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kerrydu 提交于 2020-04-30 10:51 . revised biennial
*! version 2.2
* 29 Apr 2020
* add biennial option
*! version 2.1
* Kerry Du (kerrydu@xmu.edu.cn)
* 29 Nov 2019
capture program drop malmq2
program define malmq2,rclass prop(xt)
version 16
_xt, trequired
local id=r(ivar)
local time=r(tvar)
qui mata mata mlib index
/////////This section is from Yong-bae Ji and Choonjoo Lee's DEA.ado//////////
// get and check invarnames
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=,")
while ~("`word'" == ":" | "`word'" == "=") {
if "`word'" == "," | "`word'" == "" {
error 198
local invars `invars' `word'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=,")
unab invars : `invars'
syntax varlist [if] [in], [dmu(varname) FGNZ RD ort(string) ///
BIennial GLOBAL SEQuential WINdow(numlist intege max=1 >=1) ///
SAVing(string) maxiter(numlist integer >0 max=1) tol(numlist max=1 >0)]
if "`fgnz'"!=""&"`rd'"!=""{
disp as error "fgnz and rd cannot be specified together."
error 498
marksample touse
local opvars `varlist'
qui keep `invars' `opvars' `id' `time' `touse' `dmu'
qui gen Row=_n
label var Row "Row # in the original dataset"
qui cap bys `id' (`time'): gen Pdwise=`time'[_n-1]+"~"+`time' if _n>1
qui cap bys `id' (`time'): gen Pdwise=string(`time'[_n-1])+"~"+string(`time') if _n>1
label var Pdwise "Period wise"
qui _malmq `invars'=`opvars' if `touse', id(`id') time(`time') ort(`ort') `global' `sequential' ///
window(`window') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
local resvars `r(rvars)'
if "`fgnz'"==""&"`rd'"==""{
format `resvars' %9.4f
qui keep if `touse'
qui cap bys `id' (`time'): gen Pdwise=`time'[_n-1]+"~"+`time' if _n>1
qui cap bys `id' (`time'): gen Pdwise=string(`time'[_n-1])+"~"+string(`time') if _n>1
order Row `dmu' `id' Pdwise `resvars'
label var Pdwise "Period wise"
qui keep if !missing(Pdwise) & `touse'
qui keep Row `dmu' `id' Pdwise `resvars'
disp _n(2) " Malmquist Productivity Index Results:"
disp " (Row: Row # in the original data; Pdwise: periodwise)"
list Row `dmu' `id' Pdwise `resvars', sep(0)
di "Note: missing value indicates infeasible problem."
if `"`saving'"'!=""{
save `saving'
gettoken filenames saving:saving, parse(",")
local filenames `filenames'.dta
disp _n `"Estimated Results are saved in `filenames'."'
return local file `filenames'
foreach v of local resvars{
rename `v' `v'_crs
qui _malmq `invars'=`opvars' if `touse', vrs id(`id') time(`time') ort(`ort') `biennial' `global' `sequential' ///
window(`window') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
if "`rd'"!=""{
qui gen SECH=TFPCH_crs/TFPCH
label var SECH "Scale efficiecny change"
qui replace TFPCH=TFPCH_crs
local resvars `resvars' SECH
qui gen SECH=TECH_crs/TECH
label var SECH "Scale efficiecny change"
qui replace TFPCH=TFPCH_crs
if "`global'"!=""{
qui replace BPC=BPC_crs
qui replace TECCH=TECCH_crs
local resvars `resvars' SECH
format `resvars' %9.4f
qui keep if `touse'
qui cap bys `id' (`time'): gen Pdwise=`time'[_n-1]+"~"+`time' if _n>1
qui cap bys `id' (`time'): gen Pdwise=string(`time'[_n-1])+"~"+string(`time') if _n>1
label var Pdwise "Period wise"
order Row `dmu' `id' Pdwise `resvars'
qui keep if !missing(Pdwise) & `touse'
qui keep Row `dmu' `id' Pdwise `resvars'
disp _n(2) " Malmquist Productivity Index Results:"
disp " (Row: Row # in the original data; Pdwise: periodwise)"
list Row `dmu' `id' Pdwise `resvars' , sep(0)
di "Note: missing value indicates infeasible problem."
if `"`saving'"'!=""{
save `saving'
gettoken filenames saving:saving, parse(",")
local filenames `filenames'.dta
disp _n `"Estimated Results are saved in `filenames'."'
return local file `filenames'
capture program drop _malmq
program define _malmq,rclass
version 16
/////////This section is from Yong-bae Ji and Choonjoo Lee's DEA.ado//////////
// get and check invarnames
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=,")
while ~("`word'" == ":" | "`word'" == "=") {
if "`word'" == "," | "`word'" == "" {
error 198
local invars `invars' `word'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=,")
unab invars : `invars'
local num: word count `invars'
syntax varlist [if] [in], id(varname) time(varname) [VRS ort(string) ///
BIennial GLOBAL SEQuential WINdow(numlist intege max=1 >=1) ///
maxiter(numlist integer >0 max=1) tol(numlist max=1 >0)]
marksample touse
local opvars `varlist'
local techtype "contemporaneous"
if "`global'"!=""{
if "`sequential'"!=""{
disp as error "global and sequential cannot be specified together."
error 498
if "`window'"!=""{
disp as error "global and window() cannot be specified together."
error 498
if "`biennial'"!=""{
disp as error "global and biennial cannot be specified together."
error 498
local techtype "global"
if "`sequential'"!=""{
if "`window'"!=""{
disp as error "sequential and window() cannot be specified together."
error 498
if "`biennial'"!=""{
disp as error "sequential and biennial cannot be specified together."
error 498
local techtype "sequential"
if "`window'"!=""{
if "`biennial'"!=""{
disp as error "biennial and window() cannot be specified together."
error 498
local techtype "window"
if "`biennial'"!=""{
local techtype "biennial"
if "`maxiter'"==""{
local maxiter=-1
if "`tol'"==""{
local tol=-1
tempvar period dmu
qui egen `period'=group(`time')
qui egen `dmu'=group(`id')
qui su `period'
local tmax=r(max)
tempvar flag temp DD D21 D12
qui gen `DD'=.
qui gen `D21'=.
qui gen `D12'=.
qui gen `flag'=0
sort `period' `dmu'
if `"`techtype'"'=="contemporaneous"{
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'= (`period'==`t')
shepdf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`opvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
local tt=`tmax'-1
forv t=1/`tt'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'==`t'+1)
shepdf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`opvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D21'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
forv t=2/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'==`t'-1)
shepdf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`opvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D12'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
if `"`techtype'"'=="sequential"{
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'<=`t')
shepdf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`opvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui replace `flag'=0
qui drop `temp'
local tt=`tmax'-1
forv t=1/`tt'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'<=`t'+1)
shepdf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`opvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D21'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
forv t=2/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'= (`period'<=`t'-1)
shepdf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`opvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D12'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
if `"`techtype'"'=="window"{
local band=(`window'-1)/2
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'<=`t'+`band' & `period'>=`t'-`band')
shepdf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`opvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
local tt=`tmax'-1
forv t=1/`tt'{
qui replace `flag'= (`period'<=`t'+1+`band' & `period'>=`t'-`band'+1)
shepdf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`opvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D21'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
forv t=2/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'<=`t'-1+`band' & `period'>=`t'-1-`band')
shepdf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`opvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D12'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
if `"`techtype'"'=="biennial" {
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'<=`t'+1 & `period'>=`t')
shepdf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`opvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
forv t=2/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'<=`t' & `period'>=`t'-1)
shepdf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`opvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D12'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
if `"`techtype'"'=="global"{
qui replace `flag'=1
shepdf if `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`opvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TFPCH=`temp'/`temp'[_n-1]
label var TFPCH "Total factor productivity change"
cap drop `temp'
sort `period' `dmu'
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'==`t')
shepdf if `touse' & `period'==`t', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`opvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECH=`DD'/`DD'[_n-1]
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen BPC=TFPCH/TECH
label var TECH "Technical efficiency change"
label var BPC "Best practice gap change"
local resvars TFPCH TECH BPC
else if `"`techtype'"'=="biennial"{
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TFPCH=`D12'/`DD'[_n-1] if _n>1
label var TFPCH "Total factor productivity change"
cap drop `temp'
sort `period' `dmu'
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'==`t')
shepdf if `touse' & `period'==`t', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`opvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECH=`DD'/`DD'[_n-1]
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECCH=TFPCH/TECH
label var TECH "Technical efficiency change"
label var TECCH "Techological change"
local resvars TFPCH TECH TECCH
//su `DD' `D12' `D21'
qui {
sort `dmu' `period'
bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECH=`DD'/`DD'[_n-1]
bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECCH=sqrt(`D12'/`DD'*`DD'[_n-1]/`D21'[_n-1])
local resvars TFPCH TECH TECCH
label var TFPCH "Total factor productivity change"
label var TECH "Technical efficiency change"
label var TECCH "Techological change"
return local rvars "`resvars'"
capture program drop shepdf
program define shepdf
version 16
syntax [if] [in], gen(string) INvars(varlist) OPvars(varlist) [rflag(varname) ort(string) VRS maxiter(numlist) tol(numlist)]
marksample touse
markout `touse' `invars' `opvars'
tempvar touse2
mark `touse2' if `rflag'
markout `touse2' `invars' `opvars'
//qui gen `touse2'=`rflag'
qui gen `gen'=.
local comvars: list invars & opvars
if !(`"`comvars'"'==""){
disp as error "`comvars' should not be specified as input and output simultaneously."
error 498
local data `invars' `opvars'
local num: word count `invars'
/////////This section is from Yong-bae Ji and Choonjoo Lee's DEA.ado//////////
// default orientation - Input Oriented
if ("`ort'" == "") local ort = "IN"
else {
local ort = upper("`ort'")
if ("`ort'" == "I" | "`ort'" == "IN" | "`ort'" == "INPUT") {
local ort = "IN"
else if ("`ort'" == "O" | "`ort'" == "OUT" | "`ort'" == "OUTPUT") {
local ort = "OUT"
else {
di as err "option ort allows for case-insensitive " _c
di as err "(i|in|input|o|out|output) or nothing."
exit 198
if "`vrs'"!=""{
local rts=1
local rts=0
if "`ort'" =="OUT"{
mata: sdf_o("`data'","`touse'", "`touse2'",`num',`rts',"`gen'",`maxiter',`tol')
qui replace `gen'=1/`gen'
mata: sdf_i("`data'","`touse'", "`touse2'",`num',`rts',"`gen'",`maxiter',`tol')
马建仓 AI 助手
