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keys.py 4.59 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
# Define keys
#class KeyPatten(object):
# '''Define a pattern that will be matched against a keycode.
# A KeyPattern is used to determine which key was pressed in
# OpenCV. This process is complicated by the fact that different
# platforms define different key codes for each key. Further, on
# some platforms the value returned by OpenCV is different than that
# returned by Python ord(). See the following link for more
# information:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14494101/using-other-keys-for-the-waitkey-function-of-opencv/20577067#20577067
# '''
# def __init__(self, code, mask = None):
# self.code = code
# self.mask = mask
# #self.mask = 0xffffffff # 64 bits. All codes observed so far are < 2**64
# Larger masks (requiring a more specific pattern) are matched first
key_data = []
for letter in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789':
#for letter in 'abefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01456789':
key_data.append((letter, ord(letter), 0xff)) # Match only lowest byte
# Mac (note diff order vs Linux)
('up', 0xf700, 0xffff),
('down', 0xf701, 0xffff),
('left', 0xf702, 0xffff),
('right', 0xf703, 0xffff),
('pgup', 0xf72c, 0xffff),
('pgdn', 0xf72d, 0xffff),
# Ubuntu US/UK (note diff order vs Mac)
('left', 0xff51, 0xffff),
('up', 0xff52, 0xffff),
('right', 0xff53, 0xffff),
('down', 0xff54, 0xffff),
# Ubuntu only; modified keys to not produce separate events on
# Mac. These are included only so they be ignored without
# producing error messages.
('leftshift', 0xffe1, 0xffff),
('rightshift', 0xffe2, 0xffff),
('leftctrl', 0xffe3, 0xffff),
('rightctrl', 0xffe4, 0xffff),
('esc', 27, 0xff), # Mac
('enter', 13, 0xff), # Mac
('enter', 10, 0xff), # Ubuntu with UK keyboard
key_patterns = dict()
# Store key_patterns by mask in a dict of dicts
# Eventually, e.g.:
# key_patterns[0xff][97] = 'a'
for key_datum in key_data:
#print key_datum
assert len(key_datum) in (2,3), 'Key information should be tuple of length 2 or 3 but it is %s' % repr(key_datum)
if len(key_datum) == 3:
label, key_code, mask = key_datum
label, key_code = key_datum
mask = 0xffffffff # 64 bits. All codes observed so far are < 2**64
if not mask in key_patterns:
key_patterns[mask] = dict()
if key_code in key_patterns[mask]:
old_label = key_patterns[mask][code]
if old_label != label:
print 'Warning: key_patterns[%s][%s] old value %s being overwritten with %s' % (mask, key_code, old_label, label)
if key_code != (key_code & mask):
print 'Warning: key_code %s for key label %s will never trigger using mask %s' % (key_code, label, mask)
key_patterns[mask][key_code] = label
#if not label in key_patterns[mask]:
# key_patterns[mask][label] = set()
#class Key:
# up=(63232, 'up')
# right=(63235, 'right')
# down=(63233, 'down')
# left=(63234, 'left')
# esc=(27, 'esc')
# enter=(13, 'enter')
# a =(ord('a'),'a')
# b =(ord('b'),'b')
# c =(ord('c'),'c')
# d =(ord('d'),'d')
# e =(ord('e'),'e')
# f =(ord('f'),'f')
# g =(ord('g'),'g')
# h =(ord('h'),'h')
# i =(ord('i'),'i')
# j =(ord('j'),'j')
# k =(ord('k'),'k')
# l =(ord('l'),'l')
# m =(ord('m'),'m')
# n =(ord('n'),'n')
# o =(ord('o'),'o')
# p =(ord('p'),'p')
# q =(ord('q'),'q')
# r =(ord('r'),'r')
# s =(ord('s'),'s')
# t =(ord('t'),'t')
# u =(ord('u'),'u')
# v =(ord('v'),'v')
# w =(ord('w'),'w')
# x =(ord('x'),'x')
# y =(ord('y'),'y')
# z =(ord('z'),'z')
# A =(ord('A'),'A')
# B =(ord('B'),'B')
# C =(ord('C'),'C')
# D =(ord('D'),'D')
# E =(ord('E'),'E')
# F =(ord('F'),'F')
# G =(ord('G'),'G')
# H =(ord('H'),'H')
# I =(ord('I'),'I')
# J =(ord('J'),'J')
# K =(ord('K'),'K')
# L =(ord('L'),'L')
# M =(ord('M'),'M')
# N =(ord('N'),'N')
# O =(ord('O'),'O')
# P =(ord('P'),'P')
# Q =(ord('Q'),'Q')
# R =(ord('R'),'R')
# S =(ord('S'),'S')
# T =(ord('T'),'T')
# U =(ord('U'),'U')
# V =(ord('V'),'V')
# W =(ord('W'),'W')
# X =(ord('X'),'X')
# Y =(ord('Y'),'Y')
# Z =(ord('Z'),'Z')
# n1=(ord('1'),'1')
# n2=(ord('2'),'2')
# n3=(ord('3'),'3')
# n4=(ord('4'),'4')
# n5=(ord('5'),'5')
# n6=(ord('6'),'6')
# n7=(ord('7'),'7')
# n8=(ord('8'),'8')
# n9=(ord('9'),'9')
# n0=(ord('0'),'0')
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