., finite) data.
* \param[in] point a given \a valid (i.e., finite) query point
* \param[in] k the number of neighbors to search for
* \param[out] k_indices the resultant indices of the neighboring points (must be
* resized to \a k a priori!) \param[out] k_sqr_distances the resultant squared
* distances to the neighboring points (must be resized to \a k a priori!) \return
* number of neighbors found
* \exception asserts in debug mode if the index is not between 0 and the maximum
* number of points
nearestKSearch(const PointT& point,
unsigned int k,
Indices& k_indices,
std::vector<float>& k_sqr_distances) const override;
/** \brief Search for all the nearest neighbors of the query point in a given radius.
* \attention This method does not do any bounds checking for the input index
* (i.e., index >= cloud.size () || index < 0), and assumes valid (i.e., finite) data.
* \param[in] point a given \a valid (i.e., finite) query point
* \param[in] radius the radius of the sphere bounding all of p_q's neighbors
* \param[out] k_indices the resultant indices of the neighboring points
* \param[out] k_sqr_distances the resultant squared distances to the neighboring
* points \param[in] max_nn if given, bounds the maximum returned neighbors to this
* value. If \a max_nn is set to 0 or to a number higher than the number of points in
* the input cloud, all neighbors in \a radius will be returned. \return number of
* neighbors found in radius
* \exception asserts in debug mode if the index is not between 0 and the maximum
* number of points
radiusSearch(const PointT& point,
double radius,
Indices& k_indices,
std::vector<float>& k_sqr_distances,
unsigned int max_nn = 0) const override;
/** \brief Internal cleanup method. */
/** \brief Converts a PointCloud to the internal FLANN point array representation.
* Returns the number of points. \param cloud the PointCloud
convertCloudToArray(const PointCloud& cloud);
/** \brief Converts a PointCloud with a given set of indices to the internal FLANN
* point array representation. Returns the number of points. \param[in] cloud the
* PointCloud data \param[in] indices the point cloud indices
convertCloudToArray(const PointCloud& cloud, const Indices& indices);
/** \brief Class getName method. */
getName() const override
return ("KdTreeFLANN");
/** \brief A FLANN index object. */
std::shared_ptr<FLANNIndex> flann_index_;
/** \brief Internal pointer to data. TODO: replace with std::shared_ptr<float[]> with
* C++17*/
std::shared_ptr<float> cloud_;
/** \brief mapping between internal and external indices. */
std::vector<int> index_mapping_;
/** \brief whether the mapping between internal and external indices is identity */
bool identity_mapping_;
/** \brief Tree dimensionality (i.e. the number of dimensions per point). */
int dim_;
/** \brief The total size of the data (either equal to the number of points in the
* input cloud or to the number of indices - if passed). */
uindex_t total_nr_points_;
/** \brief The KdTree search parameters for K-nearest neighbors. */
::flann::SearchParams param_k_;
/** \brief The KdTree search parameters for radius search. */
::flann::SearchParams param_radius_;
#include <kdtree/kdtree_flann.hpp>
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