Framework of the distributed manager service (distributed scheduler) | 分布式任务调度执行框架
Storing declaration files for JavaScript APIs | JavaScript API 公共仓,存放 d.ts 声明文件
js_api_module, used to store the basic class library JSAPI, such as url, uri, etc.| 用于存放基础类库JSAPI,比如url、uri等
Application compatibility test suite | acts应用兼容性测试套
方舟JS运行时(ARK JavaScript Runtime)是OpenHarmony上JS应用使用的运行时。包含JS对象的分配器以及垃圾回收器(GC)、符合ECMAScript规范的标准库、用于运行ARK前端组件生成的方舟字节码(ARK Bytecode,abc)的解释器、用于存储隐藏类的内联缓存、方舟JS运行时对外的函数接口(AFFI)等模块。
js_worker_module,提供JS多线程能力 | Provide JS multi-threading capability
js_api_module, used to store the basic class library JSAPI, such as url, uri, etc.| 用于存放基础类库JSAPI,比如url、uri等
js_util_module, 用于存放一些帮助类函数,比如字符串编解码,函数callback化、promise化,Base64编解码,Lru缓存等 | js_util_module, used to store some helper functions, such as string encoding and decoding, function callback, promise, Base
js_worker_module,提供JS多线程能力 | Provide JS multi-threading capability
js_sys_module, 提供系统基础能力查询API,包括进程信息,CPU负载信息等 | Provide system basic ability query API, including process information, CPU load information, etc.
js_worker_module,提供JS多线程能力 | Provide JS multi-threading capability