title |
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Lecture 8 Fixed Effects |
Nick Huntington-Klein |
`r Sys.Date()` |
revealjs::revealjs_presentation |
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```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)
theme_set(theme_gray(base_size = 15))
## Recap
- Last time we talked about how controlling is a common way of blocking back doors to identify an effect
- We can control for a variable `W` by using our method of using `W` to explain our other variables, then take the residuals
- Another form of controlling is using a sample that has only observations with similar values of `W`
- Some variables you want to be careful NOT to control for - you don't want to close front doors, or open back doors by controlling for colliders
## Today
- Today we'll be starting on our path for the rest of the class, where we'll be talking about standard *methods* for performing causal inference
- Different ways of getting identification once we have a diagram!
- Our goal here will be to understand these methods *conceptually* and to also figure out some good statistical practices for their use
- Our goal is to *understand* these methods and be able to apply a straightforward version of them
## Today
- In particular we'll be talking about a method that is commonly used to identify causal effects, called fixed effects
- We'll be discussing the *kind* of causal diagram that fixed effects can identify
- All of the methods we'll be discussing are like this - they'll only apply to particular diagrams
- And so knowing our diagrams will be key to knowing when to use a given method
## The Problem
- One problem we ran into last time is that we can't really control for things if we can't measure them
- And there are lots of things we can't measure or don't have data for!
- So what can we do?
## The Solution
- If we observe each person/firm/country *multiple times*, then we can forget about controlling for the actual back-door variable we're interested in
- And just control for *person/firm/country identity* instead!
- This will control for EVERYTHING unique to that individual, whether we can measure it or not!
## In Practice
- Let's do this on the data from the "gapminder" package
- This data tracks life expectancy and GDP per capita in many countries over time
```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE}
```{r, echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE}
```{r, echo=TRUE}
gapminder % group_by(country) %>%
mutate(lifeExp.r = lifeExp - mean(lifeExp),
logGDP.r = log(gdpPercap) - mean(log(gdpPercap))) %>% ungroup()
## So What?
- This isn't any different, mechanically, from any other time we've controlled for something
- So what's different here?
- Let's think about what we're doing conceptually
## What's the Diagram?
- Why are we controlling for things in this gapminder analysis?
- Because there are LOTS of things that might be back doors between GDP per capita and life expectancy
- War, disease, political institutions, trade relationships, health of the population, economic institutions...
## What's the Diagram?
```{r, dev='CairoPNG', echo=FALSE, fig.width=5, fig.height=6}
dag % tidy_dagitty()
ggdag_classic(dag,node_size=20) +
## What's the Diagram?
- There's no way we can identify this
- The list of back doors is very long
- And likely includes some things we can't measure!
## What's the Diagram?
- HOWEVER! If we think that these things are likely to be constant within country...
- Then we don't really have a big long list of back doors, we just have one: "country"
```{r, dev='CairoPNG', echo=FALSE, fig.width=5, fig.height=3.5}
dag % tidy_dagitty()
ggdag_classic(dag,node_size=20) +
## What We Get
- So what we get out of this is that we can identify our effect even if some of our back doors include variables that we can't actually measure
- When we do this, we're basically comparing countries *to themselves* at different time periods!
- Pretty good way to do an apples-to-apples comparison!
## Graphically
```{r, dev='CairoPNG', echo=FALSE, fig.width=7, fig.height=5}
lgdpmean %
mutate(X = .5+.5*(Person-2.5) + rnorm(200)) %>%
mutate(Y = -.5*X + (Person-2.5) + 1 + rnorm(200),time="1") %>%
group_by(Person) %>%
mutate(mean_X=mean(X),mean_Y=mean(Y)) %>%
#Calculate correlations
before_cor % mutate(mean_X=NA,mean_Y=NA,time=before_cor),
#Step 2: Add x-lines
df %>% mutate(mean_Y=NA,time='2. Figure out between-Individual differences in X'),
#Step 3: X de-meaned
df %>% mutate(X = X - mean_X,mean_X=0,mean_Y=NA,time="3. Remove all between-Individual differences in X"),
#Step 4: Remove X lines, add Y
df %>% mutate(X = X - mean_X,mean_X=NA,time="4. Figure out between-Individual differences in Y"),
#Step 5: Y de-meaned
df %>% mutate(X = X - mean_X,Y = Y - mean_Y,mean_X=NA,mean_Y=0,time="5. Remove all between-Individual differences in Y"),
#Step 6: Raw demeaned data only
df %>% mutate(X = X - mean_X,Y = Y - mean_Y,mean_X=NA,mean_Y=NA,time=after_cor))
p % tidy_dagitty()
ggdag_classic(dag,node_size=20) +
## Varying Over Time
- Of course, in this case, we could control for War as well and be good!
- Time-varying things doesn't mean that fixed effects doesn't work, it just means you need to control for that stuff too
- It always comes down to thinking carefully about your diagram
- Fixed effects mainly works as a convenient way of combining together lots of different constant-within-country back doors into something that lets us identify the model even if we can't measure them all
## Fixed Effects in Regression
- We can just do fixed effects as we did-subtract out the group means and analyze (perhaps with regression) what's left
- We can also include *dummy variables for each group/individual*, which accomplishes the same thing
$$ Y = \beta_0 + \beta_1Group1 + \beta_2Group2 + ... + $$
$$ \beta_NGroupN + \beta_{N+1}X + \varepsilon $$
$$ Y = \beta_i + \beta_1X + \varepsilon $$
## Fixed Effects in Regression
- Why does that work?
- We want to "control for group/individual" right? So... just... put in a control for group/individual
- Of course, like all categorical variables as predictors, we leave out a reference group
- But here, unlike with, say, a binary predictor, we're rarely interested in the FE coefficients themselves. Most software works with the mean-subtraction approach (or a variant) and don't even report them!
## Fixed Effects in Regression: Variation
- Remember we are isolating *within variation*
- If an individual *has* no within variation, say their treatment never changes, they basically get washed out entirely!
- A fixed-effects regression wouldn't represent them. And can't use FE to study things that are fixed over time
- And in general if there's not a lot of within variation, FE is going to be very noisy. Make sure there's variation to study!
## Fixed Effects in Regression: Notes
- It's common to *cluster standard errors* at the level of the fixed effects, since it seems likely that errors would be correlated over time (autocorrelated errors)
- It's possible to have *more than one set* of fixed effects. $Y = \beta_i + \beta_j + \beta_1X + \varepsilon$
- But interpretation gets tricky - think through what variation in $X$ you're looking at at that point!
## Coding up Fixed Effects
- We will use the **fixest** package
- It's very fast, and can be easily adjusted to do FE with other regression methods like logit, or combined with instrumental variables
- Clusters at the first listed fixed effect by default
```{r, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE}
m1 %
rename(mm1 = `mm[rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), 2100/2), ]`)
mm2 %
rename(mm2 = `mm[rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), 2100/2), ]`)
mmdata %
mutate(sentreform = ceiling(sentreform)) %>%
- I've omitted code reading in the data
- But in our data we have multiple observations per state
```{r, echo=TRUE}
mmdata % mutate(assaultper1000 = assault/pop1000,
robberyper1000 = robbery/pop1000)
## Fixed Effects
- We can see how robbery rates evolve in each state over time as states implement reform
```{r, dev='CairoPNG', echo=FALSE, fig.width=8, fig.height=4.5}
labs(x="Year",y="Robberies per 1000 Population") +
theme_pubr() +
theme(legend.position = c(.8,.9))
## Fixed Effects
- You can tell that states are more or less likely to implement reform in a way that's correlated with the level of robbery they already had
- So SOMETHING about the state is driving both the level of robberies AND the decision to implement reform
- Who knows what!
- Our diagram has `reform -> robberies` and `reform robberies`, which is something we can address with fixed effects.
## Fixed Effects
```{r, echo=TRUE}