An easy, flexible, and accurate plate recognition project for Chinese licenses in unconstrained situations.
最近更新: 接近4年前:bank: 银行笔试面试经验分享及资料分享(help you pass the bank interview, and get a amazing bank offer!)
最近更新: 4年前The official source code for the paper Consensus-Aware Visual-Semantic Embedding for Image-Text Matching (ECCV 2020)
最近更新: 4年多前Convolutional neural network model for video classification trained on the Kinetics dataset.
最近更新: 接近5年前This repository includes some classical network architecture of video classification(action recognition). Because of the scale of Kinetics, most of the architectures in this repo have not be tested on kenetics. But the training loss curve seems normal in the training procedure.
最近更新: 5年前