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EllipticCurveGF2m.hpp 9.64 KB
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Double Sine 提交于 2019-07-02 17:06 . Refactor code
#pragma once
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <algorithm>
#include "BigInteger.hpp"
template<typename __FieldType>
class EllipticCurveGF2m {
// y^2 + xy = x^3 + Ax^2 + B
__FieldType _A;
__FieldType _B;
void _VerifyParameters() const {
if (_B.IsZero()) {
throw std::invalid_argument("B cannot be zero.");
class Point {
friend EllipticCurveGF2m<__FieldType>;
const EllipticCurveGF2m<__FieldType>& _Curve;
__FieldType _X;
__FieldType _Y;
void _VerifyParameters() const {
auto Left = _Y.SquareValue() + _X * _Y;
auto Right = (_X + _Curve._A) * _X.SquareValue() + _Curve._B;
if (Left != Right) {
throw std::invalid_argument("New point is not on the curve specified.");
Point(const EllipticCurveGF2m<__FieldType>& Curve) noexcept :
_Curve(Curve) {}
Point(const EllipticCurveGF2m<__FieldType>& Curve, const void* pbX, size_t cbX, const void* pbY, size_t cbY) :
_X(pbX, cbX),
_Y(pbY, cbY)
Point(const EllipticCurveGF2m<__FieldType>& Curve, const __FieldType& X, const __FieldType& Y) :
_Curve(Curve), _X(X), _Y(Y)
Point operator-() const noexcept {
return Point(_X, _X + _Y);
Point& operator=(const Point& Other) {
if (&_Curve == &Other._Curve || _Curve == Other._Curve) {
_X = Other._X;
_Y = Other._Y;
return *this;
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument("Not on the same curve.");
bool operator==(const Point& Other) const noexcept {
if (&_Curve == &Other._Curve || _Curve == Other._Curve) {
return _X == Other._X && _Y == Other._Y;
} else {
return false;
bool operator!=(const Point& Other) const noexcept {
if (&_Curve == &Other._Curve || _Curve == Other._Curve) {
return _X != Other._X || _Y != Other._Y;
} else {
return true;
const __FieldType& GetX() const noexcept {
return _X;
const __FieldType& GetY() const noexcept {
return _Y;
bool IsAtInfinity() const noexcept {
return _X.IsZero() && _Y.IsZero();
Point& Double() noexcept {
if (IsAtInfinity() == false) {
auto m = _Y / _X + _X;
// NewX = m ^ 2 + m + a
__FieldType NewX = m.SquareValue();
NewX += m;
NewX += _Curve._A;
// NewY = X ^ 2 + (m + 1) * NewX
_Y = m.AddOne();
_Y *= NewX;
_Y += _X.Square();
_X = NewX;
return *this;
Point ValueOfDouble() const noexcept {
Point Result(_Curve);
if (IsAtInfinity() == false) {
// m = X + Y / X
auto m = _Y / _X + _X;
// NewX = m ^ 2 + m + a
Result._X = m.SquareValue();
Result._X += m;
Result._X += _Curve._A;
// NewY = X ^ 2 + (m + 1) * NewX
Result._Y = m.AddOne();
Result._Y *= Result._X;
Result._Y += _X.SquareValue();
return Result;
Point operator+(const Point& Other) const {
if (&_Curve == &Other._Curve || _Curve == Other._Curve) {
if (IsAtInfinity()) {
return Other;
} else {
if (this == &Other || _X == Other._X) {
return ValueOfDouble();
} else {
Point Result(_Curve);
// m = (Y0 + Y1) / (X0 + X1)
auto m = (_Y + Other._Y) / (_X + Other._X);
// NewX = m ^ 2 + m + X0 + X1 + a
Result._X = m.SquareValue();
Result._X += m;
Result._X += _X;
Result._X += Other._X;
Result._X += _Curve._A;
// NewY = m * (X0 + NewX) + NewX + Y0
Result._Y = _X + Result._X;
Result._Y *= m;
Result._Y += Result._X;
Result._Y += _Y;
return Result;
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument("Not on the same curve.");
Point& operator+=(const Point& Other) {
if (&_Curve == &Other._Curve || _Curve == Other._Curve) {
if (IsAtInfinity()) {
_X = Other._X;
_Y = Other._Y;
} else {
if (this == &Other || _X == Other._X) {
} else {
Point Result(_Curve);
// m = (Y0 + Y1) / (X0 + X1)
auto m = (_Y + Other._Y) / (_X + Other._X);
// NewX = m ^ 2 + m + X0 + X1 + a
__FieldType NewX = m.SquareValue();
NewX += m;
NewX += _X;
NewX += Other._X;
NewX += _Curve._A;
// NewY = m * (X0 + NewX) + NewX + Y0
_X += NewX;
_X *= m;
_X += NewX;
_Y += _X;
_X = NewX;
return *this;
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument("Not on the same curve.");
Point operator-(const Point& Other) const {
Point Result = -Other;
Result += *this;
return Result;
Point& operator-=(const Point& Other) {
return *this += -Other;
Point operator*(const BigInteger N) const noexcept {
Point Result(_Curve);
Point temp(*this);
size_t bit_length = N.BitLength();
for (size_t i = 0; i < bit_length; ++i) {
if (N.TestBit(i) == true)
Result += temp;
return Result;
Point operator*=(const BigInteger N) noexcept {
Point Result(_Curve);
size_t bit_length = N.BitLength();
for (size_t i = 0; i < bit_length; ++i) {
if (N.TestBit(i) == true)
Result += *this;
*this = Result;
// SEC 1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography
// 2.3.3 Elliptic-Curve-Point-to-Octet-String Conversion
std::vector<uint8_t> Dump() const noexcept {
if (IsAtInfinity()) {
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = { 0x00 };
return bytes;
} else {
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = { 0x04 };
std::vector<uint8_t> xbytes = _X.Dump();
std::vector<uint8_t> ybytes = _Y.Dump();
std::reverse(xbytes.begin(), xbytes.end()); // to big endian
std::reverse(ybytes.begin(), ybytes.end()); // to big endian
bytes.insert(bytes.end(), xbytes.begin(), xbytes.end());
bytes.insert(bytes.end(), ybytes.begin(), ybytes.end());
return bytes;
// SEC 1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography
// 2.3.3 Elliptic-Curve-Point-to-Octet-String Conversion
std::vector<uint8_t> DumpCompressed() const noexcept {
if (IsAtInfinity()) {
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = { 0x00 };
return bytes;
} else {
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes(1);
std::vector<uint8_t> xbytes = _X.Dump();
std::vector<uint8_t> zbytes = (_Y / _X).Dump();
if (zbytes[0] & 1) {
bytes[0] = 0x03;
} else {
bytes[0] = 0x02;
std::reverse(xbytes.begin(), xbytes.end()); // to big endian
bytes.insert(bytes.end(), xbytes.begin(), xbytes.end());
return bytes;
EllipticCurveGF2m(const __FieldType& A, const __FieldType& B) : _A(A), _B(B) {
EllipticCurveGF2m(const void* pbA, size_t cbA, const void* pbB, size_t cbB) : _A(pbA, cbA), _B(pbB, cbB) {
bool operator==(const EllipticCurveGF2m<__FieldType>& Other) const noexcept {
return _A == Other._A && _B == Other._B;
bool operator!=(const EllipticCurveGF2m<__FieldType>& Other) const noexcept {
return _A != Other._A || _B != Other._B;
Point GetInfinityPoint() const noexcept {
return Point(*this);
Point GetPoint(const __FieldType& X, const __FieldType& Y) const {
return Point(*this, X, Y);
Point GetPoint(const void* pbX, size_t cbX, const void* pbY, size_t cbY) const {
return Point(*this, pbX, cbX, pbY, cbY);
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