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FFMpeg.py 10.75 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
GeoHaber 提交于 2019-08-03 23:22 . z
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = 'GeoHaZen'
@author: GeoHaZen
import os
import re
import sys
import json
import cgitb
import shutil
import random
import datetime
import traceback
import subprocess
from My_Utils import *
DeBug = False
Vi_Dur = '30:00'
Tmp_F_Ext = '.mp4'
Excepto = 'C:\\Users\\Geo\\Desktop\\Except'
# XXX:
ffmpeg_bin = 'C:\\Program Files\\ffmpeg\\bin'
ffmpeg_exe = "ffmpeg.exe"
ffprobe_exe = "ffprobe.exe"
ffmpeg = os.path.join( ffmpeg_bin, ffmpeg_exe )
ffprobe = os.path.join( ffmpeg_bin, ffprobe_exe )
##>>============-------------------< End >------------------==============<<##
def FFProbe_run (File_in, Execute= ffprobe ):
# DeBug = True
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
message = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + '|:'
print(f" {message}\t\tStart: {start_time:%H:%M:%S}")
if os.path.exists (File_in) :
file_size = os.path.getsize(File_in)
message = f"\n{File_in}\t{HuSa(file_size)}\n"
if DeBug : print ( message )
else :
message += f"No Input file:( \n {File_in}"
print (message)
if DeBug : input ('Now WTF?')
return False
Comand = [ Execute ,
'-analyzeduration', '2000000000',
'-probesize', '2000000000',
'-i', File_in,
'-v', 'verbose', # XXX quiet, panic, fatal, error, warning, info, verbose, debug, trace
'-of', 'json', # XXX default, csv, xml, flat, ini
'-show_streams' ]
try :
ff_out = subprocess.run( Comand,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE,
universal_newlines = True,
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: # XXX: TBD Fix error in some rare cases
message += f" FFProbe: CalledProcessError {err}"
if DeBug : print( message ), input ('Next')
raise Exception( message )
out = ff_out.stdout
err = ff_out.stderr
bad = ff_out.returncode
if bad :
message += f"Oy vey {bad}\nIst mir {err}\n"
if DeBug : print( message ), input("Bad")
raise ValueError( message )
jlist = json.loads( out )
if len (jlist) < 2 :
message += f"Json out to small\n{File_in}\n{jlist}"
if DeBug : print( message ), input(" Jlist to small ")
raise Exception( message )
end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
Tot_time = end_time - start_time
Tot_time = Tot_time.total_seconds()
print(f' End : {end_time:%H:%M:%S}\tTotal: {Tot_time}' )
return jlist
##>>============-------------------< End >------------------==============<<##
def FFMpeg_run ( Fmpg_in_file, Za_br_com, Execute= ffmpeg ) :
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
message = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + '-:'
print(f" {message}\t\tStart: {start_time:%H:%M:%S}" )
#XXX FileName for the Title ...
Sh_fil_name = os.path.basename( Fmpg_in_file ).title()
Sh_fil_name,xt = os.path.splitext( Sh_fil_name )
Sh_fil_name += Tmp_F_Ext
Fmpg_ou_file = '_'+ Random_String( 11 ) + Tmp_F_Ext
Title = 'title=\" ' +Sh_fil_name + " (x265-aac) Encoded By: " + __author__ + " Master "
ff_head = [Execute, '-i', Fmpg_in_file, '-hide_banner' ]
ff_tail = [ '-metadata', Title, '-movflags', '+faststart', '-fflags', 'genpts', '-y', Fmpg_ou_file ]
Cmd = ff_head + Za_br_com + ff_tail
loc = 0
symbs = '|/-+\\'
try :
if DeBug :
print (" |>-:", Cmd )
input ("Ready to Do it? ")
ff_out = subprocess.run( Cmd,
encoding='utf-8' )
errcode = ff_out.returncode
if errcode :
message += f" ErRor: ErRorde {errcode}"
print( message )
raise Exception( '$hit ', message )
input("Are we Done?")
return Fmpg_ou_file
else :
print (" |>-:", Cmd[4:-8] ) ## XXX: Skip First 4 and Last 6
ff_out = subprocess.Popen( Cmd,
encoding='utf-8' )
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
message += f" ErRor: {err} CalledProcessError :"
if DeBug : print( message ) , input('Next')
raise Exception( '$hit ', message )
except Exception as e:
message += f" ErRor: Exception {e}:"
if DeBug : print( message ) , input('Next')
raise Exception( '$hit ', message )
while ff_out.poll() is None:
lineo = ff_out.stdout.readline()
if DeBug : print(f"<{lineo}>")
errcode = ff_out.returncode
stderri = ff_out.stderr
if errcode or stderri :
message += f" ErRor: ErRorde {errcode} stderr {stderri}:"
print( message )
raise ValueError ( '$hit ', message )
elif 'frame=' in lineo :
Prog_cal (lineo, symbs[loc])
loc += 1
if loc == len(symbs) :
loc = 0
elif 'global headers:' and "muxing overhead:" in lineo :
print(f'\n|>+<| {lineo}' )
end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
Tot_time = end_time - start_time
Tot_time = Tot_time.total_seconds()
print(f' End : {end_time:%H:%M:%S}\tTotal: {Tot_time}' )
message +=" FFMpeg Done !!"
print ( message )
return Fmpg_ou_file
##>>============-------------------< End >------------------==============<<##
def FFClean_up ( Inp_file, Out_file ):
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
message = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + '\\:'
print(" {}\t\tStart: {:%H:%M:%S}".format( message, start_time ) )
## XXX: Check that in and out Files are okay
check_path = os.path.exists (Out_file )
Out_file_size = os.path.getsize(Out_file)
Ini_file_size = os.path.getsize(Inp_file)
if not check_path:
print ("\tPath not found: " + Out_file )
if DeBug > 1 : input ("WTF ?")
return False
if not Out_file_size:
print ("\tFile size Error" , Out_file_size )
print ("\tNo New File Aborting script.")
if DeBug > 1 : input ("WTF ?")
return False
if DeBug :
print ("Pre :\n{} \t\t{}".format (Inp_file, HuSa(Ini_file_size)) )
print ("Post:\n{} \t\t{}".format (Out_file, HuSa(Out_file_size)) )
Ratio = round( 100*(( Out_file_size - Ini_file_size) / Ini_file_size))
if DeBug:
if Ratio < 2 :
print ("\tNew {} {} Smaller".format(Ratio, '%'))
elif Ratio > -2 :
print ("\tNew {} {} Larger ".format(abs(Ratio), '%'))
else :
print ("\tSimilar {} {}".format(Ratio, '%'))
if DeBug :
print ("Ini\t{}\tOut\t{}\tRat\t{}".format( Ini_file_size, Out_file_size, Ratio ))
input ('Next')
try :
# Create "Delete Me File" from the Original file (Inp_file)
To_delete = New_File_Name ( Inp_file, "DeletMe.old", Tmp_F_Ext )
check_path = os.path.exists( To_delete )
if check_path : # File alredy exists TODO let's create another one ??
print ("\t.old Alredy Exists Rm:", To_delete )
time.sleep( 2 )
os.remove( To_delete )
except OSError as e: ## if failed, report it back to the user ##
message += " OSErRor: removing File {} {!r}:".format( To_delete, e )
if DeBug : print( message ) , input('Next')
raise ValueError ( '$hit ', message )
os.rename ( Inp_file, To_delete)
check_path = os.path.exists( To_delete )
if check_path :
if DeBug : print ("\tRnm: {}\tTo: {}".format( os.path.basename(Inp_file), os.path.basename(To_delete)) )
else :
print (message, " Big BuBu ", To_delete, Inp_file )
return False
## XXX: Extract ext remouve and change to Tmp_F_Ext for ImpFile
f_name, xt = os.path.splitext (Inp_file)
New_out_File = New_File_Name (Inp_file, Tmp_F_Ext, xt)
if DeBug :
print ("Creating" , New_out_File)
input ("Shall we?")
check_path = os.path.exists (New_out_File)
if check_path : # File alredy exists TODO let's deleate it to create another one
print ("\t Alredy Exists Must Rm:", New_out_File )
time.sleep( 3 )
os.remove( New_out_File)
except OSError as e: ## if failed, report it back to the user ##
message += " OSErRor: removing File {} {!r}:".format( New_out_File, e )
if DeBug : print( message ) , input('Next')
raise ValueError ( '$hit ', message )
shutil.move ( Out_file, New_out_File)
os.utime ( New_out_File, None) ## XXX: None means now !
check_path = os.path.exists( New_out_File )
if not check_path :
print (message, " Big BuBu " , New_out_File , Out_file )
return False
else :
if DeBug : print ("\tRnm: {}\tTo: {}".format( os.path.basename(Out_file), os.path.basename(New_out_File)) )
except Exception as ex :
message += " FFClean_up Exception {!r}:".format( ex )
if DeBug : print( message ) , input('Next')
raise ValueError ( '$hit ', message )
else :
message = "File: {}\nWas: {}\tIs: {}\tSaved: {} = {} % \n".format(
os.path.basename(Inp_file), HuSa(Ini_file_size), HuSa(Out_file_size), HuSa(Ini_file_size - Out_file_size), Ratio )
print (message)
# XXX Create the Lock file with utf-8 encode for non english caracters ... # XXX:
end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
Tot_time = end_time - start_time
Tot_time = Tot_time.total_seconds()
print(' End : {:%H:%M:%S}\tTotal: {}'.format( end_time, Tot_time ) )
return (1 + abs ( Ini_file_size - Out_file_size ) )
##>>============-------------------< End >------------------==============<<##
def Prog_cal ( line_to, sy=False ) :
global Vi_Dur
message = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + '-:'
_P =''
if DeBug : print ("\r", line_to, sy), input(message)
if not line_to and sy :
sy = f"\r | {sy} |Working:"
sys.stderr.write( sy )
elif 'frame=' and 'bitrate=' and not 'N/A' in line_to :
try :
fr = re.search( r'frame=\s*([0-9]+)', line_to ).group(1)
fp = re.search( r'fps=\s*([0-9]+)', line_to ).group(1)
sz = re.search( r'size=\s*([0-9]+)', line_to ).group(1)
tm = re.search( r'time=\S([0-9:]+)', line_to ).group(1)
br = re.search( r'bitrate=\s*([0-9\.]+)', line_to ).group(1) #Can have value of N/A
sp = re.search( r'speed=\s*([0-9\.]+)', line_to ).group(1) #Can have value of N/A
if int(fp) > 0 :
a_sec = sum( int(x)*60**i for i, x in enumerate( reversed( tm.split(":"))) )
b_sec = sum( int(x)*60**i for i, x in enumerate( reversed( Vi_Dur.split(":"))) )
dif = abs( b_sec - a_sec )
eta = round( dif / (float(sp) ))
mins, secs = divmod(int(eta), 60)
hours, mins = divmod( mins, 60)
_eta = f'{hours:02d}:{mins:02d}:{secs:02d}'
_P = f'\r | {sy} |Size: {HuSa(sz):7}|Frames: {int(fr):6,}|Fps: {fp}|BitRate: {HuSa(br)}|Speed: {sp}|ETA: {_eta}| '
except Exception as e:
print (line_to)
message += f" ErRor: in Procesing data {e}:"
raise Exception( message )
sys.stderr.write( _P )
else :
_P = '\r' + line_to
sys.stderr.write( _P )
return True
##>>============-------------------< End >------------------==============<<##
if __name__=='__main__':
# global DeBug
# DeBug = False
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
message = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + '-:'
print("{}\t\tStart: {:%H:%M:%S}".format( message, start_time ) )
print ("{}".format ('='*60))
# cgitb.enable(format='text')
##>>============-------------------< End >------------------==============<<##
马建仓 AI 助手
