📱📈An elegant, interactive and flexible charting library for mobile.
jQuery JavaScript Library
A UI library by WeChat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules in mobile web applications.
该项目是基于uniapp+WeUI+colorUI开发设计的一个多平台网上挂号系统;该系统主要通过使用uniapp进行微信小程序、 支付宝小程序以及H5页面的兼容性开发,实现一套代码多个平台使用(目前仍在开发阶段)
商城常用的组件开发基于 vant ui 开发,让商城开发变得更简单
Bring macOS “Quick Look” feature to Windows
VasSonic is a lightweight and high-performance Hybrid framework developed by tencent VAS team, which is intended to speed up the first screen of websites working on Android and iOS platform.
one for all free music in china (Windows, Mac, Linux desktop)
本项目基于Spring,整合Apache Shiro框架,实现用户管理和权限控制