#! /usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
#import shtns # necessary? imported within pyspharm
import pyspharm
from scipy import io
from scipy import interpolate
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import time
plt.ion() # If you want interactive plotting
#from spharm import Spharmt, getspecindx # try to use standard library
# Code to solve the elastic sea level equation following
# Kendall et al., 2005 and Austermann et al., 2015
# J. Austermann 2015
# Translated to Python and modified by A. Wickert, 2015
# Parameters & Input #
# Eventually, make these into variables that are defined at runtime
# e.g., func(maxdeg, rho_ice=916.7, rho_water=1000., rho_sed=2300., g=9.81)
# Specify maximum degree to which spherical transformations should be done
# Optimized to work at degree (2**n - 1), where n is a positive integer
maxdeg = 64 # N
iseven = (maxdeg % 2 == 0)
# parameters
rho_ice = 916.7
rho_water = 1000.
rho_sed = 2300.
g = 9.80616
# Using other library
#sh = shtns.sht(maxdeg, maxdeg)
# And with bindings
# grid, time step info
nlons = (maxdeg + 1 + iseven) * 2 #+ 1 # number of longitudes
ntrunc = maxdeg
nlats = (maxdeg + 1 + iseven) # for gaussian grid.
a = rsphere = 6.37122e6 # earth radius
# setup up spherical harmonic instance, set lats/lons of grid
# "gaussian" = a Gauss-Legendre grid; no need
# to do quadrature by self
sh = pyspharm.Spharmt(nlons, nlats, ntrunc, rsphere, gridtype='gaussian')
#sh = Spharmt(nlons,nlats,legfunc='computed') # try to use standard library
# Check if needed
elons = sh.lons * 180 / np.pi
lats = sh.lats * 180 / np.pi
colats = 90 - lats
#lon_out, lat_out = np.meshgrid(elons, colats)
# See Mitrovica et al. (2005)
# and Milne and Mitrovica (1998)
# Variables needed later
M_e = 5.9742E24 # Earth mass [kg]
# for calc_rot
omega = 7.292E-5 # Earth's angular velocity
k_hydro = 0.934 # degree-2 hydrostatic Love number
CminA = 2.6E35 # a, c = smallest and largest principal moments of the inertia tensor
sqrt_32_15 = (32/15.)**0.5
# Precompute legendre polynomials
# --- this seems to be done already in the spherical harmonic library!
# see Schaeffer, 2015
# --------------------------------
# --------------------------------
ice = io.loadmat('WAIS')
# ice_Ant
# ice_EAIS
# lat_WAIS
# lon_WAIS
# interpolate ice masks on common grid
# Consider RectBivariateSpline
f = interpolate.interp2d(ice['lon_WAIS'][0,:], \
ice['lat_WAIS'][:,0], ice['ice_Ant'])
ice_0 = f(elons, lats[::-1])[::-1]
f = interpolate.interp2d(ice['lon_WAIS'][0,:], \
ice['lat_WAIS'][:,0], ice['ice_EAIS'])
ice_j = f(elons, lats[::-1])[::-1]
del_ice = ice_j - ice_0
# Change the ice grid
#del_ice *= 0
#del_ice[30:60,30:60] = 1
#del_ice[30:40,60:90] = 1.
#del_ice[:] = 1.
#ice_j = del_ice.copy()
#ice_0[20:90,20:90] += 4E3
#ice_0[:,:] = 10E3
# --------------------------------
# --------------------------------
del_DT = np.zeros(del_ice.shape)
# --------------------------------
# --------------------------------
del_sed = np.zeros(del_ice.shape)
# --------------------------------
# --------------------------------
# load preloaded topo (including ice) as topo_orig, lon_topo, lat_topo
# FOR UPDATE! WANT EXCLUDING ICE: GET ETOPO1 "BEDROCK" <----- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
topo = io.loadmat('gebco_08_15am')
topo_nlats, topo_nlons = topo['map_data'].shape
topo_colats = np.linspace(180./topo_nlats/2., 180 - 180./topo_nlats/2., topo_nlats)
topo_elons = np.linspace(360./topo_nlons/2., 360 - 360./topo_nlons/2., topo_nlons)
# interpolate topography grid onto Gauss Legendre Grid
f = interpolate.interp2d(topo_elons, topo_colats, topo['map_data'])
topo0 = f(elons, colats)
def reorder_m_to_l_primary(ml):
# maxdeg + 1 b/c [0...maxdeg]
lm_grid = np.nan * np.zeros((maxdeg + 1, maxdeg + 1), dtype='complex')
j = 0
for i in range(maxdeg + 1):
lm_grid[i:, i] = ml[j:j+maxdeg+1-i]
j += maxdeg + 1 - i
lm = []
for row in lm_grid:
lm += list(row[np.isnan(row) == False])
lm = np.array(lm)
return lm
def reorder_l_to_m_primary(lm):
# maxdeg + 1 b/c [0...maxdeg]
ml_grid = np.nan * np.zeros((maxdeg + 1, maxdeg + 1), dtype='complex')
j = 0
for i in range(maxdeg + 1):
ml_grid[i, :i+1] = lm[j:j+i+1]
j += i+1
#ml_grid[i, :maxdeg+1-i] = lm[j:j+maxdeg+1-i]
#j += maxdeg + 1 - i
ml_grid_transpose = ml_grid.transpose()
ml = []
for row in ml_grid_transpose:
ml += list(row[np.isnan(row) == False])
ml = np.array(ml)
return ml
## Set up love number input
def love_lm(num, group='m'):
no dc shift also for gravity love number
num = num[:maxdeg]
h = np.hstack(( 0, num.squeeze() ))
h_lm = [];
print group
if group == 'l':
# This is the standard for Jerry's code
for l in range(maxdeg+1):
h_lm += ([h[l]] * (l + 1))
elif group == 'm':
# This works with the spherical harmonic library I am using here
for m in range(maxdeg+1):
h_lm += (list(h[m:]))
# Although an analagous expression to Jerry's produces a plot that is more
# like his...
#for m in range(maxdeg+1):
# h_lm += ([h[m]] * m)
h_lm = np.array(h_lm)
return h_lm
# prepare love numbers in suitable format and calculate T_lm and E_lm
# to calculate the fluid case, switch h_el to h_fl, k_el to k_fl and same
# for tidal love numbers
# Has 256 values -- so can use resolution
# up to degree 256
# 1 value per degree -- but not per degree and order!
# k is gravity field deformation Love number (G)
# h is the solid Earth deformation Love number (R)
# Sea level = G-R
love = io.loadmat('SavedLN/LN_l90_VM2')
h_lm = love_lm(love['h_el'])
k_lm = love_lm(love['k_el'])
h_lm_tide = love_lm(love['h_el_tide'])
k_lm_tide = love_lm(love['k_el_tide'])
E_ml = 1 + k_lm - h_lm # 1 + G - R
# 1 is for self-gravity of the ice sheet itself
#E_ml = reorder_l_to_m_primary(E_lm) # Can also select "m" option
# Need to have proper size for the in/out grid size; set higher-order values
# to 0
#E_lm = np.hstack(( E_lm, np.zeros(len(oc0_lm) - len(E_lm)) )) * 0
# Can have deg 0 term because multiplied w/
# E_l and beta_l in viscous response cases,
# both of which are 0 @ l=0,m=0
def get_tlm(maxdeg, group='l'):
T_lm = []
T = np.zeros(maxdeg+1)
const = 4*np.pi*a**3/M_e
if group == 'l':
# This is the standard for Jerry's code
for l in range(maxdeg+1):
T[l] = const / (2 * l + 1.)
T_lm += ([T[l]] * (l + 1)) # IMPORTANT -- must have one entry per SH order
elif group == 'm':
# This works with the spherical harmonic library I am using here, I think
for m in range(maxdeg):
T[m] = const / (2 * m)
T_lm += (list(T[:m+1])) # IMPORTANT
T_lm = np.array(T_lm)
return T_lm
T_lm = get_tlm(maxdeg)
# running reorder_m_to_l_primary(T_lm) creates my earlier problematic solution!
T_ml = reorder_l_to_m_primary(T_lm)
# Need to have proper size for the in/out grid size; set higher-order values
# to 0
#T_lm = np.hstack(( T_lm, np.zeros(len(oc0_lm) - len(T_lm)) )) * 0
E_ml_T = 1 + k_lm_tide - h_lm_tide
#E_ml_T = reorder_l_to_m_primary(E_lm_T)
# Need to have proper size for the in/out grid size; set higher-order values
# to 0
#E_lm_T = np.hstack(( E_lm_T, np.zeros(len(oc0_lm) - len(E_lm_T)) )) * 0
# can switch this in if you want to exclude rotational effects
# E_lm_T = zeros(size(E_lm_T))
## Solve sea level equation (after Kendall 2005, Dalca 2013 & Austermann et al. 2015)
# Change this to make a better convergence criterion, eventually
k_max = 10 # maximum number of iterations
epsilon = 10**-4 # convergence criterion
# 0 = before
# j = after
# set up present-day topo and ocean function
topo_0 = topo0.copy(); # already includes ice and dynamic topography
def sign_01(ingrid):
out = -0.5*np.sign(ingrid)+0.5
out = 0.5*np.sign(out-0.6)+0.5
return out
oc_0 = sign_01(topo_0)
# set up topography and ocean function after the ice change
topo_j = topo_0 + del_ice; # del_ice is negative -> subtract ice that is melted
oc_j = sign_01(topo_j)
# calculate change in sediments and decompose into spherical harmonics
Sed_ml = sh.grdtospec(del_sed, norm='unity')
# expand ocean function into spherical harmonics
oc0_ml = sh.grdtospec(oc_0, norm='unity')
def calc_rot(L_in, _k, _k_tide, group='l'):
# extract degree 2:
if group == 'l':
L20 = L_in[3]
L21 = L_in[4]
L22 = L_in[5]
print L22
elif group == 'm':
print "WARN: hard-coded max l,m; will break!"
L20 = L_in[2]
L21 = L_in[maxdeg+2]
L22 = L_in[2*maxdeg + 1]
print L22
k_L = _k[1] # This has 256 values
k_T = _k_tide[1] # This has 256 values
I13 = sqrt_32_15 * np.pi * a**4 * np.real(L21)
I23 = - sqrt_32_15 * np.pi * a**4 * np.imag(L21)
II = I13 + 1j * I23
# equation from Mitrovica and Wahr 2005
m0 = II/CminA * (1 + k_L) / ( 1 - (k_T/k_hydro) )
m1 = np.real(m0)
m2 = np.imag(m0)
m3 = 0
m = np.hstack((m1, m2, m3))
# calculate the perturbation to the rotational potential from Milne 1998
La00 = a**2 * omega**2/3 * (np.sum(m**2) + 2*m3)
La20 = a**2 * omega**2/(6*5**.5) * (m1**2 + m2**2 - 2*m3**2 - 4*m3)
La21 = a**2 * omega**2/30**.5 * (m1*(1+m3) - 1j*m2*(1+m3))
La22 = a**2 * omega**2/5**.5 * 24**.5 * ( (m2**2-m1**2) + 1j*2*m1*m2 )
La2m1 = -1 * np.conj(La21)
La2m2 = 1 * np.conj(La22)
La_out = np.zeros(L_ml.shape, dtype=np.complex)
if group == 'l':
# NOTE! WILL HAVE TO CHANGE THIS if l,m are switched
# This is written for ordering by l first, and then m (in inner loop)
La_out[:6] += np.hstack((La00, 0, 0, La20, La21, La22))
elif group == 'm':
La_out[0:0+1] += La00
La_out[2:2+1] += La20
La_out[maxdeg+2:maxdeg+2+1] = La21 #complex(La21)
La_out[2*maxdeg+1:2*maxdeg+1+1] += La22
return La_out
# Define initial values so we don't exit while loop
# right away
k = 0
chi = epsilon * 2
start_time = time.time()
# Iterations k
# Iteration criterion epsilon
while (k < k_max) and (chi >= epsilon):
#print chi
# expand ocean function into spherical harmonics
# in m-first ordering
#testgrid = 1 + oc_j*0
# But b/c different topography (maybe???)
ocj_ml = sh.grdtospec(oc_j, norm='unity')
#ocj_lm = reorder_m_to_l_primary(ocj_ml)
# check ice model for floating ice
check1 = sign_01(-topo_j + ice_j)
check2 = sign_01(+topo_j - ice_j) * \
(sign_01(-ice_j*rho_ice - (topo_j - ice_j)*rho_water))
# Applying the floating ice correction
#ice_j_corr = check1 * ice_j + check2 * ice_j
#del_ice_corrected = ice_j_corr - ice_0
del_ice_corrected = ice_j - ice_0
# In Jacky's, you can just compute to a particular
# degree instead of needing to always do it all!
deli_ml = sh.grdtospec(del_ice_corrected, norm='unity')
#deli_lm = reorder_m_to_l_primary(deli_ml)
# calculate topography correction
# shoreline migration
TO = topo_0 * (oc_j-oc_0)
# expand TO function into spherical harmonics
TO_ml = sh.grdtospec(TO, norm='unity')
#TO_lm = reorder_m_to_l_primary(TO_ml)
# set up initial guess for sea level change
if k == 0:
# initial guess of sea level change is just to distribute the
# ice over the oceans uniformally
# (remember, harmonic (0,0) is the mean)
delS_ml = ocj_ml/ocj_ml[0]*(-rho_ice/rho_water*deli_ml[0] + \
# convert into spherical harmonics
#delS_init = sh.spectogrd(delS_lm, norm='unity')
# calculate loading term
# ice, water, and sediment
#L_lm = rho_ice*deli_lm + rho_water*delS_lm + rho_sed*Sed_lm
L_ml = rho_ice*deli_ml + rho_water*delS_ml + rho_sed*Sed_ml
L_lm = reorder_m_to_l_primary(L_ml) # just around to calculate first few coeffs
# calculate contribution from rotation
#La_lm = calc_rot(L_lm, love['k_el'], love['k_el_tide'])
#La_ml = reorder_l_to_m_primary(La_lm)
La_ml = calc_rot(L_ml, love['k_el'], love['k_el_tide'], 'm')
# calculate sea level perturbation
# add ice and sea level and multiply with love numbers
# DT doesn't load!
# (note: this is curly L from Kendall et al. (2005), and has nothing to
# do with the mathematical curl)
# Also, truncate those arrays converted from higher-resolution to the
# appropriate resolution for the harmonic operations
# (don't know why they are going in/out at a resolution related to the
# spatial resolution)
#delSLcurl_0_lm_fl = E_lm * (rho_ice*deli_lm + rho_water*delS_lm \
# + rho_sed*Sed_lm) + 1./g*E_lm_T * La_lm
#delSLcurl_ml_fl = T_ml * reorder_l_to_m_primary(delSLcurl_0_lm_fl)
delSLcurl_ml_fl = E_ml * T_ml * (rho_ice*deli_ml + rho_water*delS_ml \
+ rho_sed*Sed_ml) + 1./g*E_ml_T * La_ml
# convert to spherical harmonics and subtract terms that are part
# of the topography to get the 'pure' sea level change
delSLcurl_fl = sh.spectogrd( delSLcurl_ml_fl, norm='unity')
#delSLcurl_fl = reorder_m_to_l_primary(delSLcurl_lf)
delSLcurl = delSLcurl_fl - del_ice_corrected - del_DT - del_sed
# compute and decompose RO
RO = delSLcurl * oc_j
RO_ml = sh.grdtospec(RO, norm='unity')
#RO_lm = reorder_m_to_l_primary(RO_ml)
# calculate eustatic sea level perturbation (delta Phi / g)
delPhi_g = 1/ocj_ml[0] * (- rho_ice/rho_water*deli_ml[0] \
- RO_ml[0] + TO_ml[0])
# calculate overall perturbation of sea level over oceans
# (spatially varying field and constant offset)
delSL = delSLcurl + delPhi_g
# update topography and ocean function
topo_j = - delSL + topo_0
oc_j = sign_01(topo_j)
# calculate change in ocean height and decompose
# (Just care about real parts now -- band-aid -- fix later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
delS_new = np.real(delSL) * np.real(oc_j) - topo_0 * (np.real(oc_j)-oc_0)
delS_ml_new = sh.grdtospec(delS_new, norm='unity')
#delS_lm_new = reorder_m_to_l_primary(delS_ml_new)
# calculate convergence criterion chi
chi = np.abs( (np.sum(np.abs(delS_ml_new)) - np.sum(np.abs(delS_ml))) \
/ np.sum(np.abs(delS_ml)) )
# update sea surface height
delS_ml = delS_ml_new.copy() # check if needed!!!!!!!
k += 1
if chi < epsilon:
print 'Converged after iteration', k, 'Chi was', chi
print 'Did not yet converge.'
print 'Finished iteration', k, '; Chi was', chi
end_time = time.time()
print "Time elapsed in k loop", end_time - start_time
# calculate the scaling to normalize the fingerprint (it's normalized to be
# one on average, when averaged over the final ocean basin).
# calculate change in sea level over final ocean basin
del_scaling = (delSL + del_ice_corrected) * oc_j
# get the average of that when spreading the water over the whole globe
sca = sh.grdtospec(del_scaling, norm='unity')
# get the average of that when spreading the water only over the oceans.
scaling_fact = sca[0] / ocj_ml[0]
## Plot results
# We only want the sea level change cause by melted ice, so subtract
# del_ice
SL_change_rot = delSL + del_ice_corrected
# normalize it by the scaling factor
plotSL = SL_change_rot/scaling_fact
# construct identical colormap to Mitrovica 2009 paper
MyColorMap = [238 44 37
211 238 244;211 238 244;211 238 244;211 238 244;211 238 244;211 238 244;211 238 244;211 238 244;211 238 244;211 238 244
173 224 235;173 224 235;173 224 235;173 224 235;173 224 235;173 224 235;173 224 235;173 224 235;173 224 235;173 224 235
163 201 235
111 147 201
96 103 175
74 102 176
68 87 165
58 84 163
53 69 154
44 47 137
38 35 103
19 15 54
0 0 0
0 0 0]
# plot
m_pcolor([lon_out(:,end/2+1:end)-360 lon_out(:,1:end/2)],lat_out,...
[plotSL(:,end/2+1:end) plotSL(:,1:end/2)])
m_coast('color',[0 0 0])
shading flat
caxis( [-0.05, 1.6] )
title('Sea level fingerprint of West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapse')
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