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Lecture 16 Instrumental Variables in Action |
Nick Huntington-Klein |
March 28, 2019 |
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```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)
theme_set(theme_gray(base_size = 15))
## Recap
- Instrumental Variables is sort of like the opposite of controlling for a variable
- You isolate *just* the parts of `X` and `Y` that you can explain with the IV `Z`
- If `Z` is related to `X` but all effects of `Z` on `Y` go THROUGH `X`, you've isolated a causal effect of `X` on `Y` by isolating just the causal part of `X` and ignoring all the back doors!
- If `Z` is binary, get difference in `Y` divided by difference in `X`
- If not, get correlation between explained `Y` and explained `X`
## Estimation
- There are *lots* of details we could go into on how to estimate instrumental variables
- 2SLS isn't the only game in town by far!
- Generalized method of moments deals with heteroskedasticity better than 2SLS with robust SEs
- Tests for weak instruments
- Limited information maximum likelihood deals with weak instruments better
## Estimation
- Considerations for binary dependent or endogenous variables, panel IV, bias corrections, etc. etc. etc.
- There's a lot!
- You can read about a lot of this in the assigned textbook chapter, and it's important to know about before attempting to actually use IV
- But we're not going to focus on that much in this class. Instead, let's ask the real question: do the necessary conditions for IV really work?
## Today
- We'll be seeing a few examples of instrumental variables in action in different studies
- We'll ask what we think about the validity assumption, and how these studies actually work
- Validity can be a hard sell sometimes!
## Today
- We're going to be looking at several implementations of IV in real studies
- We'll be looking at what they did and also asking ourselves what their causal diagrams might be
## Today
- And whether we believe them! What would the diagram be for that expenditure/income example? Do we believe that there's really no back door from last year's investment to this year's expenditure? Really?
- Every identification implies a diagram... and diagrams come from assumptions. We *always* want to think about whether we believe those assumptions
- Remember, in any case, each of these is *just one study*. I could cite you equally plausible studies on these topics that found different findings in different contexts
## Common Macro-Type Example
- In macroeconomics, how does US income affect US expenditures ("marginal propensity to consume")?
- We can instrument with investment from LAST year.
```{r, echo=TRUE}
#US income and consumption data 1950-1993
USC93 % mutate(lastyr.invest = lag(income) - lag(expenditure))
## Common Macro-Type Example
```{r, echo = TRUE}
m % tidy_dagitty()
ggdag_classic(dag,node_size=20) +
## College Remediation
- Bettinger & Long find positive effects of college remediation on persistence
- But do we believe this IV?
- Let's think - any possible other ways from `RemC` to `Pers`?
- Keep in mind, `RemC` is based on the `loc`ation where you live, `loc -> RemC`. What else might be related to where you live?
- How could we test the diagram?
## Medical Care Expenditures
- One part of the health care debate is how much health care should be pair for by the person *using it* and how much should be paid for by *society*
- One concern of taking the burden off of the user is that people might use way more medical care than they need if they're not paying for it
- How does *the price you pay* for health care affect *how much you use it*?
## Medical Care Expenditures
- So how does `price` affect `use`?
- Something to keep in mind is that because of many varied insurance and social safety net programs, the `price` for the same procedure varies wildly between people
- And might be affected by `inc`ome, `empl`oyment, what else?
- Draw a diagram!
- Before I show it, can you think of an instrument?
## Medical Care Expenditures
- Kowalski (2016) notices that in many family insurance plans, if your family member is injured, the cost-sharing in the plan means that if *you* then get injured, you'll pay less for your care
- So `fam`ily injury is an instrument for price
## Medical Care Expenditures
```{r, dev='CairoPNG', echo=FALSE, fig.width=6,fig.height=6}
dag % tidy_dagitty()
ggdag_classic(dag,node_size=20) +
## Medical Care Expenditures
- Kowalski (2016) finds that a 10% price reduction increases use by 7-11%.
- So do we believe this one?
- Can you imagine any ways in which a family member's use of medical care might affect your use of medical care except through the price you face?
- Let's consider some that we might be able to control for (and she does) and some we might not
- Any back doors we can imagine? What could we test?
## Stock Market Indexing
- The Russell 1000 stock index indexes the top 1000 largest firms by market `cap`italization, and the Russell 2000 indexes the next top 2000
- Both indices are value-weighted, so "big fish-small pond" stocks at the top of the 2000 have more money coming to them than "small fish-big pond" stock at the bottom of the 1000
- Even though the price shouldn't be affected by something as immaterial as what stocks you're being compared to... maybe it does!
## Stock Market Indexing
- Does *where you're listed* affect your `price`?
- Draw that diagram!
- Keep in mind that your listing is based on your `cap` - just big enough for the 1000 and you're on the 1000, not quite there and you're on the `R2000`
- All sorts of firm qualities may affect your `cap` and also your `price`
- Any guesses as to what might be a good instrument?
## Stock Market Indexing
- Sounds like a regression discontinuity, not an IV! What gives?
- It's BOTH! This is called "fuzzy RD"
- When the regression discontinuity isn't perfect - crossing the cutoff takes you from, say, 40% treated to 60% rather than 0% to 100% - it's sort of like the experiments with imperfect assignment we covered
- And the fix is the same - an IV! Being `above` is an IV for being listed on `R2000`
## Stock Market Indexing
```{r, dev='CairoPNG', echo=FALSE, fig.width=6,fig.height=6}
dag % tidy_dagitty()
ggdag_classic(dag,node_size=20) +
## Company Tax Incentives
- It's common for localities to offer tax incentives to bring companies to town
- Economists tend not to like this, as that company probably would have been just as productive elsewhere, so it's a giveaway to them
- But, selfishly, it's nice if that company is producing in *your* city rather than elsewhere, right? Jobs!
- What are the impact of "Empowerment Zone (`EZ`)" tax incentives on `emp`loyment? Draw the diagram!
## Company Tax Incentives
- This is looking pretty familiar by now
```{r, dev='CairoPNG', echo=FALSE, fig.width=6,fig.height=5.5}
dag % tidy_dagitty()
ggdag_classic(dag,node_size=20) +
## Company Tax Incentives
- Hanson (2009) uses *the political power of your congressperson* as an IV for `EZ`
- Did your representative make it onto a powerful `comm`ittee, increasing the chances of getting an EZ for their district? IV! (controlling for the `rep`, we're looking before/after here, like diff-in-diff)
- Do we believe this? Any potential problems? What could we test?
## Others
- Try to think of a decent IV
- For *any* causal question
- Remember, you must have:
- `Z` is related to `X`
- All back doors from `Z` to `Y` must be closed
- All front doors from `Z` to `Y` must go through `X`