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kdtree.h 14.67 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
slam_kaka 提交于 2023-05-23 21:01 . Add files via upload
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <kdtree/type.h>
#include <kdtree/point_representation.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
namespace pcl
/** \brief KdTree represents the base spatial locator class for kd-tree implementations.
* \author Radu B Rusu, Bastian Steder, Michael Dixon
* \ingroup kdtree
template <typename PointT>
class KdTree
using IndicesPtr = std::shared_ptr<Indices >;
using IndicesConstPtr = std::shared_ptr<const Indices >;
using PointCloud = pcl::PointCloud<PointT>;
using PointCloudPtr = std::shared_ptr<PointCloud>;
using PointCloudConstPtr = std::shared_ptr<const PointCloud>;
using PointRepresentation = pcl::PointRepresentation<PointT>;
using PointRepresentationConstPtr = typename PointRepresentation::ConstPtr;
// Boost shared pointers
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<KdTree<PointT> >;
using ConstPtr = std::shared_ptr<const KdTree<PointT> >;
/** \brief Empty constructor for KdTree. Sets some internal values to their defaults.
* \param[in] sorted set to true if the application that the tree will be used for requires sorted nearest neighbor indices (default). False otherwise.
KdTree (bool sorted = true) : input_(),
epsilon_(0.0f), min_pts_(1), sorted_(sorted),
point_representation_ (new DefaultPointRepresentation<PointT>)
/** \brief Provide a pointer to the input dataset.
* \param[in] cloud the const boost shared pointer to a PointCloud message
* \param[in] indices the point indices subset that is to be used from \a cloud - if NULL the whole cloud is used
virtual void
setInputCloud (const PointCloudConstPtr &cloud, const IndicesConstPtr &indices = IndicesConstPtr ())
input_ = cloud;
indices_ = indices;
/** \brief Get a pointer to the vector of indices used. */
inline IndicesConstPtr
getIndices () const
return (indices_);
/** \brief Get a pointer to the input point cloud dataset. */
inline PointCloudConstPtr
getInputCloud () const
return (input_);
/** \brief Provide a pointer to the point representation to use to convert points into k-D vectors.
* \param[in] point_representation the const boost shared pointer to a PointRepresentation
inline void
setPointRepresentation (const PointRepresentationConstPtr &point_representation)
point_representation_ = point_representation;
if (!input_) return;
setInputCloud (input_, indices_); // Makes sense in derived classes to reinitialize the tree
/** \brief Get a pointer to the point representation used when converting points into k-D vectors. */
inline PointRepresentationConstPtr
getPointRepresentation () const
return (point_representation_);
/** \brief Destructor for KdTree. Deletes all allocated data arrays and destroys the kd-tree structures. */
virtual ~KdTree () = default;
/** \brief Search for k-nearest neighbors for the given query point.
* \param[in] p_q the given query point
* \param[in] k the number of neighbors to search for
* \param[out] k_indices the resultant indices of the neighboring points (must be resized to \a k a priori!)
* \param[out] k_sqr_distances the resultant squared distances to the neighboring points (must be resized to \a k
* a priori!)
* \return number of neighbors found
virtual int
nearestKSearch (const PointT &p_q, unsigned int k,
Indices &k_indices, std::vector<float> &k_sqr_distances) const = 0;
/** \brief Search for k-nearest neighbors for the given query point.
* \attention This method does not do any bounds checking for the input index
* (i.e., index >= cloud.size () || index < 0), and assumes valid (i.e., finite) data.
* \param[in] cloud the point cloud data
* \param[in] index a \a valid index in \a cloud representing a \a valid (i.e., finite) query point
* \param[in] k the number of neighbors to search for
* \param[out] k_indices the resultant indices of the neighboring points (must be resized to \a k a priori!)
* \param[out] k_sqr_distances the resultant squared distances to the neighboring points (must be resized to \a k
* a priori!)
* \return number of neighbors found
* \exception asserts in debug mode if the index is not between 0 and the maximum number of points
virtual int
nearestKSearch (const PointCloud &cloud, int index, unsigned int k,
Indices &k_indices, std::vector<float> &k_sqr_distances) const
CHECK(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int> (cloud.size())) << "Out-of-bounds error in nearestKSearch!";
return (nearestKSearch (cloud[index], k, k_indices, k_sqr_distances));
/** \brief Search for k-nearest neighbors for the given query point.
* This method accepts a different template parameter for the point type.
* \param[in] point the given query point
* \param[in] k the number of neighbors to search for
* \param[out] k_indices the resultant indices of the neighboring points (must be resized to \a k a priori!)
* \param[out] k_sqr_distances the resultant squared distances to the neighboring points (must be resized to \a k
* a priori!)
* \return number of neighbors found
template <typename PointTDiff> inline int
nearestKSearchT (const PointTDiff &point, unsigned int k,
Indices &k_indices, std::vector<float> &k_sqr_distances) const
PointT p;
copyPoint (point, p);
return (nearestKSearch (p, k, k_indices, k_sqr_distances));
/** \brief Search for k-nearest neighbors for the given query point (zero-copy).
* \attention This method does not do any bounds checking for the input index
* (i.e., index >= cloud.size () || index < 0), and assumes valid (i.e., finite) data.
* \param[in] index a \a valid index representing a \a valid query point in the dataset given
* by \a setInputCloud. If indices were given in setInputCloud, index will be the position in
* the indices vector.
* \param[in] k the number of neighbors to search for
* \param[out] k_indices the resultant indices of the neighboring points (must be resized to \a k a priori!)
* \param[out] k_sqr_distances the resultant squared distances to the neighboring points (must be resized to \a k
* a priori!)
* \return number of neighbors found
* \exception asserts in debug mode if the index is not between 0 and the maximum number of points
virtual int
nearestKSearch (int index, unsigned int k,
Indices &k_indices, std::vector<float> &k_sqr_distances) const
if (indices_ == nullptr)
CHECK(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int> (input_->size())) << "Out-of-bounds error in nearestKSearch!";
return (nearestKSearch ((*input_)[index], k, k_indices, k_sqr_distances));
CHECK(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int> (indices_->size())) << "Out-of-bounds error in nearestKSearch!";
return (nearestKSearch ((*input_)[(*indices_)[index]], k, k_indices, k_sqr_distances));
/** \brief Search for all the nearest neighbors of the query point in a given radius.
* \param[in] p_q the given query point
* \param[in] radius the radius of the sphere bounding all of p_q's neighbors
* \param[out] k_indices the resultant indices of the neighboring points
* \param[out] k_sqr_distances the resultant squared distances to the neighboring points
* \param[in] max_nn if given, bounds the maximum returned neighbors to this value. If \a max_nn is set to
* 0 or to a number higher than the number of points in the input cloud, all neighbors in \a radius will be
* returned.
* \return number of neighbors found in radius
virtual int
radiusSearch (const PointT &p_q, double radius, Indices &k_indices,
std::vector<float> &k_sqr_distances, unsigned int max_nn = 0) const = 0;
/** \brief Search for all the nearest neighbors of the query point in a given radius.
* \attention This method does not do any bounds checking for the input index
* (i.e., index >= cloud.size () || index < 0), and assumes valid (i.e., finite) data.
* \param[in] cloud the point cloud data
* \param[in] index a \a valid index in \a cloud representing a \a valid (i.e., finite) query point
* \param[in] radius the radius of the sphere bounding all of p_q's neighbors
* \param[out] k_indices the resultant indices of the neighboring points
* \param[out] k_sqr_distances the resultant squared distances to the neighboring points
* \param[in] max_nn if given, bounds the maximum returned neighbors to this value. If \a max_nn is set to
* 0 or to a number higher than the number of points in the input cloud, all neighbors in \a radius will be
* returned.
* \return number of neighbors found in radius
* \exception asserts in debug mode if the index is not between 0 and the maximum number of points
virtual int
radiusSearch (const PointCloud &cloud, int index, double radius,
Indices &k_indices, std::vector<float> &k_sqr_distances,
unsigned int max_nn = 0) const
CHECK(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int> (cloud.size())) << "Out-of-bounds error in radiusSearch!";
return (radiusSearch(cloud[index], radius, k_indices, k_sqr_distances, max_nn));
/** \brief Search for all the nearest neighbors of the query point in a given radius.
* \param[in] point the given query point
* \param[in] radius the radius of the sphere bounding all of p_q's neighbors
* \param[out] k_indices the resultant indices of the neighboring points
* \param[out] k_sqr_distances the resultant squared distances to the neighboring points
* \param[in] max_nn if given, bounds the maximum returned neighbors to this value. If \a max_nn is set to
* 0 or to a number higher than the number of points in the input cloud, all neighbors in \a radius will be
* returned.
* \return number of neighbors found in radius
template <typename PointTDiff> inline int
radiusSearchT (const PointTDiff &point, double radius, Indices &k_indices,
std::vector<float> &k_sqr_distances, unsigned int max_nn = 0) const
PointT p;
copyPoint (point, p);
return (radiusSearch (p, radius, k_indices, k_sqr_distances, max_nn));
/** \brief Search for all the nearest neighbors of the query point in a given radius (zero-copy).
* \attention This method does not do any bounds checking for the input index
* (i.e., index >= cloud.size () || index < 0), and assumes valid (i.e., finite) data.
* \param[in] index a \a valid index representing a \a valid query point in the dataset given
* by \a setInputCloud. If indices were given in setInputCloud, index will be the position in
* the indices vector.
* \param[in] radius the radius of the sphere bounding all of p_q's neighbors
* \param[out] k_indices the resultant indices of the neighboring points
* \param[out] k_sqr_distances the resultant squared distances to the neighboring points
* \param[in] max_nn if given, bounds the maximum returned neighbors to this value. If \a max_nn is set to
* 0 or to a number higher than the number of points in the input cloud, all neighbors in \a radius will be
* returned.
* \return number of neighbors found in radius
* \exception asserts in debug mode if the index is not between 0 and the maximum number of points
virtual int
radiusSearch (int index, double radius, Indices &k_indices,
std::vector<float> &k_sqr_distances, unsigned int max_nn = 0) const
if (indices_ == nullptr)
CHECK(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int> (input_->size())) << "Out-of-bounds error in radiusSearch!";
return (radiusSearch ((*input_)[index], radius, k_indices, k_sqr_distances, max_nn));
CHECK(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int> (indices_->size())) << "Out-of-bounds error in radiusSearch!";
return (radiusSearch ((*input_)[(*indices_)[index]], radius, k_indices, k_sqr_distances, max_nn));
/** \brief Set the search epsilon precision (error bound) for nearest neighbors searches.
* \param[in] eps precision (error bound) for nearest neighbors searches
virtual inline void
setEpsilon (float eps)
epsilon_ = eps;
/** \brief Get the search epsilon precision (error bound) for nearest neighbors searches. */
inline float
getEpsilon () const
return (epsilon_);
/** \brief Minimum allowed number of k nearest neighbors points that a viable result must contain.
* \param[in] min_pts the minimum number of neighbors in a viable neighborhood
inline void
setMinPts (int min_pts)
min_pts_ = min_pts;
/** \brief Get the minimum allowed number of k nearest neighbors points that a viable result must contain. */
inline int
getMinPts () const
return (min_pts_);
/** \brief The input point cloud dataset containing the points we need to use. */
PointCloudConstPtr input_;
/** \brief A pointer to the vector of point indices to use. */
IndicesConstPtr indices_;
/** \brief Epsilon precision (error bound) for nearest neighbors searches. */
float epsilon_;
/** \brief Minimum allowed number of k nearest neighbors points that a viable result must contain. */
int min_pts_;
/** \brief Return the radius search neighbours sorted **/
bool sorted_;
/** \brief For converting different point structures into k-dimensional vectors for nearest-neighbor search. */
PointRepresentationConstPtr point_representation_;
/** \brief Class getName method. */
virtual std::string
getName () const = 0;
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