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# Rematch
## Rethink Redux.
Rematch is Redux best practices without the boilerplate. No more action types, action creators, switch statements or thunks.
- [Why we created Rematch](https://hackernoon.com/redesigning-redux-b2baee8b8a38)
- [Video: Introducing Rematch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ezSBYoL5do)
- [A comparison of Redux & Rematch](./docs/purpose.md)
## Index
* [Getting Started](#getting-started)
* [Purpose](./docs/purpose.md)
* [Examples](#examples)
* [Migration Guide](#migrating-from-redux)
* API Reference
* [@rematch/core API](./docs/api.md)
* [Init Redux API](./docs/reduxApi.md)
* [Plugins API](./docs/pluginsApi.md)
* Recipes
* [Devtools](./docs/recipes/devtools.md)
* [React](./docs/recipes/react.md)
* [Vue](./docs/recipes/vue.md)
* [Testing](./docs/recipes/testing.md)
* Plugins
* [Subscriptions](./plugins/subscriptions/README.md)
* [Selectors](./plugins/select/README.md)
* [Loading](./plugins/loading/README.md)
* [Persist](./plugins/persist/README.md)
* [Updated](./plugins/updated/README.md)
* [React Navigation](./plugins/react-navigation/README.md)
* [Inspiration](./docs/inspiration.md)
## Getting Started
npm install @rematch/core
### Step 1: Init
**init** configures your reducers, devtools & store.
#### index.js
import { init } from '@rematch/core'
import * as models from './models'
const store = init({
*For a more advanced setup, see [plugins](./docs/plugins.md) and [Redux config options](./docs/reduxApi.md).*
### Step 2: Models
The **model** brings together state, reducers, async actions & action creators in one place.
#### models.js
export const count = {
state: 0, // initial state
reducers: {
// handle state changes with pure functions
increment(state, payload) {
return state + payload
effects: {
// handle state changes with impure functions.
// use async/await for async actions
async incrementAsync(payload, rootState) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
*See the [reducers docs](https://github.com/rematch/rematch/blob/master/docs/api.md#reducers) to learn more, including how to trigger actions from other models.*
Understanding models is as simple as answering a few questions:
1. What is my initial state? **state**
2. How do I change the state? **reducers**
3. How do I handle async actions? **effects** with async/await
### Step 3: Dispatch
**dispatch** is how we trigger reducers & effects in your models. Dispatch standardizes your actions without the need for writing action types or action creators.
import { dispatch } from '@rematch/core'
// state = { count: 0 }
// reducers
dispatch({ type: 'count/increment', payload: 1 }) // state = { count: 1 }
dispatch.count.increment(1) // state = { count: 2 }
// effects
dispatch({ type: 'count/incrementAsync', payload: 1 }) // state = { count: 3 } after delay
dispatch.count.incrementAsync(1) // state = { count: 4 } after delay
Dispatch can be called directly, or with the `dispatch[model][action](payload)` shorthand.
## Examples
- Count: [JS](https://codepen.io/Sh_McK/pen/BJMmXx?editors=1010) | [React](https://codesandbox.io/s/3kpyz2nnz6) | [Vue](https://codesandbox.io/s/n3373olqo0) | [Angular](https://stackblitz.com/edit/rematch-angular-5-count)
- Todos: [React](https://codesandbox.io/s/92mk9n6vww)
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { Provider, connect } from 'react-redux'
import { init } from '@rematch/core'
// State
const count = {
state: 0, // initial state
reducers: {
// handle state changes with pure functions
increment(state, payload) {
return state + payload
effects: {
// handle state changes with impure functions.
// use async/await for async actions
async incrementAsync(payload, rootState) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
const store = init({
models: {
// View
const Count = props => (
The count is {props.count}
<button onClick={props.increment}>increment</button>
<button onClick={props.incrementAsync}>incrementAsync</button>
const mapState = state => ({
count: state.count
const mapDispatch = ({ count: { increment, incrementAsync }}) => ({
increment: () => increment(1),
incrementAsync: () => incrementAsync(1)
const CountContainer = connect(mapState, mapDispatch)(Count)
<Provider store={store}>
<CountContainer />
## Migrating From Redux
Moving from Redux to Rematch involves very few steps.
1. Setup Rematch `init` with Redux [step 1](https://codesandbox.io/s/yw2wy1q929)
2. Mix reducers & models [step 2](https://codesandbox.io/s/9yk6rjok1r)
3. Shift to models [step 3](https://codesandbox.io/s/mym2x8m7v9)
## API
See the [@rematch/core API](./docs/api.md)
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